Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 388 The truth behind the sudden change in the timeline comes to light

These people fought against Thanos in more than 14 million futures, and they won at least once. However, when the Supreme Mage Ancient One challenged his own destiny, he probably never won.

Therefore, the teacher in the future of parallel time and space was killed by his apprentice so casually. The teacher who had the Eye of Agamotto and could see the future had no defense at all and was too lazy to hide.

Probably too lazy to continue acting.

After all, it may have been played tens of billions or hundreds of billions of times, and this scene is already very familiar.

No matter how hard you struggle, you will eventually die. What a terrible thing that is.

And that mysterious force can directly condense the tens of billions and hundreds of billions of future endings emitted by his teacher into a timeline, strangling countless possible future lives. That is no longer a question of whether it is strong or not. Yes, it is simply an incredible existence.

And what her teacher said about getting tired of living, or that she was afraid of being corroded by dark energy, was even more nonsense. She had been absorbing this dark energy for hundreds of years. What happened to her?

At this time, he began to realize a little bit. It turned out that the timeline was like this, and was the movement of time like this?

"So when we came to the endgame, the catastrophes they caused when they traveled through time and space were helped to solve and wiped out. But if we traveled through time and space without authorization, it would cause a new timeline, or many other problems caused by it. , what should we do if we are cut off?" Captain Rogers was silent for a moment, and then said. "Don't forget, we are not the protagonists, we don't have the halo of protagonists!"

After everyone thought about it, it seemed that it was indeed the case. People without the aura of the protagonist are so humble.

Then they saw the future ending where Tony Stark put on makeup to look like a special force and sneaked in.

Then they saw a very familiar scene. Alexander Pierce heard the news and came in person to intercept the psychic scepter. Of course, everyone did not agree.

The only difference is that there is no scene where Nick Fury comes in person, which is probably where the timeline is different.

At this time, Tony Stark asked Ant-Man Scott to rip off the wires of the Ark Reactor on Tony Stark's chest, causing him to faint. Then they saw Tony Stark in the finale. In the chaos, the suitcase containing the space gem was successfully taken away.

"Holy shit, it was actually because of this..." At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark suddenly realized that he also had problems when he was confronting Alexander Pierce, and the same confusion arose.

Although unlike the variants in other timelines, he was not kidnapped in Afghanistan and had an Ark Reactor installed on his chest, but he was still stunned when the wires of the Ark Reactor were cut. .

At that time, he still couldn't figure out what happened, but now he understood where the problem was.

Obviously, it's all the Avengers from the future who did it.

Everyone also reacted. They were still speculating just now whether the Avengers of Endgame would appear in this timeline when they were fighting the Battle of New York.

No need to look now, there must have been Avengers of Endgame, and some actions were taken behind the scenes.

However, they don't know whether those people in the future will succeed or not, because according to the physical laws of the quantum realm, when the opponent comes to New York to fight, it only takes a moment to return the gems.

"The reason why the me in Endgame was able to get so close without being discovered by me is probably not because of the good invisibility technology, but because he invaded Jarvis!" Tony Stark said.

In just a flash of lightning, he suddenly thought of where the problem might lie.

There is no doubt that, based on what he knows about Jarvis, this is definitely possible, because this is not a hacker invasion, or something similar to the Ultron invasion.

Because the other party also has the same permissions.

As for Jarvis's authority, he is of course the first authority, and Pepper Pepper is only the second authority.

Therefore, if it is the self in the future Endgame, he will automatically obtain the authority of the first authority person.

If under this authority, he ordered Jarvis not to disclose information, Jarvis would definitely not tell it unless he asked, because both of them have the same authority.

To Jarvis, they were basically the same person, and they didn't even feel like they were different people.

It was equivalent to him ordering Jarvis not to reveal some information about the Avengers to him. Naturally, Jarvis would not take the initiative to bring it up because there was no order.

