Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 133: Forced to climb Naitoushan (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Sometimes plans really don’t change quickly.

Jiang Hongfei's original plan was to let Shi Qian burn the grain and grass in Zhujiazhuang.

In this way, even if Zhujiazhuang cannot be destroyed by the fire, Zhujiazhuang, without food and grass, will definitely not be able to continue to stand still and wait for help, and it will undoubtedly be destroyed.

Unexpectedly, Chao Gai came with the people from Naitoushan. Zhu Yongqing opened the village gate and lowered the suspension bridge to challenge.

And Jiang Hongfei really just hated Zhu Yongqing, a sinister villain. He could not forgive his hatred even after being cut to pieces, so he let Chen Liqing, who was supposed to be a couple with him, kill him and casually tell Chen Liqing some private secrets.

Unexpectedly, Chen Liqing took it seriously and shot Zhu Yongqing into a hedgehog.

Wu Yong and Sun Jing seized this fleeting opportunity.

Lin Chong and Yang Zhi succeeded.

Chao Gai fought hard.

Gaoliang, Hu Sanniang and the soldiers of Ma Yijun and Ma Sijun were responsible.

Even the leaders and minions in Naitoushan went crazy.

As a result, Zhujiazhuang was ruined.

When Jiang Hongfei personally led people to protect the granary in Zhujiazhuang, he saw Shi Qian sitting on a grain bag, pouring and drinking a few side dishes, and his feet were covered with kerosene and gunpowder.

Seeing Jiang Hongfei coming, Shi Qian smiled and asked, "Has the plan changed?"

Jiang Hongfei replied: "It changed. I accidentally shot him down."

Shi Qian said sincerely: "It's good, otherwise it would be a pity to have these hundreds of thousands of stones of food."

Jiang Hongfei waved to the Guards soldiers to quickly pack away the flammable and explosive items such as kerosene and gunpowder. He then pulled down a bag of grain and sat opposite Shi Qian, pulled off a chicken leg, and took it from Shi Qian. Qian poured the wine for himself and drank with Shi Qian.

After a sip of wine and a bite of chicken drumsticks, Jiang Hongfei said leisurely: "I don't want to burn all these hundreds of thousands of stones of food, but sometimes, in order to achieve great things, some decisions must be made by someone..."

The Zhujiazhuang has a total of more than 500,000 shi of grain.

Shen Kuo said in "Mengxi Bi Tan" that "for ordinary stones, ninety-two and a half kilograms are the method." It can be seen that one stone in the Song Dynasty was ninety-two and a half kilograms.


The Jin here belongs to Song Jin, which is different from Jiang Hongfei's previous life.

In Jiang Hongfei's previous life, one kilogram was 500 grams.

One kilogram in the Song Dynasty was equivalent to 1.28 kilograms in Jiang Hongfei's previous life, which is 640 grams.

After conversion, we can know that one stone in the Song Dynasty was equivalent to 59,200 grams in Jiang Hongfei's previous life.

Even if the fraction is removed and calculated as 500,000 shi of grain, then Zhujiazhuang's grain is about 29,600 tons, which is about 30,000 tons of grain.

An adult only eats 400 to 600 kilograms of grain every year.

Therefore, the food obtained from Zhujiazhuang is enough to feed 150,000 people for a whole year.

If Shuibo Liangshan stops expanding, this food will not be enough to feed the people of Shuibo Liangshan for ten years, but it can also last for seven or eight years.

Only this, not counting anything else, you can see how worthwhile it is to attack Zhujiazhuang in Shuibo Liangshan this time!

To be honest, Jiang Hongfei was reluctant to burn so much food.

But Zhujiazhuang's difficulty is obvious to all.

In the original work of "Water Margin", it was also thanks to Sun Li and eight heroes from the Dengzhou faction who pretended to surrender to Zhujiazhuang and captured Shi Xiu, together with Yang Xiong, Wang Ying, Shi Qian and others captured before, that they cooperated internally and externally to defeat him. of.

The key point is that the smaller the walled city, the more difficult it is to defeat it.

The Diaoyu City was only three square kilometers, but it withstood the 100,000 Mongol army for twenty years, and even cost the life of Yuan Xianzong Meng Ge, the fourth great khan of the Mongol Empire.

Jiang Hongfei didn't want Zhujiazhuang to become such an existence, always nailed to the territory of Shuibo Liangshan.

