After half a month of traveling and getting lost again and again, Xiaozhi and his friends finally arrived at Vermilion City. When they saw Vermilion City, Xiaoxia almost cried for joy.

Xiaozhi and his friends first took the Pokémon to the Pokémon Center to recover their strength. After all, Xiaozhi planned to challenge the Vermilion Gym after a short rest.

After Xiaozhi arrived at the Pokémon Center, he contacted Professor Oak and sent Sylveon back to Professor Oak. Sylveon's strength has also reached the ordinary intermediate level, and it can train alone even without Xiaozhi by its side.

"Finally resurrected! We haven't had good food for many days!"

Misty was very satisfied with the lunch.

Brock smiled and said,"It should be two or three days! Xiaozhi, are you planning to challenge the Vermilion Gym this afternoon?"

Xiaozhi nodded:"After all, we haven't played in the gym match for a long time, and Pikachu and the others want to move around."

When Xiaozhi and the others were about to take their backpacks and leave the Pokémon Center, a Rattata with a charred body was sent to the Pokémon Center by its trainer and passed by the three of them.

Brock turned his head and looked around:"Xiaozhi, I didn't notice it just now, there are so many injured Pokémon in the Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia also looked around and said,"Yeah, maybe we were too hungry and didn't notice it just now! Wait for me, I'll go and ask what's going on."

Xiaoxia came back soon and explained to Xiaozhi and the others:"This was all done by Raichu, the gym trainer of the Vermilion Gym, Mashiro. The trainer I just asked said that Raichu defeated her Bulbasaur with almost one hit."

Gon thought for a moment and said,"Raichu.........It's the evolved form of Pikachu. From what Misty said, this Raichu should be of a very high level. What are you going to do, Ash?"

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said that he would not lose.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Pikachu said that he would not lose. I will win this game." In his previous life, Pikachu also decided not to evolve in Vermilion City. Besides, his strength is much higher than that in his previous life.

Twenty minutes later, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived in front of the Vermilion Gym. When the people in the Vermilion Gym heard that Xiaozhi was here to challenge the gym, they led Xiaozhi directly to the competition venue.

A tall and strong young man said,"Little brother, are you the next challenger?" The young man turned around and saw Pikachu at Xiaozhi's feet:"Little brother, your Pokémon is so cute, it's just a baby! It doesn't matter, I'm the Vermilion Gym's gym trainer, Zhishi."

Xiaozhi said,"I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town."

If we go by the experience of the previous life, although this Raichu is of a high level, it was evolved into a Raichu by Ma Zhishi as soon as it was captured. Although Xiaozhi's Pikachu is currently only at the ordinary high-level level, it can still fight with its speed.

The referee is already in place:"Now start the gym competition of the Vermilion Gym. You can use 1 Pokémon. The game begins."

Ma Zhishi laughed:"Let the babies have a good look! Go, Raichu."

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu:"Pikachu is decided to be you!"

No wonder so many Pokémon in the Pokémon Center were injured, the strength of this Raichu has reached the elite level


【Attribute: Electricity】

【Features: Static Electricity (When attacked by contact, there is a 30% chance of paralyzing the opponent)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Pikachu takes the initiative and moves at high speed"

"Pikachu!" Xiaozhi followed the original plan and moved at high speed to increase Pikachu's speed. Pikachu rushed towards Raichu, and only the afterimage was left around Raichu.

"Raichu, Mount Tai"

""Lei Lei!" Raichu used the Tarzan Pressing Down technique, using his entire body to press down on Pikachu to limit Pikachu's speed, but when Raichu pressed down, he pressed down on nothing.

"Raichu, use 100,000 volts on the ground.

Ma Zhishi wanted to use 100,000 volts to destroy the field to limit Pikachu's high speed. Raichu sent a strong electric current towards the ground, and cracks appeared on the ground.

"Pikachu, use Lightning Flash to dodge and then use Iron Tail."

Pikachu dodged the rocks on the ground that were stirred up by 100,000 volts, and swept its metallic tail to Raichu's feet. Raichu was hit by Pikachu's Iron Tail and his steps were unstable.

"Good chance Pikachu, another Iron Tail"

"Pikachu jumped up and hit him with his Iron Tail, knocking Raichu to the ground.

"Raichu, are you okay? Little brother, I underestimated your Pikachu! But you won't be so lucky next time, Raichu, Megaton Punch.

Raichu attacks Pikachu with a powerful fist.

"Pikachu flashes"

"Pikachu!"Pikachu took the position behind Raichu at lightning speed.

"Raichu is behind me.

Raichu turned around.

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"

After Pikachu threw out a 100,000 volt attack, he tilted his head. Raichu's Megaton Punch brushed past Pikachu's head, but Pikachu's 100,000 volts hit Raichu.

"Raichu rammed into Pikachu.

Raichu was not to be outdone and rammed into Pikachu with amazing momentum. The distance was too close for Pikachu to dodge.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail.

Raichu is much bigger than Pikachu, so it knocks Pikachu away. Pikachu adjusts its position in the air, uses the pillars beside the fighting field as a foothold, and rushes towards Raichu to perform another Iron Tail.

"Raichu thunder"

"We also use thunder.

The thunders collided with each other, forming an explosion. The explosion dissipated, but Pikachu disappeared.

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts."

Raichu was looking for Pikachu everywhere. At the same time of the explosion, Pikachu had already jumped right above Raichu with his tail. This time, the 100,000 volts was unavoidable.

Raichu managed to stabilize his body, but his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

The referee said:"Raichu has lost his ability to fight, Pikachu wins, so the winner is Satoshi from Pallet Town."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped into Xiaozhi's arms, Xiaozhi caught it, rubbed its head and praised:"Well done, Pikachu."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang stepped forward and said:"Congratulations, Xiaozhi." Xiaoxia touched Pikachu's head:"Pikachu is awesome!" Pikachu acted cute to Xiaoxia like a spoiled child.

Ma Zhishi handed the orange badge to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, the orange badge is yours! Let's have another game later!"

Xiaozhi took the orange badge:"I must"

"I got the orange badge!"


【Get the orange badge and get 500 points.

Ma Zhishi laughed and said,"It's been a long time since I had such a good fight. Xiaozhi, I have to admit that your tactics are better. Please work hard in the future."

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"I will. Thank you, Mr. Ma Zhishi."

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