Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 389 Surprise! The evil version of the Avengers!

If this speculation is true, it is actually quite scary, indicating that they are actually being supervised.

But no matter what, although the Avengers of Endgame have been trying to prevent a new timeline from being born, changing the established facts, and affecting the future, the result is a mess.

"But since everything has been affected anyway, can we gather together from multiple worlds to fight Thanos? It seems good." The widowed sister Natasha said with a slight smile.

Thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case. If multiple Avengers can join forces, the success rate against Thanos will be greatly increased.

The Avengers of one universe cannot defeat Thanos, but what about the Avengers of two universes?

What about three?

What about four?

What about five?

Or even infinitely many?

As they watch and help each other, Thanos seems to be nothing. They can clean up Thanos in one universe and clean them all.

If that were the case, there would be no doubt that everything would be wonderful.

Of course, this is a beautiful fantasy. In fact, it is almost impossible to achieve this step.

How can it be possible to do whatever you want like this?

"It's impossible. The prerequisite for realizing this kind of plan is to have countless timelines, but countless timelines will give birth to countless timeline wars... So this is probably not a feasible way." Bruce Ban Na said. “And countless timelines will also produce countless terrible consequences, and even many evil versions of us will be born.

There may even be a timeline in which Hulk rules the world, a timeline in which Thor rules the world, or Thanos becomes a righteous person in a certain timeline, that is also possible! "

"In the infinite timeline, organizations like the evil Avengers will definitely emerge. By that time, they can tamper with the timeline at will, and they may even plunder resources from other timelines to develop themselves. Do you think it's impossible?" Bruce Banner said. "Didn't we suspect that the future captain actually came from a world ruled by Hydra?"

After everyone thought about it, it was indeed very possible that with the emergence of Pym particles, the Avengers in the future would be able to travel through time and space, indicating that other timelines may also have such abilities.

And with such abilities, it's hard to say what the evil versions of them can do.

Even if you can stick to your true intentions and not rob others, can you still control others from plundering you?

Even the Avengers of Endgame seem to be in the camp of justice, but in order to save their world, they don't care even if it affects the past and creates a new timeline.

"If someone traveled back a few decades and brought you to Hydra when Tony was still young, and then brainwashed you, and when you grew up, you would become a super criminal of Hydra, would you think that? possible?

Just like the Hydra captain Lin Feng wrote in his diary, isn't this essentially how it came about?

Although it may be fake, the possibility exists! "Bruce Banner continued.

He described a terrifying scene, and even said that his scalp was numb as he said that this possibility not only existed, but was also very high.

In the endless timeline, as long as the probability of anything is not zero, it will definitely happen.

When Tony Stark heard this, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. This was not just possible, but very, very possible.

There may even be more than one timeline of selves being brainwashed. The creation of parallel time and space can be endless. At that time, there may even be an infinite number of selves who have been brainwashed into serving Hydra or Thanos. Such a picture, light Just thinking about it made him gasp.

Because once the door to the multiverse is opened, the consequences are no longer within their control.

Things like timelines are really too dangerous for the technology and strength they currently have.

Everyone also understands what Bruce Banner said. Once the timeline starts to increase, along with the increase in the multiverse, a timeline war is almost certain to happen.

Just like the Avengers in Endgame, in the timeline of the battle in New York, they caused such a big thing. Do they care?

not give a damn about!

As long as the world in his own timeline can be saved, he will sacrifice it at all costs.

This "all costs" refers to any other world, or all other timelines, and this is the cruel and cold truth behind the timeline war.

In order to win in the final timeline, everyone has to fight, even if they lose their conscience.

"So once countless Avengers appear, I believe that it will not bring mutual help, but the world will be in chaos. People will not trust each other, and countries will not trust each other unconditionally. Then the same timeline and timeline will not trust each other, don't underestimate the sinisterness of people's hearts!" Bruce Banner said. “Although the actions they take to save their world in the future are very touching, they are very brave and fight desperately to save their world.

But the world they changed and the timeline they changed, I think will be huge problems.

I think everyone should understand why the people in the 838 universe treated such a great hero like Doctor Strange so well.

He saved his own world, but he also caused the destruction of a multiverse. "So it is great to save your own world, but what about other worlds?

In order to save my world, I don't care about your world, this is the truth of the world!

"But our timeline, I am afraid that it has been different since the day Lin Feng arrived, the day Diana arrived, and the day Gwen appeared. We all have to be careful whether we will be erased. "Tony Stark touched his chin and said.

If the Time Variance Administration wants to clean up from the source, it will probably be Lin Feng.

It is not certain how long they can live by then.

However, if they are allowed to die like this, they are also unwilling. They are obviously the same people. Why can their timeline be the only and correct timeline, but their timeline must be wrong?

They are unwilling to accept it!

So the human heart is such a complex and fragile thing, which is the most unable to withstand the test.

At this time, in the picture, the failure of the previous action was enough to make the few people who came here this time quarrel. Except for Dr. Green Bruce Banner who was not here, the three of them had begun to feel headaches.

"What should we do now? "Captain America Rogers didn't know what to say, so he asked immediately. Iron Man Tony Stark was in a headache. He felt like he was hit by a rhino when he was hit by Hulk just now, and the damage was even greater than when Thanos hit him with a satellite. It's not like he had never fought with Hulk before, but that was when he was wearing armor, especially when the anti-Hulk armor was present. Now that he was hit by Hulk in his mortal body, even though Hulk didn't use his full strength, the force caused by just a casual swing was enough to make him feel that his bones were about to break. No, he must have broken bones. He knew for the first time how desperate and powerless ordinary people would be when facing Hulk. That's not a monster-level existence, that guy is just a monster. "Let me slow down, Steve!" Tony Stark said, holding his forehead. "I was just hit on the head by Hulk!" "I said, we only have one chance, this is our only chance! "Ant-Man Scott said excitedly. "If we use it, there will be nothing left! If we can't get it together, it will be a waste!" He almost quarreled with Tony Stark. Compared with others, he was the most annoyed, and it could be seen even through the screen. Among these people, he was the most motivated to rewrite the current tragic reality. He lost his father-in-law's family and even his wife in Thanos's snap. Tony Stark at least still had his lover and daughter by his side, and at most he lost Spider-Man Peter Parker, while Captain America Rogers has always been a lonely man. Well, in fact, he also lost a good friend, the Winter Soldier. But no matter what, no one's loss will be greater than Ant-Man Scott's. They only have one chance, so Ant-Man Scott is the most unacceptable at this time. For them, there is no margin for error, only success, and once they fail, they are really finished. And the people outside the screen also perked up and wanted to see See, how they did it.

After all, if they can collect all five Infinity Stones in the future, they also want to know how they did it.

Especially when they failed completely at the beginning.

Because the Pym particles are only enough to go back and forth once, obviously, if they miss this time point and this opportunity, there is no way.

Loki ran away with the Cosmic Cube. Even if they are willing to mess up the entire timeline, it is useless. If they can't find it, they can't find it.

What should they do next?

The argument between Ant-Man Scott and Tony Stark is still going on. Ant-Man Scott wants to say anxiously that Tony Stark doesn't want to save the world at all, or doesn't want to save the world at all. After all, he lives a perfect life and doesn't need to save the world at all.

But he doesn't know that in the end, the only one who really fought for it was Tony Stark.

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