Xiaozhi registered the participating Pokémon at the Pokémon Center in Silver Town. Xiaozhi planned to use the Pokémon he had captured after the Quartz Conference this time. The main force was Crocodile and other Pokémon that had not yet evolved. He hoped to let a few of them complete their evolution in this conference. As for Charizard, they were all considered as backups. The Silver Conference did not restrict the Pokémon that trainers could register for the competition, which also made it convenient for Xiaozhi to adjust the team.

After everything was completed, Xiaozhi and the other two came to watch the torch relay. In the last Quartz Conference, several of them were torch runners! The torch relay of the Silver Conference started from a temple called Ho-oh-in. The torch relay of the Silver Conference was the flame of the Ho-oh.

As for where the flame of the Ho-oh came from, only Xiaozhi and the other two knew that it was President Damaranchi who took it from Xiaozhi's Ho-oh.

But Xiaozhi and the other two waited here for nearly half an hour, and the time for the torch runners to set off had already passed ten minutes. The crowd gradually became impatient!

"Why is it so slow!"

"That's right! The torch runners should be out!"

"Did something happen?"

Xiaoxia said,"It's been a long time indeed!"

Xiaogang looked at his watch and said,"Ten minutes have passed since the expected time. Should we go and have a look?"

At this time, the door of Fengwangyuan opened, and a practitioner came out and said,"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting! The Holy Flame may take some time to come out. Please wait a moment."

Xiaozhi stepped forward and showed the man his ID. The practitioner said,"Dr. Xiaozhi, come in!"

At this time, two trainers walked down the stone stairs anxiously and said,"What a joke, who can deal with such dangerous guys!"

"That's right! Our Pokémon are all used for competitions. What if they get injured and can't recover?"

"Let's go to the Pokémon Center first!"

The two trainers left in a hurry!

Xiaogang said:"Excuse me, what exactly happened?"

A young man walked into the Hoouin and said:"If you don't mind, I am willing to help. I just saw two trainers running out of the Hoouin in a hurry. Sorry, I came in privately!"

The practitioner asked:"Excuse me, who are you?"

The young man said:"I am Ye Yue from Weibai Town in the Hoenn region, and I am a contestant in this Silver Conference."

Xiaozhi and the other two introduced themselves. After hearing this, Ye Yue focused his attention on Xiaozhi and Pikachu and said:"Are you Xiaozhi, the youngest Pokémon doctor in the league?" Xiaozhi said:"Yes!"

The practitioner explained:"In fact, the thing is, the torches for lighting the sacred fire and the runners of the sacred fire are ready. The problem is that there is no most important sacred fire."

Xiaogang said:"���Is there a Holy Fire?" The Holy Fire was taken from Satoshi's Ho-Oh by Guild President Damaranch himself, so how could it be gone? What does it mean that it is gone?

The practitioner said,"In fact, it can be said that there is no Holy Fire. The flame of the Holy Fire was personally placed in the ancestral hall on this stone staircase by Guild President Damaranch a few months ago. However, there are many wild Pokémons near the ancestral hall. After the flame of the Holy Fire was placed, those wild Pokémons seemed to regard this place as their territory."

Ye Yue said,"I have heard that there are groups of Pokémons living near Silver Mountain. I have always wanted to capture one and train it. It turns out that it is here!"

The practitioner said,"That's the problem. Pokémons have a strong sense of territory. As long as someone gets close, they will be attacked. Many trainers and Pokémon have tried before today, but all ended in failure."

Satoshi said,"It's not a big problem. Let's solve it!"

Ye Yue said,"And me!"

The group walked towards the stone steps towards the ancestral hall. Five 狃拉, a 豪力 and a 健力 were waiting for the next wave of people at the top of the stone steps.

"Infernape, it's you! Use Flame Jet"

"Darkrai, you also use jet flames"

"Fireball Mouse, Flame Wheel"

"Mr. Bullfrog, Water Cannon."

