Just as Catherine expected, the moment she saw three Sentinel mechas on Bauhinia's side, the faces of the five legendary pilots who were their opponents were all as ugly as coal.

"Cunning redbud man!"

"They want to distract our combat power to buy that guy time!"

If one chases the other, it is undoubtedly to give one away first.

You can't beat two against one. Who has the confidence to defeat that mysterious pilot one on one?

Or even just procrastinating?

Looking at the dispersed positions of the opponent's three sentinel mechas, I am afraid that before his teammates arrived, the one who was stalling alone would have been killed by the mysterious pilot.

And if everyone chases as a group, the target who is being chased will definitely turn around and run away.

If you choose the wrong target and try to get closer to the mysterious pilot after reaching a certain distance, you may have to pay a considerable price.

No one thought that five versus two in the final would put them in such adversity right from the start.

All this was only because the mysterious pilot who was the opponent was good at the "Sentinel", a type of aircraft that was extremely difficult to master.

Looking at the two mechas, one white and one black, guarding the middle of the three scattered sentinel mechas, one of the bright red mechas took the initiative to stride forward.

"I'm going to find Catherine, and I don't care about the rest."

There is no doubt that the white all-purpose mecha is driven by Catherine. As for the black foothill mecha... it is probably a cannon fodder member who wants to provide some protection for Catherine, so it can be ignored directly.

He held Catherine one-on-one, leaving them four-on-one. Whether they won or lost, it had nothing to do with him.

Even if they lose in the end, they have no reason to deduct their commission.

After this game, he has to go back and be his free pirate king.


Seeing that the clearest job was taken away, the remaining four people were silent.

Looking at the three identical sentinel mechas standing scattered, one of them gritted his teeth and made a decision, "The four of us, in groups of two and two, each chase one. No matter whether we catch the real person or not, we won't waste too much. Even if the two of them work together, they won’t be broken by rapid separation.”

No wonder they were so cautious, it's just that the strength shown by the opponent in the previous doubles match was really shocking.

Seeing that the situation was developing as she originally thought, Catherine's face clearly showed some joy.

Between completely dividing the troops and uniting together, the opponent chose the most moderate approach——

Hug two by two, and then pursue.

"The two of us will join hands later to kill the mecha coming towards us first!"

To attack more with less, we must first cause attrition as much as possible.

"Yeah." Bai E responded, but looking at the scattered mechas, he always felt a little strange in his heart.

Although the other party was going after the three sentinel mechas, it seemed... that the route was not direct.

Something weird.

Catherine was tense and just led Bai E closer to one side.

"Let them move further away before we take action."

She didn't expect that such a simple strategy of hers could delay the other party for long.

As soon as Bai E takes action, the other party will know that he has been cheated.

Before that, start with a two-on-one attack to kill the opponents rushing toward you, and at the same time, get as close as possible to one of the two-person teams to catch them with a time difference.

Getting as many results as possible within this short time gap was the general intention of her plan.

However, the pilot who rushed towards the two of them suddenly stopped after reaching an ambiguous and dangerous distance.

At the same time, the four mechas also stopped chasing the sentinel mechas.

It looked like a scattered shape, but in the end it turned into a bag that slowly tightened and wrapped around Catherine and Bai E.

In the voice of the Thousand Star Merchant Alliance, a sinister voice sounded triumphantly, "Why should we chase him?"

Instead of looking for the hidden mysterious pilot, it is better to gather the strength of five people to kill Catherine first.

Don't worry about showing cowardice or not, five against one is always easier than five against two.

If the other party comes to help during the process, it will naturally be exposed.

If he doesn't want help, it won't be too late to kill Catherine and then slowly besiege him.

Time is on their side, and it is the other side that should be anxious.

As the surrounding pocket gradually shrank, Catherine knew the other party's plan immediately.

The plan changed, but it didn't stop her from responding in time.

"They probably didn't notice you. They just wanted to kill me first. I'll drag them away, and you can see if you can kill one of them first."

The opponent's encirclement is still far away, and if Catherine escapes first, the opponent may also send someone to "smoothly" kill the "Piedmont" driven by Bai E.

And this is the opportunity.

The moment the voice fell, Catherine suddenly pointed in one direction and rushed away.

The encirclement is shrinking. If we don't break through, we will have no chance!

And sure enough, Catherine's guess was right.

As she moved, the opponent's surrounding circle changed instantly.

Like a pocket blown by the wind, it changes into irregular shapes.

Among them, two more mechas came from behind Bai E. Looking at this mecha standing alone in the center of the field, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The two mechas raised their weapons and dealt fatal blows to the huge black heavy mecha.


The thundering sound echoed in everyone's ears. The two mechas, who were confidently planning to run away with one strike, were surprised to find that an extremely powerful force was fed back from the mecha's transmission system.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

Even when faced with slightly inferior pilots, these two legendary pilots did not hold back at all.

The attack was two extremely tricky angles. Under their silent understanding, even a legendary pilot of the same level would not be able to deal with this attack so easily.

And now...their two attacks were blocked by a spear from their opponent at the same time?

The sudden movement attracted almost everyone's attention. Even the other three mechas chasing Catherine all turned back to look at the movement happening here.

In their eyes, they only saw the vanguard meat shield mecha that was supposed to be terminated by a knife, but used a spear to resist the attacks of two companions at the same time.

Then with a sudden push, the terrifying force knocked back the two mechas that were fighting hand in hand.

Almost everyone shivered at the same time.

A certain guess came to the minds of these legendary pilots of the Thousand Star Merchant Alliance——

Is the mysterious pilot driving this foothill mecha?

But how is this possible!

Sentinel-type and Foothill-type mechas, these are two completely different fields!

Is this mysterious pilot really omnipotent? ! (End of chapter)

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