Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 634: Traveling Together

Even if they are illegal miners, they have money and a future.

At least on the surface.

Without the promised bright future, there is no difference between these people being alive and dead, so how can they obey the arrangement to do things that no one else can do?

Although many people know in their hearts that such promises are nothing but empty words.

The authenticity of those precedents that have been liberated is also greatly questionable.

But this faint hope is the entire belief of the illegal miners who were captured here.

However, there are also people with lofty ideals who recognize the facts and still firmly obey the arrangement.

After the same batch of players saw no hope and had made trouble and died and reborn, the painter still adhered to his original responsibility and waited for the arrival of the "Imperial Army".

What if he left and didn't know who made great contributions to them after the Imperial Army came?

He couldn't leave!

So after another ordinary working day, the painter saw another group of unlucky people who were captured here and became his colleagues for the next period of time.

But among these new colleagues, the painter saw two guys with abnormal minds.

"I've already said that I'm not your boss!"

"If you're not my boss, then who is my boss?"

"No matter who is your boss, I can't be your boss."

"I know! Boss, you want to hide your identity."

The thin little man rolled his eyes and was speechless, "If I were your boss, my identity would have been exposed by you..."

"It's okay!" Wild Wolf waved his hand and swept around, "Now everyone here is unlucky, everyone wants to escape from the clutches of those pirates! Boss, just tell me what your plan is!"

"Who are you talking about?" The painter got angry and looked dissatisfied, "I was caught here on purpose!"

I am a pioneer sent by the Imperial Army to explore the universe. Can I tell you about this?

Wild Wolf puffed out his chest and was also quite proud, "I was caught here on purpose!"

Can I tell everyone about the Peak Alliance that my boss and I killed and trapped Freeport?

Although I don't know why the boss changed his appearance and got on this pirate ship, what the boss said must be right!

The little guy pursed his lips and agreed with some surprise, "Me too..."

"So you must be my boss!" The Wild Wolf who got the key information was sure, "Boss, I know it's you, don't hide."

"I'm you *****!"

The little guy wanted to jump up and punch the other person in the head.

The little guy who cursed angrily exuded an aura of keeping strangers away, "Anyway, don't disturb my actions if you have nothing to do!"

"Boss, can't you tell me what you have planned?" The Wild Wolf was full of grief and indignation, and was about to cry, "We are the best partners!"

"I told you that I'm not your boss!" The little guy gritted his teeth tightly, looked down at his toes, hesitated for a long time, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Your boss can't be so small!"

"Isn't changing your body a trivial matter for you, boss?"

"How can this be a trivial matter!" The little guy was so angry that he jumped up.

I often hear about changing your appearance, but directly changing your body should be considered a one-time operation, right?

"You're really not my boss?" The Wild Wolf was full of suspicion, looking at the little man in front of him who was half a head shorter than him, a little bit unbelievable.

"I've already said that I'm not your boss!"

"Then why are you pretending to be my boss?" The Wild Wolf rolled his eyes, looking contemptuous.


"But you just said that you were caught on purpose?"

"Of course!" The little man stared coldly at the direction of the interstellar pirates who were separated by the iron wall and the cold sea water. "These pirates have harmed so many people before and after, and they should have been punished long ago! I am their retribution!"

Knowing that he couldn't get rid of this stupid follower in front of him if he didn't tell the truth, the little man said with a sinister face: "If you don't want to be trapped here all the time, then pretend you don't know anything. When I kill all these pirates, you can be free again, understand?"

"What freedom?" Wild Wolf pouted, "I came with my boss to carry out a secret mission."

"That's right." The painter crossed his chest proudly, "I'm here to lead the way for the imperial army."

"Pirates must die!"

"Pirates must die!"

"But if you are in a hurry, I can give you this opportunity on behalf of my boss."

Wild Wolf knew everything, but he just didn't want to accept the fact that he was abandoned by his boss.

Looking for the boss everywhere was just his lie.

It was just his trick to find the new boss under the pretext of looking for the old boss.

After all, if the new boss didn't appear, he might really have to spend the rest of his life in this place where black mines were mined.

"Indeed... Anyway, the imperial army might not look down on such a small place, so it's not impossible to give you this opportunity to eliminate harm for the people."

The painter knew that the imperial army had not come until now, either it collapsed halfway or it took a wrong path...

It's probably impossible for them to come after such a long time.

It's not a good idea to continue to stalemate here, and he doesn't want to waste his strength that he has cultivated so far and commit suicide directly... The most important thing is that he didn't have the money to keep the "clone" in the game before.

If I don't find a strong man in the game world to guide me, will I have to slowly level up in this black mine?

The little man: "..."

I don’t know if what they say is true or false, but this amazing sense of belief seems to make people have to believe it...

"Since our goal is to defeat these pirates, then we are allies on the same front!" Steppenwolf slapped the little man on the shoulder. "Brother, if you have any use for us, just tell me!"

The little man looked hesitant, "Can I really believe you?"

"You can always trust Little Wolf!"

“You can always trust the painter!”

"彳亍." The little man spat out the words with difficulty, and then said firmly: "I need a mecha!"

"Where is the mecha in this place?" The painter suddenly looked confused.

"Yes!" The little man nodded fiercely, "Their mining machine is essentially a deep-sea combat mecha. It can regain its combat capabilities with just a few modifications. You just need to find me some replacement parts. , we can gain the ability to resist.”

"Oh... where is the pilot?"

The little man suddenly looked proud, "I am the third legendary pilot of our Bauhinia Republic in the future!"

"I have admired you for a long time!"

"Awesome, awesome!" (End of chapter)

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