Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 132 Magical Power: White Dragon! (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Chen Liqing felt Jiang Hongfei's impatience.

In fact, Chen Liqing herself could hardly hold on anymore.

It can be said that Jiang Hongfei and Chen Liqing have the same mind.

Or it can be said that Jiang Hongfei and Chen Liqing have a clear understanding of each other.

All in all, if Liu Guang's family hadn't suddenly appeared, Chen Liqing would have probably taken this opportunity to miss a little bit, for example, only incapacitating Zhu Yongqing, giving Jiang Hongfei an excuse, and also giving herself an excuse, and the two of them became a good thing. This saves the two of them from having sex every time.

But after Liu Guang and Liu Lin were captured, when Chen Liqing went to see them, Liu Guang told Chen Liqing that her father Chen Xizhen was not dead. He had been looking for her in the world for more than two years. Last year, her father She also went to Liu Guang's home and asked Liu Guang's family to help find Chen Liqing. The two parties also agreed that if Chen Liqing could not be found, her father would go to Liu Guang's home again.

In other words, it may not be long before Chen Liqing will see her father.

If possible, Chen Liqing sincerely hopes that she can wait until she meets her father before getting pregnant again.

In that case, Chen Liqing could lie to her father. She had always kept her virginity as pure as a jade, and she would have made a private decision for life without telling her father, and then begged her father to fulfill her wish so that she could be with Jiang Hongfei.

To be honest, Chen Liqing has survived the past year or two, and Chen Liqing really doesn't want to waste all her efforts.

Therefore, looking at Zhu Yongqing who was already fighting with Liu Tang in the field, Chen Liqing secretly gritted her teeth: "If I ask you to leave here alive today, I will hang up my bow and seal my arrows from now on!"

Thinking of this, Chen Liqing rode around leisurely until she found a suitable position to snipe Zhu Yongqing without arousing Zhu Yongqing's alertness, then she stopped.

Look at the field again.

Liu Tang's whole body was on fire, like a red-haired evil ghost. The knife in his hand was now even more blazing fire. Not to mention being hit by the knife in Liu Tang's hand, he was also struck by Liu Tang. If the flames on the body or the flames covering the knife on the hands are scratched, the areas not protected by armor will be severely burned.

The water-milled mirror-finished iron square-shaped halberd in Zhu Yongqing's hand was covered by thunder and lightning.

This made Liu Tang not only have to avoid the direct attack of Zhu Yongqing's water-milled mirror iron fangtian painted halberd, but also the lightning attack from above. The key point is that when Zhu Yongqing's halberd collided with Liu Tang's throwing knife, it could also pass through. The knife conducts electricity to attack Liu Tang.

This makes Liu Tang need to be more careful about additional attacks that may appear at any time when fighting.

The only thing Liu Tang was thankful for was that the handle of the sword in his hand was made of the fire-proof and lightning-proof spirit wood. If his weapon was made of pure spirit iron, he might have been defeated long ago.

Now I can only see: On one side is Dongfang Nanming Lihuo Zhenjun, on the other side is the Western God of Thunder. The two are really fighting in the field.

The fight reached nearly fifty rounds, and Liu Tang, without the support and strength of his spirit horse, began to feel a little unable to withstand the fight.

The man in the rear was afraid that Liu Tang would be defeated by Zhu Yongqing, so he grabbed the spirit horse under his crotch and rushed to the field. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Brother, step aside and ask the younger brother to fight him!"

As he spoke, a man with a steel helmet on his head, wearing iron armor, carrying a long-handled mountain axe, and sitting on a high-headed curly yellow horse, came to Zhu Yongqing!

Immediately afterwards, Suiyi slashed with both hands, and his arms and his mountain-breaking ax became huge at the same time, and then a huge ax that seemed to be able to open up the world struck Zhu Yongqing head-on!

Seeing this, Zhu Yongqing couldn't care about Liu Tang anymore and could only urge the famous Dawan horse under his crotch to quickly evade!

Liu Tang did not join forces with Su Yong to attack Zhu Yongqing, but instead retreated to his own formation.

Next, Zhu Yongqing was chased and slashed all over the field...

