Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 641 A Strange Choice

After losing the balance of the left arm, the mecha's movement speed has been significantly reduced.

When facing an opponent who is already superior in skills, this shortcoming has undoubtedly sentenced a mecha to death.



The terrifying weapon that is specially used for interstellar wars and can cause effective damage to the defensive armor of large warships easily penetrates the body of the mecha.

The confusion of changing lines and rushing forward cannot help the user avoid any bombardment.


Left leg.


Right leg.

Although the shattered mecha structure has not been completely broken, it can still move in the case of severe deformation, but it is also difficult to move.

The opponent obviously wants to humiliate.

When the singer mecha has almost no ability to move, it still does not aim at the vital points to deliver a heavy blow that can end the game.

After several sniper shots, the mecha of the Thunder Dragon Empire actually stood up from a distance from its hiding place, looking down at the inconvenient and weird mecha taking twisted steps, approaching itself little by little.

The remaining right hand always tightly grasped the sword that flashed with cold light.

The sentinel mecha stretched out his right hand forward, raised his thumb, and then turned it down.

The sound of the mecha loudspeaker echoed over the primitive jungle, with a clear sense of sarcasm, "It's just a steal, do you really think you can beat us?"

The singer said nothing, just moving forward silently.

At this moment, even if the opponent stopped shooting, the jungle full of vines and thorns itself became his biggest obstacle.

However, when he was tripped by vines, a rotating sword whistled and shot at the sentinel mecha when he was deliberately mocking him.


The sentinel mecha, which was completely unprepared, could not dodge in time and was hit hard by the sword.

However, even if the sword thrown by the singer mecha with all its power could not easily penetrate the frontal defense of any mecha that had not suffered any trauma.

The sword was just inserted obliquely between the structural gaps of the mecha, and could not move forward at all.

The premeditated attack could only resist to this extent.

The Sentinel pilot who was slashed by the "flying knife" was obviously still in shock. Feeling that his face was damaged, he raised his spear and aimed at the singer who was struggling to get up on the ground.



Shot after shot, until the entire mecha was completely smashed to pieces.

Catherine in the landing cabin directly stopped this meaningless unilateral abuse.

"We admit defeat!"

The team leader outside the field is qualified to give up for his team members.

After several confirmations, the opponent's Sentinel mecha obviously received a warning from the competition committee.

The big gun that had been aimed was put down reluctantly, and the eyes staring at the singer's mecha behind the mecha were full of unwillingness.

"The winner - Thunder Dragon Empire."

The warrior in the cockpit was escorted back by the rescue team.

Fortunately, the last few shots could not directly attack the cockpit because the mecha fell to the ground. The cockpit itself was not damaged. The pilot in it did not suffer any other damage except for the mental shock caused by the high degree of binding between the spirit and the mecha.

"I'm sorry... I've brought shame to the country." The returning soldier faced the gazes of his teammates, lowered his head and looked ashamed.

"You have done very well." Catherine smiled at the other party.

"Yeah... When did you practice the flying knife skills? Your knife is really handsome!"

"It's just that our weapons are not good. Let the research department equip you with a good knife. The next time you see the opponent, cut off his dog head with a knife!"

After comforting the teammates for a while, everyone was worried about the next game again.

"I really don't know how to choose now..."

"In the singles match, the opponent really dares to choose a high-risk type like the sentinel!"

"What should we do next?"

The teammates were puzzled, and many people looked at Catherine who had been silent in the corner.

As the leader, her strength and knowledge should be the highest among all the people present.

When the team encounters problems, she is the backbone of everyone.

However, the backbone is too lazy to care about these trivial matters at this moment.

"This is your test." Catherine shook her head and did not say anything.

So the mentality of the team members could not help but be a little disappointed. When they looked down, they inadvertently swept across the silent guy next to Catherine.

This sweep made them even sadder.

It was difficult to play, but they had to bring such a "relative".

When several teammates looked at each other, they turned from a faint sadness to full of fighting spirit.

What if it is difficult to play? They came to this kind of game just to fight for the country!

