Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 134 Shuibo Liangshan, whose strength has greatly increased (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Wu Yong used a little trick to trick the scheming Li Ying and his right-hand man Du Xing into Naitoushan and burned Li's village to ashes.

Seeing this, Hu Rong finally realized how fragile the families of wealthy landowners like them were. Without the care of big forces, it could easily lead to the destruction of their families.

The key is that everyone in Dulonggang knows that Hu Rong married his only daughter Hu Sanniang to Jiang Hongfei, the owner of the Dazhai in Shuibo Liangshan, and made her his concubine.

The Hu family has gone too far.

If we go back to the beginning and end at this time, when the imperial court sends a large army to attack Shuibo Liangshan, their Hujiazhuang will inevitably follow in the footsteps of Zhujiazhuang and Lijiazhuang.

Hu Rong gritted his teeth and simply offered his family's food, grass and baggage, and threw his family into the water in Liangshan.

Jiang Hongfei sent people to burn Hujiazhuang to ashes, appointed Luan Yanfang as the deputy leader of the Fourth Infantry Army, and sent Yu Cheng and Luan Yanfang to lead the Fourth Infantry Army to garrison in Zhujiazhuang.

He also personally went to Dulonggang to forgive debts, distribute fields and grain to the people of Hujiazhuang and Lijiazhuang, and arranged for Wang Lun to send people to govern Dulonggang.

At this point, the left and right sides of Liangshanbo were all owned by Shuibo Liangshan. Shuibo Liangshan finally became a piece of monolith and formed a complete base area. If the Zhao and Song Dynasty wanted to encircle Shuibo Liangshan again, the best option would be to garrison troops. In Jeju City, which is almost half a day away from Subolyang Mountain, other places are very disadvantageous.

It is worth mentioning that after Zhujiazhuang was annihilated this time, in addition to receiving a large amount of money and food, Shuibo Liangshan also obtained nearly two thousand Qi Refiner prisoners. In addition, Hujiazhuang came to Shuibo Liangshan and also brought More than a thousand qi masters were recruited. Even after Lijiazhuang was burned to ashes by Naitou Mountain, more than 700 qi masters came to drown themselves in Liangshan Mountain.

——All other nearby forces were wiped out by Shuibo Liangshan. If these people were unwilling to leave their homes, they had no choice but to join Shuibo Liangshan. What’s more, the treatment in Shuibo Liangshan was so good, so Liangshanbo, the one on the left and right Talents were almost wiped out by Shuibo Liangshan.

As a result, Shuibo Liangshan's military strength suddenly increased by 30%.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei took out fifty regular troops and fifty auxiliary troops from Ma Yijun, Ma Erjun, Ma Sanjun, and Ma Fourth Army, plus 300 low-level Qi refiners from Sanzhuang, and 300 auxiliary troops. The garrison auxiliary army formed the Ma Liu Army, with Luan Yanyu as the leader and Fu Yu as the deputy leader.

Jiang Hongfei also mobilized 100 regular troops and 100 auxiliary troops from the First Bu Army, the Second Bu Army, and the Fourth Bu Army, plus 200 low-level Qi Refiners from Sanzhuang and 200 auxiliary troops from the garrison. The Sixth Army was launched, with Liu Guang as the leader and Liu Qi as the deputy leader.

In addition to filling the gaps in the various armies, the remaining low-level Qi warriors from Sanzhuang temporarily joined the garrison led by Du Qian and Song Wan to continue their training and political education.

in addition--

Hu Rong was appointed by Jiang Hongfei as the leader in charge of money and food, and he and Du Qian were in charge of money and food.

Hu Cheng was appointed by Jiang Hongfei as the leader in charge of business. He was mainly responsible for the refined salt business in Shuibo Liangshan and also in charge of various purchases in Shuibo Liangshan.

Kong Hou never said he would join Shuibo Liangshan, but now he is actually responsible for the free clinics and medication administration in Shuibo Liangshan.

What surprised and puzzled Jiang Hongfei was that Li Jun said he was going home to pick up his family, but he never came back.

