Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 49: No One Before! There Will Be No One Behind! "Trilogy" Myth! Pei Liang: Huh? Th

Shu Wanqing clearly remembered,

In the previous "Yijue Subscription List", "Three Musketeers with a Broken Arm" ranked first, followed by "Yitian", "Shen Condor", and "Shooting the Condor".

But now...

"Three Musketeers with Broken Arms" doesn't even have the top three!

It was pushed directly to the fourth place!!!

And now!

Occupying the top three in the "One Sleep Subscription List"...

It is "Yi Tian", "Shen Condor", "Shooting the Condor"!!!

"Shooting the Condors" Trilogy!!!


It actually made the top three packs in the overall list!!!



This is a unique record in the entire history of Master Chuang Yijue!!!

Seeing Shu Wanqing was both shocked and moved!

As a loyal book fan of Zhongyuan Wubai, seeing the "Shooting the Condor" trilogy can reach the top three at this moment, I am happier than writing a high-quality fire book myself!

starting today,

"The God of Five Whites and One Awakening in the Central Plains"!


This sentence will be well deserved, and there will be no more disputes!

And surprise,

Shu Wanqing's heart is full of doubts now,

She still doesn't understand,

How did "Yi Tian" rely on it to counterattack "Three Swords" and win the first place in the list in just twelve hours?!

To find out why,

Shu Wanqing came to the forum again, wanting to see if other mage creators would give any reliable explanations?


The forum is full of all kinds of fancy "shock posts" at the moment.

These creators are crazy, expressing their inner excitement and admiration:

['Flying together for a while': Ahhhh! History!! Mom! I have witnessed history again!!! Three books! Trilogy! All the top "one six seven" three in the general list!! Unprecedented, after There will be no more visitors!! It’s too awesome!!]

['Threesomes need to spend money': Horror! I can only describe it as horror! Who would have thought of it!!! That's the general list! ! And now! The three books of Wubai Dada have surpassed them all! How terrifying is this!]

['Spring Rain in November': To be reasonable, I'm at the end of my words. All the awesome words have been blown up by you. Then I'll give Wubai a big knock on the spot. From now on, you are my godfather! Dad!!!]


However, among these "rainbow farts", there is another post whose popularity is growing rapidly, which is particularly eye-catching.

Its title is: "Case Solved! Finally I Know Why Yitian Can Overtake!"

"Oh? Did the boss analyze the result?" Out of curiosity, Shu Wanqing clicked in hastily.

She thought it would be some tirade,

But never expected,

The whole post is actually only four words, plus an exclamation point——

【Read the book review area!】

"Huh? What does this mean?" Shu Wanqing was puzzled.

Is there any connection between book reviews and uniform ordering?

But I feel that since people have said it, it doesn't hurt to go to the book review area to see it.

Anyway, it's just a matter of moving your fingers.


Shu Wanqing unfolded the panel and came to the book review section of "Yitian".

And the first thing that catches the eye is not the book reviews, that is, the "number of book reviews".

She remembered that the last time she saw it, the number of book reviews was around 100,000!

This is a very exaggerated figure.

It is nearly ten times higher than the average Huoshu!

but now,

Shu Wanqing discovered that......

The number of book reviews has reached a staggering 200,000!!!

In just one day.....doubled!!

"I'll go, here..." Shu Wanqing was surprised, and immediately lowered her gaze, wanting to see what happened in the book review area, which actually caused the book reviews to skyrocket so much!


She saw countless "force value debate posts"

[00:11, Zhang Wuji is a mess': What is Zhang Wuji's composition? Does he deserve to be compared with Yang Guo? Let's talk about Zhang Sanfeng first! Is Zhang Sanfeng better than Zhang Wuji? Zhang Sanfeng said in "Yitian" that Guo Jing's internal strength is the first !

[But Guo Jing is similar to Jin Lun, Jin Lun can't beat Yang Guo. So Yang Guo is far greater than Zhang Sanfeng, greater than Zhang Wuji!]

[00:11, 'Yitian Hanging and Shooting the Condors': Can I go to you! Where is the original text? Where is the original text?! Open your mouth and come here! Which paragraph has Zhang Sanfeng saying that Guo Jing is the first in internal strength?! Zhang Sanfeng is Grand Master!!

[The original text said! Founding a sect! I have brought Wudang, a newly created sect, to the same level as Shaolin! And Zhang Sanfeng is not Zhang Wuji's opponent! So Zhang Wuji is invincible! Do you understand!】

[00:11, 'Yang Ding Tian Zhen Ding': Upstairs, what are you? Are you a cross-dresser? Zhang Wuji and Zhang Sanfeng are amazing?! Zhang Wangfei is a broken existence! Zhang Wuji used chicken feathers to touch porcelain with Zhang Sanfeng?!】

[00:11, 'Secret Road Adventure': Hey, I saw Zhang Sanfeng blowing it up again! Zhang Sanfeng was all blown up by you! It was written in the original text that when Zhang Cuishan first met Xie Xun, he said that Xie Xun was similar to Zhang Sanfeng! What kind of guy is Xie Xun? Violent beater! Xie Xun can't even beat Zhang Wuji with one hand! Zhang Wuji abused Zhang Sanfeng casually with one hand!]

