Today, Xiaozhi and his group were preparing to have lunch, and Xiaogang brought the soup to the table and said,"Okay, it's time to eat!"

""Everyone come out to eat!"

Xiaozhi and the others let out all the Pokémon they brought with them to eat lunch.

Xiaosheng asked while eating:"Xiaozhi, you see you brought 7 Pokémon, can't ordinary trainers only bring 6?" Xiaogang explained for Xiaozhi:"Xiaosheng, you are right, ordinary trainers can only bring 6 Pokémon, but because it is the limit for ordinary trainers to take care of 6 Pokémon, Xiaozhi was specially approved to lift the limit on the number of Pokémon when he was in Kanto, so Xiaozhi can bring as many as he wants.

"Xiaosheng admired

:"Is that so! Great! I really want to see Xiaozhi and other Pokémon!" Xiaozhi said mysteriously:"After dinner, I will take you to a place!" Xiaozhi prepared to give Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng the authority to enter the mysterious space. After dinner, Xiaozhi said seriously:"Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng, are you all ready?"

The two looked expectant and nodded:"Okay!"

Xiaogang said:"I will stay to clean up, you guys go and come back soon!"

Just as Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng were about to answer, the scenery in front of them changed. Xiaozhi said,"Welcome to my mysterious space!"

Xiaosheng was stunned and said,"Sister, pinch me, I seem to see Mew!"

Xiaoyao was also stunned. There were so many Pokémon here!

Mew flew towards Xiaozhi and said,"Xiaozhi, is this your new friend?"

Xiaozhi said,"Yes! Take good care of them!"

Mew said,"Don't worry, Xiaozhi!"

Xiaosheng was even more shocked:"What..."......What......I can actually understand what Pokémon say?"

Xiaoxia's voice sounded:"Divine beasts have telepathic abilities, so of course you can understand what Mew said." Xiaoxia walked over holding a shining Celebi. Xiaozhi smiled and introduced the two of them:"This is my girlfriend Xiaoxia, the current gym trainer of the Cerulean Gym." Xiaoyao and her brother introduced themselves. Xiaosheng leaned over and stared at Celebi and said:"Sister Xiaoxia, this is Celebi!"

Xiaoxia smiled and said:"Yes, it's Xiaozhi's Pokémon!"

Xiaoyao took the lead and said:"So cute, can I hug you?"

Celebi said:"You have good taste, I will let you hug me reluctantly!" Celebi flew from Xiaoxia's arms to Xiaoyao's arms.

While Xiaoyao and her brother were playing with Celebi, Xiaoxia said:"Although I can see you every day, I still miss you!"

Xiaozhi put his arm around Xiaoxia's shoulders:"Me too! Is the gym busy recently? Do you want to travel with me for a few days?"

Xiaoxia said:"Of course! By the way, Xiaozhi will show you! Come out, Gyarados!"

Xiaozhi said:"Have you successfully overcome your fear of Gyarados?"

Xiaoxia said:"I have to grow up!" Xiaoxia's Gyarados had the Mega Evolution Stone of Gyarados that Xiaozhi gave her hanging around its neck, and Xiaozhi realized that Xiaoxia and Gyarados had gotten along very well. Xiaozhi and the others returned to Xiaogang. When Xiaogang saw Xiaoxia, he said nostalgically:"Xiaoxia, long time no see!"

Xiaoxia said:"I met Xiaozhi in the space and traveled with you for a few days."

As soon as they met, Fire Pheasant cried and threw himself into Xiaoyao's arms:"Fire Pheasant, what's wrong with you?"

The wood gecko was fighting with a serpent, but the wood gecko's attributes were restrained by the serpent and it had no advantage. When Xiaozhi and the others arrived, they saw this scene in front of them.

Xiaozhi thought: Musashi's serpent?

""Pika!" Pikachu jumped to the side of Bimbisara. This snake knew how to judge the situation. When it saw an opponent whose strength was unknown, it ran away.

Misty asked,"Xiaozhi, are you just going to let it go?"

Xiaozhi said,"We'll have a chance to see it again in the future."

The fleeing snake was looking for the next target to bully, so it set its sights on the three members of Team Rocket, who were fighting for a rice ball. When the rice ball fell into Musashi's hands, it was snatched away by Snake with its tail and stuffed into its mouth to eat.

Musashi was very resentful that their only remaining rice ball was eaten by Snake, but the feeling that this Snake bullied the weak was very similar to Team Rocket, so Musashi wanted to conquer it and said,"I want to conquer it! Go ahead, kill it!"

"" Sonans!" Guranon glared at Snake.

The two confronted each other for a long time. Guranon is a Pokémon that will not attack. It can only use Counter Punch or Mirror Reflection when the opponent attacks first.

Kojiro reminded:"Musashi, Guranon can only fight back after the opponent attacks first!"

Musashi glared at Kojiro and said,"Hateful! You can't do anything when I need you!" Musashi threw Meowth out:"Go up......Use self-sacrifice attack!"

Meowth said in fear:"What self-sacrifice attack? I can't do it, meow!"

Meowth was hit by the poisonous tail of the rice snake and lost her ability to fight. The last rice ball on Musashi's body fell off during the action and rolled towards the rice snake. The rice snake opened its mouth wide to enjoy the delicious food. Musashi shouted:"My rice ball!" During the rescue, half of her hair was eaten by the rice snake.

Musashi entered the rage mode and said:"In this case, I will definitely subdue you!"

The rice snake was terrified!

Kojiro and Meowth hugged each other in fear.

Musashi first used a crazy grab, and then a million-ton flying kick, which beat the rice snake and made it lose its ability to fight!

Musashi grabbed the rice snake and shook it, saying:"Hurry up! The battle is not over yet!"

Kojiro reminded weakly:"Musashi, you can already subdue the rice snake!"

Musashi threw out the Poké Ball, and he avenged Snake for bullying Pheasant, and Snake was thus tamed by Musashi.

Before Musashi had finished venting his anger, he took Snake to fight with Satoshi and the others. Kojiro and Meowth could not persuade them to stop.

Musashi stood in front of Satoshi and said,"Little brat!"

Misty said,"So it was you three idiots! Musashi, your hair......"Xiaoxia and the others laughed out loud.

Musashi said angrily:"Come and fight, little brat! Look at my new Pokémon! Come out Snake! Use Poison Tail!"

Xiaoyao said:"Isn't this the Snake from before! I didn't expect it to be captured by Team Rocket!"

Snake was just beaten by Musashi and doubted its Pokémon career. Now it has to face the powerful Pikachu again. Will it let the snake live? Snake refused to fight.

""Pikachu, 100,000 volts! You did a good job last time. If you need money for food, I can help you a little, but now you should take off!"

Without any surprise, the three members of Team Rocket and Guoran Weng took off on the spot!

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Team Rocket flew for a long time, but Xiaoxia still couldn't help laughing:"Musashi's hair is so funny!"

Xiaoyao also laughed:"That's right! Was it bitten off by Snake, and then she fought with Snake before she subdued it!"

It has to be said that Xiaoyao basically guessed it right!

Xiaozhi spread his hands helplessly:"Don't worry about them, let's set off again!"


Xiaoxia's temporary joining made the trip even more interesting! Kanaz City is not far away!

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