Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 70: Su Youming: You Big Pigs! All Defected To "Ghost Slayer"? !

Chapter 70: Su Youming: You bastards! Have you all defected to "Ghost Slayer"?!


At the end of the previous volume, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Piggy, after a short rest, received an urgent order from the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Go to 'Nada Spider Mountain' to investigate this weird dense forest.

As a result, they encountered and fought bitterly with the "Spider Ghost Family" headed by the fifth understring.

Fortunately, Tomioka Yoshiyuki and Butterfly Ninja appeared in time at the last moment, beheading the last five and all the remaining ghosts on the mountain.

But Ninja Butterfly later discovered the abnormality of Nezuko, and brought him back to the headquarters of the Demon Killing Squad to accept the trial of the pillars.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

Then the plot came to Yan Zhu’s purgatory, Xing Shoulang, who received a new mission order to investigate the “infinite train” where strange things happened frequently recently.

And this departure...was actually a farewell.

After a hard fight, Purgatory Xing Shoulang finally fell under the morning sun in order to save all the civilians in the car.

In Pei Liang's mind, the "Infinity Train" section,

It can definitely be called the most passionate and tear-jerking volume in the whole work.

Especially the death of Yanzhu Purgatory Xingshoulang,

Even more tragic!

And after painting the last scene, Pei Liang, who has watched "Infinity Train" over and over five or six times, still couldn't help feeling a little sore in his nose.

"You burn all night, and dissipate at dawn."

Pei Liang sighed with emotion,

Then upload, publish, shut down, sleep.

Just wait until tomorrow morning to wake up and see how the results are!

at the same time.

In a high-end villa.

Su Youming was lying on the bed, her two white and smooth calves were swinging there.

Holding a huge tablet computer in his hand,

On the screen, the words [Qincheng Comic Creation Master Exchange Group] are clearly visible.

Su Youming actually doesn't like water groups very much,

But when I think that "Demon Slayer: Blade" will be updated at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and while waiting for the update, there is nothing to do.

I simply ran to the group to hang out.

At the moment, Su Youming discovered that someone was "opening the market" in the group, and the content of the bet happened to be related to her.

This got her excited,

I saw that person said this in the group:

['Chengbei Xu Gongmei is not beautiful': Before, when I was posting on our 837 city's mage creation forum, I found that they used to use a new book that is gaining momentum, and compare it with an old book that is on the list by subscription , Bet.

[At that time, "Yi Tian" and "Broken Arm" were crazy gambling in the forum! I think it's very interesting, why don't we come and play, how about it?

[How about a gamble between the suddenly popular "Ghost Slayer" yesterday and "The Legend of the Moon Night Love Sword", which is currently number one in serial subscription list?】

This proposal is quite new to everyone in the group, and it immediately aroused everyone's interest:

['Auspicious Days of the Zodiac': Yes, yes! I think it is possible! But let's take a small gamble and have fun, and never break the law!]

[One thousand dollars, one thousand dollars’: That’s a must! Just bet a few dollars, let’s have fun!]

【‘Those who don’t know the truth’: What are the specific rules? Who will say it?】

When the last group of friends finished asking, the initiator of the "handicap" also hurriedly said:

[Xu Gongmei in the north of the city is not beautiful’: It’s not as good as this. I see that the current subscription of "Ghost Slayer" seems to be around 120,000.

[There is still a certain gap from the average order of "Moon Night".

【Let's limit it to five days, how about seeing if "Ghost Slayer" can surpass "Moon Night" within five days?】

Let a manga that has just been put on the shelves exceed the "Moon Night Love Sword" that has been serialized for two years and ranks first in the subscription list within five days... If this sentence is said elsewhere,

Don't even think about it, you will definitely be sprayed by everyone to doubt your life!

Because even if this matter is told to a fool, he will know that it is absolutely impossible to achieve!

However, at this moment, everyone in the group felt that the content of this bet...was very reasonable!

for no particular reason,

Just because it is "Ghost Slayer"!

However, five days is really too short, and it still makes most people hesitate when placing bets:

['A pair of wise eyes are not astigmatism': How should I put it... "The Legend of the Moon Night Love Sword" has also dominated the serial subscription list, and it has been a hit for a year. No matter how good the quality of "Ghost Slayer" is, it is still too much to surpass it within five days... If it is half a month, I think it is possible. 】

['Why don't you hide': To be reasonable, I also feel that "Ghost Slayer" is still quite difficult to surpass "Moon Night" in a short period of time. Back then, the group was full of hype about "Moon Night". I still have the chat history. You (agaj) cannot change your mind so quickly. 】

['One hundred thousand cold jokes': That is to say, although "Ghost Slayer" is gaining momentum, no one knows whether it can continue to maintain such high quality in the follow-up? What if it collapses halfway? Or the next volume collapses Is it? Right?]