Ash's Infernape challenged three alone. Infernape usually fights multiple ones alone, and the opponent's strength was much lower than his own, so he won without any effort. Misty and the others also defeated one each, and Brock's Charmeleon evolved into Infernape at this time.

The urlas got up from the ground, and the leader bowed his head to Ash, pointing at the ancestral hall, as if acknowledging his strength. Ye Yue said:"Professor Ash, this is for you, go get the Holy Flame!"

In fact, there is no need for Xiaozhi to come and get the Holy Flame. He can just get it from Ho-Oh. After listening to the words of the practitioner, the existence of this group of Pokémon has affected the practitioners in the Ho-Oh courtyard and the surrounding Pokémon. It is still necessary to deal with it.

Xiaozhi took the Holy Flame torch from Ye Yue's hand, opened the door of the ancestral hall, and lit the torch successfully.

The torch in Xiaozhi's hand was targeted by a mechanical arm that stretched out from the bushes. Xiaozhi dodged to the side and said,"Are you targeting the Holy Flame again? What was the consequence of snatching the Holy Flame at the Quartz Conference last time? Do you remember?"

Musashi stood up from the bushes and said,"Little brat, we failed last time, but it doesn't mean we will fail this time!"

Kojiro said,"After all, Ho-Oh's flame is more rare than Moltres! It will definitely sell for a good price!"

Meowth said,"Little brat, give it to us obediently, or we will rob it!"

Xiaozhi said,"Didn't the rob just now fail?"

Xiaozhi's words left the three of them speechless.

Xiaozhi said:"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! Pikachu......"

The leader, Xila, stood up. Xiaozhi asked,"Xila, do you want to fight?"

Xila nodded.

"Ura uses Shadow Ball!

Ura's Shadow Ball destroyed Team Rocket's robot arm.��

"Freezing Wind!"

Xiaola's freezing wind froze the three members of Team Rocket.

"The final blow, Metal Claw."

Ula struck the three frozen Team Rocket members and flew away.

Ash praised,"Well done, Ula!"

Ula seemed very happy to be praised.

Brock said,"It seems that Ula and Ash have a good understanding of each other."

Ash squatted down and took out a Poké Ball and said,"Ula, travel with me!"

Ash captured Ula


【Attributes: Evil, Ice】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Mental strength (possessing a trained spirit and not flinching from the opponent's attack)】

【Strength: Elite】

【Skills: Scratching, Glaring, Taunting, Flash of Lightning, Metal Claws, Frozen Wind, Claws, Siege, High-Speed Movement, Shadow Ball】

【[Capture Ura, reward points 500]

Ye Yue looked at the Ura that had just fought with him and said:"Ura, capture battle! If I win, you will become my Pokémon, how about that?"

Xiaozhi and the other two stepped aside, and the Ura nodded.

"Go, Blaziken!"

Gon said,"Blazing Chicken? What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Satoshi explained,"One of the original three Pokémon in the Hoenn region, the final evolution of Flame Pheasant.""

"Flame Chicken flashed with lightning."

Flame Chicken pounced on Niu La with lightning speed, knocking Niu La away. Niu La used Shadow Ball to counterattack. Flame Chicken dodged sideways.

"Flame Chicken, spray flames.

Flame Chicken's spray of flames hits Ula

"The last blow, the Fire Punch!"

Blaziken chased after it and added a Fire Punch, and the unicorn fell to the ground.

Ye Yue threw the Poké Ball and subdued the unicorn.

At the bottom of the stone stairs, Xiaozhi handed the Holy Flame to the Holy Flame Runner, and the Holy Flame was able to set off. The practitioner said:"We plan to make those three unicorns, as well as Goli and Armored, the guards of the Ho-oh Court. Dr. Xiaozhi, thank you for your help."

Xiaoxia said:"They are all very motivated!"

Goli and the others nodded happily.

The Silver Conference will finally usher in the opening ceremony tomorrow!

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