Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 62: A Bolt From The Blue! Su Youming: What Is Talent? Pei Liang, This Is Talent!

Chapter 62: A bolt from the blue! Su Youming: What is talent? Pei Liang, this is talent!

What is a genius?

In the same class as Shu Wanqing, but Su Youming, who has already reached the second level of sleep and is only one step away from the third level, is undoubtedly a genius!

Since she just became a mage and came into contact with comics for the first time,

She showed her superhuman talent!

It is also due to this inherent talent, as well as her personal unremitting customer force.

The third manga published by Su Youming in Yijue achieved good results.

The same goes for the next two volumes.

Send her directly to Erjue!

After the second sleep, Su Youming not only did not show signs of decline, but was even stronger than the first sleep!

Today, Manga Erjue has serialized the number one work on the subscription list,

It's from her hand!

It is no exaggeration to say that he is currently the number one person in the Erjue comics section.

Otherwise, how would Su Youming have the confidence and qualifications to judge these students?

Also because of this,

Su Youming has always thought highly of herself,

No matter how powerful or outstanding a genius is, she will not be her opponent.

But today, just now!

Su Youming realized that she was wrong, and it was so outrageous!!!

Compared to this student who can create the paintings on the computer screen in front of her eyes... Her talent...is nothing worth mentioning!

Although the other party's paintings seem to be unfinished, there is still room for improvement.

You should know!

The student who drew this work has only just picked up the brush for forty minutes!!!

It took mere forty minutes to reach this "eight or sixty" state!

If you train a little bit and grow a little bit, wouldn't you be invincible in the future?!

Don't say it's her,

Su Youming felt that with this classmate's talent, it would take less than a year!

Even "Martial Arts Heroes", which is on the list of subscriptions by Erjue Manga, is not enough to fight at all!!!

What is talent?

This is what is called talent!!!

The word horror is enough to describe it!

And just when Su Youming was shocked by Pei Liang's "Slam Dunk", she was dazed.

The other students in the class didn't know why, so they all guessed in a very low voice:

"I'll go... Teacher Su, what's wrong with her? I've been standing there watching for three full minutes!"

"That's right...Ms. Su always passed other people's paintings at a glance before. Even if it was Xu Ming's, she only looked at it for less than 30 seconds!"

"Could it be...it's Brother Pei's painting, it's so good? Teacher Su is fascinated?"

"Uh... Do you think this kind of thing could happen with Mr. Su's strict temper?"

"Okay...then tell me, what is the reason?"

"I don't know about this... I'd better wait a while and see what Teacher Su will say..."

Just when everyone in the classroom was extremely confused by this, they didn't understand what Teacher Su was going to do.

Su Youming, who had been silent all this time, died in Qianqiu.

She swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva in her throat, and then said with shortness of breath:

"Classmate...your name is Pei Liang, right?

"Are these paintings... all drawn by you?"

Pei Liang nodded: "Yeah."

Hearing this, Su Youming's whole body trembled, and immediately said:

"Then can I ask you...to become a full-time manga writer starting today!

"If possible, I would like to use all my energy to train you!

"With your talent... in time, you will surely shine in the comic circle!"

As soon as the words came out.

The whole classroom suddenly became silent.

Everyone except Pei Liang, all looked horrified, their eyes were straightened, and they froze in place, unable to believe their ears!

no way,

Because this is so unbelievable, too unimaginable!

Is this still that teacher Su who is extremely cold, has explosive eyes, and has a very poisonous mouth?

in her character,

Not saying the word "garbage" is already considered a very high standard of praise!

But what happened just now?

But she personally said to Pei Liang, "I beg you...to become a comic author" and "With your talent...you will surely shine"!

Outrageous to the explosion!!!

Then, the students couldn't bear the surprise and curiosity in their hearts anymore, they all stood up from their seats with a bang, and squeezed towards Pei Liang.

I want to see what kind of painting can make Su Youming give such a high evaluation!


These students who leaned closer were all stunned at a glance, and there was no second color on their faces other than shock.


"Brother Pei? This...is this what you drew just now?!!"

"I'm here... Teacher Su said just now that I still have some talent, and I was complacent for a while... Now compared with Brother Pei and yours, the ones I drew are completely rubbish!"

"This shit... I'm afraid I won't be able to draw such a picture in another hundred years!!"

The exclamations came one after another, making Pei Liang, who was in the middle of the crowd, a little embarrassed.


Do you want to be so exaggerated... Pei Liang said in his heart that he has lowered the quality of the work of Mr. Inoue Takehiko by several grades!

Just to keep everyone from being too shocked.

It's good to just pretend to be a little forced.

But the result still caused a sensation in the class!

If I had known earlier, I would have just scribbled graffiti...

Alas, it seems that acting like a force is really not suitable for me... Let someone like Lao Wang do it... Pei Liang regretted it for a while.

I thought it would be cool,

But now it seems that it is cool, but there seem to be more troubles in the future.

This made Pei Liang, who likes to be clean, quite uncomfortable.

As for the question Su Youming asked him just now, Pei Liang directly refused immediately: "Teacher...Actually, I prefer novels, and comics...I have no interest."


I have so many invincible resources in my head, just make a fortune in silence.

How can I have time to chat with you?

Wouldn't it be worse if it was accidentally exposed again?

And Pei Liang's reply made Su Youdi stunned.

"No...not interested???"

As the most talented person Su Youming has ever met since becoming a mage creation master, you actually told me that you are not interested in comics???

are you crazy

Or am I crazy!!!