Therefore, these more than 500,000 stones of grain were good things, but Jiang Hongfei gritted his teeth and would rather burn them all in a fire than let Zhujiazhuang become a fishing town in Liangshan.

Moreover, without these five hundred thousand stones of food, even if the army comes to attack Shuibo Liangshan in the future, Zhujiazhuang will not be able to help at all, which is equivalent to nothing.


In the end, he managed to save more than 500,000 shi of grain.

Jiang Hongfei did not go to deal with the aftermath personally.

Instead, he handed it over to Sun Jing and Zhu Wu for command.

This is mainly because in terms of commanding on the battlefield, Jiang Hongfei is really not as good as Sun Jing and Zhu Wu who react faster.

Moreover, this war has been won. As Jiang Hongfei needs to maintain a positive image, there is no need to show off his power.

In addition, some of the aftermath work is not suitable for Jiang Hongfei to personally come forward...

Zhujiazhuang front yard.

Liu Tang stabbed Yunlong to death with a knife, then cut off Yunlong's head and showed it to Sun Jing.

"Commander Sun, take a look, but if this person is not the person, the Sa family will kill him again." Liu Tang said.

Sun Jing took a look, verified his identity, and said, "No need, this is the person."

Liu Tang heard this and threw Yunlong's head next to his body.

At this time, Liu Tangcai asked Sun Jing: "Why did Military Master Sun specifically kill this person?"

Sun Jing did not hide anything: "The village leader left behind his fiancée before. Although the village master doesn't care whether he exists or not, he is confident that he can win the heart of the young lady and make her willing to become the village master's concubine. But I think, It's better to kill her and put an end to that little lady's thoughts, once and for all."

After a pause, Sun Jing added: "I could have taught him to go to the public trial, but he is from Jiangnan Fengyun Village, not Zhujiazhuang. Even if he is full of evil, the people of Zhujiazhuang will not know. What if he is taught? After walking down the court, that young lady couldn't forget him again. Isn't it because of me and the people below me who have neglected their duties?"

When Liu Tang heard what was going on, he said something: "Brother, I am good at everything, but I really don't agree with the fact that I like women."

Sun Jing said with a smile: "It is a man's nature to be seductive to women. There is no harm in being enamored of women. And you haven't seen how many of the village master's women eat for free?"

Liu Tang thought so too.

Zhu Yongqing, who defeated him and ensnared him, was shot into a hedgehog by Chen Liqing.

Gao Liang and Hu Sanniang killed their enemies more fiercely than men.

Without Jiang Hongfei's three women, it is not certain whether Zhujiazhuang could be broken.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the more women Jiang Hongfei can acquire, the better.

After a while, Liu Tang, who couldn't sit still, went to another place.

Seeing this, Wu Yong came to Sun Jing with a smile and praised: "Commander Sun's good tactics have made me, Fengshan, follow Shuibo Liangshan all the way to the dark side."

"A small land army commander in Jingyang Town is not a threat to your family. I am indeed worrying about my village master. Military Master Wu doesn't know that my village master likes his fiancée very much. People like us don't exist. Is it to solve problems for the people he works for?" Sun Jing said.

Wu Yong smiled, he believed that Sun Jing was a ghost, everyone was a thousand-year-old fox, and they were playing in a fairy tale. If it were him, he would definitely let Naitoushan hand over the certificate. This is not a matter of trust or distrust, but a matter of trust or distrust. It's better than nothing.

As for why Wu Yong watched this happen without stopping it, it was naturally because Wu Yong also had his own plans.

"What Military Advisor Sun said is true. Those of us exist to solve problems for the people we work for. Alas, my family's development has encountered a bottleneck now, so I would like to ask Military Advisor Sun for help." Wu Yong said.

When Sun Jing heard this, she understood. Wu Yong watched him taking advantage of Liu Tang without saying a word. Gan Qing'er was waiting for him here.

"Do you want to join the Refined Salt Alliance? Okay, I'll tell the village leader later and ask him to invite King Chao Tian again." Sun Jing readily agreed.

"It's better for people like us to talk and do things together." Wu Yongxin said.

"The young man has thanked Military Advisor Sun." Wu Yong bowed.

"It's a small matter, as long as King Chao Tianwang is willing to speak, why do you still need Commander Wu to take such a detour?" Sun Jing said with a smile.

"Yes, if King Chao Tian can put down his noble face, why should I do this?" Wu Yong smiled bitterly in his heart.

