On this day, Xiaozhi and his friends were asked by Professor Oak to visit the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

Xiaozhi and his friends finally arrived at the Zhenghui Lighthouse before dark. An hour ago, Xiaozhi captured a giant crab on the nearby beach. Although this giant crab was a little small in size, it was very fierce in combat. This giant crab was the one that he used to defeat three Pokémon in the first game of the Quartz Conference.

Xiaozhi successfully pocketed 500 points. The giant crab is the seventh Pokémon in Xiaozhi's hand. The button of the Poké Ball turned red. Xiaozhi thought to himself, there are not enough places for six! Next time, I have to think of a way to ask Professor Oak for help.


【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Super-Strong Pliers (possessing pliers that pride themselves on their strength, and whose attacks will not be reduced by the opponent)】

【Level: Ordinary low】

【Skills: Impact, Hardening, Foam Ray, Water Play]

Xiaozhi rang the doorbell, and a male voice came from the intercom:"Excuse me?"

Xiaozhi said:"Hello, Dr. Zhenghui. I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and Dr. Oak asked us to visit you."

There was silence for a long time on the other end of the intercom before the voice on the other end of the intercom seemed to remember this and said:"Come in!" As the voice fell, the heavy wooden door slowly opened.

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaozhi's backpack strap:"Xiaozhi, why is it so dark!"

Xiaogang rubbed his arm:"It's still a little cold!"

Xiaozhi walked forward:"It's okay." Xiaozhi was in front, and they came to a lighted room. The previous voice from the intercom came again:"The door is not closed, come in!"

Xiaogang blurted out:"This......This is......Fossil Helmets!"

After Xiaozhi and the others pushed open the door and walked into the room, they found a huge Fossil Helmets standing in the middle of the room. The Fossil Helmets are Pokémon that have long been extinct, and they can only be resurrected if fossils are found. And the size of the Fossil Helmets would not be so huge. The appearance of this Fossil Helmets shocked Xiaogang so much that he blurted out this question.

Xiaozhi took a closer look and found that this was obviously a mechanical armor. It seemed that Professor Masaaki was inside. Xiaozhi said,"Dr. Masaaki, do you need help?"

Xiaoxia said,"Xiaozhi, Dr. Masaaki is a human, not a Pokémon, let alone a Fossil Helmets!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, take a closer look. This is armor, not a real Pokémon."

Masaaki's voice came from the armor:"As expected of a junior that Professor Oak favors, he is really observant. But, I really need help. Xiaozhi, did you see a red button on the armor?"

Xiaozhi nodded,"I see."Xiaozhi walked forward and pressed a button. The armor opened and a young man walked out. He was Zhenghui.

Zhenghui said embarrassedly:"I made this armor because I was studying ancient Pokémon. After entering, I found that the hands of the fossil helmet were too short to press the button. That's why you saw it like this."

Xiaoxia murmured:"The mood of Pokémon?" Zhenghui said

:"Yes, the mood of Pokémon. Studying Pokémon cannot just study the appearance of Pokémon. What's more important is the mood. What kind of mentality do they hold to live in this world? This is what I am currently studying. You should know that there are more than 1,000 species of Pokémon that have been discovered, but there are only 151 species living in Kanto."

Xiaoxia exclaimed:"There are so many! Then what we have seen so far is also very limited!"

Zhenghui said:"That's right, what we researchers and your trainers of traveling species know so far is very limited."

Zhenghui continued:"You came at the right time tonight. I invite you to witness a phantom Pokémon with me. This Pokémon is huge and should be the largest Pokémon at present!"

【The host triggers the mission and reveals the identity of the giant Pokémon to Masaki.

You should know that the key stone can only be exchanged for 5,000 points. Xiaozhi's points plus the 500 points for catching the giant claw crab only have 5,500 points.

If Xiaozhi remembers correctly, this giant Pokémon should be an ancient Dragonite! I didn't pay much attention to this matter in my previous life. It was not until I caught my own"Dragonite" and talked about it with Professor Oak that I found out that the size of this Dragonite is very similar to the Dynamax in the Galar region.

Xiaogang said excitedly:"As a Pokémon breeder, I am very interested. Professor Masaki, please let us meet it together." Masaki pointed to the top:"Then follow me!"

The group followed Masaki to the top of the lighthouse, and at this time, they could see the thick fog beginning to spread on the sea. Masaaki said,"I saw it by chance on the other side of the sea many years ago. Later, after some research, I found out that it has been wandering around the world looking for a companion."

Xiaozhi said,"Always?"

Masaaki confirmed,"Always, maybe it will stop when it finds one! It only appears in thick fog like this. Look, it's coming!"

Masaaki played the sound he had prepared long ago with the lighthouse, attracting it to come closer. When Xiaozhi looked down, he saw three uninvited guests on the cliff:"Pipipi, Bulbasaur, you two attack directly below you."

Bulbasaur jumped onto Pipipi's back, and the Leaf Blade and Wing Attack were launched at the same time, knocking the three members of Team Rocket who were climbing the cliff away.

Xiaoxia lay on the railing, looking at the direction where the three members of Team Rocket flew away and said,"So it was the three of them! They are really haunting."

Xiaozhi took back Pipipi and Bulbasaur and said,"The three of them wanted to use the rocket launcher to attack the Pokémon in the thick fog, so I stopped them." Xiaozhi just reacted, how could he know so clearly?

Zhenghui said happily:"It's getting closer! It's getting closer!"

Xiaozhi took out the illustration and entered the name of Dragonite, and said to Zhenghui:"Dr. Zhenghui, do you think it's Dragonite?"

Zhenghui looked at the picture in the illustration and then at the huge shadow:"Xiaozhi, you observe very carefully. It should be correct, it's Dragonite!"

The huge Dragonite stopped and stared at the lighthouse for a long time, then suddenly turned around and left.

Zhenghui just watched the huge Dragonite disappear, and the thick fog gradually dissipated as if nothing had happened.

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The reward is the Keystone Gloves. The item will be placed in the host's shopping bag and can be taken out directly when needed. The host has initially awakened the power of waveguide and is rewarded with a lottery ticket. 】

Lottery ticket?

Xiaozhi communicated with No. 124:"No. 124, what is the use of the lottery ticket?"

【The host can participate in a lucky draw, and the prizes are very generous! 】

No. 124 opened the lucky draw page. Xiaozhi looked at the various Mega Evolution Stones and Pokémon Eggs on it and was looking forward to what he could draw.

Xiaozhi said:"Then I will use the lucky draw ticket now"

【One lottery ticket has been deducted, and the turntable starts】

【Congratulations to the host for getting a Mega Evolution Stone of Banguilas.

Xiaozhi was very happy to get the Mega Evolution Stone. As for Banguilas, he had never gotten this Pokémon in his previous life, so getting its Mega Evolution Stone was the same as not getting it. For him, it had no meaning at the moment.

【Host, don't worry. After the Chengdu League ends, the Yukira you took care of in your previous life will become your Pokémon.

Xiaozhi remembered the Yukira that had followed him since it was an egg. Although he had not captured it, the friendship between them was not bad at all.

The sun also rose from the sea, and a new day arrived! After a night's rest at the Zhenghui Lighthouse, the group said goodbye to Zhenghui the next day and continued their journey to Vermilion City.

Xiaoxia stretched and said,"It feels like this night has passed so quickly!"

Xiaogang also echoed,"Yes!"

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