"Student Pei Liang......Are you serious just now?" Su Youming couldn't believe it, so she had to confirm it again.

The answer is still the same:

"Well, teacher, I really have no interest in comics."


These two sentences of Pei Liang were like two bolts from the blue sky, making Su Youming doubt life at this moment.



Why is it that a student with such outstanding talent, who can even be described as terrifying, has no interest in comics?!!

This makes no sense!

"Student Pei Liang...I... found that you may still have a deep misunderstanding of Master Chuang." Su Youming still did not give up, and continued to persuade,

"It's really not easy to achieve something in the profession of mage creation.

"If you waste your talent like this, believe me, you will regret it one day.

"Moreover, talent is not eternal, if you ignore it, do not train and use it professionally.

"It will wear off!

"So, while you are still young, while your talent is still there, promise the teacher to learn manga from the teacher, okay?"

Su Youming's face was full of earnestness, and her tone was extremely sincere,

It was really close to kneel down for Pei Liang.

But even so, it still couldn't shake Pei Liang's determination, only to hear him rebuff very seriously: "Teacher, thank you for your affirmation.

"But I feel that people should pursue what they like in their entire life, so... I'm sorry, but I still don't want to learn manga from you.

..." Su Youming was completely stunned, and stood there dumbfounded, at a loss.

And all the students in the classroom couldn't believe the scene that just happened in front of them!

"This... What did Pei Liang think? He actually rejected Mr. Su?! It's too outrageous..."

"My God! I didn't expect Teacher Su to be so temperamental that he would take the initiative to lower his attitude and beg for help... Not to mention, Pei Liang hasn't agreed..."

"Brother Pei... hey, is this the capriciousness of a genius? You can't learn it, you can't learn it...you can't learn it in your life..."

Also amidst everyone's discussion, the school bell rang suddenly

Seeing Pei Liang's resolute attitude, Su Youming had no choice but to give up temporarily and let everyone leave after school.

But wait until everyone has left the classroom and the room is empty.

Su Youming, who was still staying here, suddenly clenched her fists tightly, looked at the direction where Pei Liang had just gone, and secretly swore: "I will definitely make you promise me!

Since the "Six Schools Exchange Competition" was over, there was no need for additional practice, which allowed Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan to go home from school with Pei Liang again.

Although the homes of the three of them are not in the same location.

but in roughly the same direction,

So we can still walk together for ten minutes.

But just when the three of them were about to reach their respective intersections, a large group of people crowded together not far ahead caught the attention of the three of them.

"Are you all doing nothing tonight? Do you want to go and have a look?" Wang Sheng was very curious, so he immediately asked the two friends.

Pei Liang originally planned to start work tonight, but he decided to join in the fun and not waste too much time, so he agreed directly.

Qin Yanyan, like Wang Sheng, belongs to the type of going where there is excitement, and naturally she will not refuse.

Ever since, the trio accelerated all the way and walked quickly to the vicinity of the crowd.

After getting closer,

Pei Liang and the others discovered that the reason why this place is so lively is because of the newborn instance!

Moreover, this copy appeared early in the day!

Now that it is stable, you can go in and explore at will!

However, the difficulty of copying is not small.

There are already no less than five or six trade unions who have sent people to open up wasteland, but all of them have failed.

"Damn it, this seems to be a dungeon under the 'Ghost Dark Night dungeon group', it's really difficult!"

"I'm so fucking level 55! I can't beat it! The monsters in here are very skinny! I have to cut seven or eight knives to barely cause damage to them!"

"Not only that, even if it causes damage, it can heal quickly! This recovery speed, even if I have been drinking high blood volume mixture, I can't keep up at all!"

"It's too difficult, there is a problem with this dungeon! I was thinking of grabbing the first kill reward, and I would respond to the call of the Provincial Trade Union Alliance to prevent the dungeon from mutating. But now it seems that it's too bad Slightly."

Hearing everyone's grimaces and complaints, Wang Sheng looked excited instead, turned to look at Qin Yanyan and asked, "Do you want to go in and try?"

But before Yanyan could answer, a person standing beside them

The bearded and strong man frowned first, then looked at the school uniforms on the two of them, and immediately looked contemptuously, persuading:

"Little girl, you two are students, right?

"Although this dungeon has a height limit but not a low limit, and you won't die if you swipe it. But after entering, the pain of being beaten to the brink of death by the monster inside is not less.

"You two really want to try?"

"Try it, I'll try something new." Wang Sheng was gearing up there.

Since the system of "Shooting the Condors" was changed, and the first-choice rewards were added, all kinds of top-level martial arts were dropped crazily, making him "invincible at the same level",

He just wanted to try a higher-level dungeon to challenge himself.

You won't die anyway, so why not try?

"That's fine. If you want to try it, try it. I won't stop you." The bearded man shrugged, his face full of expressions of "don't listen to adults' advice, don't regret it when the time comes".

Seeing that the big man ignored him, Wang Sheng stopped hesitating. After exchanging glances with Qin Yanyan, the two directly opened the panel and chose to connect.

next second.

Two beams of light lit up, and the two of them disappeared together.

And Pei Liang, who was left in place, thought that the two buddies could create miracles with "Shooting the Condors" and shock passers-by.


It's only been five minutes.

Both Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan returned to reality.

Let's look at the expressions on the faces of the two of them, full of bewilderment and bewilderment.

I don't know what happened to me in the dungeon just now, and I was hit like this?

ps: Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you for the subscription of the old men who saw this!! The little brother is so grateful! Except for the explosive update! There is nothing to report!!! Tomorrow at 7:00, there will be an update!


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