Although he is also following the path of Fa Tian Xiang Earth, the difference is that he can freely make any or all parts of his body huge, and his mountain-breaking ax also has Ruyi restrictions on the size.

This allows him to attack however he wants.

At the same time, after activating his magical power, he can not only greatly strengthen his physical strength, but also directly rely on his physical strength to resist some of Zhu Yongqing's lightning.

The key is that with the cooperation of Lingma, Guiying does not have to lose flexibility due to cumbersomeness like Du Qian and Song Wan, thereby exposing his own weaknesses.

in short.

Zhu Yongqing was almost beaten by him since he came on the field.

That is to say, the famous Dawan horse under Zhu Yongqing's crotch is so good that it is not only faster than the tall curly yellow horse under Zhu Yongqing's crotch, but is also better in flexibility. Otherwise, Zhu Yongqing might have been chopped down by Weiying long ago. died.

Seeing this scene, the Zhu family watching the battle on the wall of Zhujiazhuang Village realized that although the name of Naitoushan was funny, it was not without strong generals.

Liu Tang, who can fight with Zhu Yongqing fifty times, is already not weak, but this one who can beat Zhu Yongqing is even more powerful.

Zhu Yongqing hid for a while, but felt that he could not continue to hide like this. When the demonic power of the famous Dawan horse under his crotch was exhausted, then he would have nothing but to be chopped up and chopped.

(When the spirit horse is running with all its strength or dodging with all its strength, it is similar to when a spiritual master activates his magical power. The demonic power is consumed very quickly. Therefore, the spiritual master will not easily let the spiritual horse under his crotch activate at full speed, but will try his best to Make effective use of this short precious time.)


The tall curly yellow horse under the crotch of the crotch is also at full speed.

But the problem is that the horse is attacking. The tall curly yellow horse doesn't have to dodge while running at full speed, and it doesn't consume as fast as Zhu Yongqing's famous Dawan horse.

If this continues, the person who loses will definitely be Zhu Yongqing.

"We have to find a way, otherwise I will be killed by this black man!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Yongqing began to control the famous Dawan horse under his crotch to flee in the direction of Zhujiazhuang, which had a strong meaning of "Zhu Yongqing is preparing to escape back to Zhujiazhuang".

Seeing this, he was indeed fooled and chased Zhu Yongqing desperately, preparing to prevent Zhu Yongqing from escaping back to Zhujiazhuang.

Zhu Yongqing, who had his back turned to Sui, saw that Sui was chasing him, and rushed towards Zhu Wannian on the wall, making a gesture to prepare for an ambush.

Then, Zhu Yongqing ran towards the suspension bridge.

She also wanted to make some meritorious deeds to repay Jiang Hongfei's favor. Seeing this, she couldn't help but become anxious, and went on to chase Zhu Yongqing regardless.

Seeing that Sui was about to catch up with Zhu Yongqing, Zhu Yongqing suddenly turned around and struck a blow!

He laughed loudly: "Good luck!"

Then a giant ax struck down.

At the moment when the weapons of the two sides were about to come into contact, an unprecedentedly huge thunderball was shot from Zhu Yongqing's water-polished mirror-finished iron square-shaped halberd towards Sui!

Although he has been chasing Zhu Yongqing, he has not actually been dazzled by the victory in front of him, but has been guarding against Zhu Yongqing's dirty tricks.

Therefore, when Zhu Yongqing saw a particularly huge thunderball suddenly shot out of Zhu Yongqing's water-polished mirror-finished iron Fangtian painted halberd, he quickly freed up his left hand to double it, and used his own body and the high curly hair on his crotch to The yellow horse blocks it.

After activating his magical power, he can resist some of Zhu Yongqing's lightning with physical strength.

But this does not mean that Zhu Yongqing's thunder and lightning had no impact on Sui.

In fact, this influence has always existed, but he can resist it with the help of his iron armor and his strong willpower.

But Zhu Yongqing had been accumulating power for a long time this time, and transformed almost 70% of the spiritual power in his body into thunder and lightning.

This is really not something that can be resisted.

