Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 63: Erjue's Work Finalized! "Ghost Slayer Blade"!

Chapter 63: Erjue's work finalized! "Blade of Demon Slayer"!

"You two are..." Pei Liang looked up and down at the two friends who had "doubt about life" written on their faces, and couldn't help asking.

"..." Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan were both silent.

"Haha, if you don't listen to good people, are you dumbfounded this time?" The bearded man who advised the two not to enter the capital before laughed loudly.

"Young man, little girl, it's better to go back to school and study hard. Just leave this kind of thing to us."

After speaking, the big man opened the panel by himself, connected to the copy, and disappeared in place as the beam of light lit up.

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Sheng regained his composure, and slowly said: "Fucking old Pei... the monsters in this copy... are outrageous, outrageous!"

"How to say?" Pei Liang was curious.

"It's those mobs whose level is only 3 or 4 levels higher than Yanyan and me." Wang Sheng frowned, recalling what he just encountered in the dungeon, he couldn't believe it,

"I thought that with Yanyan and I's strength, let alone instant kills, but at least it wouldn't be too much effort.

"I never thought about it!

"The defense of these little monsters is surprisingly high! Our fist attacks seem to be unable to cause damage to them!"

"It's really outrageous..." Pei Liang muttered.

With the power of the "Shooting the Condor" system, he will attack with all his strength, and the lower level Erjue will never be the opponent of Wang Sheng and Yanyan.

It can only be said that this "ghost dark night dungeon group" is somewhat unreasonable.

"Not only that." Qin Yanyan added, "In the end, Lao Wang and I used the strongest moves, thinking whether we could fight to the death.

"Although one of the mob's arms was broken, it only took a few seconds.

"That mob actually grew an arm again in front of me! After that, Lao Wang and I are in a state of exhaustion, and we really have no strength.

"I was punched by that mob one by one, and the copy was sent directly."

"This...it's such a perverted self-healing ability." Pei Liang exclaimed softly.

When playing online games before, what he hated the most were monsters with the ability to recover blood.

He wasted a lot of energy and drank several bottles before he beat you to half blood, but you recovered blood after a meal,

All the hard work before, all 06 was in vain,

It really raises blood pressure.

And this is just in the game.

Now that it has come to reality, this kind of monster with super self-healing ability is simply a nightmare for Wu Xiu.

While the three were talking, they had already left the crowd and were about to reach a fork in the road.

Before parting, Wang Sheng leaned close to Pei Liang's ear and asked in a very low voice, "Old Pei, what happened to your inside information.

"What about the new system?

"Is there such a kind of special killing with self-healing effect! I must take revenge!"

"Wait a little longer." Pei Liang replied with a smile.

That being said... But until now, he has not been able to decide in his heart what subject matter he should write about in his new book.

Novels with higher combat power than martial arts, but not too much higher... Pei Liang has not read many novels.

"Jin Gu Liang Wen" is actually a book written in the 1980s or 1990s, or even earlier. If it weren't for being too classic, Pei Liang probably wouldn't have read it.

And after he really started to get in touch with online texts,

Xuanhuan and Xianxia are rising slowly, and then they are in full swing, supporting half of the web literature.

These two categories were also Pei Liang's favorite at the time.

But the problem is that the fighting power of Xuanhuan and Xianxia is obviously much higher than that of Wuxia.

It can't be used in the second sleep at all.

As for what Wang Sheng said just now, those who specifically restrain self-healing ability... Among the low-level martial arts types, there are almost none in my impression.

It's a bit of a hassle.

Therefore, Pei Liang, who didn't know what to write in the new book, habitually opened the forum after returning home.

I'm going to read it first, and then think about the new book.


He was attracted by the latest top message on the forum page.

The title of the post is: [Urgent!!! Shadow ghost dungeon!! Urgent help!!]

These "exclamation marks" are really eye-catching.

Out of curiosity, Pei Liang immediately clicked on the post, wanting to see what the "ask for help" was?

[Urgently seeking help from Master Erjue Chuang of the whole province!!!

[Currently there are four dungeon groups in our province, and three of them have basically passed the customs smoothly.

[Only the 'Shadow Specter Dungeon Group' remains, which is at a standstill! According to statistics, there are a total of 342 related dungeons in the province, and the clearance rate is 0!

【The monsters in this copy group have extremely strong defense and strong self-healing ability, and it seems that they cannot be killed at all!

[However, after many experiments with more than 200 B- and C-level trade unions in the province, it was accidentally discovered that the item "Tears of the Sunflower" can cause effective damage to monsters!