Seeing the helplessness in Wu Yong's heart, Sun Jing said with a smile: "If I am not wrong, King Chao Tian will not ask for anything in this battle. Everything in Zhujiazhuang will be used to repay the favor of my village master. I'm afraid that even if my village leader tries to give in, it will be useless, and my family will have to make this trip in vain without making any progress at all."

"Are you kidding me?" Wu Yong thought to himself.

But then, Wu Yong rejected this naive idea. How could people like them do such boring things? Everything they do and say must have a purpose.

After thinking about it, Wu Yong said with a smile: "Commander Sun, please speak frankly, otherwise it will be a waste of your and my time."

Sun Jing thought it made sense, so she said to Wu Yong: "Commander Wu, please come with me."

Afterwards, Sun Jing led Wu Yong to a high place, then climbed up to look into the distance and said: "This Dulonggang is a tiger on a dragon's plate. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. How can I teach it not to be under my control when I am in the water in Liangshan?"

If someone else heard what Sun Jing said, they would definitely think that Sun Jing was explaining why they wanted to attack Zhujiazhuang in Liangshan.

But Wu Yong doesn't think so.

Wu Yong looked around and saw that there were two Zhuangzi on the left and right of Zhujiazhuang, and he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

Wu Yong first pointed to Hujiazhuang and asked, "Whose house is here?"

Sun Jing smiled happily: "This is Hujiazhuang, the natal family of Hu Sanniang, the concubine of the village master."

Wu Yong understood, then pointed to Lijiazhuang and asked: "Whose family is here?"

Sun Jing's smile became even brighter: "This is the family of Li Yingli, the wife of Pu Tian Diao. Although her family is not as rich as Zhu's family, it is still generous."

After Wu Yong heard this, he bowed to Sun Jing and said, "Thank you, Military Master Sun, for your guidance."

Sun Jing returned the courtesy and said, "Everyone takes what they need."

Wu Yong understood that Sun Jing was worried about the Li family, fearing that the Li family would become the second Zhu family.

But no matter what, Sun Jing gave Naitoushan an opportunity to develop rapidly. Wu Yong wanted to thank Sun Jing for both emotional and logical reasons.

The day after Zhujiazhuang was captured.

Jiang Hongfei asked Pei Xuan to lead the criminals from Shuibo Liangshan to hold a public trial in front of Zhujiazhuang.

Not surprisingly, none of the men from the Zhu family could make it to the public trial.

——If nothing else, I saved more than 500,000 yuan in food for the Zhu family. I am afraid that even if I kill all the Zhu family a hundred times, the poor people in Zhujiazhuang will not be able to forgive their hatred.

The women of the Zhu family, including Zhu Chaofeng's stepmother, Zhu Wannian's wives and concubines, Zhu Long's wives and concubines, and Zhu Hu's wives and concubines, were all included in the Li Cao of Shuibo Liangshan without any surprise, and were prepared for redistribution. .

When it came time to divide the spoils, just as Sun Jing had expected, Chao Gai was determined not to take any of them.

Moreover, Chao Gai's approach also received strong support from Gongsun Sheng, Liu Tang, and Xian.

Jiang Hongfei gave in a few times, but Chao Gai was determined not to want anything. Even when Jiang Hongfei offered some pensions to the casualties in Naitou Mountain, Chao Gai was determined not to accept it. He must have fulfilled this favor and owed him the Jiang Hongfei paid back part of his favor first.

Jiang Hongfei could guess a little bit of Chao Gai's thoughts.

A man as shameless as Chao Gai has owed Jiang Hongfei so much and so many favors for more than a year. He then took his own people out to set up his own business, "betraying" Jiang Hongfei and causing many people in the world to point fingers at him. He has been there for so long, and even his brothers look down upon him. It is hard to tell outsiders how much suffering he is feeling in his heart.

Now, Chao Gai finally got a chance to regain his dignity with great pride. It is no wonder that Chao Gai is so persistent.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei could only act like an adult. After exempting the people of Zhujiazhuang from their debts, allocating their fields and grain, he had all the cattle, sheep, mules, and horses seized from Zhujiazhuang transported back to Shuibo Liangshan.

It is worth mentioning that in view of the fact that the fire that Jiang Hongfei asked Wu Jiao to set caused a lot of unnecessary disasters. After investigation, Jiang Hongfei compensated all items according to the price. After investigation, Jiang Hongfei compensated all the people who died, regardless of gender, age or child. Each person was compensated with one hundred spiritual coins to his immediate family members. Jiang Hongfei used the spiritual coins to buy back the hearts of the living people.

