Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 650: The Overlord Arrives

However, this is their enemy anyway!

"Pirate, go and hold Catherine, don't let her come to support. The four of us! Kill him first!"

They were originally looking for this mysterious pilot, but they didn't expect that he was right in front of them.

If they really chased the three sentinel mechas, they would fall into the trap of the other party.

"Don't fight, wait for us!"

Since there was still some distance, the teammates of the two mechas closest to Bai'er communicated in the voice.

The scene of two companions being beaten by the opponent in the double battle was vivid in their minds, and they didn't dare to let such a scene happen twice in the finals.

"I know!" The two pilots who had a brief fight with Bai'er also responded cautiously.

In a casual fight, they realized that the opponent was difficult to deal with.

After being shaken away by the foothill mecha, they even took a few steps back, watching the opponent's activities with vigilant eyes to prevent the opponent from launching a sudden attack.

Although the Foothill Mech is considered by almost everyone to be a type with weak mobility, in the hands of this mysterious pilot, it may be able to turn decay into magic. After all, in the double battle, the opponent has already performed for everyone once - how to play the Sentinel Mech.

However, facing this clear encirclement, the obviously besieged black Foothill Mech was motionless as if it had frozen.

With the black spear in hand, it just waited quietly for the four enemy mechs to encircle it.

On the contrary, the three Sentinel Mechs used for camouflage were the first to take action.

The order they received before the game was to try not to expose their strength, hoping to deceive the enemies of the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance.

But now the plan has changed, the real owner has been exposed, and they naturally have no more hiding.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

The trajectory shot fast, but for several legendary pilots, the lethality is really limited.

There was even a pilot driving an all-purpose mecha who pulled out his gun.

"If I can't deal with this mysterious guy, can I deal with you?" The pilot in the cockpit showed a grim smile and fired fatal gunshots at the three Bauhinia members driving sentinel mechas.

The whole field was racing against time, but only the huge black mecha in the center stood still.

Whether it was the people of the former Bauhinia Republic or the supporters of the Peak Alliance, they were all confused at this moment.

"What is he doing?"

"The enemy has already surrounded us, if he doesn't break out, is he waiting for death?"

"Does he really think he can beat four alone?"

"Break out? How? With the mobility of the Foothill Mech, how can it compete with three all-rounders and one Sentinel in terms of speed?"

"Wouldn't it be more like waiting for death to just wait there? It would be better to take advantage of their time difference and kill the two closest ones first."

"Do you really think the legendary pilot is a cabbage on the street that can be killed at will? In the doubles match, only the two technicians were temporarily confused by the opponent's little tricks with the Sentinel Mech. If they really need to be vigilant, do you think he can still steal the chicken?"

However, no matter what the audience thought, the four mechs of the Peak Alliance finally completed the encirclement.

The two legendary pilots who had fought each other last time were now facing the opponents who had humiliated them before. Some of them couldn't help but vent their anger, "This time, you won't be so lucky!"

"You haven't answered me when I asked you last time!"

Facing the provocation of the two pilots, the black mecha just raised a long and black spear in his hand silently, just like its color.

As for the standard tower shield that most foothill mechas usually hold in their hands, at this moment, he just carried it on his back and had no intention of using it at all.

"Stop chatting! Get started!" The voice came from the pilot who was entangled with Catherine alone, with a bit of gritted teeth.

Catherine's strength is first-class even among the legendary pilots. It is a bit difficult for him to face her alone.

Seeing this scene, the four pilots stopped talking nonsense instantly.


"After you defeat them, it's not too late to ask again!"

Four mechas of different colors rushed forward at the same time. For the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance, even the same all-round mechas have many different models.

For those pilots with strong strength, there is even a complete product line to produce special mechas specifically adapted for them.

The difference between all-rounders and vanguards is no longer important here.

But almost the same thing is that they all have quite comprehensive abilities and sufficient agility.

At this moment, the four rushed forward together, relying on their natural tacit understanding to cooperate with each other, and the changes in dodging and blocking seemed to be all within their budget.

No matter how the besieged tried to block, they would almost be attacked by two or three of them.

However, a black gun shadow was neither hurried nor slow, and it was located in the center and could easily block all the surrounding attacks.

During the response, it was like strolling in the garden, and even the steps under the feet did not move at all.

Instead, facing his seemingly casual counterattack, the victims all seemed to be hit by some huge force, and they stumbled back almost uncontrollably.

As for the so-called coordinated attack, there was no way to talk about it.

Unmovable as a mountain!

The Overlord is reborn!

"What did I see!"

"Are they juggling?"

In the eyes of the audience outside the venue, they could only see four legendary pilots from the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance like moths constantly flying into the fire, trying to use their weak bodies to shake the indelible light and fire in the center.

"This is the first time I've seen such a scene..."

"Their foothill type is called "Overlord", right? It's really the Overlord coming to the world!"

"I understand! I understand! So this is how to play the foothill type mecha! What are you chasing? What's the hurry? Standing there is a star that the enemy cannot cross!"

"Wake up! Wake up! Do you think anyone can play like this? Those are four legendary pilots, and you will be gone in a second."

"Such a fierce pilot, how come I have never heard of it before?"

This question almost echoed in everyone's mind again.


I don't know who whispered this word in the team's voice.

So it instantly aroused the recognition of others, "It's a star!"

Legendary pilots are a unified realm. After reaching this realm, everyone's ability to operate mechas will not differ too much.

To improve further, it is the individual's own strength that adds to the mecha.

And they are all planetary-level masters. Even if they are good at different things and have their own advantages and disadvantages when facing different opponents, they are now four people working together!

Any individual weaknesses should be compensated by each other.

In addition to the star-level masters, who else can achieve such a record? (End of this chapter)

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