[And this prop can release sunlight in a short period of time. Therefore, it is speculated that the monster is afraid of the sun!

[But the environment of the entire 'Shadow Specter Dungeon Group' is at night. Except for "Tears of the Sun Flower Language", it is almost difficult to drop props that can release sunlight in the Erjue dungeon.

[In addition, it was also found that the monsters under this dungeon group only have the only life gate at the throat. Only by piercing its throat or decapitating it can an effective kill be achieved!

[And there are only 7 days left before the dungeon mutates!

【So hereby send a request to Master Erjue Chuang of the whole province,

[If conditions permit, please add similar props or related combat systems to the work, help martial arts, help the trade union, and clear the "Shadow Specter Dungeon"!]

"No wonder Lao Wang and Yanyan are not the opponents of those mobs..." Pei Liang finally knew the reason now.

Without the blessing of "sunshine", it is too difficult to break through those monsters.

And, after reading the entire post, Pei Liang didn't know why, but always felt...the monster described in it from the "Ghost Shadow Dungeon Group"...somewhat familiar... …

But for a while, he couldn't remember.

At the moment, I have no choice but to continue to browse down while trying to remember, to see everyone's replies to this post:

['Xueluo Untitled Flying Swordsman': So there is a special dungeon. It seems that the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions is really in big trouble, so it came to us, hoping to get a solution from Master Chuang. 】

['Dismembered corpses': It's been a long time since I saw such an announcement. I remember the last time it was three years ago. Last time, I remember that I was the author of Sanjue No. 2's "Wind and Rain Does Not Return", temporarily adding settings and modifying the plot in the work, and finally helping the Federation of Trade Unions to clear the copy!]

['Baichuan East to the Sea': Yes! I remember that time, it was really critical! Fortunately, it was resolved in the end!

[It's just that... "Wind and Rain", which was expected to hit the first place, forcibly added settings and wrote a plot that was not in the outline, causing the plot to avalanche. If it weren't for the author's strong writing skills, then for him, the loss would be unimaginable. 】

['The Stranger': So, this customs clearance... It is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to respond. To put it bluntly, who wants to be such an unsung hero? You can watch or encourage others to do things that harm yourself and benefit others. But once it falls on me... I'm afraid it will be difficult for someone to take the initiative.

[In case the subscription collapses due to adding settings and changing the plot. Losses are solely borne by the author himself. 】

['Life in a Cage': Newcomers can ask if they don't understand, so why can't they use this as a setting to write a new book? 】

['Sword Rain Qingtian': Young man, you have also seen that there are only 7 days left before the dungeon changes. 7 days, who can write a book like this in 7 days? Do you think everyone is a ‘Central Plains Five Whites’? In 7 days, you can’t even finish writing the outline!]

['Life in a Cage': So... this 'Shadow Specter Dungeon Group' is doomed to mutate and invade reality?]

['Dark clouds': I'm afraid there is a high probability that it will be like this... For the next five days, try not to go out at night, it's dangerous! 】


From these replies, I can feel the sadness in everyone's heart.

For "Ghost Shadow Copy", all seem to have a negative attitude.

Also... This kind of special dungeon that suddenly appeared is really hard to guard against, and it is difficult to deal with it.


At this moment, Pei Liang's mood is completely different from everyone else's.

Just a minute ago, he was still recalling that the monsters in this "Ghost Shadow Copy" seemed familiar.

And now...

He finally remembered what these monsters looked like!!

"This is... isn't it the ghost in "Blade of Demon Slayer"?!"

Afraid of the sun!

Super self-healing ability!

There is no way to kill except by beheading!

It can't be said that it is extremely close, it can only be said that it is exactly the same!

Think about it again... The combat power system of "Ghost Slayer" seems to be higher than martial arts, but not too much higher, just suitable for Erjue!

And "Demon Slayer: Blade", as the top seller in 2019, ended the 13-year record of "Pirate", the "king of sales"!

The heat is explosive!

If you launch it on "Tianqi Net", it will surely detonate the market!

Furthermore, "Ghost Slayer: Blade" is very short.

Pei Liang estimates that with his own hand speed and the addition of "blessings from the comic gods",

The entire work is 23 volumes in length, and he is sure to complete it within 7 days, before the dungeon mutates!

in this way,

Combined with the previous "Two Sleep and Three Times Heat Card",

Pei Liang has a hunch that he can read "Ghost Slayer" and directly increase the popularity to the point where he can sleep three times!

At the same time, since the trade unions in the province urgently need a corresponding training system,

That means that the sales of "Ghost Slayer" in reality will also be good.

