Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 93: What Did You Say? ! ! Great God Ogishi Goes Into Battle In Person! Cleared The Last Copy

Chapter 93: What did you say?!! The Ogishi God himself went into battle! Cleared the last dungeon!!

In the office.

The atmosphere at the moment is quite strange,

I saw Wu Guanyue holding the phone, standing there in a daze, unable to utter a word.

He originally thought that the "Qin City Pioneer Squad" was responsible for the last "Conferring the King and Deceitful Dynasty".

But now, according to what Cheng Xiongshan means...it doesn't seem to be the case!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked himself such a question.

And Cheng Xiongshan on the other end of the phone was also stunned.

Right now, he is standing outside a dungeon generation site of Qin City's "Feng Wang Gui Chao",

There is a sea of ​​people here, full of Wuxiu waiting for Wang Sheng, Qin Yanyan and Cheng Miaoyu to win the first pass.

But just after the "first pass announcement" popped up, dozens of seconds later passed, but there was no sign of Wang Sheng and the three of them at all.

This shows that the three are still in the copy!

That means,

The first pass just now was not won by the three of them!

And those who can clear "Feng Wang Gui Chao" a few hours in advance must be powerful, far surpassing Wang Sheng and the others!

But who could it be?

Cheng Xiongshan was surprised and amazed for a moment.

Therefore, he made a special call to Wu Guanyue, thinking that with Mr. Wu's status and identity, he would be able to know the identity of the person who won the first pass immediately!

However, I never expected...

Even Wu Guanyue, a big boss at this level, seems to be in a state of confusion just like himself, not understanding what's going on.

"This..." Wu Guanyue pinched the phone in his hand, his eyes fixed.

At this moment, he tried to find such a thing in his mind!

a mighty,

The two-jue powerhouse who was able to pass the "Finishing the King and Deceiving Dynasty" for the first time several hours earlier than Cheng Miaoyu and the other three!

However, according to the lists reported by various cities in the past few days,

There is no one who meets this requirement!

Wang Sheng + Qin Yanyan + Cheng Miaoyu are already the strongest three in the "Ghost Slayer" system, or in Jiangbei's entire Erjue martial arts!

If you want to be so much stronger than the three of them...they can only be strong people from the Democratic Party and above.

But the dungeon "limit height not limit" Sanjue and the martial arts on the 21st, there is no way to enter the "conquerable dynasty"!

"Then this is..." Wu Guanyue stood there motionless like a stone sculpture.

The brain is running fast, but there is no clue.

However, after all, Wu Guanyue deserves to be the chairman of the "Provincial Federation of Trade Unions".

So much experience, so much knowledge!

After a while of thinking,

A rather bold idea suddenly popped into his mind!

"Xiaocheng...... I seem to know who is ahead of Xiaoyu and the others, and in such a short period of time, they have made the first pass of 'Feng Wang Gui Chao'!"

Wu Guanyue said with shortness of breath.

"Mr. Wu! Have you got an idea?! Who could he, or they be?!" Cheng Xiongshan hurriedly asked.

However, Wu Guanyue did not directly express what was in his mind, but first analyzed it: "It stands to reason that there are only three martial arts practitioners in the province, Xiaoyu and the others, who have the strength to pass the 'Conferring the King and Deceitful Dynasty'.

"The one who was able to pass the copy four or five hours earlier than the three of them.

"It should also be the "Ghost Slayer" system, and its strength far exceeds the three of them!"

"But..." Cheng Xiongshan was puzzled, "Xiaoyu and his two friends were the first to purchase the "Ghost Slayer" system, relying on the 'preferred rewards', leading everyone along the way.

"It doesn't make sense that there are people who are more powerful than them!"

"No... In fact, theoretically speaking, there is another person who is far stronger than the three of them!" When Wu Guanyue said this, he stopped being tricky and immediately gave the answer,

"That's the author of the "Ghost Slayer" system!

"That mage-creator whose pseudonym is 'Ogishi Kudori'!"

As soon as this remark came out,

Cheng Xiongshan's gasping voice suddenly came from the microphone:

"Yeah...how did I forget him!"

Since martial arts and mage creation are two completely different professions, and mage creation almost never downloads copies.

Therefore, when they think, they always subconsciously exclude the creator.

But in fact........

The mage-creator who can get countless martial arts "draw" rewards under his own system is the strongest existence in this system, and he is ahead of other martial arts!

"That is to say..." Cheng Xiongshan suddenly said, "The one who just completed the first pass of 'Fengwang Guichao'...is actually 'Ogishi Kutorifu' himself?!"

"That's right." Wu Guanyue nodded, "Other than that, there is no other possibility."

"But..." Cheng Xiongshan's tone was full of doubts, "Isn't the mage creator usually not downloading dungeons himself? Then why does he..."

It might be because of Jiangbei!" Wu Guanyue answered the conversation, his eyes full of admiration, I think about it, this Mr. Wei An.

"In the beginning, the creation of "Ghost Slayer" was not just to deal with the dungeons of ghosts and shadows that just appeared?

