Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 50: What Is Explosion Reward (Tactical Back)? Central Plains Wubai! From Now On, You Are My

Looking at the panel filled with dazzling golden light,

And suspended in the panel, three shining treasure chests.


It is impossible to say that Pei Liang is not excited.


Also with infinite expectations, Pei Liang held his breath, stretched out his fingers, and tapped on the three treasure chests one by one.




After three rather strange unpacking sound effects sounded,

The prize inside will then appear.

Pei Liang hastily looked intently,

The three rewards found are:

【Double Sleep Triple Heat Card!】

【Blessings from the God of Manga!】

【Random rewards for all!】

And the moment these three rewards are issued, the corresponding instructions for use are also revealed together, in the form of text, attached below each prize.

Then, Pei Liang naturally moved his eyes down and read one by one.

"The first is the 'Two Sleep and Three Times Heat Card'.

"It can make Master Chuang's first work when he was in the second sleep, gain three times the popularity."


Good guy!

Pei Liang exclaimed softly.

This thing is too simple and crude!

When Pei Liang was in the first sleep, he relied on the trilogy to accumulate the "heat value" needed for the second sleep.

——Of course, if Pei Liang's updates were a little slower, there would be no need for "Yitian" or even "Sculpture of God".

but anyway,

With this "Two-Sleep Triple Heat Card", Pei Liang can spend a lot less energy on the second-sleep stage!

It's very possible.........just one work can fill up the heat value needed for three sleeps!

And with Pei Liang's hand speed...maybe, it won't even take ten days!

"That means... I can wake up in less than a month after I wake up?

If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will shock my jaw!

Countless fellow mage creation masters, their eyes turn green with envy!

others do not say,

Take Pei Liang's teacher Shu Wanqing as an example,

She has been a mage creation master for five years, and the number of code words is not enough for tens of millions!

But now there is still a thin line of distance between Erjue!

As for the three senses.....it is far away, and I dare not expect extravagantly.

Compared with Pei Liang, the promotion speeds of the two are vastly different, not too much.

"Very good!" After happily accepting the first reward, Pei Liang immediately turned his attention to the second prize - "Blessing from the God of Manga".

"It sounds very awesome."

Pei Liang sighed with emotion at first, the word "God" in the main text is really full of force.

Then, he also carefully read the "instructions" for this reward:

"It allows the creation master to greatly increase the hand speed when creating comics!

"After publishing comic works, the number of dropped items will increase by 20%.

"After publishing comic works, the proportion of experience gained will increase by 2%.

"After publishing comic works, the proportion of gold coins obtained will increase by 20%."

After reading the "Manual" of "Blessing of the God of Manga", Pei Liang couldn't help showing a big smile on his face.

Apart from "Awesome" and "Damn", Pei Liang really can't think of a third word to describe his current mood.

don't say anything else,

Just the first item "When creating comics, the hand speed has increased significantly" is enough to make Pei Liang very happy.

Because the popular cartoons that Pei Liang read in his previous life, such as "Death, Fire, Sea", are all long stories with hundreds or even thousands of words!

And if you want to finish such a long masterpiece, you have to work hard for more than ten years!

Of course, even if Pei Liang's head is full of the original manuscripts of these masterpieces, he doesn't need to spend time thinking about plots, storyboards, sketches, etc. when drawing.

It can greatly compress the creation time by dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

However, it takes a lot of time to complete all of them!

Take the well-known ultra-long "One Piece" in the industry as an example, Oda has been drawing for more than 25 years!

But for Pei Liang, not to mention 25 years, even two and a half years, two and a half months, is considered a very long time.

But now, he has the super BUFF of "significantly increased hand speed", so he doesn't have to worry about this.

As for the increase in the acquisition ratio of "dropped items", "experience", and "gold coins" later, it is naturally very good.

Allows Pei Liang to level up faster than ever! Earn more money!

Right now, after receiving the first two explosive rewards, Pei Liang, who is satisfied, actually has no special expectations for the third reward.

Even if it was just a "thank you for participating" note in the end, he didn't care.

Because the front has already won the hemp!

So, with a rather casual attitude, Pei Liang took a rough look at the content of the third reward:

"Since my three books reached the top at the same time, this reward is added as an extra.

