Xiaozhi and his group came to a clear lake. Everyone was very happy and prepared to go swimming.

Xiaoxia said,"It's so beautiful here! The lake is so clear. It's the best place for Pokémon to swim! Everyone, come out!" The Pokémon that Xiaoxia brought with her were Crocodile, Coral, Seaspur and Gyarados.

Xiaozhi said,"It's been a long time since we last met! Xiaoxia, has your Seahorse evolved?"

Xiaoxia said,"It evolved just a few days ago when I was playing in the gym."

Xiaosheng looked at Xiaoxia's Pokémon carefully and said,"Sister Xiaoxia, your Pokémon are all great!"

Xiaoxia said,"Thank you!"

Xiaogang said,"Indeed! It can be seen that Xiaoxia also put a lot of thought into it."

Xiaoyao said,"Xiaoxia's Coral is so cute! I also want to capture one!"

Xiaoxia said,"Coral lives in the Whirlpool Islands in Chengdu, and it can't be seen in Hoenn."

Xiaoyao said disappointedly,"Is that so! If I go to the Whirlpool Islands in the future, I must capture one."

Everyone swam slowly in the lake, and the Pokémon splashed water on each other and played.


Xiaozhi looked in the direction of Pikachu and the others, and saw many lotus leaves on the lake surrounding them.

Xiaoyao hid behind Xiaoxia and said,"This is......What exactly is it?"

Xiaozhi comforted everyone and said,"It's okay, it's Lily Pad. They are all gentle Pokémon, and it seems that this pond is where the Lily Pads live."

Xiaozhi continued,"Let's go ashore first! We must have disturbed them!"

Everyone nodded and said,"Yeah."

After Xiaozhi and the others put on their clothes, the Lily Pads jumped onto the shore one after another. Xiaoyao said,"It's just like what Xiaozhi said, they look so honest!" Xiaoxia, a water-type Pokémon trainer, was burning with excitement and said,"I want one! Xiaozhi, it's a water-type one, right!"

Xiaozhi said,"Well, it has both water and grass attributes." Xiaoxia said,"Then I can't miss it!" Xiaoxia took out the Poké Ball and prepared for the battle.

Xiaogang stopped her and said,"Xiaoxia, wait a minute, they seem to want to play with us instead of fighting."

The lotus leaf boys lined up in a row and fired water guns towards the sky. Streams of water gathered in the air and sparkled in the sun.

Xiaosheng said,"This seems to be a welcome ceremony!"

Xiaogang pointed at one of the lotus leaf boys and said,"Look, this one seems a little different!" The lotus leaf boy that Xiaogang pointed at was much slower than its companions.

Xiaozhi said,"But ordinary lotus leaf boys don't have water gun tricks. There must be a special reason why these lotus leaf boys learned water guns!" The lotus leaf boy's water gun welcome ceremony was over, and that lotus leaf boy was still spraying water with a small water gun.

Xiaoyao complained,"This kid is far behind his companions! He looks a little dull and slow."

Xiaogang stepped forward and squatted in front of it and said,"It seems to be over, lotus leaf boy!"Just as Xiao Gang finished speaking, he was given a free bath by the water gun of the Lotus Leaf Boy.

The Lotus Leaf Boy blinked innocently.

At this time, a girl came over, put her hands on her hips and lectured Xiaozhi and his group,"It looks like you went to the Lotus Leaf Boy's Lake to swim just now! Come with me to my house!"

Xiaoyao looked at Xiaosheng and complained,"Just like Xiaosheng, so arrogant!"

Xiaosheng said,"Why bring me with you! Sister, you are very annoying!"

Xiaogang asked,"What are we going to do at your house?"

The girl said as a matter of course,"Of course I want to preach!"

The girl's home is next to the Lotus Leaf Boy's Lake. Xiaozhi and his group followed the girl, but it seemed that it was not Xiaozhi and his group who were scolded, but the girl.

The girl's sister scolded,"Naoko, you can't do this. You should be more friendly to travelers."

Naoko argued,"But sister Noriko, they are swimming in the Lotus Leaf Boy's Lake!"

Xiaoyao said,"It seems that she is the one being scolded!"

The girl named Noriko apologized to Xiaozhi and the others, saying,"I'm sorry for saying something rude to you. My name is Noriko, and this is my sister Naoko, and we run this flower shop."

