After taking a short break at the Pokémon Center at the foot of Mt. Silver, Satoshi and his friends went to the Mt. Silver Conservation Area. The person in charge of the Mt. Silver Conservation Area is named Muto, and Professor Soraki had already told him about the matter in advance. Satoshi and his friends had to find Miss Muto first.

Brock held Yukira in one hand and a map in the other, and said,"Mr. Muto's Wild Pokémon Conservation Center should be just ahead." Yukira jumped from Brock's arms to the ground, and walked in front of them happily as if leading the way.

Misty said,"Yukira, wait a minute!" Satoshi smiled and said,"It should be finding its mother soon. Yukira should be very happy too! Let's follow."

Yukira walked across the suspension bridge in front of them first, and Satoshi and his friends followed behind it. But under the suspension bridge, there was an observer watching the actions of Satoshi and his friends.

Brock said,"Yukira is really happy!"

Misty said,"It should be able to feel that it's home!"

Satoshi said,"Wait! Listen to me!"......"

As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the Pokémon screamed. Xiaoxia said,"What a sad feeling!"

Xiaogang said,"Something seems to be coming towards us!"

"Yuyu." Yukira looked very happy.

Xiaozhi thought: Could it be Yukira's mother?

A Bangjiras walked in front of Xiaozhi and his friends, with a long scar on its chest. Bangjiras looked at Xiaozhi and his friends warily, and when it saw Yukira, its wary eyes became gentle, but it suddenly used a destructive death ray towards Xiaozhi and his friends.


【Attributes: Rock, Evil】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Nervousness (makes the opponent nervous, making it unable to eat berries)】

【Strength: Mid-Gym Level]

Xiaozhi said,"Wait, we are not the poachers who took Yukira away!" Xiaozhi let Banguilas feel his wave power.

Yukira cried out"Wow", just now she was frightened by the destruction light. She threw herself into Xiaozhi's arms.

Xiaozhi coaxed her,"Good boy, Yukira, she is your mother! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

Xiaozhi coaxed Yukira gently, and Banguilas seemed to know that someone with such a gentle wave power should not be a bad person.

Xiaozhi finally coaxed Yukira, but Yukira was frightened by Banguilas and resisted Banguilas' approach.

Banguilas looked at Yukira in Xiaozhi's arms with tears in his eyes. Yukira also had tears in his eyes, but this time he did not resist anymore, and seemed to know that his mother loved him. Xiaozhi handed Yukira to Banguilas, and Yukira rubbed Banguilas with his head.

Misty was touched and said,"Finally, Yukira has returned to its mother!"

Brock said,"Yes!"

Ash suddenly said alertly,"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Pikachu reacted quickly. As soon as Ash gave the order, he jumped up and shot back the shells that were flying towards Banglas. Ash said angrily,"You are the poachers who took Yukira away!"

The shells shot back only destroyed the poachers' robots. The three people climbed out of the robots in advance, so they were fine. Hearing what Ash said, the leading man said,"Don't say it so harshly! I am Gul, who is known as the walking Chinese dictionary." The man with a face that looked like a cat said,"I am a genius inventor who can make anything - Chico."

The last man who looked like a mole said,"It is absolutely no problem to give me jobs that require physical strength. I am the iron-fisted Fatso with unparalleled strength."

"The three of us are known as the Gul Pokémon Hunter Brothers."

Xiaozhi said impatiently:"Have you finished introducing me? Then you can be sent to jail!" Xiaoxia held up Xiaozhi's communication device, and the person on the other end of the call was Miss Muto, who was in charge of the protection area of Shirogane Mountain.

"Venusaur, Geranium, use the whip!" Venusaur and Geranium used the whip at the same time to tie up the three people.

Not long after, a girl riding an off-road motorcycle arrived here. That girl was Miss Muto!

Xiaogang's old problem came back again:"My name is Xiaogang, are you Miss Muto, the person in charge of the reserve?"

Muto said awkwardly:"Yes......Yes!"

Xiao Gang said excitedly:"I was asked by Dr. Kongmu to deliver Yu Kira......."

Misty dragged the people away and said,"Ms. Muto knows about it, stop talking nonsense! Come here!"

Satoshi pointed at the three people who were captured and said,"Ms. Muto, these three poachers are in your hands!"

Muto said,"Yes, I have already informed Miss Junsha on the way here. Thank you, Dr. Satoshi."

Muto saw Yukira in Banguiras' arms and said,"Is this the Yukira that hatched from the egg?"

Satoshi nodded and said,"Yes." Muto said,"That's great! Congratulations to Banguiras! Dr. Satoshi, this Banguiras was injured before and was treated in our protection center. The injury has healed, but the wound is still there. Yukira was also taken away, but now she is fine and has returned to Banguiras."

Misty said,"Is that so!"

This time it was Team Rocket's turn to appear, and a huge net caught Yukira and Banguiras. Xiaozhi said helplessly:"Why are you here again! Do you want to go to prison together?"

Musashi said:"This is a quasi-god from the Chengdu area! So we must take him away no matter what!"

Xiaoxia said:"You wish! Starfish uses high-speed rotation."

Starfish cut the net!

"Pikachu, give them the final blow, 100,000 volts!"

"What a disgusting feeling......."


Pikachu sent Team Rocket flying again! Even after Team Rocket flew away, Muto and Banglas were still a little confused, after all, what happened just now happened too fast.

Muto asked:"Who were those people just now?"

Xiaoxia waved her hand and said:"Ms. Muto, just treat them as three idiots!"

Xiaogang said infatuatedly:"If Miss Muto wants to know, I will explain it to you......."

Xiaoxia dragged the person away again:"No need to explain!"

Miss Junsha came soon and took the three poachers away. Xiaozhi and his friends walked all the way, and the prison was gradually filled.

Yukira seemed to have anticipated the moment of separation. Although it was very happy to be back with its mother, it was reluctant to leave Xiaozhi. Banguilas understood Yukira's feelings and handed Yukira back to Xiaozhi's arms.

Xiaozhi said:"Is it okay? Banguilas." Banguilas nodded. Xiaozhi saw Banguilas's mood. It was very cruel for Banguilas to be separated from his child who had finally returned to him. Xiaozhi took out two Poké Balls and said:"Banguilas, you come with me too!"

Banguilas was stunned for a moment, and nodded happily. He could be with his children, and he didn't really care where he lived.

Xiaozhi said,"Ms. Muto, is that okay?"

Muto nodded,"Of course, this is the best of both worlds, it's good for both Bangilas and Yukira, and Yukira can grow faster with Professor Xiaozhi!" Xiaozhi subdued Bangilas and Yukira

【By Kira】

【Attributes: Rock, Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Perseverance (If it becomes abnormal, it will use perseverance and the attack will increase)】

【Strength: Novice】

【[Reward 2000 points for conquering the Quasi-God Pokémon Banguilas and the Quasi-God initial form Yukira from the Chengdu area]

Muto said:"I'll take you here. Just follow this road and you will be near Silver Town. Professor Satoshi, do your best in the Silver Tournament!"

Misty said:"Ms. Muto, thank you for your help as well."

Muto said:"This is all thanks to Professor Satoshi. Please take good care of Banguilas and Yukira!" Satoshi said:"I will!" Brock cried and said:"Ms. Muto, we are leaving!"

Muto waved goodbye to Satoshi and the others:"Goodbye! Take care on the road!"

Silver Town is right in front of them!

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