Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 131 If you can’t shoot him, I’ll shoot you


Zhu Chaofeng was still full of joy just now because all three of his sons were rescued!

He heard Zhu Long whisper in his ear:

"At first, because the third child refused to betray my Zhu family, he asked a small leader of the Liangshan bandits named Zhang San to be... crippled. Then he was tortured and humiliated by a torture expert. He is a bit..."

Having said this, Zhu Long motioned to Zhu Chaofeng to take a good look at Zhu Biao.

Zhu Chaofeng took a closer look and saw that Zhu Biao seemed a little nervous and afraid of people.

This made Zhu Chaofeng, who usually liked Zhu Biao's youngest son the most, very distressed. He also hated Hu Rong, Jiang Hongfei, Hu Sanniang, Zhang San and others who turned Zhu Biao into such a ghost!

But no matter what, Zhu Biao came back alive, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

Zhu Chaofeng hated iron and said: "Biao'er, you were too arrogant and impulsive in the past. Today's results are all the result of your past. You can't blame anyone. If you want to blame, blame yourself for being too reckless and causing harm." You have harmed others and yourself. Now that you are back alive after all, it is not too late to make amends."

Feeling that saying such words at this time was tantamount to adding salt to Zhu Biao's wounds, Zhu Chaofeng slowed down his tone again and comforted: "There is no smooth sailing in life. You are still young. What is the point of experiencing such setbacks? At that time, Privy Tong, Taiwei Liang, and Taifu Yang, none of them were eunuchs, but none of them had the power to dominate the government. Today, the Daojun Emperor trusts the eunuchs the most. For you, this may be a blessing in disguise."

Zhu Chaofeng said to others: "Now I wish that there are no outsiders in the village. I wish that the village will be easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, there will be enough food and supplies. As long as we work together, it will not be a problem to defend the village for ten years. We have established a strong position." In an invincible place, when General Manager Yun brings in the officers and soldiers, I wish the family will cooperate with each other to avenge the enemy!"

At this moment, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, which was obviously the sign of a large army of troops approaching.

I wish all the family members are very happy, thinking that Yun Tianbiao has moved in the army so quickly, and this is their chance to feel proud!

Even Zhu Biao, who was previously nervous and seemed to have lost the energy to live, now had a glimmer of hope in his eyes!

But after Zhu's family looked at it carefully for a while, they all felt that something was not right.


Just because there are dozens of people wearing Song Army uniforms among the troops who came here, but they are too few. Others are dressed in a mess. It can be said that they are wearing everything. Some of them are even wearing animal skins. , not even the rural army is like this.

The key point is that these people are just like a big gang, with no organizational discipline at all. Yun Tianbiao is a capable person. The five hundred elite soldiers he personally trained are even said by him to be the strongest elite soldiers in the world. How is it possible? Is this what it looks like?

When the men and horses got closer, those with sharp eyes could see clearly that the men and horses were holding two big flags: one had a big word "Feng" written on it; the other had a big word "Chao" written on it. .

"Where did this miscellaneous army come from? Could it be some civilian armed force that intends to oppose King Zun of Shuibo Liangshan?" Zhu family members thought to themselves.

Let’s talk about Shuibo Liangshan.


Jiang Hongfei had long ago learned from Zhu Gui that Yun Tianbiao's request for sending troops was still being reported at all levels. In less than two months, it would not reach the officials who could really decide the matter, and Yun Tianbiao cherished himself very much. As an official, although he had five hundred elite Qi refiners at his disposal, he did not dare to bring rescue to Zhujiazhuang without authorization.

As a result, Yuntianbiao went to various government offices every day, hitting obstacles everywhere, and the day of dispatching troops was always far away.

Let's put it this way, when Yun Tianbiao knows whether he can send troops, the bodies of Zhu's family will probably be all rotten.

In fact, no one else is to blame for this matter. If we are to blame, we can only blame Yun Tianbiao and others for being too naive. They thought that Yun Tianbiao, the general manager of the Jingyang Town Land Army and Horses, who commanded 500 people, was Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Gao Qiu and others who were powerful. Senior officials from both the government and the public said that just because they mobilized the government troops to attack Shuibo Liangshan, they could mobilize the government troops to attack Shuibo Liangshan?