Xiaozhi said,"It's okay, we didn't know you can't swim in the lake, so we were at fault first, and Miss Noriko doesn't need to apologize." Xiaozhi and the others introduced themselves, but when it was Xiaogang's turn, Xiaoxia showed a helpless expression.

Xiaogang said infatuatedly,"My name is Xiaogang, and this beautiful flower shop is as beautiful as Miss Noriko herself."

Noriko said,"Yes......Really?"

Xiao Gang continued:"A flower shop this beautiful can only be created by the beautiful Miss Noriko......."

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear and dragged him away, saying,"Okay, I just haven't seen you for a while, why are you doing the same old thing again!" Xiaosheng on the side remembered Xiaoxia's actions perfectly. Xiaosheng, the successor of Xiaogang's job of dragging people away after he becomes a fangirl, appears!

Noriko said,"By the way! The pie I made is almost done, everyone please stay and try it!"

Xiaozhi said,"Then we won't be polite!"

A short-haired girl wearing a one-piece overalls walked in from the door with a Howler spray bottle and said,"Sister, the drainage pipe in the orchard is broken, and the Howler spray bottle alone is not enough! Are there any guests?"

Xiaogang revived and said,"Another beautiful lady!"

Noriko introduced,"She is my second sister, named Lingzi, and we are three sisters."

Lingzi greeted,"Hello!" Xiaogang said again,"I also want to use this Howler spray bottle to cultivate beautiful flowers like you......"

Just as Xiaoxia was about to attack again, Naoko grabbed Xiaogang's arm and said,"You guy, your attitude is really different when you meet me and when you meet my sisters." Naoko said angrily,"Don't you know that this is very rude?"

Xiaogang said awkwardly,"This.........that......"

Lingzi said with a look of complete understanding:"Naoko fell in love at first sight again!"

Xiaogang was at a loss. He was not interested in those younger than him. He liked beautiful older sisters!

Xiaozhi and the other two ate pie together with Noriko and the other two sisters. Xiaogang faced Naoko's tenderness alone and ate more pie than Xiaozhi and the other four. He was so full that he had difficulty walking. After eating, Noriko took Xiaozhi and the other two to the back of the house to introduce the fruit trees one by one. Xiaogang also got the fruit manual written by Naoko.

After learning that it would take a long time for Miss Lingzi to repair the pipeline, Xiaozhi and the other Pokémon came out to help. The lotus leaf boys also lined up with water on the lotus leaves above their heads, and they also came together to help water the fruit trees. Xiaogang suddenly understood why the lotus leaf boys here had the water gun trick.

After a while, the lotus leaf boy who was very slow to react just now caused a traffic jam in the entire team.

Xiaogang squatted down and taught earnestly:"Lower your head like this, take your time, don't be in a hurry." After listening to Xiaogang's words, the lotus leaf boy slowly lowered his head, and the water on his head was poured smoothly into the flower bed.

"Habuhabu!" The lotus leaf boy thanked happily.

Xiaogang said,"You're welcome, lotus leaf boy."

After a busy day, the water pipe was finally repaired. The lotus leaf boys lined up and returned to the lake, but that lotus leaf boy refused to leave.

Xiaoxia said,"It is true! Xiaogang, this lotus leaf boy likes you very much." Xiaoxia was a little unhappy, she wanted a lotus leaf boy too!

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaogang, please capture it!"

Xiaogang said,"Lotus leaf boy, do you want to travel with me?"

"Hob."The Lotus Leaf Boy nodded.

Brock said,"Ms. Noriko, Ms. Suzuko, Naoko, I will take this Lotus Leaf Boy away!"

Noriko said,"Please take good care of it!"

Brock used the Poké Ball to capture it and said,"I will!"

Misty complained,"I still remember that someone was a rock-type trainer at first. Since Xiaozhi gave you Charmeleon, the path of rock-type trainers has gone further and further!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Anyway, Xiaogang is not a gym trainer anymore. It's not a bad thing to have more Pokémon of other attributes!" Xiaozhi knew that Misty was actually jealous because he didn't capture a Lotus Leaf Boy.

After resting for a night at Noriko's house, Xiaozhi and his friends continued to move towards Kanaz City the next day!

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