Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 94: Celebration Banquet! Come On, Let's Toast Together! Thank You 'Ogishi Kudori F

Chapter 94: Celebration Banquet! Come, let's toast together! Thank you 'Ogishi Kudori'!

at the moment,

In this empty and uninhabited field.

Wang Sheng maintained the shape of raising his hands high, as if he had been acupunctured, and stood there motionless, with a frozen smile on his face, as if he was a humanoid sculpture.

And not far in front of Wang Sheng,

Cheng Xiongshan, who was looking at him, was dumbfounded,

The cigarette butt caught between his fingers is almost burning to his fingers...

He still couldn't figure it out, what was Wang Sheng doing all of a sudden...why?

This extremely awkward atmosphere was finally broken until Cheng Miaoyu appeared from the beam of light behind Wang Sheng.

"Dad, when did you come? Where are the other people here?" She looked around for a week and found that there was no one here, so she couldn't help asking.

According to the normal situation, shouldn't all the martial arts practitioners stand by in place to prevent the dungeon from mutating, so that they can stop the monsters in time?

"Oh, it's like this..." Gan Xiongshan threw the cigarette out decisively before it burned his fingers, and then explained the whole story,

......So, five hours ago, after the "Conferring the King and Deceitful Dynasty" was first passed by the mage creator,

"I let these martial artists go home.

"And I'll be here waiting for you until you just come out.

"That's probably how it went."

"So that's how it is." Cheng Miaoyu blinked her big beautiful eyes, nodded for a while, and exclaimed softly, "I didn't expect this mage creator to write the book himself...it's also thanks to him.

"We did waste a lot of time here.

"If it hadn't been for him to make a move...the dungeon might have mutated!"

"Yeah... If it wasn't for him, how many casualties and losses would have been caused! We should really thank such a mage creator!" Qin Yanyan dragged Wang Sheng, who was still in the "petrochemical" state, to come, and said with emotion.

"Indeed, I should thank him! But this time, it's also thanks to you!" Cheng Xiongshan looked at Qin Yanyan approvingly, "If you hadn't worked so hard before to get through so many sub-duplicates

"The crisis in Jiangbei cannot be resolved so quickly."

As he said that, he shifted his gaze to Wang Sheng, and couldn't help asking curiously: "This Xiao Wang...did he receive any stimulation when he was in the dungeon just now?"

In the past, there were often cases where Wuxiu encountered some terrifying monsters in dungeons and was frightened into a mental disorder.

Thinking carefully about Wang Sheng's mental state when he came out of the beam of light just now, and his face full of lovelessness, there was such a huge contrast in just two or three seconds... Cheng Xiongshan reasonably suspected that the other party was most likely stimulated by something!

"We have a special psychotherapist over there...Looking at Xiao Wang's appearance, it seems to be quite serious...Do you want to send it to me for treatment?"

Cheng Xiongshan asked seriously,

In his opinion, if a young man as outstanding as Wang Sheng has some mental problems, it would be a big loss!

"Uh.....No need.....Uncle Cheng...he's fine, I'll just persuade him." Qin Yanyan knew that Wang Sheng had failed to pretend and was hit too hard, so she became like this. She waved her hands again and again, politely rejecting Cheng Xiongshan.

"Ah? Really?" Cheng Xiongshan looked at Wang Sheng suspiciously.

"Really, if you don't believe me, let me try it!" After Qin Yanyan finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Wang Sheng, and said, "Old Wang, Lao Wang, you want to open a little.

"Isn't it because no one witnessed your first pass through this dungeon?

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, we have already timed out in the dungeon this time!

"If there are really many people here, wouldn't it be a joke? What a fart to witness! It's just that the great master cleared this dungeon for us.

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to wait for you to come out again? You can't pretend to be coercive at all!

"Do you see if this makes sense?"

"After listening to what Qin Yanyan said, Wang Sheng's gloomy pupils finally recovered gradually, then nodded and murmured, "It seems...that's really the case...

"Hiss——Yanyan, you are right!

"No...it should be very right!

"Thanks to that great god! Otherwise, I would be ashamed today!"

The more Wang Sheng spoke, the louder he was, and in the end he slapped his thigh violently, and the whole person was "resurrected on the spot".

And this scene also stunned Cheng Xiongshan on the side!

Co-author... At first, the child suddenly jumped out of the beam of light, and even posed for a pose. It turned out to be pretending... Then he was very disappointed, because the pretending failed...

Speaking of it this way... Cheng Xiongshan suddenly felt...it seemed more necessary to take Wang Sheng to see a psychiatrist...

But in the end, he still didn't say these words, and turned to the two of them:

"By the way, in order to celebrate the end of the crisis, I specially asked someone to arrange a celebration banquet at the hotel.

"Get in the car now, I'll take you there now.

"Then, the Provincial Headquarters also specially approved a large amount of bonuses, which will be given to you as a reward."

"Rich?!" Qin Yanyan regained her spirits immediately, "Then Uncle Cheng, what are we waiting for? Get in the car!"

And Wang Sheng's eyes also brightened: "Celebration banquet? Uncle Cheng! Is there a lot of people... and then you have to preach my heroic deeds in front of everyone?"

"Uh......not many people...just some staff members of our City Guild Alliance..." Cheng Xiongshan explained hesitantly.