Su Youming, who was sitting in front of the screen, felt a little dark when she saw how everyone commented on her "Sword of Love in a Moonlight Night".

But in the next second, with the appearance of a irascible old man, the painting style in the group suddenly changed:

['Blindly calling Jill every day': I think you are all talking nonsense! Take a good look at "Ghost Slayer"! From the painting style, painting skills, to the plot, character design, and combat system, there is nothing wrong with "Ghost Slayer" Moon Night?

[I'm leaving my words today! In front of "Ghost Slayer", "Moon Night" is just a piece of rubbish!]

As soon as this remark came out, many group friends with similar opinions bubbled up and sent messages one after another:

【'Always a little boy': Agreed! "Ghost Slayer" is obviously a full-scale attack on "Moon Night"! Between the two, one is in the sky and the other is underground. What is the comparison?】

['Nonsense': +1, "Moon Night" took advantage of the fact that there were no tigers in the mountains before, and monkeys ruled over the top for a while. Now that such an awesome work as "Ghost Slayer" is airborne, it has to reveal its true colors!]


I don't know what the other group of friends are thinking now, anyway, Su Youming is very angry now.

Even the hand holding the tablet couldn't help shaking!

he meow!

My mother's painstaking work, it has been on the list for a year!

How did it become such rubbish when it got into your mouth?!


I still remember that a year ago, this group of people were still bragging about their works in the group!

It is said that "Moon Night" will definitely reach the top 30 in the total subscription list in the future!

What else do you say that the author of "Moon Night" "Dugu Aoxue" is a genius who is once in a century!

The results of it?

How long has it been?

These people actually changed their tone and started to spray themselves!

So angry, so angry!

The more Su Youming thought about it, the more her heart became blocked, and now she couldn't help but go off in person to defend her work:

['Wandering One Autumn Leaf': I think... "Moon Night" is not so bad, after all, it must have its own reason for staying on the list for so long.

[And you see, before the appearance of "Ghost Slayer", "Moon Night" was the only one in Erjue's serialized works, whether it was painting skills or stories, right? It shows that its quality is actually pretty good …

After posting this passage, Su Youming originally thought that some "crazy fans" would come out to fight with her.

Unexpectedly, it was the "handicap promoter" who replied to her:

【'Chengbei Xu Gongmei is not beautiful': That’s all right, everyone, stop arguing and place your bets! Just send red envelopes in the group, and note which work you bet on! The maximum amount cannot exceed 50 yuan! I will record it uniformly! 】

As soon as this information came out, the Yin family really stopped arguing.

Red envelopes were sent out one after another.

And Su Youming took a rough look, and there were still more people betting on her "Moon Night".

Nearly 70%.

But Su Youming didn't feel very happy,

she knows very well

The reason why these seven adults bet on themselves is all because of the word "five days".

If the time is adjusted to half a month... I am afraid that 70% of these 7 people will "rebel" 90%!

And just when Su Youming was about to place a bet,

Suddenly a message from @Everyone came in the group:

['Dajiangdongliu': @Everyone, "Ghost Slayer" has been updated! Volume 4!]

Following this message,

The [Qincheng Comic Creation Mage Exchange Group], which was extremely active in the last second, became extremely deserted in an instant.

Almost everyone, including Su Youming, immediately put down their mobile phones or tablets, turned to unfold the panel, and went to catch up!

Right now, Su Youming is leaning on her big soft bed,

Let's start from the latest "Volume 5, Natian Spider Mountain Chapter".

I saw Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and a group of four came to the foggy "Spider Mountain" in the middle of the night

Then fight the "Spider Family" who are all ghosts!

The process in between was full of twists and turns.

Especially Tanjiro,

When Su Youming thought that "spider father" was the most powerful existence among these ghosts.

What happened next took her by surprise!

It turns out that the unremarkable younger brother "Tired" is the strongest among them!

And the whole family... turned out to be just "tired" and played a "play house" game. The rest of the people were just forced by him to play the role of the so-called "parents, sisters and brothers".

Moreover, the true identity of that "tired" is the fifth of the last quarter of one of the twelfth moons, and his strength is exaggerated to the point of despair!