Li Jun broke his promise and didn't want to drown himself in Liangshan?

Jiang Hongfei didn't believe what kind of person Li Jun was.

Jiang Hongfei believed that Li Jun would definitely come back, but he might have been delayed by something.

Jieyang Town.

Li Jun's residence.

Li Jun, who had sold off all his belongings, sat in the living room and remained silent.

When he came out of the cave, Jiao Tongwei saw him and asked, "Why is my brother so worried? Is it because he doesn't want to go to the Great Sage?"

Li Jun shook his head: "Brother Jiang Yan, with his status, is willing to control me. Naturally, I am willing to follow him with a thousand or ten thousand willingness."

The boy who turned over the mirage asked fiercely: "Then why is my brother so gloomy?"

Li Jun sighed leisurely: "Alas~! I'm worried about how I can get a place in Shuibo Liangshan, where there are so many talents, with my abilities."

There was no need for Tong Wei and Tong Meng to ask any more questions, Li Jun just said to himself:

"With my strength, if we were on land, we wouldn't even be able to reach the level of a second-rate Qi practitioner. But in the water, we can still do something."

"But I have inquired about it. Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu, the two leaders of the navy in Shuibo Liangshan, are both heroes who grew up in the water. Their martial arts in the water are definitely not inferior to ours, and they are Jiang Yan's brothers. They have followed Brother Jiang Yan since he started his career, and their biological brother Ruan Xiaoqi is also the leader of Brother Jiang Yan’s army and is always by Brother Jiang Yan’s side, how can I compare to him?”

"Brother Jiang Yan doesn't like to open a black shop selling human flesh. Li Li can't take him with him either. After all, there are only three of my brothers."

"Now that we have gone to Shuibo Liangshan, we will inevitably be underestimated and reduced to a side detail. How can we have a chance to show off our talents?"

"So I'm wondering if I can invite some capable heroes to join us in drowning in Liangshan to strengthen our momentum, teach others not to underestimate us, and teach Brother Jiang Yan to take advantage of us."

"It's just that at this moment, I don't know where to find some heroes to join us in Toishui Boliang Mountain."

After listening to Li Jun's thoughts, Tong Wei said: "The most heroic person here in Jieyang is my brother, followed by brothers from the Mu family and brothers from the Zhang family. How about inviting the four of them to Shuibo Liangshan to join us?"

Li Jun shook his head: "As wealthy families, the Mu brothers will definitely not leave Jieyang to join Liangshan unless they have to; the Zhang brothers' business is also very prosperous, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to leave Jieyang and join Liangshan. "

Tong Wei and Tong Meng thought for a while.

Tong Meng suddenly said: "I remembered that a group of people will definitely join me in throwing water into Liangshan Mountain."

Li Jun hurriedly asked: "Which group?"

Tong Meng said: "In Huangmen Mountain, not far from Jiangzhou, there is a group of strong men. The leader is named Ou Peng, nicknamed Moyun Golden Wings. He is from Huangzhou and was born in the military. He has three heroes under his command, namely the divine calculator. Zi Jiang Jing, Iron Flute Immortal Ma Lin, and Nine-tailed Turtle Tao Zongwang, all four of them have no ambitions. They always want to find a big mountain to rest their horses and seek shelter. As long as their brother makes the name of Shuibo Liangshan, they will be happy. Come with me and join the gang in Boliang Mountain."

Li Jun gave a high-five: "How could I have forgotten about them! I immediately wrote a letter of divorce, and my brother-in-law took him to Huangmen Mountain and handed it over to Ou Peng, inviting the four of him to go to Boliang Mountain to join the gang."

Tong Meng took the order and went to Huangmen Mountain with Li Jun's handwritten letter...

After Tong Meng left, Li Jun still didn't smile.

Tong Wei saw it and asked, "Brother, do you think that including the four heroes of the Huangmen is not enough?"

Li Jun smiled bitterly: "Compared to the abilities of the four Huangmen heroes like me, they are at most equal to each other. Going together is just the icing on the cake, and the gain is limited."