So this is why, on the surface, Jarvis seems to have strong artificial intelligence, but in fact, he is still weak artificial intelligence, without independent judgment based on his own will.

Of course, if there is really a judgment based on his own will, then Tony Stark will feel terrible, and then Jarvis will really no longer be able to stay.

Even if he still has feelings for Jarvis, it is only artificial intelligence, not a real person, and it must be eradicated.

So even though there was such a flaw, he was not surprised.

After all, it's just a weak artificial retardation.

Moreover, I never thought before that I would encounter the situation of two selves, and that I would encounter the situation where my future self returns to the present and snatches control of Jarvis from me.

This was a situation he had never dreamed of, a different kind of multiverse-level scenery that could only be seen with the help of Lin Feng's diary.

So he asked directly: "Jarvis, is it true that there is such a future me, and he asked you not to mention it to me?"

Tony Stark understands his own thinking logic very well, so he points out the most critical points at once.

"Yes, sir!" Jarvis didn't hide it. His basic setting was that he couldn't hide it from Tony Stark.

Although he hid things from Tony Stark about the Avengers in the future, from the logic of artificial intelligence, it was not considered concealment.

After all, Tony Stark himself didn't ask, so he just said it.

"Jarvis, starting from today, change the rules of authority. The first person with authority is and can only be me. Even at other points in time, in other parallel time and space, I cannot have the same authority as me. The person with the first authority can only be me at this moment, in the current timeline, and you must tell me what other people with the authority ask you to do," Tony Stark said.

Now that he knew where the loophole was, he naturally had to fix it.

At this time, in the picture, everyone thought that Tony Stark, who came from the future, was about to succeed. When he left in troubled waters, he saw the door on the side open instantly, and he was instantly blasted out. The suitcase also flew out directly.

The Cosmic Cube inside also flew out, and then landed at Loki's feet. Loki also activated the Cosmic Cube to escape without any hesitation.

At this time, the Avengers in the Battle of New York had not yet figured out what happened. They thought Loki had just escaped into the building, and immediately launched a search in the building. They never thought about Loki using the Cube to escape. Don't know where he went.

At this time, everyone also understood why Rogers, the American team in the final game, was found and was confirmed to be Loki after just one glance.

It turns out that Loki had already run away at this time, so Rogers, who was involved in the final battle, was mistaken for Loki, and then there was the famous scene of Rogers vs. Rogers.

"So, this Loki is the Loki who went to the Time Variation Administration." Tony Stark said. "I remember that the beginning of the video of Loki going to the Time Variation Management Bureau is that he used the space gem to escape to the desert of Mongolia, and then was taken away by the Time Variation Management Bureau, and the timeline was reset, right?"

Everyone was thinking about it at this time. Originally, they had not thought about how Loki managed to escape from the timeline and be noticed by the Time Variation Administration.

Now after watching this video, I understand the root of everything. It turns out that the real reason is the result of a series of actions by the Avengers from the future.

Loki eventually escaped and was captured by the Time Variation Authority.

"If this is the case, does that mean that the actions of the future Avengers on that timeline are actually tacitly approved, and the bad impact of Captain vs. Captain on the timeline that we are worried about now actually does not exist at all. , because such a future has been dealt with from the beginning?" Coulson couldn't help but say.

After everyone thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

If this is the case, then their worries are really unfounded.

Although the Endgame Avengers from the future don't know as much as they do, there is a Time Variation Administration behind the accidental collision to help them deal with the problem, which will not cause any fundamental and huge crisis.

"But in our timeline, Loki did not escape!" At this time, Hawkeye Barton suddenly thought of something and said.

"So that means history is different again!" Tony Stark said. "In that timeline, Loki escaped, which would lead to uncontrollable consequences. But in our timeline, Loki didn't escape, so it's another story!"

"Or, in fact, Loki's escape also happened in our timeline, but the branch of the timeline caused by his escape was also cut off?" Natasha, the widowed sister, couldn't help but say something else. a possibility.

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