After getting the Steel Badge from the Shallot Gym, Xiaozhi and his group walked on the road to the relay point of Vermillion City in order to reach the next town, Kaji Town.

Today, they chose to take a boat instead of walking, and went down the river to the next town. After walking for about three days, they could return to Vermillion City again.

The sound of the ship's whistle sounded, reminding the ship to set off. Xiaogang said helplessly:"Xiaozhi said he was going to buy something, but the boat is about to leave, why hasn't he come back yet?"

Xiaoxia said:"Based on my understanding of Xiaozhi, there must be a Pokémon battle!"

Xiaogang said:"Xinbat, you go find Xiaozhi! Let him come quickly!" Xiaogang sent Xinbat to find Xiaozhi.

Xiaoxia guessed correctly. Xiaozhi accepted the challenge of a trainer on the roadside. Xiaozhi used the Great Armor to fight against the Blue Crocodile. The Great Armor won the battle effortlessly. Seeing Xiaogang's Xinbat coming to find him, he picked up the hamburger on the side and hurriedly went to find Xiaoxia and Xiaogang under the leadership of Xinbat.

Xiaozhi finally got on the boat, panting,"Luckily I made it!"

Xiaogang asked,"What happened to you?"

Xiaozhi said,"I went to the battle!" After Xiaozhi recovered, he said to the young man who had just reached out to help him,"Thank you!"

The young man smiled and said,"You're welcome, but you have to pay attention to the time next time. My name is White, and I'm the captain of this ship."

Xiaozhi and the other two introduced each other.

White said,"So Xiaozhi's dream is to become a Pokémon master!"

Xiaozhi said gratefully,"So I almost didn't get on the boat for the battle just now. Mr. White, I bought a lot of hamburgers, let's eat together! Consider it my thank you gift!" Xiaozhi took out a hamburger and handed it to White.

White took the burger and said,"Then I won't be polite! There are many wild Pokémon in the forest near the village upstream of this river."

Xiaogang took out the map and looked at it, and said,"We are going to Yuanzhu City. If we go through the forest that Mr. White mentioned, we can save half the distance."

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"That's perfect, we can go and have a look!"

Xiaozhi agreed and said,"Mr. White, please take us to that forest!"

White nodded and said,"Okay, to be honest, I am from that village. When the boat reaches the next town, you can change to my boat! I will take you there!"

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu tugged at Xiaozhi's clothes.

Xiaozhi and the other two turned around at the same time and saw a yellow Pokémon looming in the forest on the shore. The voices of Suicune and Entei sounded at the same time:"Master Xiaozhi, Raikou is waiting for you."

Xiaozhi said"hmm". After Raikou looked at Xiaozhi quietly on the shore for a while, he nodded at Xiaozhi and disappeared.

Xiaogang said:"That's Raikou!" Xiaoxia and Xiaogang have seen many of the legendary beasts in Xiaozhi's hands. They are no longer the trainers who had never seen legendary beasts.

Xiaozhi nodded calmly:"That's right!" White was surprised and said:"We are so lucky! I didn't expect Raikou to appear in front of humans like this, it's so surprising! By the way, Raikou lives in the depths of the forest I just mentioned!"

Xiaozhi said:"It seems that we must go to the forest!"

After the boat that Xiaozhi and his friends were on arrived at the shore, they changed to White's boat. The speed of this small boat is much faster than the big boat. Xiaoxia felt the breeze blowing across her cheek and said,"It's so comfortable!"

Xiaogang said excitedly,"Will there be rare Pokémon here? It's really exciting!"

In the air, the three members of Team Rocket were no longer riding the Meowth hot air balloon today but had changed to a new means of transportation, but the three of them still followed Xiaozhi and his friends. It was just that a sudden gust of wind blew the three of them away.

Xiaozhi and his friends came to a waterfall. The cliff was very high, and the water of the waterfall fell down at a very fast speed, stirring up high water splashes. Xiaozhi asked,"Mr. White, how do we get to the top of the waterfall?"