Tong Wei thought for a while and said: "I have heard people say that there are four heroes on Taihu Lake, namely 'Red Bearded Dragon' Fei Bao, 'Curly-haired Tiger' Ni Yun, 'Slim-faced Bear' Di Cheng, 'Taihu Jiao' Bu Qing. These four heroes were originally begging for food and clothing in the green forest. For some unknown reason, the strong man who took over the mountain and became the king came to find this place. The place is called Yuliuzhuang. , turned into water bandits. Because Yuliuzhuang is surrounded by deep harbors, no one can enter except by boat, and because they are very capable in the water, no one dares to intrude."

After a pause, Tong Wei added: "It is said that these four people particularly respect the loyal and heroic figures. With the reputation of the great sage of heaven, it may not be impossible to invite the four of them to join the team in Boliang Mountain."

Li Jun had also heard of the names of the Four Heroes of Taihu Lake, and felt that Tong Wei's words were reasonable, so he said: "In that case, dear brother, please go to Taihu Lake for your hard work and see if you can invite the four of them to join the pool." Liangshan joins the gang."

After accepting the order, Tong Wei took Li Jun's autographed letter to Yuliu Village in Taihu Lake...

After Tong Wei left, Li Jun still didn't feel happy.


Li Jun felt that the abilities of the Four Heroes of Huangmen and the Four Heroes of Taihu were too ordinary, and they were not considered heavyweights at all. They could not make him stand out among the talented Liangshan heroes and be treated differently by Jiang Hongfei.

"We still need one or two important people to go to Brother Jiang Yan with us..."

Let's say that Song Jiang and his younger brother Song Qing lived in Chaijin Village for more than half a year.

For more than half a year, Song Jiang has been thinking about his lawsuit for killing Yan Poxi, and he was also worried that his father Song Taigong would not be affected by his lawsuit, so he asked his younger brother Song Qing to go home to find out the news.

Soon after Song Qing returned home, he wrote a letter to Song Jiang saying that with the help of Zhu Dian and Lei Heng, his lawsuit did not involve his family, and Song Qing no longer had to escape. Now the government would only arrest him and let him go again. Hide outside for a while, wait until Zhao Ji issues amnesty, and then go home.

When Song Jiang was at Chai Jin's house, he played and hunted everywhere with Chai Jin every day. As time went by, he felt bored.

It just so happened that Kong Taigong of Baihu Mountain sent people to Song Jiang's home many times to greet Song Jiang. Seeing that Kong Taigong really cared about Song Jiang, Song Qing told Kong Taigong the news that Song Jiang was hiding in Chaijin Village.

After Kong Taigong learned the news, he immediately sent people to Zhuangzi in Chaijin to invite Song Jiang to stay at his house for a while.

So Song Jiang said goodbye to Chai Jin and came to Kong Taigong's village in Baihu Mountain. When he had nothing to do, he taught Kong Taigong's two sons Mao Touxing Kong Ming and Duxing Xing Kong Dianming how to practice exercises and martial arts.

Song Jiang lived in Kong Taigong's village for more than half a year.

In fact, Song Jiang originally wanted to go to Qingfeng Village to meet his former friend Hua Rong.

But before Song Jiang's accident, Hua Rong often wrote letters to greet Song Jiang. After Song Jiang's accident, Hua Rong had no news.

This made Song Jiang suspicious.

Song Jiang also learned through Chai Jin, Kong Ming and Kong Liang that in the past year or so, Hua Rong's official career had been smooth and he had become the second or third figure in the Qingzhou military. He was currently training troops to encircle and suppress Qingzhen Mountain, and he should not have time to entertain Song Jiang.

Song Jiang could only give up angrily and continue to stay in Kongjiazhuang.

On this day, Song Jiang, Kong Ming and Kong Liang were having a drink in the tavern. Suddenly ten servants came to escort the three prisoners into the hotel.

Kong Liang saw this and cursed: "It's unlucky that I didn't look at the almanac when I came out today and met such a bad person."

Song Jiang heard this and educated him: "My dear brother, please be careful. The few of them passing by here are probably going to Salmon Island. They are already in dire straits. Why do you need to speak harshly to them?"

