On the morning of the challenge to the Kanaz Gym, everyone was having breakfast at the Pokémon Center.

Brock said,"Has Ash decided on the team for this challenge?"

Ash said mysteriously,"Let me show you something! Come out, Magna!"

Brock said,"Mana has evolved!" Brock saw Ash training with Pokémon last night, and it turned out that Magna had evolved. Ice-type Pokémon are indeed advantageous against rock-type Pokémon, but they are also restrained by rock-type Pokémon.

Satoshi said,"This is Magna's first gym match, and it will be the vanguard of the Kanaz Gym! Then it will be Tyrannosaurus." The Tyrannosaurus that Ash got in the exchange tournament evolved before the Silver Tournament, but Ash did not send it out in the Silver Tournament. One reason is that Ash wanted to train it again and let it evolve into Tyrannosaurus after this gym match.

Xiaogang thought that the lineup this time was very good and said,"Good lineup!"

Xiaosheng looked at Xiaoyao who was eating breakfast happily and said worriedly,"What about sister? Have you come up with a strategy for the gym tournament?"

Xiaoyao said,"I don't plan to participate in the gym tournament!"

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, are you sure?"

Xiaoyao nodded and said,"Sure! I still want to participate in the Gorgeous Contest."

Xiaosheng said,"Sister can participate in both like Xiaozhi!"

Xiaoyao said,"I want to focus on doing one thing."

Xiaozhi said,"That's not bad! Right, Xiaogang!"

Xiaogang said,"It's best to find something you like to do! Okay, after we're full, we should go to the gym!"

Kanaz Gym

Kanaz Gym is the most suitable rock venue for rock Pokémon to battle, and Dujuan has been waiting for Xiaozhi.

Dujuan said,"Professor Xiaozhi, you are here! Professor Xiaozhi wants to discuss something with you. The whole process of the game will be recorded by cameras. Do you mind?"

Xiaozhi said,"No, I don't mind."

Dujuan said,"Well, my students will be the referees of the gym match."

Xiaosheng in the audience excitedly said,"It's finally going to start!"

Xiaogang said,"Xiaosheng, why are you so excited!"

Xiaosheng said,"This is the first time I've actually seen a gym match."

Xiaogang asked,"Xiaosheng, you haven't watched your father's gym match?"

Xiaoyao said,"Dad said that if someone watches the game, it will affect the challenger's mood and distract him, so Xiaosheng and I are both watching gym matches for the first time."

The referee said,"From now on, the gym match between Dujuan, the gym trainer of the Kanaz Gym, and Mr. Xiaozhi, the challenger of Pallet Town, will begin. Two Pokémon can be used, and only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. Please send out your Pokémon!"

"Come out, Geodude!"

"Mamaura has decided that it is you!"

【Small fist stone】

【Attributes: Rock, Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Hard Head (HP will not decrease even if a move that causes damage from the reaction force is used)】

【Strength: Primary level】

"Geodude takes the initiative and uses Megaton Punch"

""Magra, move fast!"

Geodude attacked Maggra with his powerful fist. Maggra moved at high speed, increasing his speed and dodging Geodude's attack.

"Geodude uses Roll!"

""Magra, blizzard!"

Geodude curled up into a ball and used rolling to attack Maggra. Maggra spit out a fierce blizzard that froze the entire field. Geodude's rolling had no fulcrum and slid out.

"Ma'la, chop the tiles!"

Ma'la jumped up and swung his hand knife violently, chopping the small fist stone.


""MacGreg, use the falling rocks for close combat, Ice Fist!" Geodude threw falling rocks at MacGreg, who slid on the field, found the right moment to use the falling rocks as a step, and hit Geodude with his fist full of cold air, making Geodude lose his ability to fight.

Referee:"Geodude loses his ability to fight, MacGreg wins! Gym trainers, please send out the next Pokémon."

Dujuan took Geodude back:"Geodude, you've worked so hard. Come out, Go Beibi!"

【North nose】

【Attribute: Rock】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Strong (Even if attacked by the opponent's moves, it will not be knocked down by one hit. One-hit-kill moves will not be effective)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym]

Xiaozhi took back Magellar:"Magarella, you've worked hard in your first gym match, take a good rest. The Tyrannosaurus will be you!"

"Head north and use the rock blockade!"

"Tyrannosaurus, use Stomp."

Chao Beibi threw rocks at the field, surrounding the Tyrannosaurus and trying to block its movement. The Tyrannosaurus stomped hard on the ground, attacking Chao Beibi, crushing the rocks and slowing down Chao Beibi's speed.

"Towards the north, sandstorm!"

"Tyrannosaurus bottle, earthquake."

Chao Beibi raised a sandstorm on the field, but the sandstorm attribute of Tyrannosaurus could not cause any damage to it. Du Juan just wanted to use this move to make the field invisible to Chao Beibi. Tyrannosaurus used earthquake, which could cause damage to Chao Beibi on the field even if it could not see it.

"Towards the north nose, electromagnetic gun"

""Metal Rex, Iron Wall!"

Beibi fired an electric current like a cannon at the Metal Rex, but the Metal Rex absorbed all the electromagnetic cannon. The characteristic of the Metal Rex is a lightning rod, which will not be damaged, but will increase its special attack. The electromagnetic cannon originally had a 100% chance of paralyzing the opponent, but now it has become a weapon for the Metal Rex. The Metal Rex used the iron wall to improve its defense, and now it has both offense and defense.

The aftermath of the electromagnetic cannon also destroyed the ground on the field that was previously frozen by the blizzard.

"Towards the north nose, sharp stone attack"

"Metagross, arm hammer."

Chao Beibi summoned sharp rocks to attack Metagross. Metagross ran and swung its powerful and heavy fists, smashing the sharp stone attack, but the sharp stone attack still caused damage to Metagross. Metagross's arm hammer hit Chao Beibi, and Chao Beibi lost his ability to fight!

Referee:"Chao Beibi has lost his ability to fight! The gym trainers have lost two usable Pokémon, so the winner is Mr. Xiaozhi from Pallet Town."

Xiaosheng shouted excitedly:"Xiaozhi, you won beautifully! Both Magellar and Metagross performed so well! This is the gym competition, it's amazing!"

Xiaoyao complained:"There's no need to be so excited! Isn't it natural for Xiaozhi to win?"

Dujuan thought to himself: I didn't expect that I couldn't get any advantage under the two Pokémon of Professor Xiaozhi.

Dujuan took back Chao Beibi:"Chao Beibi, have a good rest!"

Dujuan handed the Rock Badge to Xiaozhi:"Dr. Xiaozhi, this is the Rock Badge. I accept my defeat sincerely."

Xiaozhi took the Rock Badge and said,"Thank you, Miss Dujuan"

"I got the rock badge!"


【Obtain the Rock Badge, bonus points 500]

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