The next day, Xiaozhi and his friends were planning their next route at the Pokémon Center.

Xiaoxia said,"Let's take a boat trip!"

Xiaogang pointed to the map and said,"Okay, we can take a boat from the port of Vermilion City to Blue Pulkey City, and then transfer to a boat that passes through the Maiden's Gorge to go directly to Golden City!"

Xiaoxia said excitedly,"I haven't taken a boat trip since I was 7 years old. I'm really looking forward to it."

Xiaozhi said,"Then let's go buy a boat ticket!" Xiaogang put away the map. They bought food and other things last night, and they can set off after a little packing.......

The sound of fireworks rang in Xiaozhi's ears, followed by congratulations:"Congratulations!"

Two people dressed as high school students in skirts appeared in front of Xiaozhi and his friends. Xiaozhi knew without guessing that the two strange people in front of him were Musashi and Kojiro.

Xiaogang was a little confused:"Did anyone win the prize?"

Xiaoxia spread her hands:"No."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Kojiro, you are a man! Aren't you embarrassed to wear a skirt?"

Kojiro���The smile froze on his face, and after a while he said,"What do you care, little brat!" He wiped off all the makeup on his face, feeling a little embarrassed about being exposed.

Xiaogang clapped his hands,"I told you! Tell me, what is the real purpose of your coming?" Musashi said,"We are not here to cause trouble to you today, but to give you benefits. That's it!" Musashi handed the three invitation tickets in his hand to Xiaoxia.

Xiaogang leaned over to discuss with Xiaoxia whether what Team Rocket said was true or not.

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu on his shoulder helplessly and said,"Pikachu, they don't tell the truth, one hundred thousand volts!"

"Pickup......"Pikachu smiled mischievously, and the electric sacs on both sides of his cheeks began to gather yellow electricity.

Kojiro interrupted,"No, no, no, let's talk! The thing is, the organizer of this party is Team Rocket, so we have the invitation ticket." Kojiro weighed it and said that it was better than being beaten, and he only revealed who the organizer was.

Xiaoxia said,"I knew you wouldn't be so kind."

Xiaozhi said,"Since Team Rocket is so kind, let's go and take a look! By the way, it's also good to save our travel expenses, isn't it?" Xiaozhi thought to himself that he didn't want to experience the trip to the bottom of the sea on the Saint Anno in his previous life, but this would also save money. Wouldn't it be okay to escape before the ship sank?

Xiaogang heard the meaning of Xiaozhi's words and said,"Although we don't know what Team Rocket is going to do? We just need to be careful."

Xiaozhi smiled slyly and said,"Musashi, Kojiro, we will accept it! Thank you! Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, let's go!" Xiaozhi and the others left with the coupons.

Kojiro said,"I feel like the little brat seems to know something."

Musashi said,"Why think so much? Our mission has been completed. Don't we have the final say on the ship?"

Kojiro murmured,"It would be great if it were true!" Musashi had walked a long way, but Kojiro was still standing there. She said to Kojiro,"Kojiro, why are you still standing there? Let's go!"

Satoshi and the others had already successfully boarded the Saint Anno with their invitation tickets.

Misty exclaimed,"It's so big! Satoshi and Gon, look at all the small shops over there. I need to go take a look first."

Gon said,"Hey, Misty!" Gon's shout behind Misty only resulted in Misty waving her hand.

Satoshi patted Gon on the shoulder and said,"Gon, I saw a battle over there. Pikachu and I are leaving too!"

"Pikachu looked full of fighting spirit.

Xiaogang said helplessly:"Why are you all alone? Never mind, I'm going to chat up with the beautiful big sister too!" Without Xiaoxia by his side, Xiaogang completely let himself go.......

"Pikachu 100,000 volts!"

"Pikachu rushed forward and defeated Raida with a 100,000-volt shot.

The referee said,"Raida has lost his ability to fight, Pikachu wins, and the winner is Ash from Pallet Town."