In the world of Water Margin, being cheated on one's spouse is common, and the Zhao and Song dynasties were also the dynasty that liked cheating on one's spouse the most.

But there are actually differences between thorn pair and thorn pair.

In short, in the early Zhao and Song dynasties, the places of exile were divided into ten levels. In order of severity, they were: Bencheng, Benzhou, neighboring states, five hundred miles, one thousand miles, two thousand miles, and three thousand miles. , Guangnan, Far Bad Land, Salmon Island.

——Later, in the first year of Yuanfu, Emperor Zhezong of the Song Dynasty, the number of penal colonies was changed to nine levels, the last two being Yuanbijunzhou and Shamen Island.

The so-called distant evil states refer to: Nan'en, Xinxun, Mei, Gao, Lei, Hua, Bin, Rong, Qiongzhou, Wan'an, Changhua, and Jiyangjun.

These places are all in the Guangnan area of ​​the Zhao and Song Dynasties. Since these areas have not yet been developed, they are not only remote, but also poisonous by miasma, and the living environment is very harsh. It can be said that many people who go to these places will die.

——The "History of the Song Dynasty" said that "in the miasmatic land of Chunzhou, nine out of ten people who were sent to the imperial court died." The mortality rate reached 80 to 90 percent, which was really terrifying.

However, the danger level of these distant evil military states with a mortality rate as high as 80 to 90% can only be ranked second to last.

One can imagine how terrifying Salmon Island, which ranks last, is.

Salmon Island is a deserted island belonging to Dengzhou, sixty miles away from Dengzhou. If you are sent there, it will be almost impossible to escape alive without a boat.

There's nothing terrible about this. If you can't escape, then don't escape, right?

What’s really scary about Salmon Island is its horrific death rate!

During the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty, Wang Juyuan, who was then the transfer envoy of Jingdong Road, mentioned the situation of Salmon Island when reporting his work to Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty.

"If we plan to allocate 300 people every year, there will be about 3,000 people in ten years. Excluding one person who died, there will be a total of 2,000 people in charge. Now it is only 180, which shows its disadvantages."

That is: within ten years, Salmon Island, which was supposed to have 3,000 prisoners, ended up with only 180 prisoners.

This mortality rate is as high as 94%!

Why did so many people die?

First of all, Salmon Island is very small. There are only 80 families on it, and they can only support 300 prisoners.

Once the number of people that Salmon Island can feed exceeds the number, doesn't it mean that someone will die?

However, the Zhao and Song Dynasties sent prisoners to Salmon Island every year. These prisoners were the kind of felons who would not be pardoned, which was equivalent to life imprisonment.

In this way, it is almost equivalent to the fact that if there are more than 300 people (including jailers), one of them will die.

Also, Li Qing, the village leader of Salmon Island, likes to kill prisoners.

Whenever the number of prisoners exceeds the quota, Li Qing throws them into the sea to feed the fish.

In just two years, Li Qing killed 700 people using this method.

These are nothing, there are many perverted jailers on Salmon Island, they enjoy torturing people.

In other words, the prisoners who go to Salmon Island are simply worse off than dead.

Precisely because Salmon Island is dangerous and has an extremely high mortality rate, life is worse than death. In the eyes of people in this world, Salmon Island is a gate to hell and a place on earth.

Therefore, the vast majority of prisoners would rather die than go to Salmon Island.

In "Water Margin", the reason why Deng Fei wanted to save Pei Xuan was because he knew that if Pei Xuan was sent to Salmon Island, he would never return; and Dong Chao Xue Ba said to Lu Junyi, "You will die on Salmon Island." , which is not an exaggeration.

At this moment, one of the three prisoners, a big man with red eyes, heard Song Jiang's words and thought of the horror of Salmon Island, and his eyes immediately showed reluctance. The same was true for the other two men, one tall and one short.

After being ordered by the official to squat by the wall, the red-eyed man saw Kong Liang who had just scolded them for being unlucky. His heart moved, and he immediately took action...

As pictured!

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