After everyone in the team discussed it, they decided to choose a stable "all-round" mecha as the choice for the second battle.

Catherine had no objections to this result.

In fact, no matter whether the result of their discussion was to choose the "vanguard" in air combat or the "sentinel" flying general, she had no objection.

There is no right or wrong in this game-type choice. Just like rock-paper-scissors, if you want to suppress, you may also be counter-suppressed.

In fact, when there is a gap in frontal combat effectiveness, risky choices will bring greater benefits.

The all-round mecha is stable and has a certain ability to resist even when facing the "Sentinel" mecha on the opposite side.

But mediocre choices are destined to fail to create miraculous victories.

In the final analysis, these teammates do not have much hope for themselves or for the final victory.

Not making radical choices, not seeking merit but seeking no faults, may be their biggest pursuit at the moment.

Even they themselves may not be aware of this hidden mentality.

But it doesn't matter, he and Bai E are their backing.

After winning one victory after another, they may naturally change this mentality.

Until then, it's up to them to adapt and understand...

As the limited one-hour rest time ended, the notification bell rang in the landing bay.

The selected warrior carried the blessings of all his teammates, put on protective clothing with a firm face, left the landing cabin and walked towards one of the many mechas parked in the open space aside -

The "all-powerful" mecha, the Singer, is exactly the same as the previous one.

Of course, the last Singer that competed was still lying in the hangar awaiting repairs. One hour was not enough to repair a badly damaged mecha.

However, participants of any type of mecha will prepare more than one. This is the most basic industrial foundation test for the country signing up for the competition.

If one's own players are faced with a situation where no mechas are available on the field... then it is reasonable for this country to lose.

The mecha comes on stage again.

Two mechas with distinct body shapes were moving slowly in the primitive jungle that was higher than the mechas.

Even if both sides have information about the vanguard position, basic concealment and detection are always a competition between the basic skills of both sides.

The advantage of even one shot first is an advantage.

Not to mention that if it is against a "Sentinel" mecha with long-range sniper capabilities, the closer it is discovered, the greater its advantage will undoubtedly be.

The teammates' careful exploration in the jungle undoubtedly made every Redbud warrior waiting behind the scenes feel excited.

After all, the vanguard position information shows that the "Sentinel" type mecha has a natural advantage in this map environment.

Our own side did not choose to restrain its "sentinel" mecha in air combat. If the opponent really chose the "sentinel" mecha, the outcome of the battle would have been laid in advance during the early stealth search, so we would have to let it go. People worry.

However, the more worrying something is, the more likely it is to happen.

The Bauhinia audience, whose perspectives could be seen from both sides at the same time, watched as the red and blue light dots representing the two mechas gradually approached on the competition map, and their hearts almost jumped into their throats.

Not only are there players on both sides who have vanguard information positions and tactical analysis responsibilities within the team, but there are also theoretical experts who are good at analyzing situations among the outside audience.

The choice of the pros and cons of both sides' models was a barrage in front of everyone's eyes early on.

At the moment, the most worrying model selection has undoubtedly occurred.

On a map where the long-range "Sentinel" type mecha has the most advantage, as an enemy country's opponent, they chose this superior type of mecha, but my family slowly advanced through the jungle as if they didn't notice anything.

The enemy's "Sentinel" mecha advanced to the side for a certain distance and then stopped. It stayed in place like a spider with a web trap, quietly waiting for its prey to take the initiative to throw itself into its arms.

The comparison between the two undoubtedly makes people more worried about the situation of their own soldiers.

"We can't go, a sniper has been set up on the other side!"

"I wonder how their tactical analysis officer arranged it? Isn't this obviously a sniper map? Forget it if you are not familiar with the map in the first game. If you choose 'all-around' in the second game, do you expect the opponent to be full of fools who give away points?"

"Hold it, don't send it away. This kind of 'sentinel' type mecha naturally needs to 'get points'. If they don't control the map, they will lose."

"What are you dragging? Are you waiting for the other side to lay out traps and sentry turrets and push them over?"

"Stop talking, stop talking! We're getting closer! Let's see if our players can react!"


Cold bullets emerged from the dark shadows.

There were waves along the way, rolling up endless branches and leaves.

Before he caught a glimpse of the other party in the shadow of the jungle, a burst of armor-piercing bullets had pierced the singer's right arm from a hidden corner.

Broken steel fragments flew everywhere, and a horrified expression appeared on the pilot's face.

‘Sniped! ’

This was the first thought that came to his mind.

‘It’s the left arm that was injured! It is the part that has the least impact on combat effectiveness. ’

‘Based on the impact strength, the opponent is using the Thunderbird, which is the mainstream in their Thunder Dragon Empire military. The Thunderbird's main weapon fires once every 2.7 seconds at the fastest, and it takes two consecutive shots to penetrate the first-level armor like the chest. ’

'The attack power is not strong, but the Thunderbird's defensive ability is not bad. I can't take advantage of it in a long-range shooting! All closeness must be given up. ’

The pilot, who instantly determined the enemy's position and the extent of his own injuries from the incoming trajectory, immediately made the next action plan based on the existing information.

'The engine's powerful output needs to be activated at the critical moment. '

'Give up all the useless weapons, and keep an alloy sword for close combat weapons! '

At the moment of making the decision, many external weapon modules were instantly unlocked and abandoned on the spot.

Many medium and short-range thermal weapons were completely abandoned without hesitation, leaving only the bombing-type small missiles that could cause certain interference to the target at medium and long distances, waiting to be released at the critical moment.

'Sprint! '

The mind controlled some jamming bombs to explode instantly around the body, and the dazzling explosion light and the guided bombs that confused various radar detectors provided a certain cover for the mecha's advance.

The single-armed mecha rushed out of the chaotic light and shadow, charging towards its opponent with an indomitable attitude.

However, another shot...


The cold hole that was like a cannon barrel after the endless fallen leaves emanated a cold threat.

The singer who had just rushed out of the confusing light and shadow was like being hit by a heavy cannon, and his left arm, which had already been hit once, was completely shattered in an instant... (End of this chapter)

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