Win glory?

What does it mean to win glory?

Only a strong country can have glory.

They just fight!

"Next round, I'll do it!"

A handsome man stood up, "I'm best at flying generals here. If the opponent also sends out 'Sentinels', I'll fight them one-on-one. If they send out air combat vanguards... it's not impossible to fight!"

After a short break, the third battle also kicked off in front of everyone.

However, when all the Bauhinia people who were watching the battle saw the mecha belonging to the Thunder Dragon Empire on the screen that was as light as a flying bird, their defense was almost completely broken.

"What the hell! The tactics were all seen through!"

"The advantages gained in the first battle were all given away. The mechas were at a huge disadvantage in the two battles. It has nothing to do with the soldiers themselves."

"It's not their fault! What on earth was their leader thinking?!"

"Is it a traitor sent by the other side?"

"Don't think so. I still believe in the backbone of our people. Maybe they are just stupid?"

As expected by all the spectators, the not-so-fast Sentinel-type mechas only had time to fire two shots at the flexible air combat mechas before they were nimbly approached by the other side.

Facing the air combat vanguards who took out two high-frequency cutting knives, the flying generals who did not have any close-combat weapons were once again in a situation of being unilaterally played with.

"The winner is the Thunder Dragon Empire."

The fourth battle, Sentinel vs. Almighty.

"The winner is the Thunder Dragon Empire."

The fifth battle, Almighty vs. Almighty.

The winner...

Looking at the two mechas that were equally damaged, many people from Bauhinia had a little hope in their eyes.

'Can we win? '

"It looks difficult."

"Although we are all injured, our pilots are obviously at a greater disadvantage. The situation is in the hands of the opponent. It depends on when the opponent is willing to launch a decisive kill."

Since the second game, the pilots of Bauhinia have been beaten unilaterally in almost every game.

Especially in the fourth game, the Sentinel, which had an advantage in the map, was killed by the opponent's all-round mecha.

Almost all the people of Bauhinia were discouraged by this game.

Although the fifth game today is exactly the same mecha type, judging from the situation on the field, their side may not have much chance of winning.

Seeing the mecha belonging to the Thunder Dragon Empire slowly raise its right arm holding a knife, everyone realized from the murderous intent that almost overflowed the screen that the final decisive moment was about to come.

Can the warriors of Bauhinia withstand this final killing move?

As his opponent, the all-around mecha singer of Bauhinia was in a miserable state.

The left arm and chest armor were covered with black explosion marks and twisted dents. Only the right arm holding the knife was slightly better, but the whole mecha was obviously on the verge of breaking.

Only the eyes behind the steel remained firm as ever.


The mecha engines roared, and the two mechas charged almost at the same time.

Simply defending in place is not the right choice in a mecha battle. Only by letting the mecha move can the mecha's advantages be better exerted.

"Ding ding ding ding ding!"

The clash of swords sounded in the fallen giant trees, and a completely severed metal arm was particularly conspicuous in the endless broken leaves.

The bright color characteristics instantly made all the spectators realize which side's structure it was.

'Bauhinia warrior, it's over...'


With the harsh sound of the sword rubbing against the metal, the whole scene finally fell into silence.

"Winner - None."


As the two mechas stopped their offensive, the flying cameras that kept a distance approached from the gaps in the tall primitive jungle.

In the messy forest, the two mechas were like mandarin ducks on the road to death, and they completed the last cut of each other in a posture that was almost hugging each other.

The warrior of Bauhinia almost sent the position of his cockpit completely to the tip of the opponent's knife, which exchanged for his chance of this cut.

From the result... both died.

But from the perspective of the warriors themselves, the cockpit of the Bauhinia warrior was completely pierced, while the mecha of the Thunder Dragon Empire was only cut by the power source and could not move.


Looking at the shocking picture, even those behind the scenes who had been suppressing Bauhinia could not help but show some admiration in their eyes.

"What a tenacious country..."

"For the rise of the country, the mind can be so tenacious."