Therefore, after receiving Zhu Yongqing's long-planned blow, Sui's body suddenly became paralyzed and stiff for a short period of time. Even the tall curly yellow horse under Sui's crotch also appeared in a similar situation. !

At this moment, hundreds of sharp arrows were suddenly shot from the wall of Zhujiazhuang!

Seeing this, he used his remaining willpower to take back his mountain-breaking ax that had not yet become smaller, and stood upside down in front of himself and the tall curly yellow horse at his crotch.

After a shower of arrows, he urged the tall curly yellow horse under his crotch to retreat quickly!

Although he escaped with his life, his arms were riddled with holes and bloody flesh from sharp arrows. He couldn't even hold his mountain axe, so he could only lie horizontally on the tall curly yellow horse. , he was also hit by arrows in several places on his body. Although he was protected by iron armor, these arrow wounds would not kill him, but he was also seriously injured and obviously could not fight anymore.

He looked at Zhu Yongqing and cursed: "Despicable!"

Zhu Yongqing smiled slightly: "I am not afraid of deception."

Later, Zhu Yongqing said loudly: "Under the sky, everything is the king's land; on the shore of the land, there is the king's ministers. The officials are not equal, and I am the only one who is talented. I wish that although the ancestors of the family have no outstanding achievements, they have been from the top to the top. We all have a heart of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. You thieves and bandits have brought trouble to our great Song Dynasty. We obey the king and our enemies are loyal and loyal, and we have no sworn relationship with you and other thieves and bandits. We vow to wipe out all of you and other bandits and return our great Song Dynasty. A bright world, with the sincerity of eating hair and soil!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded: "Are you done?"

Zhu Yongqing replied subconsciously: "It's over."

"Then just go and die."

I wish Yongqing responded quickly!

Hearing what this woman said, Zhu Yongqing immediately realized that this person was going to shoot him. He quickly controlled the Dawan Mingju under his crotch to retreat to the suspension bridge at full speed, while secretly being on guard!

When Zhu Yongqing was ready, three sharp arrows were shot at Zhu Yongqing at an arrow distance apart!

Zhu Yongqing had quick eyesight and quick hands. He rolled up the water-polished mirror-finished iron Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, and the first two sharp arrows flew away.

Just when Zhu Yongqing thought he could use the same method to send away the third sharp arrow, he only heard a "crackling" arc sound, and the water-polished mirror-finished iron Fangtian painted halberd of Zhu Yongqing was about to The sharp arrows that hit each other suddenly disappeared!

The next moment, this sharp arrow was nailed to Zhu Yongqing's face. If you look at it from behind, the arrow will come out two inches!

In other words, Zhu Yongqing was shot through the head!

But Chen Liqing was afraid that Zhu Yongqing would not die, so she shot six more arrows in one go!

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"Poof!", "Poof!", "Poof!", "Poof!", "Poof!", "Poof!"

These six arrows hit Zhu Yongqing's vitals!

Wu Yong responded the fastest!

Seeing that Chen Liqing shot Zhu Yongqing to death, Wu Yong immediately said to Chao Gai: "King of Heaven, quickly order the capture of the stronghold!"

Almost at the same time, Sun Jing also said to Jiang Hongfei: "Fortress leader, quickly order the seizure of the suspension bridge!"

Although Jiang Hongfei and Chao Gai heard the reminder almost at the same time, Chao Gai's reaction speed was really not even a bit worse than Jiang Hongfei's.

Jiang Hongfei gave the order without saying a word: "General attack! Capture Zhujiazhuang!"

Following Jiang Hongfei's order, Lin Chong and Yang Zhi shot out almost simultaneously, one step ahead of the others, and the soldiers of Ma Yijun and Ma Sijun followed immediately!

Seeing that the Liangshan Army launched a charge, Chao Gai realized that the opportunity to attack Zhujiazhuang had come. He quickly ordered: "Come with me and charge!!!"

Immediately, Chao Gai took the lead and led the leaders on Naitou Mountain and a group of minions to charge towards Zhujiazhuang.

Let’s talk about Zhujiazhuang.

I just saw that Zhu Yongqing was defeated by two generals from Naitoushan, and the morale of the people in Zhujiazhuang was high.