White said,"It's okay, don't worry!" White pressed a red button on the operating panel, and the air cushions on both sides of the boat that seemed to maintain balance began to expand rapidly, like two huge balloons, causing the boat to leave the water and slowly rise. A propeller appeared at the stern, and the boat turned into an airship and climbed to the top of the waterfall.


Xiaozhi and the other two could not help but marvel.

The airship flew to the forest beside the waterfall. White said,"We are here!"

Xiaoxia pointed to the tree house that was looming in the forest below and said,"It is a tree house! It turns out that the village where Mr. White lives is built on a big tree!"

White smiled and said,"Yes! This is the village where I live - Guoye Village. Let's get ready to land!" White controlled the airship and landed on a platform protruding from the tree house, just enough to stop the ship.

After Xiaozhi and the others thanked them, they walked deep into the forest. A huge cave-like place appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the other two. Xiaoxia said,"What is this? It looks like a cave, but not quite."

Xiaogang stepped forward and looked for a while, and said,"This should not be a cave, but a tree hole. This is a huge fallen tree."

Xiaoxia exclaimed,"It is a tree hole! So big!"

An old voice said,"Wait a minute, I haven't seen you! Are you going to the forest?"

Xiaozhi and the other two raised their heads. In front of the tree house on the big tree, a white-haired old man stood here. It was she who spoke just now.

Xiaozhi said:"Yes, we have to go through the forest to Yuanzhu City."

"You better listen to what grandma says before you go into the forest!"A young girl with green hair and twin ponytails walked up to Xiaozhi and the other two.

Xiaogang said in a crazy way:"Of course! I will definitely listen to you as long as you say it! My name is Xiaogang, and these two are mine.���My companions are Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi. I am traveling with the goal of becoming the world's number one Pokémon breeder. What is your name?"

The girl said,"My name is......Meijiu. She is my grandmother, the permanent mother-in-law, and has always been the guardian of the entrance to this forest!"

Xiao Gang continued to be infatuated and said:"Miss Meijiu doesn't know......"

Xiaoxia dragged the person away:"Okay, okay, come with me."

Grandma Yongjiu looked at the entrance of the forest and said:"When you hear the sound of the forest, you must stay where you are and not move."

Xiaozhi murmured:"The sound of the forest?"

Meijiu explained:"This is actually a legend in our village!"

Grandma Yongjiu said:"If you don't want to get lost in the forest, you must do as the legend says."

Xiaozhi said:"Thank you, we got it!" Xiaozhi and the other two passed through the tree hole. There were indeed many wild Pokémon living in the forest. Celebi in the space was very excited. After all, it has been living in the forest since its birth. Xiaozhi summoned it from the space! The different-colored Celebi is a unique existence in the forest. It roams in the sea of trees and looks very happy.

Xiaogang remembered what Grandma Yongjiu said just now, and said:"The sound of the forest! The sound of the wind, the sound of the trees, the sound of the water, and the calls of the Pokémon."

The forest was suddenly covered by an aurora. Xiaoxia said:"Is this the sound of the forest? But it seems to be the light in the forest?"

""Master, over there!"

Xiaozhi's Celebi returned to the three people and led the way.

Xiaozhi and the other two came to a stone temple that looked very much like the Celebi they had seen in the Paulownia Forest.

As they got closer, the light became brighter.

When they opened their eyes again, a young man holding a Celebi appeared in front of them.

The young man must have fainted.

The Celebi in his arms slowly flew up, but it didn't last long and fainted.

Xiaozhi could tell at a glance that this Celebi had used the power of time travel too much, and had been injured before, and was now in a weak state.

Xiaozhi's Celebi used his mental strength to put the Celebi in Xiaozhi's arms.


【Attributes: Psychic, Grass】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Natural recovery (after returning to the same team, the abnormal state will be cured)】

【Strength: Divine Beast (Weakened State)]

Brock helped the boy up and said,"Are you okay?"

Misty said,"Let's take him and Celebi back to Miss Miku first!"

Brock handed the backpack to Misty and carried the boy on his back. Xiaozhi looked at his Celebi and said,"Celebi, you go invisible first!" Celebi nodded and entered the invisible state.

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