After returning to Asagi City, Xiaozhi and his group went to the Lighthouse to meet Ami and the others. After learning that Guang'er had recovered and Ami had accepted the gym challenge again, Xiaozhi and Ami's gym match was scheduled for 10 o'clock the next morning.

Early in the morning, Kexia came to the Pokémon Center to find Xiaozhi and the others. Xiaoxia said,"It's Kexia! Why are you here so early?"

Kexia said,"Miss Ami asked me to pick you up to the gym. After all, this is Miss Ami's first match after the gym competition was resumed! Hey, where is Professor Xiaozhi?" Kexia only saw Xiaoxia and Xiaogang but not Xiaozhi.

Xiaogang smiled and said,"Xiaozhi is training with the Pokémon! He should be back soon." As soon as he said that, Xiaozhi came back with Pikachu, Infernape, Croc, Owl, Beedrill and Baby Bear. After being trained hard by Mew for a few days, Baby Bear finally stopped playing pranks and became obedient. However, his personality of pretending to be pitiful and cute has not changed.

Xiaozhi said:"Kexia!"

Kexia said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, thank you for what you did before. Miss Ami asked me to come and pick you up to the gym."

Xiaozhi collected all the Pokémon into the Poké Balls first, and said:"Let's go now!"

Kexia said:"Dr. Xiaozhi's Pokémon seem to be very strong, but Miss Ami will not let you take the badge easily."

Xiaozhi said:"I'm looking forward to this game!"

In the Asagi Gym,

Kexia is the referee of this gym match. She said:"Now begins the gym match between Ami, the gym trainer of the Asagi Gym, and Dr. Xiaozhi in Pallet Town. There are 2 Pokémon that can be used, and only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. When all the Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the game is over."

Ami said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, I will not let you take the badge easily!"

Xiaozhi said:"I couldn't ask for more."

"Enter Magneto!"

"Fireball Mouse, it’s you!"


【Attributes: Electricity, Steel】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Strong (Even if attacked by the opponent's moves, it will not be knocked down by one hit. One-hit-kill moves will not be effective)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate】

"Fireball Rat, Smoke Screen.

Fireball Rat used smoke screen to hide its body at the beginning.

"Magnemite found the location of the fireball rat and used electromagnetic waves. Magnemite flew directly above the smoke, looking for the location of the fireball rat. After determining the location of the fireball rat, Magnemite rushed directly into the smoke and used electromagnetic waves to attack the fireball rat.

"Avoid, Fireball uses Jet Flame."

The Fireball in the smoke screen avoided the electromagnetic wave attack, raised its head and used Jet Flame on Magnemite, which was very close to it.

"Magnemite uses Hold.

Magnemite uses Hold to block the flames of Infernape.

"Infernape uses Heat Blast.

Infernape uses the smoke screen to spread and uses Heat Blast in it, leaving Magnemite with no way to avoid it and taking direct damage.

"Magnemite, discharge."

Magnemite's characteristics allow it to still fight, and it uses discharge to deflect the smoke screen, and the flaming rat also suffers some damage

"Incharlie, spray fire."

Incharlie sprayed another powerful flame and knocked down Magneto.

Kexia said:"Magnemite has lost its ability to fight, Incharlie wins."

A dazzling light of evolution shone from Incharlie's body, and Incharlie evolved into Lagarde.

Lagarde jumped into Ash's arms, and Ash touched his head and said:"Well done, Lagarde!"

Brock said:"Incharlie has evolved!"

Misty said:"It's still cute after evolution! Lagarde is awesome!"

Ami took back Magnemite and said:"Dr. Ash, this is my next one, go Steelix."

Ash said to Lagarde in his arms:"Lagarde, fight again!"

Lagarde stepped onto the battlefield again.

【Steel Snake】

【Attributes: Steel, Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Strong (Even if attacked by the opponent's moves, it will not be knocked down by one hit. One-hit-kill moves will not be effective)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Steelix, you are welcome to use your iron tail.

Steelix used its hard tail to sweep towards the Fire Rock Mouse.

"Fire Rock Mouse, Charge Flame Attack."

The Fire Rock Mouse covered its entire body with flames, dodging Iron Tail's attack while using the speed of Charge Flame Attack to get close to Steelix.

"Steelix, use sandstorm.

Steelix raised a sandstorm to form a wall to block the attack of the charged flame attack. After the sandstorm disappeared, Steelix used the digging technique to sneak into the ground. The sandstorm was not only used to resist, but also acted as a confusion!

"Fire Rock Rat, use Earthquake."

A special move of the ground type that Fire Rock Rat can also use. Fire Rock Rat shakes the ground, and the effect of Earthquake on Steelix that has burrowed underground is doubled.

"Steelix came out from underground and used Rock Slide.

Steelix came out from underground and did not lose its combat ability due to its special ability. Steelix used Rock Slide on Fire Rock Mouse.

"Incarnadine jumped up and sprayed flames at close range."

When the rockfall was approaching, Incarnadine suddenly jumped up, using the rockfall as a foothold, and sprayed flames at close range, causing Steelix to lose its ability to fight.

Kexia said:"Steelix lost his ability to fight, Incarnadine won. The gym trainer has already lost two Pokémon, so the victory of this game goes to Professor Xiaozhi."

Ami took back Steelix, and Incarnadine......Now it is a Rock Rat, and its strength is only at the peak of the elite level. It is a cross-level battle, but the Rock Rat only suffered damage from the direct discharge once, relying on Xiaozhi's tactics. Ami lost this game convincingly.

She handed the Iron Badge to Xiaozhi and said,"This is the Iron Badge, Dr. Xiaozhi, please accept it!"

Xiaozhi took the Iron Badge and said,"Thank you, Miss Ami."

"I got the Iron Badge!"


【Obtain the Steel Badge and receive 500 bonus points.

Ami asked,"Dr. Satoshi, which gym are we going to challenge next?"

Brock took out the map and looked at it and said,"The nearest gym is the Kaji Gym in Kaji Town. You need to go back to Vermillion City and walk in the opposite direction of Asagi City to get there."

Satoshi said,"Then let's go to Kaji Town!" Kexia hesitated and said,"After I train Onix, can you please have a match with me, Dr. Satoshi?"

Satoshi nodded,"Of course, I'm looking forward to your challenge!"

When Misty looked at Brock beside her, she had a map in her hand. Brock had already pulled Ami's hand and said,"Ms. Ami, I want to have a love match with you! Please......"

Misty dragged the person away:"You talk too much, let's go!"

After deciding the next direction of travel, Xiaozhi and his group set off for Kaji Town in order to get his seventh badge.

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