"After opening, it can provide a random gain to all mages of the same level in my province.

"Afterwards, for all mage creators who have received buffs, all rewards for their follow-up works will be 1/1000 and fed back to me."

"Please turn it on manually."

I'll go..... This reward is awesome!

After Pei Liang read through the description of the third reward, he couldn't help opening his mouth slightly, very!

In a sense, this reward is even better than the previous two!

On the one hand, it can benefit all mage creators in the province!

This makes Pei Liang, who was a citizen of the big food empire in his previous life, and who was educated in the idea of ​​"If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world", feel inexplicably satisfied.

And, more importantly!

This reward also allows Pei Liang to take a cut of everyone's work!

"Doesn't that mean...that I, a 'big capitalist', can not only 'exploit' Wuxiu...and expand the scope of business to all 'awakened' in the future?!


It's so cool!

Pei Liang is very happy now!

After that, he didn't hesitate anymore, and took the initiative to stretch out his finger to open the "National Random Reward"

Another dazzling golden light flashed.


Then I saw the words [The popularity value of the whole province's Yijue creation master + 200,000, double the experience value] appeared in front of Pei Liang.

And this is not over yet, the new "dialogue" on the panel continues to emerge:

[This gain is being distributed to 313,921 Yijue Creation Masters across the province.

[Distribution completed.

[A total of 313,921 Yijue Masters are now providing you with commission feedback. 】

"Not bad!" Pei Liang smiled happily at the panel.

at the same time.

In a high-end residential area.

Still immersed in the "Yitian" book review area, watching Shu Wanqing, who is a book friend "Lunwu" with relish.

I am planning to continue flipping through the book reviews to see how the follow-up "battle situation" will be.

But suddenly!

A golden light appeared out of thin air from the panel!

This made Shu Wanqing startled,

Nothing like this has ever happened before.

Panels are subject to a high degree of individual control,

It is impossible for something to appear forcibly without the consent of the person.


The surprise in Shu Wanqing's heart quickly disappeared.

Because she found out...

That golden light is actually just a dialog box, and what is written on it is:

【Congratulations, Master 'Shu Wanqing', because you are in the same province as 'Central Plains Five Whites'.

[Now you are issued the "Central Plains Five Whites" rewards for all the people.

[Your current popularity value is +200,000, and the experience gained is doubled.

[Please pay attention to check. 】

After reading the message in the dialog box, Shu Wanqing's whole body turned into petrification, like a humanoid stone sculpture, and froze in place.

Eyes wide open, staring at the panel, incredible written all over his face!

Another full ten seconds passed!

Only then did she recover from her extreme astonishment,


It is endless ecstasy!!!

"Hot value + 200,000!!

"Experience points are doubled!!!"

For Shu Wanqing, who has a heat value of 350,000, a level of 24, and has stayed at the stage of Yijue for five years.

This is simply a gift from heaven!


It's a huge gift!

It's a great gift!!!

because it means...

"I can... get a second sleep!!!"

Shu Wanqing looked at her personal panel, which had just filled up her heat value, and there was a shiny "level 30" prompt.


For this day, she has put in too much effort and waited for too long!!

did not expect!

Tonight, the goal I pursued so hard, suddenly came true in this way!




There are no words to describe Shu Wanqing's mood at the moment.

Now she just feels dizzy all over her head,

To her, all this was fantastic and unrealistic!

About five more minutes passed.

Shu Wanqing's mood calmed down a little.

Until then, she finally noticed that the reason why she was able to obtain such a big reward was entirely due to the "Five Whites of the Central Plains"!

"I didn't expect that Wubai's reward for climbing to the top... could be fed back to me. It's amazing...Thank you Wubai!!!"

As a big fan of "Central Plains Five Whites", Shu Wanqing really felt that she was very happy at this moment.

Not only can you see "Wu Bai Da Da" constantly launching new works,

And witness him making history.

Now even more awesome,

As a fan, you can still get such shocking benefits from your idol!

What is a "pet fan"?

This is a fan!!


It's outrageous!


Judging from the message that just popped up on the panel,

"Central Plains Wubai is actually from the same province as me?!"