"Afterwards, the dungeon suddenly mutated, and he spared no effort to compress the plot forcibly, and continued to explode for 17 hours!

"Now, he even found out that the martial arts cultivators might not be able to clear the 'King of the King' before the dungeon mutated, so he chose to do it himself.

"From the beginning to the end! One pile, one piece is light!!

"Which one was not done by Mr. Wei An for the sake of the whole Jiangbei!

"Sir, he cares about Jiangbei, he doesn't ask for anything, and he doesn't ask for anything in return!

"It's no exaggeration to call him a 'National Scholar' for such an act of righteousness!"

The more Wu Guanyue said, the more excited he became.

That is to say, he doesn't know who this "Ogishi Kutori Fu" is now, otherwise, he must thank him face to face and pay respects with great gifts!

"Listening to Mr. Wu's words.....it's really the case!" After Cheng Xiongshan realized it, he also had a strong sense of admiration for this "Ogishi Kutori Fu", and said,

"This gentleman really has righteousness in his heart. It is really a blessing for me, Jiangbei, to have such a great talent!"

"Oh, what a pity!" Wu Guanyue suddenly sighed softly, "It's a pity that the identity of the gentleman is unknown, and we can't express our gratitude to him.

"How about that!

"In order to repay Mr.'s great kindness, I decided to post a letter of thanks in the name of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions on the Provincial Master Forum!

"We must let the whole province know about Mr.

"By the way, not only the mage creation forum, but also the martial arts forum must be settled!

"Mister's righteous deed deserves the admiration of all of us!"

"Well! Just do what Mr. Wu said!" Cheng Xiongshan nodded repeatedly on the other end of the phone.

"By the way." When Wu Guanyue said this, as if he suddenly remembered something, he said, almost forgot.

"Your daughter Xiaoyu, as well as Xiao Wang and Xiao Qin, also performed brilliantly in this 'Ghost Shadow Dungeon Crisis' and played an extremely important role.

"Now, on behalf of the Provincial President, I would like to express my gratitude to the three little comrades!

"At the same time, the Provincial Headquarters will also take out 60 million yuan as a reward for the three people. I will send the money to the account of your city's trade union union first.

"Whenever you see is suitable, just distribute the bonus to the three people.

"By the way, Xiao Cheng, you have also played an irreplaceable role in the process of coping with the crisis. Let's see when you are free. Come to the governor. I will entertain you personally, old man.

"Don't dare to dare to dare to act! Mr. Wu, you are absurd!" On the other end of the phone, Cheng Xiongshan's tone was humble, but his face was dying of laughter.

It is really not easy to get such praise from Mr. Wu!

Then, after chatting for a while,

Cheng Xiongshan finally hung up the phone in great excitement and joy.

While being happy, he couldn't help but recall the "Ogishi Kutori Fu" who was praised by Mr. Wu.

For this person, Cheng Xiongshan has only two words:


On the one hand, all they did was for the sake of Jiangbei, without asking for anything in return!

It can be said that the "Ghost and Shadow Dungeon Crisis" in Jiangbei can be finally resolved, and this "Ogishi Kudori Fu" should at least account for 80%, or even 90% of the credit!

On the other hand, it's his talent that really explodes!

For others, even if they have this thought, their strength is far from reaching it, so they can only worry on the sidelines.

"Sigh, Jiangbei has such a great talent, but we don't even know his real name, what a pity, what a pity!"

After a sigh.

Cheng Xiongshan finally turned his attention to the illusory light gate not far away.

"Xiaoyu and the others are still in the dungeon... probably won't be able to come out for a while."

...The dungeon stipulates that when someone enters it, they will not be able to learn any other news except for "drop rewards".

Therefore, Wang Sheng and the others couldn't see the "first pass announcement" like other people, so they didn't know that the "Feng Wang Gui Dynasty" had been first passed.

And according to the speed at which they passed the dungeon before, Cheng Xiongshan reckoned that it would take several hours before the three of them could get out of the dungeon.

"Forget it, it's just a waste of time." He murmured to himself.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Xiongshan shifted his gaze to the thousands of martial artists who were still waiting at the scene.

These martial artists all came to stop the "mutated monster" earlier, according to the order issued by the provincial president.

Right now, all the dungeons have been cleared, and there is no way for monsters to escape.

Then these martial arts should naturally disband in place and go back to their respective homes.

So Cheng Xiongshan immediately shouted: "Everyone!!! Thank you for coming to guard this place for a few days!

"On behalf of the people of Qincheng, thank you all!

"Now all the dungeons have been cleared! Qincheng is safe! Everyone can go home and rest!

"Thanks again!!!"

Cheng Xiongshan originally thought that everyone would disperse immediately after hearing what he said, but unexpectedly, someone suddenly asked loudly:

"Chairman Cheng! Who cleared the last dungeon!

"I looked at the three great gods inside, but they haven't come out yet,

"If it's not them, who is it!

