Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 30 Drafting the contract [Please recommend and collect]

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The town leaders originally planned to wait for Gu Hongyu to make a decision and sign an agreement before discussing the land surveying and contracting issues with the village. However, with the support of Party Secretary Aza, most of the villagers also eliminated their hostility towards the investors.

Gu Hongyu weighed the advantages and disadvantages of developing agriculture here, and found that it was actually a natural planting base, but just for him, carrying the Xianyuan space with him was not the same wherever he went, even to the desert. Gu Hongyu, the center, is also confident of creating an oasis.

It doesn't matter that it's in a remote location. He is now very interested in practicing the newly unsealed magic. A place like this can let him use his skills at will. As long as he is careful, he doesn't have to worry about shocking the world. There are cameras everywhere in the city, making it impossible to escape.

"Secretary Gao, Mayor Li, I promise you to choose to develop agricultural projects here, but I have something to say first. After the free period of the Great Lakes, the contract price for the land must be within the reasonable range I require, otherwise there is no need to discuss anything." Gu Hongyu Finally made it clear.

Everyone present was moved when they heard Gu Hongyu's words. Even Niu Ming, who had nothing to do with it, was extremely surprised: "Hongyu, this is a big investment. Don't make a decision easily. We will discuss it when we go back." ”

The buddies who have lived in the same room for four years know everything about it. Niu Ming knows the general situation of Gu Hongyu's family. Since he went to college, Gu Hongyu has been frugal and used weekend holidays to work part-time. Everyone in the dormitory knows that at this time, Gu Hongyu Yu's promise to contract the lake and land frightened him.

Seeing his nervous look, Gu Hongyu jokingly replied: "Although the conditions here are a bit worse, the advantage is that the contracting fee is very cheap. I have the technology in hand and I'm afraid I won't succeed!"

"You can gather armpits to make fur, and sand to form a tower. You don't know this. The contract fee for a single acre is not much, but there are wastelands everywhere here. You can't get enough of the money you spent on buying vegetables last time." Niu Ming looked at it. Gu Hongyu said anxiously with a calm look.

His heart was touched, and the carefree Niu Ming was still thinking about his brothers deep down in his heart. Without the joke just now, Gu Hongyu said seriously: "You know my character, can I fight a battle that I am not sure about? That buddy of mine is I was looking for land everywhere to promote the cultivation of this vegetable. The promotion price of these vegetables is 5 yuan, but the real sales price in the future will be at least 10 yuan. Knowing that I can find a place, he will not only retain the new technology but also provide me with part of the start-up capital. ”

"I can enjoy discounts in the town. When the time comes, I can use the contracted land and ask them to help me get a loan from the bank. Except for the cost of raising funds for the road and building irrigation pipelines, the rest does not require much money, but as long as I give It only takes me a few months to harvest vegetables, and I can get the money back quickly.”

Niu Ming looked at Gu Hongyu's words and was obviously thinking deeply in his heart. At this time, any attempts to dissuade him would have no effect. Yu Shi simply said: "Brother, I can still spare one or two hundred thousand from home. When the time comes, I will be short of funds." "One sound."

Gu Hongyu beat the cow and said: "My four-year brothers will definitely ask you for help if they are in trouble."

"But it has to be at least a 3-cent profit or a compound profit, otherwise we won't lend it out!" Niu Ming couldn't play anymore and Shen Shen quickly started playing again.

None of the brothers in Gu Hongyu's dormitory knew how to use the more than one million yuan to buy the orchids. He analyzed it many times and decided to give one or two hundred thousand yuan to raise money for the road. The road must be repaired, otherwise it would be difficult to transport the vegetables. , but the road construction here is very simple, and it is very flat everywhere. It should be very fast to lay a cushion and then lay it with asphalt.

Secondly, even if all the land transferred by the government is eaten this time, Gu Hongyu took a closer look in the car just now. The surrounding pastures and arable land surrounding the lake are only more than ten square kilometers. According to 20 yuan per acre, one square kilometer 1,500 acres is only 30,000 yuan, and the annual contracting fee for 10 square kilometers is only 300,000 yuan.

He has thought about the use of pasture and land. The pasture is naturally for grazing, and the cattle and sheep will be fed. When the time comes, the grass will be sprinkled with diluted space spring water to store it, which is more effective than any other fertilizer. The land that can be cultivated will definitely not be used for growing vegetables. , he will introduce high value-added crops for planting, and he will be busy with many things in the future anyway.

At first, the most expensive thing was the laying of irrigation pipes for farmland and pastures. Gu Hongyu decided to buy fully automated irrigation equipment. Although there was spring water in the space, it was very troublesome to have people watering everywhere because of the large amount of land. It is estimated that everything will cost tens to millions.

All that's left is to build a vegetable greenhouse. The environment here is full of wind and sand, which is not conducive to the growth and quality of vegetables. Secondly, there is the problem of temperature difference between day and night. If it is outdoors at night, it will definitely freeze.

With all his wealth, there is very little left after all aspects are taken into consideration. If something goes wrong and he overspends, he will really have to find some quick ways to make money.

Who cares, there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain. People can still urinate to death. Gu Hongyu is very courageous when he has space to rely on.

When the party secretary of Aza Village saw Gu Hongyu agreeing to contract the lake and land in person, he began to organize the villagers to count their land around the lake. In addition to leaving some pastures for their own grazing, many families sold all their land to Gu. Hongyu.

The villagers also have their advantages on the edge of the desert where the land is vast and the population is sparse. That is, each household has a lot of grassland and land, especially the village secretary told him that the family with a large population has more than one square kilometer.

This means that if they contract the land to Gu Hongyu, they can earn 30,000 yuan a year without doing anything. Then, if they join the farm or company opened by Gu Hongyu, adults can earn tens of thousands of yuan a year. Think about it, this is a wonderful thing for them, it is simply a fairy tale of pie in the sky.

The statistics are still in progress. The whole village is excited to discuss how much money they can get from the land transfer this time. How can it not be exciting if it is still every year? Even Secretary Aza is also happy. As long as Gu Hongyu officially contracts, the village will immediately become rich.

Near noon, the town leaders happily discussed the contract with Gu Hongyu. They even refused the offer of slaughtering sheep by the village secretary to entertain them. Secretary Aza was also a hot-tempered person. He had invited them to dinner, but when he heard that they would not be treated to dinner when they returned to the town to sign the contract, he urged them to hurry up, which made Gu Hongyu very depressed.

As a result, they had a simple lunch in the town government cafeteria at noon, and then they started to negotiate the contract price without taking a break. The lake was free for one year, and after the free period, it was 250,000 yuan a year. The land was 20 yuan per mu, and the area had to be confirmed by Gu Hongyu after the village statistics were completed.

For other road fundraising issues, Gu Hongyu also admitted on the spot that it was 200,000 yuan, but he required construction to start within one month and be completed and open to traffic within two months, otherwise the delicate vegetables would not be able to be transported out after they were planted.

Both parties were sincere, and it didn't take too much time to sign a draft contract. Gu Hongyu and the town leader Secretary Gao signed their names.

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