Although, for Shu Wanqing, she still doesn't know who the "Central Plain Five Whites" are, and she has never met him.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that the "Five Whites of the Central Plains" were very close to her!

It's like stepping into reality from a legend!

While being surprised and moved, Shu Wanqing couldn't help thinking of a question:

"By the way...Wu Baida's reward...does it apply to me alone, or to everyone?"

out of curiosity,

Shu Wanqing immediately opened the forum,

Then she saw the overwhelming number of posts in the forum, without exception, all of them were discussing "top rewards":

['Dead leaves can't make spring': Damn!!! Damn!! I'm so fucking blown up!!! My family, who knows!! I've been stuck in a sleepless night for two and a half years! Fuck n This book! I thought there was no hope for the second sleep! Then! Wubai gave me a big wave of rewards, and I was directly lifted up!! I cried to death!!!】

[‘Control the inner library ten

Hundreds of millions': I really do!! Not bragging at all! Now my hands are still shaking when typing! So excited, so excited!!! Who would have thought of it!!

Encouragement!! It is actually for all of us!! Fuck! Tears! Tears! Touching the Great Xia Kingdom!]

['Sword Cutting the Ruthless Dog on the Shore': Brothers! Sisters! I’m really crying now!! I was talking about a girlfriend before, and she said that if I didn’t sleep twice this year, she would break up with me! The result

!The result! A surprise from heaven! 283! Zhongyuan Wubai is great! You are my great benefactor!! Kneel down! Kneel down!]

['One hundred thousand years is not short': And! I don't know if you have noticed! The prompt from the panel said that the 'Wubai' is from our Jiangbei Province!! Damn!! Suddenly I feel

There is a feeling that "Wubai" has descended from the legend to reality, and is now by my side! Hiss————— the scalp is numb!】


['One hundred thousand years at a glance': I can only say, awesome, awesome! When "Three Swords" reached the top before, there was no reward from us at all! It has to be the five whites of the Central Plains!

Big Wubai! Are you still short of a son?! I want to give you a pension!]

['Collecting Leg Hair Lovers': Huh??? What do you mean upstairs? I am Zhongyuan Wubai Daddy, how can I lack a son?? I am his adopted son just adopted, and you still want to give me a foster son?

Old? Go behind the queue!!!】

['Time is in a hurry': What? How dare a mere adoptive son make noise?! I am the unrelated son of my Zhongyuan Wubai father! Adoptive son, get the hell out of here! What grade?

Dare to identify with me as a father?!]


I don't know where this building is crooked, and there are hundreds of posts in the follow-up, all of which are "recognize father".

Shu Wanqing roughly counted them.

In just ten minutes,

"Central Plains Five Whites" has harvested at least 89 foster sons, 31 unrelated sons, and 121 daughters... that's outrageous!

The "recognition of father post" lasted for a long time.

Only then did everyone gradually regain their composure, and began to chat about Erjue:

['Squeaky Cobra': I just looked at it, and it seems that many people can sleep twice! Tomorrow, the 'Awakening Center' will probably last until it explodes, right?】

【'Bear rubbing against a tree': Right! I have to get up early to queue, or I will waste a lot of time!】

['Pear Blossom with Rain': Get up early and get up early! The staff of the "Awakening Center" tomorrow, I'm afraid they will be confused, I may have never seen so many mage creation masters on the same day in this life

Second sleep!】

"Yes, it must be crowded with so many people." Shu Wanqing silently made plans.

And about Erjue...

She had learned about some related processes from her predecessors before.

Due to the particularity of "Creator",

Quite troublesome.

"Looks like I might have to take half a day off tomorrow....

Early the next morning.

Already no less than 300 people recognized him as a "foster father" from a distance.

Waking up from sleep by the constant ringing of the alarm.

After a big yawn,

He is not continuing to sleep late,

Instead, he sat up, opened the panel,

Take stock of what you have recently gained from "exploitation" by martial arts practitioners.

Thank you for subscribing! Although the grades are average, yesterday’s manuscript fee totaled 32 yuan, but I must write seriously! Write well! Live up to the expectations of the masters! 7 p.m.

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