"And didn't you say before that it will take several hours before it is possible to clear it?

"What kind of person can get the first pass so much in advance!"

After the man finished speaking, the surrounding crowd immediately became noisy, asking the same question loudly, as if they all wanted to know the answer.

Actually, since the last copy has already been passed.

The crisis is completely resolved,

As a result, everyone's emotions suddenly relaxed,

In addition, this matter is indeed somewhat beyond imagination,

That's why everyone was full of curiosity and wanted to find out the reason.

Seeing this, Cheng Xiongshan did not hide anything, and directly announced the answer to the public:

"I actually don't know what happened.

"But after ruling out other possibilities, there is only one answer left.

"It's the mage creator of the "Ghost Slayer" system, who personally took action and opened up the last sub-dungeon!"

Cheng Xiongshan's voice fell,

Immediately, various exclamations erupted at the scene:

"I'll go! No wonder! It turned out that Master Chuang personally ended up!!!"

"It's not about creativity

Masters basically don’t download dungeons? Because for them, the benefits of downloading dungeons are extremely low!”

"But this sorcerer must be worried that the dungeon will mutate and affect the entire Jiangbei! That's why he made a move! Cleared the last dungeon with the highest difficulty!"

"They not only created the "Ghost Slayer" system for Jiangbei! Now it's even for Jiangbei, and I'm going to draw pictures in person! Tears! Tears!!"

"I'm really thankful to that sorcerer! If he hadn't made the last move, when the dungeon really mutated, some of us would have been injured or killed!"

"Thank you, thank you!! Since this is the case, we won't wait any longer, we will withdraw!"

"Let's go! Go home! The crisis is over! Have a drink to celebrate!!"

talking room,

Thousands of martial artists left quickly,

But within ten minutes, Cheng Xiongshan was the only one left here.

We are here to wait for Wang Sheng and the others.

five hours later.

7 p.m.

In the dungeon of Feng Wang Gui Chao!

The final boss of level 60 "Destroying Dark Ghost Emperor" is screaming up to the sky!

An astonishing aura erupted from his whole body, and the sense of oppression was extremely strong!

"Sister Cheng! Yanyan!"

Wang Sheng, who was covered in wounds, clenched the Sun Wheel Knife tightly in his hand, and reminded the two people beside him, "I saw with the penetrating world that there are three crystal nuclei in his body!

"We, 393, have to use the strongest means at the same time to smash the three crystal nuclei together!"

While speaking, spots appeared on Wang Sheng's forehead, and the Sun Wheel Knife in his hand turned red in an instant, turning into a "He Knife" form!

Wang Sheng raised his strength to the peak!

Only for the next blow to be able to kill this final boss in one fell swoop!

no way!

This "Dark Ghost Emperor" is really too strong!

The three of them teamed up to besiege and fought for a full three hours before finally finding this perfect opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop!

"Okay!" Qin Yanyan and Cheng Miaoyu responded in unison, and at the same time activated Zebra, He Dao, and Transparent World!

next second!

Three figures came out together, and each erupted with the strongest move!


Kill the "Dark Ghost Emperor" on the spot!

"It's done! It's done!!" Wang Sheng was so excited that he almost jumped up from the spot with joy.

Qin Yanyan at the side felt relieved.

Cheng Miaoyu also let out a long sigh of relief: "It should be the first pass before the mutation, I hope the monster won't come out!"

"That's for sure!" Wang Sheng patted his chest, "With me here, what dungeon can't be beaten?!"

Then he said excitedly:

"This time! This time! Everyone will remember my achievements!

"And I am undoubtedly the great hero who saved Qincheng and Jiangbei!

"Hahaha! Fans, here I come!"

As Wang Sheng said, he also put on a posture of twisting his waist and swaying his hips, "Yeah! I'll go out later, I'll jump forward first, and then use this look, I'm sure to shock the audience!"

At this moment, he has already begun to imagine himself being cheered and praised by countless martial artists.

that feeling


In the next second, three beams of light lit up.

The three of them also disappeared in the dungeon together, and when they reappeared, they had already returned to the real world.

And as soon as he felt himself returning to reality, Zhu Sheng couldn't wait to jump out of the beam of light.

He raised his hands high, posing in the shape he designed in advance, twisted his waist to his heart's content, raised his arms and shouted:

"Fans!!! Here I come!!! Cheer up! Scream up!! Ooooh! Everybody! Get up!"


Completely different from the expected result.

The whole field...except for the three of them, and Cheng Xiongshan who was looking at him with a cigarette in his mouth not far away, how could there be any other figures?

"get high……………"

"stand up"



Only Wang Sheng's voice echoed around.


Wang Sheng looked around dully, his whole face collapsed in an instant, "Where is the person?"

What about fans?

Why is there not even one of them!!!


ps: I beg you to have a great recommendation today!!! I tipped 4300 yesterday! All the manuscript fees for one month went in! Gentlemen, thank you for subscribing! Thank you very much!

There will be an update at 12 noon!!!.

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