To take a step back, even powerful officials like Cai Jing, Tong Guan, and Gao Qiu would think carefully about attacking Shuibo Liangshan, which was very difficult to attack.

Therefore, it is ridiculous for Yun Tianbiao, a small official as big as sesame seeds and mung beans, to want to accomplish such a big thing through formal channels.

That is to say, people like the Zhu family and the Liu family, who have never been involved in official circles and still have expectations for officials from the Zhao and Song dynasties, are so naive to believe that Yun Tianbiao can bring in officers and soldiers and stake all their wealth and lives on Yun Tianbiao. He and the officers and soldiers were dreaming of spring and autumn dreams.

Unlike those in Zhujiazhuang, who had been dreaming that there would be reinforcements to help them wipe out the Liangshan Army, the Liangshan heroes never thought that they would have reinforcements.

Unexpectedly, it was Liangshan Army who was waiting for reinforcements.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Jiang Hongfei was really moved when he saw Chao Gai leading the six leaders of Naitoushan and more than a thousand to two thousand troops to come for reinforcements.

If you think about it carefully, Chao Gai, although he only wants to be the boss and does not want to live under others for a long time, he really has nothing to say in terms of loyalty.

Jiang Hongfei personally led a group of leaders from Shuibo Liangshan to greet him, clasping his fists and saying, "Brother and all the brothers from Fengshan came to help in the battle. We can't thank you enough!"

Hearing what Jiang Hongfei, the number one person in the world today, said, Chao Gai felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. He turned around and glanced at Wu Yong, who was also beaming with joy, and said to himself: "It's Wu Yong who knows how to return favors!"

In the more than a year since they went to Luocao in Naitou Mountain, Chao Gai and his group had actually lived a pretty good life. Relying on that post road, they really didn't have to worry about food and drink.

But as time went by, Chao Gai gradually discovered that it was too difficult to catch up with Shuibo Liangshan as he originally thought.

It can be said that under their current conditions, they can maintain a balance of income and expenditure, and there is no development at all. Even if they economize on food and clothing to develop, they can only develop slowly.

The reason is that without other reasons, it is too expensive to raise an army, especially to raise elite Qi Practitioners, which consumes a lot of money.

Wu Yong analyzed the success model of Shuibo Liangshan for Chao Gai and wanted to copy the success of Shuibo Liangshan, but they were shocked to find that they could not copy the model of Shuibo Liangshan at all.

This does not mean that Chao Gai and Wu Yong could not copy the model of Shuibo Liangshan.

But Naitou Mountain is not Shuibo Liangshan, which is a transportation hub. There are only some very poor villages here, and there are not a few rich and powerful families who can play with the local tyrants and divide their fields to gain both fame and fortune.

As for changing mountains?

An ordinary mountain is not as good as Naitou Mountain. After all, Naitou Mountain has a post road where you can live without worries.

Therefore, Naitoushan could only stand still after developing for a period of time.

Until Jiang Hongfei came up with the Refined Salt Alliance.

In fact, Jiang Hongfei invited Chao Gai to join this alliance right away, hoping to give Naitoushan a way to make money.

But Chao Gai was worried that his subordinate Gongsun Sheng and others would get entangled with Jiang Hongfei again and be abducted by Jiang Hongfei.

In addition, Chao Gai didn't think highly of this way of making money at that time. He felt that it was just a small fortune that could be bought in one fell swoop. There was no need to waste time on it and he had to owe Jiang Hongfei another favor.

So Chao Gai wrote to Jiang Hongfei saying that he would not come to join the refined salt alliance because he was ill, and thanked Jiang Hongfei for thinking of him in every good thing...

How could Jiang Hongfei not guess Chao Gai's little thoughts?

So Jiang Hongfei wrote a reply to Chao Gai, said hello to Chao Gai's health, and then said that Chao Gai's health was urgent and that he would cooperate again if there was an opportunity in the future.

This is a shame.