Wang Sheng immediately felt uncomfortable, but finally he smiled, "It's okay... just have people watching!"

After getting in the car.

Wang Sheng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was not idle either, so he turned his head and asked Cheng Xiongshan who was driving: "Uncle Cheng, I have a very good friend.

"For this celebration banquet, can I invite him?"

"Of course there is no problem." Cheng Xiongshan responded with a smile, "Don't mention one, you can find ten more, twenty will do."

There is no more than one mouth left and right,

How could their city trade union federation be so stingy and refuse the request of a great hero like Wang Sheng?

"Thank you, Uncle Cheng!" After Wang Sheng thanked him with a smile on his face, he immediately took out his phone, clicked on the V letter, and in the "Three Great Beasts" group, Aite Pei Liang:

【Wang Sheng:@ Pei Liang[Old Pei! Hurry up! Put on your clothes and come out for a big meal!】


In the hut, Pei Liang, who was about to cook instant noodles for a bite, became interested instantly after seeing Wang Sheng's news:

【Pei Liang: Old Wang, what's the situation? Aren't you guys brushing dungeons? Why do you suddenly want to eat a big meal?】

[Wang Sheng: The dungeon is over!! Although it has nothing to do with us in the end... But the City Trade Union Alliance still held a celebration banquet for us. I thought that you eat instant noodles every day, which is not healthy, so I thought you would come here together, let's have a big meal!

[How is it? Brother, is it interesting enough!]

【Pei Liang: Mrs. Mrs. is so interesting!!! Ma De! You finally know how to honor your father!! Dad is very happy!】

【Wang Sheng: You bitch!!! You're taking advantage of me again! I'm going to fight you!!!】


When Pei Liang took a taxi to the restaurant named "Longxuanju" that Wang Shengfa was in the group,

It is already half an hour later.

Should I say it or not.

The city guild alliance is still very popular!

In my impression,

"Longxuanju" is the top three restaurants in the city, with per capita consumption of 800+!

If the original owner's economic conditions are used, it is estimated that he will not go there once in his life.

After going upstairs and coming to the private room,

Pei Liang saw Wang Sheng, Yanyan, and Cheng Miaoyu sitting on the main table at a glance.

As for the middle-aged man with extraordinary temperament sitting next to Cheng Miaoyu, Pei Liang didn't know him, but this person looked at Cheng Miaoyu's face, which was quite imaginative, and there was a high probability that he was Cheng Miaoyu's father.

And the entire private room is not very big, only about four tables are set up when it is full.

Therefore, when Pei Liang appeared from the door, Wang Sheng also saw the good brother at the first sight [then waved his hands repeatedly: "Old Pei! Here! This heart!! Come quickly! There is a place for you!"

"Here we come!" Pei Liang briskly walked to the seat between Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan.

Before he had time to sit down, he saw a middle-aged man who was suspected to be Cheng Miaoyu's father and greeted him: "Oh, this is Pei Liang, right?!

"Looking is really a talent! Tall and handsome!

"Sure enough, people of a feather flock together, and things form a group.

"Talents and friends like Xiao Wang and Xiao Qin are also so good!"

I'm going to Uncle! You are so accurate! Pei Liang is very comfortable being praised, even though he knows it's just a polite remark, he is still very happy when he returns.

As the saying goes, if you don't wear it for a thousand times, you don't wear it for flattery.

Pei Liang is not a saint, how can he not be happy when he is praised fiercely as soon as he meets him?

After listening to Wang Sheng's introduction, Pei Liang knew that the middle-aged man in front of him who was very talkative was really Cheng Miaoyu's father and also the chairman of the City Trade Union Federation.

Its name is Cheng Yanshan.


According to the process of the "Celebration Banquet", Cheng Xiongshan, the leader, came to the stage to speak, and expressed his gratitude to Wang Sheng and others.

Then, the 60 million bonus from the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was distributed to Wang Sheng, Qin Yanyan, and Cheng Yu in public.

After getting the 20 million yuan, Qin Yanyan was so happy that she almost fainted.

Wang Sheng was equally happy from ear to ear... not because of the money, but because everyone applauded and praised him at the call of Cheng Xiongshan.

(Mowang's) After these processes are completed,

Cheng Xiongshan did not step off the stage, but continued to hold the microphone and said to everyone:

"Actually, today's celebration banquet is not just for Xiao Wang and Xiao Qin.

"There is another great hero, he did not come to the scene!

"Actually, it's inappropriate to call him a hero. In my opinion, he should be called the benefactor of Qin Cheng and even Jiangbei!

"Speaking of this, I think everyone should already know who I'm talking about.

"That's right, it's Mr. Sanbird Foo!

"If it weren't for him, the 'Ghost Shadow Dungeon Crisis' in the entire Jiangbei would not have been resolved so smoothly!

What a pity! We don't know his identity, not even whether he is a man or a woman!

"But I think we still have to express our gratitude to him!

"So I propose! All of us, give a toast to Mr. Ogishi Kudori!

"Thank you for his selfless dedication to Jiangbei!"

After Cheng Xiongshan finished speaking, everyone raised their glasses, Dou:

"Thank you Mr. Ogishi Kudori!"

Pei Liang is naturally among them.

After speaking, he immediately drank the orange juice in the glass every day.

In my heart I said silently:


"Why does this picture look so familiar?"

Where have you seen it?

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