In this way, I can quickly upgrade, and the safety of the people can also be guaranteed. It is simply killing two birds with one stone!

Pei Liang is more and more excited!

Thankfully, after I got home, I browsed the forum first, otherwise, if I missed the announcement on the top, how much would I lose?!


Pei Liang didn't start working right away.

Instead, I opened the panel first, and came to the Erjue Works Library of "Manga.com", which can also be called "Erjue Comics Library", to roughly see the quality of Tujue's comics.

After all, these are all "competing products", so if you are familiar with them, you are right.

According to the habit of reading novels before,

Pei Liang directly made the "Erjue Serial Subscription List",

Browse around.

He found that the situation on the "manga" side... was almost the same as that on the "novel" side.

In terms of story and setting... there is little innovation.

It seems that "martial arts novels" have been caricatured.

The characters inside are nothing more than stronger, jump higher, and have stronger endurance... Other than that, there is no bright spot.

As far as the "subject matter" is concerned, Pei Liang took a look and found that there is not even a "Royal Manga"!

And "Royal Dao Hot Bloodman" was a crazy existence in the previous life!

This theme is to comics, just like fantasy is to web literature, it is the largest category, and

The easiest way to make big hits!

"Then since you guys don't draw, then I'm not going to be polite~" Pei Liang smiled more and more happily.

Speaking of the "drawing skills" of these comics,

Although it can't be said to be horrible, it is at best quite satisfactory.

It's just the comic that ranks number one serially, and it seems to be okay... If it is placed in the previous life, it should be the kind that can barely be cut in half.

However, the real data is luxurious:

【"Moon Night Love Sword Legend"】

030【Author: Dugu Aoxue】

【Classification: Martial Arts】

[Introduction: Liu Ru, a romantic hero, meets the courtesan of a brothel in an accident...]

[Status: Signed, working

【Number of volumes: 54 volumes】

【Recommendation tickets: 5.03 million】

【Favorites: 1.82 million】

[average order: 510,000]

[24-hour latest update: 690,000]

"This is much better than "Green God on a Rainy Night", the No. 1 serial subscription list of Yijue's novels." Pei Liang was surprised.

Moreover, the subscription is more than twice as high as "One Sword Town Mountain and River", which ranks first in the "Erjue Novels Serial Subscription List"!

"No wonder Mr. Su said that the popularity of comics is generally higher. This statement is true."

After sighing,

Pei Liang also stopped beeping more,

Now turn on the computer, connect to the "digital board", pick up the paintbrush, and start working directly!

Or it’s because Pei Liang “copied” the manga from his mind, no outline, no character design, no need to design storyboards... just copy it one by one,

So fast enough to fly.

Plus "Blessing of the God of Manga",

Pei Liang's current drawing efficiency has reached a level beyond ordinary people's imagination!

When the palm is swiped on the digital board, there seems to be afterimages!

Soon, with Pei Liang's immersive work.

On the computer screen, one cartoon after another appeared.

From the first volume, the protagonist Tanjiro went to the mountain to sell charcoal with a bamboo basket on his back. When he returned home, he found that his whole family had been killed, and only his younger sister, Nezuko, survived.

Fortunately, I met Tomioka Yoshiyong, and was rescued by him, and sent to the master to practice breathing... and learned the truth about "ghosts".

Then in the second volume, Tanjiro was successful in the breath of water, and went to participate in the selection of members of the Sijo team.

As well as the third and fourth volumes, I met Miss Zhushi and Yushiro, plus the other two little ones of the protagonist group, my wife Zenyi and the "pig" Zuihei Inosuke.

After the three little ones got together, they encountered the big boss Oniwu Tsuji Muchan's subordinate, Xiang Kai, who claimed to be the former "Twelve Ghost Moons, the sixth of the last bow", and defeated him in the end!

It’s also thanks to Pei Liang’s quick hands that he has no friends, otherwise, trying to complete the creation of four volumes of comics in just six hours is no different from a dream!

You know, there are almost 10 chapters in one volume!

And one word is enough for those great manga writers and ministers to work for a whole week!

In contrast,

Apart from astonishing, there is no other adjective to describe Pei Liang's comic efficiency.

Right now, when Pei Liang has finished drawing the last page of the last chapter of the fourth volume, it is exactly twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

I didn't think about it any more.

Pei Liang immediately opened the panel and came to the author zone of Manga.com, ready to upload "The Blade of the East"!

ps: Thank you!! Thank you guys for subscribing!!! Begging to subscribe!!! There will be an update at 12 noon!!.

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