The host said,"Ash has won ten games in a row! If there were no challengers, Ash would have won today's battle tournament!"

Ash received the black sludge item from the battle tournament, and he was thinking in his mind that he could use it after he captured the stinky sludge.

When Ash went back to find Misty and Brock, he ran into Jiro first. When he passed by Jiro, he saw Jiro holding a golden Poké Ball. He thought: Poor Jiro, he is so complacent even after being cheated of money. Ash did not expose the truth. Five minutes later, he found Misty who was obsessed with various stalls, and a few minutes later, he found Brock who was chatting with a big sister.

Brock was pulled by Misty's ears and dragged to the dining area, and the three of them had a full meal.

"With a"bang", Xiaozhi and the others' attention was drawn to the ship. Xiaozhi thought: Is it finally going to start? Xiaozhi whispered to Xiaoxia:"Xiaoxia, what I told you before you got on the ship, prepare your water Pokémon."

Xiaoxia ran out and nodded to Xiaozhi:"No problem."

All the staff on the ship were wearing"R"The team wore clothes with the team logo on them and turned on the machine behind them, trying to suck away the Poké Balls of the trainers present.

Brock sneered:"It turns out that the people from Team Rocket have their eyes on the Pokémon of these trainers. Satoshi, let's fight together!"

Satoshi estimated that the time was about right:"Okay, let's go together. Pikachu, 100,000 Volts."

Brock sent out his Geodude:"Geodude, Rockfall."

Team Rocket, who wanted to get close to Satoshi and Brock, were beaten badly by the combined efforts of the two of them.

The ship began to shake violently. Satoshi barely managed to stand still, and Misty ran back and shouted to all the trainers in the hall:"It's a storm, the ship is sinking��!"

The hall started to commotion, and people rushed to the deck.

Xiaozhi said,"Squirtle, I've decided it's you! Xiaogang, let's jump together!"

Xiaogang looked down and saw that Xiaoxia's Starfish, Gem Starfish and Goldfish were all on standby.

"With a"splash", the three jumped into the sea. Xiaozhi hugged Squirtle's shell and said,"Misty, Brock, are you okay?"

Xiaoxia's swimming skills were very good. She was caught by Starfish and said,"I'm fine."

Starfish carried Brock on his back, and Brock also said,"I'm fine too."

Xiaozhi sent out Pidgeot,"Pidgeot, help us find the way."

""Pipido was leading the way for Xiaozhi and the others above their heads.

Kojiro's voice came from the deck:"Little brat, save us! We don't have any water Pokémon!"

Musashi also pleaded:"Yes, please help us, we promise not to do bad things in the future!"

Meowth said:"I'm most afraid of water!" Xiaozhi shouted to the three members of Team Rocket:"Kojiro, don't you have a newly bought Magikarp? Just save yourselves! We're leaving!"

Kojiro suddenly realized:"Yes! Musashi, Meowth, you were laughing at me not long ago." Kojiro proudly took out the Magikarp's Poké Ball, but then he thought, why did the little brat know that I bought a Magikarp? However, he could not care so much now, and escaping was the most important thing.

Musashi and Meowth knelt down, and Musashi said:"The carp among carps, the king of carp, Magikarp. Kojiro will���I will listen to whatever you say."

Meow Meow was almost moved to tears:"Meow too!"

The three of them found a rope and tied it around their waists, and tied the other end to the jumping Magikarp. Kojiro ordered:"Magikarp, let's go!"

The Magikarp jumped in the water.......

Every time Kojiro's command was answered by Magikarp's splashing water.

Musashi was full of black lines on his head:"It can't just paddle!"

The deck was the only thing left on the Saint Anno that was not submerged!

Kojiro kicked Magikarp in anger:"I don't want you anymore!" Magikarp began to emit white light all over its body, and the evolution began! Gyarados roared at Kojiro, and a Dragon's Fury sent Team Rocket flying. It must be said that Gyarados really saved the three members of Team Rocket.

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