Hearing Zhu Yongqing's impassioned words of loyalty to the emperor and serving the country, the people in Zhujiazhuang immediately felt that everything they did was meaningful, and then indulged in self-interest.

Who would have thought that in the next moment, Zhu Yongqing, the great hero who turned the tide and restored the morale of the people in Zhujiazhuang, was shot dead by Chen Liqing.

This incident made everyone in Zhujiazhuang dumbfounded, and some were immersed in great sadness.

For a moment, everyone in Zhujiazhuang seemed to have forgotten that the suspension bridge they left for Zhu Yongqing had not yet been closed, and the gate of the village they had left for Zhu Yongqing had not been closed.

It wasn't until they saw the Liangshan Army and the people from Naitoushan rushing forward that some people in Zhujiazhuang reacted and shouted: "Close the suspension bridge quickly!", "Close the village gate quickly!", "The thieves are coming!!!" …

But at this moment, Lin Chong and Yang Zhi, who were rushing at the front, transformed into half-animals at the same time, and then they both kicked the spirit horse under their crotches that was running at full speed!

The next moment, Lin Chong and Yang Zhi got on the suspension bridge and shot directly towards the village gate.

Just before the gate of the village was about to close, Lin Chong and Yang Zhi arrived at the same time, and then they started a bloody fight with Zhujiazhuang's guests and soldiers at the city gate...

Seeing more and more Liangshan Army soldiers rushing onto the suspension bridge, Zhu Chaofeng loudly ordered: "Ignore the others and close the suspension bridge first!!!"

So everyone in Zhujiazhuang quickly closed the suspension bridge.

With the efforts of the people in Zhujiazhuang, the suspension bridge began to rise slowly.

At this time, there were actually less than 200 soldiers of the Liangshan Army of the First and Fourth Horse Army and they followed Lin Chong and Yang Zhi across the suspension bridge.

If the people in Zhujiazhuang were to put away the suspension bridge, it was hard to say who would win in this battle.

Fortunately, at this time Chao Gai, who was good at horse racing, also rushed to the edge of the suspension bridge.

Seeing that the suspension bridge was about to be pulled up, Chao Gai flew off his horse, grabbed the suspension bridge, and with a fierce struggle with his arms, he pulled the suspension bridge down forcefully, and held it firmly to prevent Zhujiazhuang from moving. The people then pulled up the suspension bridge, allowing the soldiers of the Liangshan Army and the people from Naitoushan to continue rushing onto the suspension bridge...

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei released the handkerchief cloud, hugged Gaoliang tightly with one hand and Hu Sanniang with the other, took them to the gate of Zhujiazhuang, and then threw them down.

Then, they saw the four knives of Gao Liang and Hu Sanniang blowing up a whirlwind of killing. Lin Chong and Yang Zhi, who had been struggling for a long time, suddenly felt the pressure relieved.

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself, he had already come here, so it would be bad if he didn't help.

So, Jiang Hongfei flipped his hand, and the enchantress appeared in Jiang Hongfei's hand.

Jiang Hongfei input nearly half of his transformational attribute spiritual power and nearly half of his externalized attribute spiritual power into the Enchantress, and then stabbed the place in front of the door where most people were in Zhujiazhuang!

The spear is like a swimming dragon and there are thousands of soldiers, and the fate is like a hellish spring and there is no turning back!

——Supernatural power: White Dragon!

As soon as Jiang Hongfei finished speaking, a lifelike white dragon transformed from cold air flew out from the demon queen, and then flew towards the place!

I saw that wherever this white dragon passed, ordinary people and low-level Qi refiners were all instantly frozen!

Even powerful qi masters like Zhu Wannian and the Three Great Masters of the Zhu Family did not dare to let this white dragon get close, and they all retreated!

In just an instant, hundreds of people were frozen, and many others were scared away from the village gate of Zhujiazhuang...

Taking advantage of this momentum, Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, Gao Liang, and Hu Sanniang led the Liangshan heroes and the people from Naitou Mountain to rush into Zhujiazhuang...

May the family village be destroyed! ! !

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