No matter how explosive Tanjiro is, he is still no match for him!

Fortunately, Yoshiyuki Tomioka, who had rescued Tanjiro before, appeared in time, and instantly killed the lower five with a single blow.

And Butterfly Ninja, who arrived at the same time, resolved the crisis.

But Butterfly Ninja immediately discovered Nezuko who was a ghost, and brought him back to the ghost killing for trial.

During this period, Su Youming discovered that there was a powerful existence called "Pillar" in the ghost killing team!

Their strengths are all the best in the Ghost Killing Squad.

And each has its own characteristics.

Later, it was also because of the guarantee of the lord Sanyashiki Yoya, and Nezuko withstood the temptation test of thin blood, so that Tanjiro and his sister were able to stay in the Demon Slayer Squad.

Then, the three little ones began to receive physical recovery training, and mastered the new skill "Comprehensive Breathing·Changzhong".

In the end, the three little ones and Nezuko who was staying in the box received the mission, and they will go to the next mission together with Yanzhu, the infinite train.

After reading the fifth and sixth volumes,

Su Youming had to admire "Ogishi Kutori Fu"'s plot structure ability.

Especially in Spider Mountain, the younger brother is the strongest "ghost" design, which really surprised her.

According to the plot trend of traditional comics,

The boss of the "Spider Mountain Chapter" was tired and should be beheaded by the protagonist Tanjiro, but the author didn't play his cards according to common sense. Instead, he asked Yoshiyuki Tomioka to show up and kill him instantly.

Su Youming asked herself

Ask, I can't conceive such a plot no matter what...

"The gap is so big..."

And the gap is not only reflected in the story.

This is even more so in terms of painting skills.

When Su Youming saw Shanyi perform "Thunderbolt and Flash Six-in-One", the expressive power of the picture could be called an explosion!

The eye-popping sense of speed and sharpness is ready to come out!

And when it comes to Tanjiro, the author is able to fully demonstrate the "combination of rigidity and softness" of the breath of water through his fine and superb painting skills!

Su Youming could only shake her head for a while, feeling ashamed.

Just when Su Youming was going to read the seventh and eighth volumes in one sitting.

On the panel computer, a series of group message reminders came.

So Su Youming had no choice but to take a look first to see what nonsense they were talking about if they weren't watching "Ghost Slayer".

As the screen lit up, messages appeared in front of her eyes:

['No money for food': Damn! I just finished reading the fifth and sixth volumes! It’s too hot! Especially the fifth volume! There are many twists and turns in the plot, and the painting skills are even more amazing! Not to mention anything else,

Just fighting makes me feel so good!]

['Slightly fat girl with a weight of 250': Yes! And this time she also showed more breathing techniques! It's amazing! I really want to take the author's head off! Look inside

What are they all?! Why can’t I think of such a wonderful setting!]

['Pacific Rim Licking Dog': It looks good! It’s really good! And the sixth volume that follows it is relaxed, and the rhythm is very good! It won’t make people tense all the time!

It's funny and easy!】

['Midnight Open House Backgammon': So, after reading these two volumes, I actually have a suggestion. Do you want to change the bet just now? Change it to within two days, "

Can Ghost Slayer surpass "Moon Night", how?"


After seeing what this group of friends said, Su Youming, who was still immersed in the story of "Ghost Slayer", immediately had black lines on his forehead.

Although, she admits that she is no better than "Ogishi Kudori Fu";

The quality of "Moon Night" is far inferior to "Ghost Slayer".

But if you say that "Ghost Slayer" can surpass "Moon Night" in two days,

Isn't that a little too contemptuous?

I don't know why,

In Su Youming's heart, a small fire suddenly flared up.

Even, she admits that "Ghost Slayer" is very good!

But the clay figurine is still angry!

You are a genius yourself!

How can you be so disrespected by others?

"Only two days, maybe two days!"

Su Youming encouraged herself in her heart,

"As long as "Moon Night" can be subscribed within two days and the subscription is not surpassed by "Ghost Slayer", I will win!"

With such a "last stand" mentality.

Su Youming put down the tablet,

Click on the panel again.

Prepare to continue reading at the end of the sixth volume and the beginning of the seventh volume.

but just this one glance,

After that, Su Youming fell completely.

ps: Thank you!! See the old men here! You are my angels! Thank you!!!

Then continue to beg to subscribe! It's too poor!

The poor are walking on the road now, and when they see girls, they don't have the courage to look at them, because they are miserable.

Another update at 7pm!.

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