But soon, Chao Gai heard that the refined salt at Jiang Hongfei's place was unlimited, and some forces could get this refined salt from Jiang Hongfei for thirty cents, which could be sold in the market for seventy, eighty, or even hundreds of cents. If Fifty Wen is used, others can scan as much as they have. As long as you get this qualification, it is almost like picking up money.

The key is, this is not just a small amount of money, but a fortune that will enable Naitoushan to develop vigorously!

Chao Gai, who knew the truth, almost felt regretful!

Chao Gai wanted to come to Jiang Hongfei to ask for this qualification, but he, who always wanted to be shameless, couldn't let go of his pride. After all, he took the initiative to turn down this opportunity at the beginning. Now, seeing that he could make a lot of money selling refined salt, he took the initiative to go It's too embarrassing to ask for this qualification.

Chao Gai, who felt that he was wrong, sighed for several days. The people in Naitoushan suddenly heard that Shuibo Liangshan was attacking Zhujiazhuang.

Wu Yong immediately said to Chao Gai: "King of Heaven, the opportunity has come to repay brother Jiang Yan's favor, and I, Fengshan, can also take this opportunity to rejoin the Salt Alliance!"

Then, Wu Yong analyzed Chao Gai: "The icing on the cake is never as good as giving help when the time is right. The Liangshan Army is now in the middle of a war. We, Fengshan, go to reinforce it. Not to mention how much effect it can have, at least it can increase the morale of the Liangshan Army. This is A real favor!”

After listening to Wu Yong's analysis, Chao Gai felt that it was very reasonable. He immediately took almost all the leaders and troops of Naitou Mountain (only Bai Sheng and 200 people were left to look after the house), and rushed to Liangshan Po on a starry night...

Now, hurriedly and slowly, Chao Gai and his gang finally caught up with the battle.

Seeing Jiang Hongfei coming to express his gratitude in person, Chao Gai immediately dismounted his horse, greeted Jiang Hongfei with a big smile, and said loudly: "My dear brother, is it too late for my brother?"

Jiang Hongfei knew very well that Chao Gai had some serious intentions here, but no matter what, it was an indisputable fact that Chao Gai came to reinforce him.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei thanked Chao Gai from the bottom of his heart and said to Chao Gai: "It won't be too late. This Zhujiazhuang has not yet been conquered by my younger brother. There is room for my elder brother to use his strength."

Jiang Hongfei added: "It just so happens that I have a few heroes here. I am hosting a banquet to entertain them, and together we will welcome my elder brother and all the brothers from Fengshan."

Unexpectedly, Chao Gai stretched out his hand and said, "I'm not busy with drinking. It's still early. I'll help my dear brother cut off a few of my family's heads to help me enjoy the wine!"

Jiang Hongfei wanted to say: "There is no need to do anything unnecessary. I will destroy Zhujiazhuang tonight. When the time comes, you can follow and kill as many as you want and help catch people."

But before Jiang Hongfei could say anything, Chao Gai said angrily: "Children, give this Zhu family village to me, the king, and I will flatten it. I will give you a big reward when you return to the mountain!"

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "Yes, this old man doesn't just want to kill a few people, but wants to destroy Zhujiazhuang in one go."

Jiang Hongfei did not say: "What! Do you think that if Zhujiazhuang is as easy to beat as you imagine, I won't be able to beat it for several days?"

Jiang Hongfei didn't say anything: "Do you think that you from Naitou Mountain are stronger than me from Shuibo Liangshan? What the heroes from Liangshan can't do easily, you from Naitoushan can do it right away?"

Jiang Hongfei didn't even say: "Don't underestimate the enemy. This is Zhujiazhuang with 10,000 or 20,000 households, not your Dongxi Village with only 300 to 500 households. It's really not that easy to fight."

Jiang Hongfei could only say to a few of his close associates: "Let King Chao Tianwang and the others go and fight. It will just paralyze the people in Zhujiazhuang."

If Jiang Hongfei didn't say that, what else could he say?

Chao Gai really didn't give Jiang Hongfei a chance to stop him.

Before Jiang Hongfei could explain the situation in detail to Chao Gai, Chao Gai got on his horse and immediately headed towards Zhujiazhuang.

