Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 71: "Infinite Train" Explodes In Popularity! Whole Network: Wu Mi, Get Out And Bas

Chapter 71: The popularity of "Infinite Train" is exploding! The whole network: Wu Mi, get out and bask in the sun!

Before clicking on the seventh and eighth volumes of "Ghost Slayer",

In fact, Su Youming is somewhat confident that she can hold on to the "ranking position" and repel the "offensive" of "Ghost Slayer" within two days.


After reading the entirety of "Infinity Train", she no longer had such thoughts.


Su Youming is still lying on the bed,

In the eye circles, tears were rolling down.

half an hour ago,

She once saw that man named "Purgatory Xingshou Lang" bought all the bento directly in order to take care of the business of the old lady selling bento next to the train station.

Then I saw him treat everyone tenderly when he was in the car, carefully teaching the protagonist group about the knowledge of breathing methods-.

And every time he eats a bento, he will shout "delicious-", very cute.

In the subsequent plot, Su Youming saw that Purgatory Xingshoulang entered the dreamland because of the blood ghost technique in his body.

Seeing him excitedly report to his father about the past when he became Zhu;

In order to encourage his younger brother, he said the phrase "He said it is meaningless. However, my enthusiasm will not disappear because of this, the flame in my heart has never disappeared, and I will not be frustrated easily!";

This is how gentle, kind, and strong-hearted, like the sun, shining and warming everyone's Yanzhu Xingshoulang!

But soon, the story after that took a sharp turn!

At the time when Yan Zhu made a strong move, cooperated with the three little ones, beheaded Xia Xianyi, and resolved the crisis of the infinite train.

The sense of oppression is so strong that it explodes in the third, the doghouse suddenly appears!

Yan Zhu immediately started a bloody battle with him!

But the strengths of the two are very different,

After Xing Shoulang was blinded in his left eye, his ribs were broken, and his internal organs were severely injured, he decided to fight to the death with the strongest move.

Persevering is still not the opponent of the kennel.

The body was also pierced by the opponent's punch.

But even so, Xing Shoulang still didn't give up, he gave up his life, and with his last strength, he firmly held Yiwozuo's arms, trying to drag him until dawn!

It's a pity that Yiwozuo directly broke his arms and ran away before the sun rose.

This moment.

Su Youming stared at the illusory screen in front of her,

Looking at the optimistic, cheerful, gentle, and kind man, dragging his mutilated body, facing the east, half kneeling on the ground,

Although he was on the verge of death, he still smiled and said to Tanjirou:

【I will die soon,

[I have to finish speaking while I can still speak, so listen carefully.

【I hope you will tell my younger brother Senshouro to follow his own ideas and do what he thinks is right.

[Stove door boy, pig-headed boy, yellow-haired boy, you must continue to grow, and in the future, you will be the pillars supporting the Ghost Slayer Squad.

[I believe, believe in you. 】

At the last moment, when he was dying, he seemed to see his gentle mother, and couldn't help asking:


【Have I done my duty?

[What should be done, what should be done, have I done it?]

Mother smiled and responded:

【You did very well. 】

after listening,

The belated morning light finally fell on his face, Yanzhu Purgatory Xingshoulang passed away with a smile in the breeze.


After seeing this scene, the tears in Su Youming's eyes could no longer be stopped, dripping down from both sides of her cheeks.

A great sadness enveloped her in an instant.

For a long, long time, there hasn't been a comic that made her cry.

but at the moment,

Su Youming couldn't control her emotions,

She has long been completely attracted and immersed in the two-volume plot of "Blade of Ghost Slayer".


After another full five minutes, she still couldn't help but think of the scene where Xiangshou died at the end.

Will remember him burning all night,

But it is tragic before the dawn!


After more than ten minutes, Su Youming let out a long breath, and then she calmed down, walked out of the story, and brought herself back to reality.

And right now, think about the "ruthless words" I secretly said half an hour ago,

Su Youming couldn't help laughing.

Just based on the two volumes of "Infinity Train" tonight... "Ghost Slayer", I am afraid that it will not only take one day to overtake myself and reach the top of the serial subscription list, right?

"Forget it, my "Moon Night" can be compared with works like "Ghost Slayer"...it is already very good!"

don't you see,

How many Erjue comics are there?