"This is why we must not let them rise! This country has fought its way out of blood and fire, and the strong spirit of their people has always inspired everyone. Once they are given a chance, they may soon become a top power that surpasses our alliance countries."

Every new country that has joined the Cosmic Covenant has this kind of rapid progress, but they did not seize this opportunity at the beginning, and naturally they would not allow the younger generation to come from behind and ride on their heads.

"Fortunately, the fate of a country has never depended on these ordinary individuals..."

"No matter what the result of this game is, the fate of Bauhinia has already been written."

"Let's watch their final struggle... It's also a kind of fun."

Appreciating the last elegy of a vibrant but doomed country is also a rare top entertainment project in the universe.

"Let's see how far they can go."


"I'll play in the next two-player team match." After the teammate from the fifth match was finally rescued and she knew that he was fine except for a few injuries that needed time to heal, Catherine, who had been resting with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and said in a deep voice.

Both the two-player and three-player team matches are worth two points, but the impact of a legendary pilot on the situation is undoubtedly more significant in the two-player match.

I am the only legendary pilot in Bauhinia. If I compete in the double team competition, I can almost guarantee two points in the double team competition.

Of course, even if the opponent predicts that I will compete in the double competition and directly block me, no matter what the result of the battle is, the victory of the three-person team competition with Bai'er is a foregone conclusion.

After ensuring a victory in the single competition, the next game can almost be guaranteed.

Now Catherine's only concern is to hide Bai'er as much as possible.

The later he appears, the fewer tactical responses the opponent can make.

She is not arrogant enough to think that she can guarantee the championship of the star zone.

They, Bauhinia, can be lucky enough to pick up a legendary pilot, and other countries may not be unable to find some powerful foreign aid.

The stronger and more mysterious the trump card, of course, must be left until the last critical moment to be revealed.

Fortunately, regardless of whether the opponent predicts that Catherine will compete in the first team double game, they have no intention of going head-on.

The legendary pilot of the Thunder Dragon Empire, who was mysterious to Bai'e, never showed up. In the first double-player match of the team competition, Catherine led the team to a head-on crushing victory.

Until the three-player match of the second team competition, the situation was briefly stalemate.

The Redbud Flower team was a multifunctional team consisting of the Almighty, Flying General and Foothills led by Victor. The opponent just replaced Foothills with Almighty, and there was not much difference in the lineup.

The difference in the individual strength of the pilots was not very obvious in the three-player match, so the battles on both sides were slowly looking for opportunities for the opponent in the tug of war.

Catherine's brows were almost wrinkled into a "chuan" character when she saw this scene.

"Where is their legendary pilot?"

Although judging from the score, even if they won the three-player match, they could not directly lock in the final victory.

But not playing until this time, isn't it a bit too bold?

Putting aside the foreign aid that both sides may find, does he really believe that he can definitely beat the Bauhinia team he leads in the final five-man team battle?

Not playing yet, isn't it a waste of everyone's chance to play two games?

What if there is a tiny possibility of a draw at that time?

At that time, the variables of this three-person battle may really become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

But no matter what, the result of this three-person team game is no longer important to Catherine.

Ensuring victory in the next five-person team game is what must be considered at the moment.

She looked at Bai E, "Get ready, the five-person team game is about to start."

Bai E smiled and responded, "Okay."

"However, you may need to look at the situation before deciding whether to go all out. Do you understand what I mean? I will communicate with you in time about the specific situation and the battle situation."

Hiding your weaknesses?

Bai E understands too well, "No problem."

"By the way, what type of mecha are you going to use?"

"Flying general."

Bai E stared at the battle scene on the screen with interest.

What is a better choice than a long-range shooter?

"Can you... do it?" Catherine looked puzzled.

Let Bai'er hide his incompetence, not let him really be incompetent.

It's okay for me to use the all-rounder and the vanguard, but if I use the sentinel mecha, I'm afraid I can't even play the legendary pilot level ability.

If the situation reaches the point where he needs to make a move to turn the tide, will he be a little... unable to turn the tide with a flying general? (End of this chapter)

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