Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 39: Perfection·Excalibur Thunder Slash

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Lin Qianling nodded slightly: "Go down first and get familiar with the affairs of the Demon Suppression Division in the past few days. There will be a task for you in a few days."

Chang Sheng also immediately left the main hall where Lin Qianling was, followed step by step by his subordinate named Ding Zhenxian.

"Ding Zhenxian?"

"My subordinate is here."

The first time he came into contact with Chang Sheng, Ding Zhenxian seemed a little cautious and responded quickly.

Chang Sheng chuckled: "Don't be so formal. Let's talk about the situation of the Demon Slayer. For example, what is a Silver Demon Slayer?"

Lin Qianling had just appointed herself as a silver medal demon slayer, which sounded very powerful. Chang Sheng had always been concerned about what kind of position this would be.

Ding Zhenxian was very talkative, and after some explanations, Chang Sheng also figured out all the details.

The organizational structure of the Demon Suppression Department is in the shape of a pyramid. From top to bottom, the positions are Baihu, Gold Medal Demon Slayer, Silver Medal Demon Slayer, Bronze Demon Slayer, and Iron Demon Slayer.

The hundred households are Lin Qianling, who is in charge of the entire Jiangbei Town Magic Division.

The Gold Medal Demon Slayer is the middle management of the Demon Suppression Division. There are four Gold Medal Demon Slayers in the Demon Suppression Division. The Gold Medal Demon Slayer has great power, second only to the Hundred Households. Therefore, many people in the Demon Suppression Division are keeping an eye on them. In this position, if you can be promoted to the Innate Realm, or if you have some very special talents, you can hope to become a gold medal demon slayer.

The ones below are the ordinary demon slayers. Most of the ordinary demon slayers are Martial Artists from the Qi and Blood Realm. Most of the Martial Artists who entered the Demon Suppression Division started as iron-branded demon slayers and need to continuously improve and accumulate strength. Contribute and upgrade your level step by step, to a bronze demon slayer, and then to a silver demon slayer.

If you break through the Innate Realm, you can even be promoted to a gold medal demon slayer!

It's just that Chang Sheng's starting point is too high. As soon as he enters the Demon Slayer Division, he becomes the Martial Artist of Innate Realm. This kind of person can almost certainly be promoted to the gold medal demon slayer.

Therefore, Lin Qianling did not let Chang Sheng start as an iron demon slayer, but directly appointed him as a silver demon slayer. As long as he accumulated enough qualifications, he could be promoted to the gold medal demon slayer at any time.

To put it bluntly, Chang Sheng is now a popular person in Zhenmo Division, with a bright future. Many people want to come and work under Chang Sheng. If they can gain Chang Sheng's discernment, they will benefit a lot in the future.

Ding Zhenxian led the way to the Demon Suppressing Division's martial arts arena and met several other members of his team.

The 19th team has just been formed and there are not many members. After excluding Chang Sheng and Ding Zhenxian, there are still three members, and these three are all iron-clad demon slayers.

"Come here, you haven't met the captain yet."

Several team members who had been waiting here brightened their eyes and immediately gathered around.

"I've met my lord."

They all knew that they would be assigned to work under an Innate Realm Martial Artist, and it was Chang Sheng who was very famous recently. They were all overjoyed, knowing that their opportunity had come.

When they saw Chang Sheng's appearance, they were all surprised. He must be too young.

One of the older team members even felt that Chang Sheng was younger than the children in his family. He had such achievements at such a young age, so he had to be taken care of. Suddenly, these people hurriedly stepped forward to get closer.

After the introduction, Chang Sheng also learned about the situation of these subordinates.

Tietou is the oldest one in the team, over forty, in the early stage of Qi and Blood Realm.

Wu Yifan, who is over 20 years old, has a face like a crown jewel, wears a white shirt, and looks like a scholar. He is also in the early stage of Qi and Blood Realm.

Lin Shen is the youngest one in the team. He is only sixteen years old and younger than Chang Sheng. However, he has good Martial Dao talent and is already a Great Accomplishment of Peiyuan Realm. He can gather Qi Gathering blood at any time and step into Qi and Blood Realm.

After Chang Sheng chatted with these subordinates, he asked them to leave, telling them to practice martial arts well when they had time and to contact them if they needed anything.

After dismissing these people, Chang Sheng hurried home. There was one important thing that needed to be done.

Upgrade [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] to perfection!

I have been practicing [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] on my own for four days. Yesterday, I have reached the level of Great Accomplishment in this first-class martial arts. According to the degree of absorption, I will definitely be able to break through this martial arts to perfection today. realm.

Back in his small courtyard, Chang Sheng practiced the [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] over and over again, accelerating his understanding and absorption of this sword technique.

Every time he practices the sword, he will gain more insights in his heart, and his understanding of this sword technique will become deeper.

Threads of True Qi entanglement are on the sword body, and streaks of True Qi spill out of the body, spreading like clouds in the courtyard, making Chang Sheng look a bit Immortal Qi.

But underneath this fluttering Immortal Qi, there is a terrifying murderous intention.

The small tree in the courtyard was blown by the wind, and a dead leaf fell down. When the dead leaf touched Chang Sheng's Law Weapon sword, it was instantly crushed into powder by the sword energy on the sword!

After these days of practice, Chang Sheng's True Qi has gained the agility of clouds and the sharpness of a sharp blade. With a single slash of the sword, it can create terrifying sword auras that can reach as far as a hundred feet away. !

This is the strength of Innate Realm Martial Artist.

As long as he perfects the [Azure Cloud Sword Technique], his sword power will be even more terrifying!

As Chang Sheng continued to practice his sword, his heart became more and more calm and ethereal, as if he had truly transformed into a flying cloud in the sky.

As his understanding of [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] continued to deepen, Chang Sheng finally broke through a certain limit and could add more points. Chang Sheng took the opportunity to click to upgrade again.

The next moment he was shocked, and a lot of Sword Dao insights came to his heart.

[The secret of Azure Cloud Sword breaks through to perfection! ]

[Master the secret of Martial Dao: Divine Sword and Thunder Slash]

Seeing the system prompts, Chang Sheng smiled slightly, and it was finally complete.

He feels that his understanding of this technique has reached a point where there is no further progress. This is the strongest state that [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] can theoretically achieve!

Moreover, he also mastered a new secret of Martial Dao!

Divine Sword Controls Thunder!

The wind is invisible, the clouds are powerless, and the divine sword controls thunder.

The Sword Intent that Chang Sheng just realized is the Divine Sword Yu Lei Slash.

Sword Intent, like palm intention, is also a kind of Martial Dao secret.

Illusory clouds appear outside the body. These illusory clouds look floating, quiet and peaceful, but if anyone enters them, they will be instantly chopped into pieces by the true meaning of the divine thunder contained in them.

No matter how harmless the clouds manifested by the Divine Sword Thunder Slash look, they are essentially swords!

Kill everything!

Kill without interruption!

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