[00:11, 'Dugu Eagle': Can Yitian Chui die! Don't be obsessive! In terms of force! No matter what, I must say that I am the first in seeking defeat! The big eagle left behind can teach Out of Yangguo, hang and beat you Yitian cerebral palsy!]

【00:11, 'The one who said he was stronger than Guo Jing is my son': Hahaha! Another Dugu blows! I’m so laughing at you! Dugu Qiubai doesn’t even have a shadow, he’s nothing! Out of Yang Guo? The Divine Condor can barely beat a boa constrictor, it's nothing but rubbish!]

Shu Wanqing glanced ten lines at a glance, read hundreds of comments in a few minutes, and finally understood the explosion of "Yitian" book reviews, and how "Yitian" subscriptions overtook...

"I didn't expect... to be in this way..."

After learning about the situation, Shu Wanqing returned to the forum again, and found that many people were like her. They had just returned from the "Yitian" book review area, and posted a post with emotion:

['One Night Twelve Wars': Really.....It was beyond my expectation...It turned out that it was because of the quarrel between the fans of several books...then they each took out the books they hadn't read. , read it all. As a result, the subscriptions of the three books have risen crazily...it's outrageous. 】

['Who doesn't love plump beauties': I can only say... God is helping me, this kind of thing is hard to come by, and it can't be copied! In the past, everyone also discussed the character's force value, but they were all in the same book In theory, there is basically no controversy, because they have all been played.

[But this kind of cross-book theory is different. The two characters are not in the same era as each other, so it is easy to cause controversy. But before I realized that no one could write two hits in a row, let alone a trilogy!]

['My Favorite Salty Tofu Brain': Yes! So... this is a miracle that cannot be replicated! But having said that, these book friends are really naive. Talking about force value across books? Isn’t this idle?]

【'The Moonlight Clan is me': Haha, yes! Look at these book friends, they are all so noisy, they are too brainless. Even if it is not a cross-book debate, there is nothing to say at all. 0

[Huang Chang is obviously the first person in the trilogy, is there still a fight? Boring. 】

As soon as this post was posted, the entire forum seemed to be stuck, and suddenly fell silent, which lasted for more than 30 seconds.

For thirty seconds "not a single post was made.

And after more than thirty seconds...

['Da Jiangdong to the Sea': Ah??? Brothers upstairs, are you okay? The first of the Huang Chang Trilogy??? Where did you see it? He wrote a book called "Nine Yin Manuals" "? Maybe this is the king of theory, but what about the rubbish in actual combat? The number one is definitely Wang Chongyang!】

['My favorite salty tofu brain': What is the horse? The first is Wang Chongyang? Brother, it is true that Wang Chongyang is the first, but how long has he been dead? The following five martial arts are all improving rapidly! Only Wang Chongyang is a dead man Standing still! Adding up the trilogy, Wang Chongyang doesn’t even make it into the top ten!]

【'Midnight Singing Love Songs': Hahaha! Are you going to laugh at your father and me upstairs? Why can’t Wang Chongyang rank in the top ten? Wang Chongyang can beat all the five masters by himself! I also learned the Nine Yin Scriptures later! He is invincible!]

['Xinghua Village, come to me': Invincible stinky shit! Yang Guo can slap Wang Chongyang with a single slap, so his mother doesn't even know him! Yang Guo is the strongest!]


Shu Wanqing, who just returned from the book review section of "Yitian", thought that the mage creation masters in the forum would calm down a lot...

But who would want to!

This group of people was talking about the childishness of the book friends in the book review area one second, but the next second they were arguing!

Just ten minutes!

More than 300 posts have been sent out!

and without exception,

It's all about "who is the first in the trilogy"!

After a few more minutes,

The forum is actually stuck!

Following the "Miracle of Brightness" in "Yitian" last time,

It's been less than three days...

The forum... exploded again!!

Fortunately, the maintenance speed of this forum is much faster than before.

After about a few minutes,

It will return to normal again.

But Shu Wanqing really didn't want to read these "On Martial Arts" posts anymore.

In addition, she suddenly remembered a very important matter, so she simply quit the forum and switched to the V letter.

And clicked on an avatar named "Su Youming",

Then type in the chat box:

[Shu Wanqing: Sister Su, in two days time, it's time to start the manga class, so I'll trouble you then. 】

And after clicking send,

After five or six minutes, I got a reply:

[Su Youming: Good. 】

Seeing this concise news, Shu Wanqing could only smile helplessly...