How many books can be compared with "Ghost Slayer"?

in a sense,

This is actually a kind of "honor"!

After thinking of this, Su Youming's mood, which was quite low just now, suddenly improved a lot.

She couldn't help touching her chin, and said to herself: "Well, this person really has to learn to think from multiple perspectives!

"Look, I feel so much happier since changing the angle!"

As expected of me, Su Youming, you are truly a witty group~

Then, Su Youming also came to the book review area by the way, wanting to see how the readers react now.

Then, her field of vision was completely filled with dense and endless comments!

[01:17, where are you, Xiaoju, Xiaoju{ahhhh!! I can’t accept it, I can’t accept it, Zhu, Zhu|Why did you die?! How did you die!! Fighting all night!! Burning all night ! But died when the sun was rising!】

[01:17, 'Jiuzhuan Dachang eat or not': I fainted from crying...Big brother! My big brother!!! He is so kind! So gentle! So cute! He is so kind to everyone around him! !How did you die?!! Author! Is your heart made of stone?! How can you bear it!!]

[01:17, "So that you will no longer be sad": Xing Shoulang! He is so pure and passionate! My heart should be full of sadness and powerlessness. But the strange thing is that this time, although I was sad, I was not so pessimistic.

【I think it's the big brother's personality that affects my feelings. He is so dazzling and gentle, warming everyone around him like a flame, even the deathly gray ending was dyed red!]


[01:30, 'You look like a dog': In the "Judgment" before, I saw my elder brother propose to kill Nezuko. At that time, I thought he was quite annoying, and he kept talking loudly after the end, which was a bit annoying !But now.....I was wrong, big brother, I was wrong! You are the best person I have ever met! You...shouldn’t just leave like this!]

[01:30, 'I have nothing to say to you': To be reasonable...I am not an emotional person. When I saw my brother fight to the last moment, I actually didn't want to cry... But he left with a smile at the end... Alas, everyone is waiting for the sun to rise, and I In my heart, he, Yanzhu, and Purgatory Xingshoulang are the sun!]

Su Youming, who had just recovered from her emotions when she saw these cartoon comments, suddenly had a sore nose again,

The readers' words are actually her heartfelt words,

Seeing it now, it is inevitable to resonate.

Fortunately, the following comments are not so sensational:

【01:30, ten dreams in the daytime, Guess Suozuo!!! I'm going to kill you!!! And that dog market without misery!! Hantian, your family!!! Get out and let me bask in the sun! !!!】

【01:30,'Meteor Passing Gap': Upstairs +1, no misery!! Grass mud horse!! Come out to bask in the sun!! Then, I want to borrow a sentence from Tanjiro!! Mr. Purgatory did not lose!! Big brother! No loss!!]

[01:30, 'The spring moon won't come': That's right! Big brother didn't lose!! Big brother didn't lose! No misery! You son of a bitch! Waterma Day, your whole family!! Get out and bask in the sun!]

[01:30, 'Don't wake up from a frightened dream': I found out that Wu Mi is a real beast! Why doesn't he hurry up and die!!! Return my elder brother back!! Return my elder brother back!! Nothing Miserable!! I wish you a sunbath every day!! You will die of the sun!!]

After reading these few comments, Youluo couldn't help but smile.

This is actually what she said in her heart!

"Brother did not lose!!"

"No misery!!! Come out to bask in the sun for my old lady!!!"

Just when Su Youming was wandering in the comment area which was extremely high for Wu Mi, "Han Ma Xing".

A lot of new news notifications from the tablet computer diverted Su Youming's attention from the panel to the "Master Qin Cheng Chuang Comics Exchange Group".

in the past,

Friends in this group will not discuss the plot like the readers of Tianqi.com.

Because everyone is an author,

They often talk about creative aspects such as painting skills, character creation, action design, etc.

Moreover, everyone will be very objective and rational, with little personal emotion involved.

But when Su Youming clicked on the group chat,

But I found out that tonight's "Master Qin Chengchuang Comic Exchange Group" [Nanfeng is completely biased:

['Sleepless': Ahhh!! Yan Zhu is dead?? How could he die? Yan Zhu is such a good person! If he is my real friend, I will die of happiness! He seems like a The sun can illuminate the lives of all of us!】

['Don't make me angry': I didn't expect it either! I feel so uncomfortable now! So uncomfortable! So uncomfortable! Mr. Purgatory!! Although you have passed away, in my heart, you are still alive!!!]

