Xiaozhi and his group left the Orange Forest and got lost again in a forest today.

Xiaosheng complained,"It's all my fault! Look, we are lost!"

Xiaoyao argued,"What do you mean by my fault?" Xiaosheng said

,"I said that road should go right, but you insisted on going left, which is why it is like this!" Xiaoyao said,

"But it seemed more interesting to go this way at that time! And there were many cute flowers blooming on the roadside!" Xiaoyao changed her tone and said,"Besides! Isn't it Xiaosheng who is holding the Pokémon Navigator? It's you who didn't lead the way well!"

Xiaosheng pointed at the Pokémon Navigator and said,"Now we can't even receive the signal, how can the navigator navigate!" Xiaosheng looked at his sister and blamed her and argued.

Xiaogang stopped the two from arguing:"Well, getting lost is also part of traveling. We may encounter some rare Pokémon."

Xiaozhi smiled. Getting lost is a common occurrence for him and Xiaogang. Unless there is only one road from one town to another, there is an 80% chance that they will get lost. For Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, it was their first time getting lost, so they were a little annoyed. But for Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, they would always find the right way, so there was no rush.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng turned their heads away and ignored each other. Xiaogang, Xiaozhi and Pikachu smiled awkwardly.

At this time, the water jump fish eggs in Xiaozhi's backpack were about to hatch. Xiaoyao and his brother seemed to have forgotten the quarrel just now, and they all leaned over. This was the first time they saw the scene of the Pokémon eggs hatching.

Xiaozhi put the egg on his leg, and soon a water jump fish was successfully hatched with full vitality.

Xiaosheng said:"Is this the hatching process? I'm so touched!"

Xiaoyao said:"Yes! I wonder when I can have an egg and try to hatch it myself."

Xiaogang said:"Xiaozhi, it's a very healthy water jump fish!"

Xiaozhi picked up the water jump fish and said:"Water jump fish, please give me more guidance in the future!" Xiaozhi put the water jump fish into the Poké Ball.

【Water Jumping Fish】

【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Male】

【Ability: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Novice】

【Skills: impact, shouting, water gun】

【[Capture Water Leap Fish, Reward Points 500]

Xiaozhi suddenly saw a figure quickly passing by on the tree trunk in front of him, and it turned out to be a wood gecko.

Xiaosheng said excitedly:"It's a wood gecko!" You should know that Xiaosheng's most satisfied initial Pokémon is a wood gecko, and for this matter, he was pecked by a fire pheasant.

Xiaogang said:"Is this a wood gecko forest? There are so many wood geckos?"

The figure of wood geckos can be seen on the trunks of several nearby trees.

Xiaozhi said:"Wood gecko!" Xiaozhi's wood gecko's final evolution is the lizard king, which can fight Darkrai alone. Xiaozhi must go to capture it!

Xiaozhi activated the power of the wave and took Pikachu to the direction where the wood geckos were moving. Xiaogang and the other two lost Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi had experienced Xiaozhi's physical strength before. Before, only Xiaozhi could keep up with Aunt Sima's running speed at the Kaji Gym.

A huge tree appeared in front of Xiaozhi. The trunk had long been dead, and there was no leaf on the branches. It stood here alone.

With a whoosh, a branch shot towards Xiaozhi like a needle. Xiaozhi took two steps back and looked up at the branch. A wood gecko was holding a branch and looking at him on the tree trunk. It held the branch in its mouth and was full of fighting spirit.

Xiaozhi said:"

Wait, wood gecko, your opponent is not Pikachu!" Xiaozhi said:"Swallow is decided to be you!" Xiaozhi sent Swallow to fight. The wood gecko pointed at Pikachu, meaning that it wanted to fight Pikachu. Pikachu is too strong, and I am afraid that the current wood gecko cannot take a move.

At this time, an old wood gecko came over. The old wood gecko seemed to be persuading, but the wood gecko was unwilling, so they quarreled. The wood gecko looked at the tree behind him and suddenly left.

