Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 40: Electricity Generation In The Void·Opening The Pulse Acupoint

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At this point, Chang Sheng has mastered the three secrets of Martial Dao, the sea is flowing across the sea, the ice is thousands of miles away, and the divine sword is capable of controlling thunder, which makes his mental power become even more powerful!

Chang Sheng's eyes were frighteningly bright, and his huge and tenacious mental power almost materialized, dazzling from his eye sockets!

The void generates electricity!

Chang Sheng has never relaxed in his spiritual practice. His huge mental power allows him to control these Martial Dao mysteries more easily. However, his Martial Dao mysteries have undergone an unknown change, and they seem to be moving towards a Uncharted territory approaches.

Chang Sheng felt in his heart that this change in the secret of Martial Dao was a good thing, and he was not panicked about it.

It's just that he has too little knowledge of Martial Dao and doesn't know what this change is about.

"I have to go to the Demon-Suppressing Division's Treasure Pavilion when I have time."

The last time Chang Sheng went to the Treasure Pavilion to redeem martial arts, he saw a few books on the secrets of Martial Dao. However, he didn't have many points at the time and didn't redeem them. He can read those books when he has money.

The martial arts [Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada] that was previously submitted to the Demon Suppressing Division passed the review. As long as someone exchanges for this martial arts, Chang Sheng can gain income from it. However, the income generated by this exchange of exercises is settled once a month. There are still a few days until the end of the month.

After the points are collected, you can go to the Treasure Pavilion to check the relevant information, so that you will not always be blind.

And now, [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] is complete, it’s time to do another thing.

Open the pulse point!

When the Martial Artist is in the Peiyuan Realm, the main training content is to continuously polish the body, hammer the Muscle Refining bones, and improve strength.

The main task of Qi and Blood Realm is to continuously hammer Qi Refining blood to make Qi and blood strong and condensed.

And when you get to Innate Realm, it’s time to open the pulse point!

What does it mean to open a pulse point?

After opening the first Martial Dao acupuncture point in the human body and condensing Innate True Qi, it is necessary to use True Qi to continue to open up new acupoints in the body!

The acupoints and apertures are connected one by one, which is the meridians!

Through the twelve meridians of the human body, the Innate True Qi in the body increases more than ten times, and you are the Martial Artist in the middle stage of Innate Realm!

Next, the eight extraordinary meridians are opened, and all the meridians in the body are connected in circulation. True Qi circulates endlessly and is endless. This is the Martial Artist of Innate Realm Late Stage!

If you continue to polish True Qi, let True Qi continue to be refined and purified, and liquefy True Qi into true essence, then you will have entered a higher realm...the ultimate realm of human beings!

Wang Teng, who worked with Chang Sheng and others to trap the Red Scorpion Demon Lord, is an Apex Level expert!

After Chang Sheng broke through Innate Realm, he has only opened up one Qi Sea cave so far. He is the Martial Artist in the early stage of Innate Realm.

Next, he needs to continuously open up new acupoints and meridians to allow his body to contain more Innate True Qi, so that he can continue to improve his realm.

Bai Yushu's [Azure Cloud Sword Technique] contains the method of opening the pulse point. Chang Sheng sat cross-legged on the ground and began to try to open the pulse point according to the method.

In the Qi Sea, the violent Innate True Qi hovered like a storm, displaying this terrifying power.

Suddenly, a True Qi in the cyclone trembled slightly, then broke away from the cyclone and flew out of the Qi Sea.

This True Qi snaked its way through Chang Sheng's body, and soon came to the tip of Chang Sheng's index finger, the Shang Yang point!

Shangyang point is the first acupoint of the large intestine meridian of Hand Yangming, one of the twelve main meridians. It is located on the tip of the index finger. This True Qi hovers here and is continuously compressed using the acupoint punching method to move towards the Shangyang point. There was a sudden rush!

Chang Sheng faintly heard a crisp sound coming from his body, as if something had cracked.

In his perception, a hole-like thing appeared at the tip of his index finger!

This mixed cave is the Shangyang point opened by Chang Sheng.

The Shang Yang acupoint that was just opened was empty. The True Qi that was just used to open the Shang Yang acupoint was not much lost, and there was still 80% left. These remaining True Qi moved together and penetrated into the Shang Yang acupoint.

Chang Sheng smiled faintly and continued to manipulate the True Qi to follow the trend, using the same method to open up the second and third acupoints, the Erjian acupoint and the Sanjian acupoint of the Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian.

Three Martial Dao acupoints were opened in one breath, and this True Qi was exhausted.

"Hey, it's much faster than I thought!"

According to the method of opening pulse points, it is not easy for Innate Realm's Martial Artist to open up new Martial Dao points.

Ordinary Martial Artist True Qi attempts to open acupuncture points will not be 100% successful. If the amount of True Qi used is insufficient, or the True Qi is weak and unable to open the acupuncture points, then the True Qi used will be wasted and you need to wait for True Qi Only after recovery can you try again.

If you use too much force and try to achieve miracles, the acupoints will be damaged by the huge amount of Innate True Qi. Not only will the acupoints fail, but you will also have to spend time recuperating.

It takes time to recover True Qi, and even more time to recover from injuries. If you are lucky, it will take three or four days to open a Martial Dao acupoint, which is considered fast.

The total number of acupuncture points in the twelve meridians is 362!

If you want to open up all these acupoints, it will take several years.

Just like Chang Sheng, it only took a few breaths to open three Martial Dao acupoints in one go.

It would take at most more than ten days to open up all the more than 300 acupuncture points.

If this matter is told out, other Innate Realms will beat their chests and die in depression!

Chang Sheng's fast hole-charging speed is due to his extremely high True Qi quality.

Innate True Qi transformed from the four kinds of Qi and blood is extraordinary. The quality of its True Qi is many times higher than that of other Innate Realms.

If you compare other Martial Artist’s True Qi to tofu, then Chang Sheng’s True Qi is a rock!


It's not a big deal if a mere acupuncture point is broken by one poke.

After opening three acupoints in one go, Chang Sheng worked hard and ran another True Qi to his arm, and continued to open the pulse acupoint.

After a stick of incense, Chang Sheng opened the acupoints in the upper half of the large intestine meridian of Yangming in Hand!

This speed is simply appalling.

After another stick of incense, all the acupoints on the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming were opened!

The large intestine meridian of Hand Yangming, one of the twelve main meridians, is completed!

True Qi circulates back and forth on the newly opened meridians. Not only does the total amount of True Qi in the body increase, but the quality of True Qi also slightly improves.

The Qi Sea point is the largest Martial Dao point in the human body and can accommodate the most Innate True Qi. Every time a meridian is opened thereafter, the amount of True Qi in the body will double from the initial level!

Chang Sheng now has the equivalent of two Qi Sea's True Qi powers, doubling his battery life during battle!

If all twelve true meridians are opened, Chang Sheng's total amount of True Qi will increase twelve times! ! !

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