Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 651 Image Reappearance

"Whether it is a star or not, this is a battle we must win!" The pilots of the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance had their eyes wide open.

This battle is related to the important plan of whether they can go to the Universe League. If they cannot win the fruits of this battle for the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance, which has paid almost everything, even if they are legendary pilots and planetary-level powerhouses, they may not be able to get much good back.

"Don't hold back! Even if the win is ugly, it's still a win!"

"You don't need to say!"

Realizing that the opponent may not be a powerhouse of the same level, several legendary pilots completely let go of all the contempt that may have existed before.

They are also more careful when joining forces.

They are completely cautious when facing a higher-level opponent, and they don't even hesitate to show embarrassment.

However, the black mecha standing in the center has always been waving the spear in his hand slowly and urgently. It seems to be passive defense, but it makes people feel that he is the manipulator who dominates all the situations on the field.

"Are you okay?" Catherine's voice came from the voice a little anxiously.

The authorities are confused.

Being in a battle with another legendary pilot of the same level, her observation of the battle situation here is certainly not as comprehensive as that of the audience outside the field.

In her eyes, she could only see four Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance mechas of different colors surrounding the "Overlord" controlled by Bai E and flying up and down.

Subconsciously putting herself in the situation, she felt that if it were her, she would definitely not be able to hold on.

"It's okay." Bai E responded calmly.

"That's good." Catherine breathed a sigh of relief, "Hold on for a while, I will help you as soon as I defeat the opponent!"

"No hurry." Bai E shot away two mechas that came together.

Although he didn't know what level of strength he was at now, the pressure brought to him by the opponent was not much different from that of the "Dominator" at the beginning, and it might even be slightly worse.

For him now, one Overlord or four Overlords... there should be no big difference.

So the battle situation presented a strange stalemate.

In the final battlefield, two war zones fought against each other.

In the one-on-one battle, Catherine from Bauhinia is obviously more advantageous, but the more anxious she is to defeat her opponent, the harder it is to defeat her quickly.

This is different from the single-player match. As long as the opponent does not intend to win and deliberately entangles, it is difficult for her to quickly decide the outcome with the opponent.

On the contrary, if she completely ignores the opponent and goes to support, she will fall into a passive situation.

As for the four-on-one battle on the other side... Putting aside the difference in numbers, the battle here seems to be much calmer than the one-on-one battle... Much more.

The two sides seem to be fighting fiercely, and the five mechas are dazzling when they turn and dodge.

But the besieged party has not even moved a few steps so far, and there is no sense of embarrassment in the face of the siege.

The active besieger has used all his moves, but that's all.

It looks like a lively fight, but in fact, he didn't even touch the opponent's hair.

It's just that the opponent has never had the momentum to counterattack, so they can attack at will without any risk pressure.

"He can't hold on for much longer!"

The audience of the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance tried to cheer for their team.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Look, he has no time to fight back until now. It's obvious that he has been walking on the tightrope. If he fights for a while, he will definitely reveal his flaws."

"...I think I heard someone say this ten minutes ago."

"I'm afraid it's not that he has no time to fight back, but that he doesn't want to fight back. He deliberately lets them go and plays with them."

This view is what more spectators think.

Watching the live broadcast on the screen, the former leaders of the Bauhinia Flower, who had long felt that they had made the right choice, couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

"It seems... we can win?"

"When did Catherine know such a great god?"

"But what's the use of winning...!"

The Bauhinia Republic is gone!

So these people looked dejected again.

Before this emotion spread, something unexpected happened on the live screen.



Bai Er, who waved his hand and swung his gun to sweep away a group of opponents, was stunned.

A dark and slippery image flashed through my mind for a long time, as if a memory from a long time ago suddenly came to my mind again.

So my eyes were stern, and the long spear in my hand that had just swept away the opponent no longer returned to defend, but suddenly stepped forward and chased the opponent's retreating direction.

The long spear was like a dragon, and it attacked brazenly.


Facing Bai'e's sudden pursuit, the opponent who had been accustomed to the previous siege rhythm was obviously a little stunned.

The defense in his hand was also a little slow.

The double knives that were just trying to break up the fight obviously had no power to resist the violent Overlord Spear.

The terrifying force instantly broke the double knives, and the black long spear also stabbed into the gap between the plate armor of the opponent's mecha like a dragon.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

The friction between metal and metal was particularly harsh.

Crackling sparks came out all the way as the long spear pierced in.

One stab, one pick.

The whole mecha was actually picked up by the tip of the gun.

Then, with a sudden swing, the other mecha that couldn't dodge in time was also smashed down.

When the "Overlord" who had been defending no longer held back, the four besieged opponents were defeated in an instant.


One-sided massacre!

Overlord is here!

Thousands of troops are in fear!

The instantly overturned battle situation severely stimulated all the viewers in the live broadcast room, and barrages flew all over the place.

"The cunning Bauhinia people!"

"No wonder they have been defending all the time, it turns out they were waiting for this move!"

"They suddenly launched a counterattack, and our pilots were caught off guard, which allowed him to sneak attack successfully."

"Don't be funny! They were willing to play with them before, but now they don't want to play anymore and want to blame others for sneaking attack?"

"That's right! They said it as if they could really defend themselves if they got serious from the beginning."

Although the previous situation seemed to be very clear in the eyes of most people outside,

But when the results were really presented, many people were still stunned.

Even the members of the competition committee behind the whole game were a little unbelievable about the upcoming results.

"They...really won?"

The highest host from the Star Alliance looked at the scene in front of him, slightly opened his mouth and felt a little unbelievable.

She also heard about the things that happened in this star zone.

The country behind the team named "Bauhinia" had disappeared in the long river of history during the game.

This team has become the last citizen of the "Bauhinia Republic" in the world without knowing it.

No matter where they go after the game, this game is the last game they need to complete as citizens of the "Bauhinia Republic".

No one thought... they could actually win. (End of this chapter)

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