Xiaozhi said:"Osiris, go find Xiaogang and the others and bring them here." Osiris went to find Xiaogang and the others, while Xiaozhi took Pikachu here to wait for the wood gecko to come back.

Soon, the wood gecko came back dragging a leaf bigger than it, which was full of water. The wood gecko carefully poured the water into the roots of the dead tree. The wood gecko knew that it didn't make much sense to do so, but this tree was the tree it had lived on since birth. The old wood gecko told it that the tree was dead and they were going to move, but the wood gecko couldn't leave the tree alone, so they started arguing.

After the wood gecko poured the water in, it rolled up the leaves and prepared to fetch water again. Xiaozhi took Pikachu and the Pokémon to follow the wood gecko and brought water back with it. The wood gecko just glanced at Xiaozhi and didn't refuse Xiaozhi's kindness.

Xiaozhi knew the persistence of the wood gecko. It didn't believe that the tree would die like this, so it didn't give up saving it.

The wood geckos in the forest were captured by Team Rocket, who were still swaying in front of Satoshi without knowing whether to live or die. Musashi said,"Little brat, we are going to take these wood geckos away today!"

Kojiro said,"That's right! The slapping of these wood geckos has a good massage effect. If we send them to the boss, we will definitely be promoted!"

Satoshi said,"Look behind! Nightowl uses Steel Wings!"

Kojiro reacted quickly and said,"Desert Naia uses Missile Needle! It hurts, it's not me!���"He used the Missile Needle to hit the Owl!"

Xiaozhi thought: Kojiro has conquered Desert Naia! Owl used his steel wings to bounce back Desert Naia's Missile Needle, and the Meowth Hot Air Balloon was punctured by the Missile Needle. The Wood Gecko used the Lightning Flash to jump onto the cage that had captured its companions using the tree trunk. It used its slap to break a hole in the cage and rescued its companions.

"Such a nasty feeling......"


With the help of Owl, the wood gecko reconciled with his companions. As the sun rose, a crack started from the root of the tree and spread all the way to the top of the tree, and the tree was split in two.

Xiaozhi led the Pokémon and the wood geckos to try to stop the tree from falling, but it was useless. The tree still fell. They saw the process of the tree growing from a seed to a big tree and then giving birth to this forest.

A seed rolled to the feet of the wood gecko, who picked it up and held it in his hand. Xiaozhi said:"This is its gift to you, and it is also its gratitude to you." The wood gecko bowed its head towards the fallen tree, as if to thank it.

The wood gecko looked at Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi also understood what it meant and wanted to continue the previous battle. Xiaozhi said:"The electric monster is decided to be you!" Owl is not here now, so let's send an opponent that the wood gecko thinks is stronger!

Xiaogang and the others also found Xiaozhi and Pikachu under the leadership of Owl, and what they happened to see was the battle between the electric monster and the wood gecko

"The electric monster used Lightning Flash.

The electric monster rushed towards the tree gecko at high speed, and the tree gecko also used Lightning Flash to dodge the attack.

"Hold on!"

The electric monster blocked the lightning.

""Electric Monster, high-speed star!"

The electric monster's high-speed star hit the wood gecko at close range. The wood gecko stood up and rushed towards the electric monster again.

""Electric Monster, ram!"

The electric monster rushed towards the woodbine again, ramming it and knocking it away. Xiaozhi threw out the Poké Ball and captured the woodbine.

【Wood Gecko】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Gender: Male】

【Ability: Lush (When HP decreases, the power of grass-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Ordinary primary】

【Skills: Slap, Stare, Leaves, Flash, Super Absorb, See Through】

【[Capture the Bombyx, reward points 1000]

Xiaozhi and the Bombyx planted the seed next to the roots of the fallen tree, hoping that it would sprout again!

The Bombyx also decided not to migrate and carefully took care of the seeds planted by Xiaozhi and the Bombyx. In this way, the Bombyx joined Xiaozhi's team, and the journey to Kanaz City continued.

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