On the night after challenging the Kanaz Gym, Xiaozhi let the Tyrannosaurus with protective gear evolve into a Super Tyrannosaurus. It was Xiaosheng's first time to see communication evolution, and it was also the first time to see a Pokémon evolve in front of him.

Xiaozhi and the other three sat down to discuss where to go next.

Xiaosheng said,"Let me see!" Xiaosheng took out the Pokémon Navigator and checked it. He said,"The nearest gym to Kanaz City is the Fighting Gym on Fighting Island. We can travel a distance by boat!"

Xiaoyao said,"Then I'm going to buy a swimsuit. Thinking of taking a boat makes me think of the sea, and thinking of the sea makes me think of swimming! So excited!"

Xiaogang said,"We have to replenish food first. We have eaten up our previous stock! And Kanaz City is indeed a big city, and you can buy everything you need." Xiaogang took two travel brochures and handed one to Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao exclaimed:"Is there still so much delicious food that I haven't eaten? There is also a delicious grape shop at the seaside restaurant. I am looking forward to it!"

Xiaosheng said:"Sister, you are so annoying! Xiaozhi's communication ship to Wudou Island has three trips a day. Which one should we take?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"The first one the day after tomorrow morning! Before that, you can move freely! Xiaoyao wants to eat delicious food, Xiaogang wants to go shopping, I will go shopping with Xiaogang, what about you, Xiaosheng?"

Xiaosheng said guiltily:"I won't go shopping with my sister or with you! It's decided. I will go back to the room first!"

Xiaosheng just spilled juice on the Pokémon Navigator. After Xiaosheng returned to the room, he took out the Pokémon Navigator. No matter how he pressed it, it didn't respond. Xiaosheng sighed and thought: It seems to be seriously damaged!

The next day, everyone acted separately. Before that, Xiaoyao asked Xiaozhi for pocket money and went to eat delicious food. Xiaozhi is the financial person in charge of the travel team and the richest person in the group. Xiaosheng didn't eat breakfast in the morning and left in a hurry after getting pocket money from Xiaozhi.

On a street in Kanaz City, Xiaosheng looked very troubled with the Pokémon Navigator.

Xiaosheng was looking for a place to repair the Navigator, and saw an uncle in a suit showing strange inventions to the children, but most of them ended in failure.

Xiaosheng looked at it with interest for a while, but saw a failed work, and sighed:"Now is not the time to waste time!"

The strange uncle said:"Little brother, what's wrong with you, why are you sighing?"

Xiaosheng said:"It's like this, my Pokémon Navigator is broken!"

The strange uncle said:"Let me see!" Xiaosheng handed the navigator to the uncle and asked:"Uncle, how is it?"

The uncle said:"It should have been soaked in water! The battery burned, change a battery and wipe the water in the navigator clean, it should be fine."

The uncle took Xiaosheng to Devon Company, and Xiaosheng knew that the uncle was actually the president of Devon Company, Mr. Zifuchi, the father of the former champion of the Hoenn region, Daigo. Xiaosheng felt his luck and could meet big people when he went out.

Zifuchi took Xiaosheng to the maintenance department of Devon Company and handed the Pokémon Navigator to the staff for repair. Zifuchi also asked his assistant Kuroda to take Xiaozhi and the other two to Devon Company.

When President Zfuchi was showing Xiaosheng around, he found a suspicious person. Zfuchi looked serious and followed Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng asked,"Mr. Zfuchi, where are we going now?"

Zfuchi made a gesture to silence him,"Xiaosheng, keep your voice down. The person in front of us is a little strange. I remember the appearance of all the people in Devon Company, but I have never seen this person in front of us. He is wearing the work clothes of the research department staff." Xiaosheng nodded and said nothing. The two followed the strange person together.

Zfuchi was not wrong. The person in front of him was not an employee of Devon Company, but a member of the water fleet.

Xiaosheng said,"It's indeed very suspicious!"

Kuroda took Xiaozhi and his group upstairs to find President Zfuchi and Xiaozhi. When they talked, Kuroda said,"So you are all Pokémon trainers! Our president's son, Master Daigo, is also a powerful trainer."

Xiaozhi said,"Of course Mr. Daigo is strong!" Xiaogang said,"Why does the name Daigo sound so familiar?"

Xiaoyao also looked at Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi explained,"Former champion of the Hoenn region." Xiaoyao was surprised and said,"Champion!!" Xiaozhi and the other two followed Kuroda to the laboratory. The researchers in the laboratory were very anxious. They learned that two bottles of sealed bottles of culture medium were missing!

At this time, Zfuchi and Xiaosheng were about to catch up to the rooftop. Xiaosheng slipped and hit his knee on the stairs, making a noise, causing the man to escape.

Xiaosheng blamed himself,"It's all my fault!"

Zfuchi said,"No, you've done a great job! He fled in panic, which means he has proved himself to be a suspicious person."

The man from the water fleet ran to the rooftop, where Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaoyao were already waiting.

Xiaogang said,"Stop, are you the one who stole the culture medium?"

Xiaosheng and President Zfuchi behind him blocked the man's retreat, and the five of them surrounded the man.

Zfuchi said,"Give me back the sealed bottle you stole!"

The suspicious man said,"It's not that simple! Come out, lobster!"

Xiaozhi said,"You took away the culture medium and you have a lobster, you must be from the water fleet! Pikachu, you're welcome, 100,000 volts!"

This lobster only has the strength of a mid-level gym, and Pikachu's 100,000 volts will burn it black.

"Bulbasaur, use the vine whip to tie him and the lobster!"

Miss Junsha arrived, thanked Xiaozhi for his help, and took the suspicious man away.

In this comparison, the water fleet is not at a disadvantage, after all, the Magma Team that Xiaozhi sent into Guchen Town last time was three people.

Xiaozhi returned the culture medium found from the suspicious man to President Zifuchi.

In order to thank Xiaozhi and the others, Zifuchi invited them to have dinner together.

Zifuchi said:"I want to thank you.

If it weren't for you, this important research might not be safe.

" Xiaozhi said:

"The one who contributed the most this time should be Xiaosheng." Xiaosheng said shyly:"If Xiaozhi hadn't cleaned up the mess, we wouldn't have been able to catch that man." Zifuchi said:"It's best to go on an adventure trip when you are young. My son Daigo is now on Fighting Island. You can go and meet him."

Xiaozhi said:"I'm really looking forward to meeting Mr. Daigo, the former champion of Hoenn!" Xiaoyao suddenly said:"Xiaosheng, give me the Pokémon Navigator. I want to see the information about Fighting Island."

Xiaosheng was nervous because he had not yet received the navigator that he had given to the staff of Devon Company to repair. He felt something tapping on his leg and saw that it was Zfuchi who handed the repaired navigator to Xiaosheng.

Xiaosheng handed the navigator to Xiaoyao, but Xiaozhi saw Xiaosheng secretly thanking Mr. Zfuchi. So that's what happened!

Xiaozhi just smiled and didn't expose it.

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