The clouds opened and the sun appeared, the fog dispersed and the sky became clear. Drought seedlings are reborn with seasonal rains, dead trees are revived with spring breezes. With a whip of joy, he is like a dragon and a horse heading to Liangshan; with a smile on his face, he is like a tiger soldier returning to Dazhai. The carts were full of food and grass, and the army was full of surrendered soldiers. The flags are blown by the wind, and the generals are beating the golden stirrups together; the spring breeze is blowing across the universe, and everyone is singing triumphant songs.

Not to mention how Jiang Hongfei led the Liangshan heroes to return to Shuibo Liangshan in triumph, and how he went to the salt market to persuade his cheap father-in-law Hu Rong to take the initiative to forgive debts, divide fields, and distribute grain, so as to save himself from difficulties.

It is only said that during the attack on Zhujiazhuang in Shuibo Liangshan, in addition to letting Du Xing bring enough wine, cattle and sheep to work for the army, Li Ying always pretended to be sick at home, and seemed to really ignore Shuibo Liangshan and Zhujiazhuang. Zhuang's war, but in fact he often secretly sent people to inquire about the news of this war.

When Li Ying learned that Zhujiazhuang had been defeated by Liangshan's army, Li Ying couldn't help but sigh, but at the same time, his eyes could not help but reveal the light of a successful conspiracy.

Zhujiazhuang was removed by Shuibo Liangshan.

Hujiazhuang was too closely involved with Shuibo Liangshan, and sooner or later he would have to leave Dulonggang to join Shuibo Liangshan.

By then, Dulonggang will belong to his Li family!

——You can't say that this is all Li Ying's plan, but Li Ying must have guided in this direction during this process.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Li Ying's plan achieved a staged victory.

On this day, a guest from the village came to report: "The prefect of this state led thirty or fifty Han people to the village and wanted to ask about Zhujiazhuang."

Li Ying quickly asked Du Xing to open the village gate, lower the suspension bridge, welcome the prefect and his entourage into the village, and please enter the main hall.

The prefect asked: "Do you know that all the people in Zhujiazhuang were killed?"

Li Ying replied: "Because I am ill, I have been staying behind closed doors recently and dare not go out. I don't know the truth."

The prefect scolded: "Nonsense! There is a lawsuit against you in Zhujiazhuang, accusing you of colluding with the Liangshan bandits and seducing his soldiers and horses to break up Zhujiazhuang. The day before yesterday, you gave him labor, wine, cattle and sheep. How can you survive?"

Li Ying argued: "You are a villain who knows the law. How dare you do this? I hope you will understand clearly."

While talking, Li Ying wanted to send some spiritual stones to the prefect.

Who would have thought that when the prefect saw this, he locked up Li Ying and Du Xing and took them back to Naitou Mountain.

At the foot of Naitou Mountain, Chao Gai led people to welcome Li Ying and Du Xing up the mountain.

At this time, Li Ying realized that the so-called prefect was actually Xiao Rang pretending to be a magistrate, and the other officials were also pretended to be from Naitoushan, with the purpose of tricking him and Du Xing into joining the gang.

How could Li Ying be willing? He shied away and said, "I still have my family at home, so it's not convenient for me to join the family."

Wu Yong said with a smile: "The high officials are here. All the family members have been taken to the stronghold, and the village has been burned to a white ground. Where can the high officials go back?"

Li Ying didn’t believe it.

Then they saw that not only he and Du Xing's family members were all picked up by the people from Naitoushan, but all his family's belongings were also transported back by the people from Naitoushan.

——Chao Gai gave all the unlucky things like grain to Jiang Hongfei with a wave of his hand.

When Li Ying hurriedly came to ask, his wife said: "You were arrested by the prefect, and then two patrol inspectors led four capital leaders and two hundred soldiers to seize the furniture and seize us." He got on the carriage and took all the boxes, cages, cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys, mules, etc. from the house, and then set fire to the farmyard and burned them all."

After hearing this, Li Ying could only complain secretly.

Chao Gai and Wu Yong came to plead guilty and said: "My brothers and I have heard about the benefits of high officials for a long time, so we implemented this plan. We hope that the high officials will forgive me!"

Seeing this, Li Ying could only temporarily board the pirate ship...

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