All the leaders of Naitou Mountain, including all the minions, were also very excited and rushed towards Zhujiazhuang, howling.

By the time Jiang Hongfei reacted, the people from Naitoushan had already rushed towards Zhujiazhuang.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei could only lead the leaders, Ma Yijun and Ma Sijun to chase the rabble in Naitoushan.

When Chao Gai and his gang came to Zhujiazhuang Village excitedly, they were dumbfounded. With such a wide moat and such a high city wall, there might be a large-scale defensive restriction on the city wall. How could we fight this? !

But just now Chao Gai's awesomeness has been blown out. It would be too embarrassing if he didn't fight him.

Therefore, Chao Gai could only bite the bullet and ask the people around him: "Who is going to attack Zhujiazhuang for me, Your Majesty?"

How could Liu Tang let Chao Gai's face fall to the ground? He responded loudly: "I'll do it!" Then he straightened up his knife and came to the moat, and then wanted to go into the water.

But before Liu Tang could get into the water, dozens of sharp arrows were shot from the wall of the village, forcing Liu Tang to dodge in a panic, and then fled back to a place where the sharp arrows could not reach.

Liu Tang stood still, pointed his sword at Zhujiazhuang, and cursed: "Is there anyone in the Zhu family who can breathe? A man comes out and fights Liu Tang, the red-haired ghost general under the Heavenly Throne of Fengshan Pagoda, for three hundred rounds!"

After hearing Liu Tang introduce himself to his family, the people in Zhujiazhuang figured out who this group of people was.

Disappointed, Zhu Yongqing cursed loudly: "Who do I think you are? It turns out that you are a rotten fish and shrimp under Chao Gai, the king of Naitoushan Tuonai. You guys are worthy of coming to my Zhujiazhuang to make noise?!"

Seeing Zhu Yongqing humiliating them like this, Liu Tang flew into a rage and said, "Young boy, don't take advantage of your words. How dare you come down here and compete with your grandpa Liu Tang to see who is the rotten shrimp!"

Zhu Yongqing considered that the morale of the people in Zhujiazhuang was really low now, especially since Shuibo Liangshan replaced the two generals Luan Tingyu and Luan Tingfang today, and a supporting force came, and they were not from Zhujiazhuang. , but the water is in Liangshan. If this does not boost morale, everyone in Zhujiazhuang may open a stronghold and surrender.

So Zhu Yongqing responded: "Red-haired ghost, wait until you wish grandpa, and you wish grandpa to come down and take your dog's head right now!"

Zhu Yongqing shared his thoughts with Zhu Chaofeng and other Zhu family members.

Zhu Chaofeng and other Zhu family members felt that Zhu Yongqing was right.

Of course, the more important thing is that the Zhu family believes that Zhu Yongqing is the most capable person in the Zhu family because of his wisdom and courage. If he goes into battle, even if he cannot win, he will definitely be able to escape unscathed.

So, the people in Zhujiazhuang lowered the suspension bridge and asked Zhu Yongqing to ride a famous Dawan horse, carry a bow and arrow on his back, and hold a water-polished mirror-finished iron square-shaped halberd in his hand to fight.

Jiang Hongfei, who just arrived, saw a young general coming out of Zhujiazhuang to fight Liu Tang, and asked Hu Sanniang beside him: "Who is this person?"

Hu Sanniang replied: "Zhu Yongqing is the most strategic person in the Zhu family."

When Jiang Hongfei heard that he was this insidious villain who would not forgive his hatred until he was cut into pieces, he turned to Chen Liqing in a malicious tone and said, "I heard that, leave this person to me."

Chen Liqing took a look at Zhu Yongqing, who was fair-skinned and beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, and looked like the third prince of Nezha. She said, "She's quite good-looking." Then she asked, "Are you going to die? Or are you going to live?"

Jiang Hongfei didn't even think about it and said, "Dead."

Then, Jiang Hongfei moved his lips slightly and transmitted a message to Chen Liqing's ear: "If you can't shoot him, I will give you a treasure tonight..."

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