0...... Ask for flowers......

['One more look and it will explode': Damn it! Yan Zhu didn't lose!! He guarded 200 passengers! He guarded the future of the Ghost Slayer Squad! He fulfilled what his mother taught him! With his mortal body, Completed the mission of his life!]


['If you and I were born again': Xing Shoulang! From the beginning to the end, he was bold and frank, determined, and fearless, and carried out his beliefs to the last moment of his life, and his beliefs will surely be taken by the new buds of the Ghost Slayer Squad They pass on. Although there are regrets, but no regrets, this may be the best interpretation of death! He did not lose!]

['Ziweixing Awakened a few times': That's right! Big brother didn't lose!!! And that stupid Wu Mi, what a beast you are!!]

['People have joys and sorrows': I actually celebrate my birthday today. In the past, I had only one birthday wish, which was to be able to write blockbusters. But today, I want to add one more.....Wu Mi, I wish you to be covered by the sun every day!! Dogecoin! Go to hell!!]

Looking at these messages from everyone,

If it wasn't because Su Youming was holding a tablet computer in her hand, she would have thought she was still in the comment area!

And it can make these mage creators who are also cartoonists become so "excited" because of a plot.

Su Youming has been in the group for so long, and this is really the first time I see her.

But think about it...

This is "Ghost Slayer"!

As it should be!

"If it's Pei Liang, I don't know him

Can you draw such a wonderful story?"

For no reason, Su Youming suddenly thought of the gifted student who gave him a headache.

"It should be... not enough." She shook her head silently in her heart.

No matter how talented Pei Liang is, he probably cannot be compared with this "Ogishi Kutori Fu".

Maybe, after a few more years,

The two will have a chance to compete.

"Hey... Or, can I use the fire of "Ghost Slayer" to motivate Pei Liang?"

To let him understand that a good comic can definitely shine, and can bring unimaginable huge benefits to the creator of the mage in just a few days!

And with his talent, he is not inferior to this "Ogishi Kudori Fu"!

"Let him see "Ghost Slayer" with his own eyes, and he should be able to understand that with hard work and training, he can draw comparable works!"

The more Su Youming thought about it, the more she felt that this was feasible.

But soon, she realized a new problem:

"This "Ghost Slayer" is Erjue's work, with Pei Liang Yijue's permission, I can't see it..."

so what should I do now?

"How about... I'll copy the entire "Ghost Slayer"? Tomorrow, I'll show it to everyone in PPT in class?"

In this way, not only can Pei Liang's heart be moved, but he can also explain "Ghost Slayer" by the way, so that other students can learn a lot of knowledge from it!


very good!

Ok, deal!

think about this,

Su Youming didn't plan to go to bed right now.

Jumped up from the bed and sat down at the computer desk,

Follow the boot, open the panel,

I started to look at the original painting of "Ghost Slayer", and got up exactly.

And this copy, it is dawn.

"Huh——finally finished copying the first volume."

Su Youming flicked her wrist. Even with the blessing of "professional talent" and working at full power all night, it was inevitable that she would be exhausted.

After painting,

Su Youming looked at the whitening sky and the rising sun, and suddenly thought of Xing Shoulang again.

The plot of "Infinite Train" last night had a profound impact on her.

Then she shook her head, allowing her thoughts to quickly return to reality, stretched herself, then got up and walked to the bathroom, ready to take a shower.

While walking, he yawned a lot: "Ah——"

Didn't sleep all night, still a little sleepy.


In the hut, Pei Liang was just woken up by the alarm clock, before he could open his eyes, he yawned long.

And the first thing you do when you wake up,

Naturally, according to the usual practice, open the panel and view the data of "Ghost Slayer".

Pei Liang is looking forward to this!

I don't know that after a whole night of fermentation in "Infinite Train",

To what level can the subscription of the entire "Ghost Slayer" be raised?!

ps: Thank you! Kneel down and thank you! Thank you!!! All the old men who have subscribed here! Brother, continue to work hard!

Hope to bring you a better reading experience!

Tomorrow at 7 o'clock, there will be an update! Please subscribe!.

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