This good friend of hers,

Natural temper cold.

This is true for everyone.

"I hope that when she is in class... she can have a better attitude towards her classmates..." Shu Wanqing murmured to herself.

According to the time, she should be sleeping at this point.

After "Yitian" was finished, Shu Wanqing's work and rest also began to return to normal.

But somehow...

Xu was influenced by book friends and the mage creation masters in the forum......

She actually...began to be curious too... The question of who is the first person in "The Condor Shooting Trilogy" came up...

"It feels like it should be Zhang Wuji..." Shu Wanqing thought for a while, and soon led Zhang Wangfeng to win by ten.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Dugu Qiubai seems to be more powerful...

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became, and finally decided to look through the book reviews of "Yitian" to see if there are any book friends who can give a reasonable ranking?

[00:15, 'A watermelon is divided into two halves: let's be more rational and don't criticize people, okay? I think we can pick out the first of the three books, and then compare. As for me, I think Zhou Botong is the number one in "The Condor Shooting", Guo Jing is the number one in "The Condor", and Zhang Sanfeng is the number one in "Yitian", right?]

[00:15, 'Punching the Nursing Home': It's reasonable! It's amazing! In "Sculpture of God", Yang Guo is definitely better than Guo Jing! In "Yitian"

, Zhang Sanfeng is so old, he may not be Zhang Wuji's opponent!]

[00:15, 'A watermelon is divided into two halves': Fuck you! Cerebral palsy stuff! The older you get, the fiercer! Have you heard of it! Fa Zhang Sanfeng is over a hundred years old! Internal strength is invincible

!Slap Zhang Wuji to death for his unfilial grandson!]

"What Shu Wanqing saw was a burst of forehead support... I always felt that the attack power of these book friends... Could it be too strong...

"Damn it...how come there are so many comments in the book review area?!"

In the hut, Pei Liang planned to see how much he could subscribe to "Yitian" in the end, but he was inadvertently attracted by the book review section where the number of comments exploded.

And after seeing countless book friends fighting to the death over who is the first person in the trilogy... Pei Liang looked relieved.

Talk about martial arts!

That's the way to fight!

Back then, in order to prove that "Dugu Qiubai" was the first in the trilogy, and even the first in the whole golden book, but he searched all over "Flying snow shoots the white deer, the laughing book hero leans on the biyuan"!

Then there was an eloquent "thesis" of 800 words!

When I first wrote the composition for the college entrance examination, I felt that I was not as careful as this post "On the Invincibility of 'Dugu Seeking Defeat'".

However, the result did not go as Pei Liang hoped.

There is a post bar boss who wrote a longer article, saying "Dugu Qiubai is completely self-indulgent, what Heshuo heroes are fighting for the top, what is invincible, they are all near the head of the village, otherwise why don't you see him in the Tianlong period? traces and legends?"

Directly put Pei Liang into autism...

"Hey, it's all youth!" Pei Liang couldn't help recalling the past, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

And at this moment.

A 0.8 message with golden light suddenly jumped out from the panel automatically.

Almost takes up half of Pei Liang's field of vision!

Before Pei Liang could react, what happened.

The "message" had already been opened by itself, and the golden text appeared in rows:

[Congratulations to the author of the Tianqi.com novel, whose pen name is "Zhongyuan Wubai" and "No. 1008611" Master Chuang!

[Because of your novel "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", the average order reached 1.94 million!

[Break the previous record of innovation in "Three Musketeers with Broken Arms" and reach the top of the "One Sleep Subscription List"! Get rewards for reaching the top!

【Issuing it for you now! Please check it!】

"Ah??!" Pei Liang was stunned for three seconds.

First, he did not expect that his "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" surpassed "Three Swords"... and became the number one in the total list of Yijue subscriptions!

An average order of 1.94 million!

Even Pei Liang himself felt a little unbelievable about this number.

After all, the speed with which he serialized "Yitian" was too fast, and the exposure was very low!

Being able to achieve such a result... really exceeded his expectations.

The second is that after Pei Liang reached the top of the subscription list...there is actually a reward from "Tianqi.com"?

No one had ever told him about this before!

Now I was suddenly told by the website,

Pei Liang was really pleasantly surprised!

"What could it be?!"

With great excitement, Pei Liang stretched out his finger, moved towards the message, and chose to accept it.

next second!

The entire panel is rendered in a brilliant golden yellow!

Three big gifts will appear immediately!

ps: Two updates will start tomorrow, 5k words per update, 10,000 guaranteed per day! If you subscribe well, add more updates! The update time is 7:00 am and 7:00 pm every day, thank you for your support! Please subscribe!.

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