Xiaozhi and his group left the center of Kanaz early in the morning and headed to the port to catch a boat. Xiaoyao wanted to eat macaroni for breakfast, but because he got the magazine publishing time wrong, everyone missed the morning communication ship. Now the group is at the old port, and if they go to the new port now, they can only catch the evening communication ship.

In order to make up for the mistake, Xiaoyao met an old man named Hatch who had a boat and his long-winged gull Xiaopi at the old port. Everyone was finally able to set sail for Wudou Island.

On the way to Wudou Island, Xiaoyao opened his arms and shouted,"What a comfortable sea breeze!"

Hatch said,"You're right, today's weather is very good, it's the most suitable day for sailing."

Xiaozhi asked,"Mr. Hatch, when can we arrive at Wudou Island?"

Hatch said,"Well,......At this rate, we will definitely be there before dinner."

Xiaoyao said,"I've got it! Fire Pheasant, Thornytail, you two come out! None of my Pokémon have seen the sea yet! Let them come out and play together.��!"

Xiaosheng looked at the comfortable sea and said,"I really want to go swimming!"

Hatchi said,"In that case, there is an uninhabited island nearby that is very suitable for sea bathing."

Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao looked at Xiaozhi expectantly after hearing this. Xiaozhi said,"Okay, let's go and play together for a day! The gym competitions are so intensive that the Pokémon are tired."

Xiaosheng said excitedly,"Okay! Xiaozhi, you are the best!"

Hatchi said,"Since you have decided, we will temporarily change the course!"

Hatchi took Xiaozhi and the others to a quiet uninhabited island with soft sand and calm water suitable for swimming. Xiaogang asked,"Mr. Hatchi, what is the name of this island!"

Hatchi said,"This island is not marked on the map and has no name. Okay, I'm going to the shore!"

Xiaoyao had already changed into a swimsuit and jumped into the sea, followed by Xiaosheng. Brock smiled and said,"Is this the reason why the two of them bought swimsuits in Kanaz City?"

Satoshi said,"That must be it! Brock, let's go change clothes too. It's a rare opportunity to come to the beach, Dragonite, Blastoise, Croaky, you all should come out and play!"

Brock said,"Lotus Leaf Boy, you should also play with everyone!"

Satoshi suddenly looked serious and said,"No, a large group of Pokémon are approaching us!"


Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng hugged each other in fear. They were surrounded by a large group of megalodon sharks in the sea.

Xiaozhi said:"Pidgeot, Toucan, go save them!"

Xiaoyao grabbed Pidgeot's feet, and Xiaosheng grabbed Toucan's feet, but the megalodon sharks kept jumping up to attack, and Xiaosheng's legs were injured by the rough skin of the megalodon sharks.

""Dragon and Blastoise, you go and attract the Megalodon's attention, and Crocodile, you go and cover them."

Dragon used the freezing ray and Blastoise used the water cannon to attract the Megalodon's target, but there were still a few that wanted to attack Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, and Crocodile also used the water cannon to cover them. Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng were rescued and brought back to the boat.

Xiaogang said,"Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng, are you okay?"

Xiaoyao looked at her swimsuit that was damaged by the Megalodon with heartache and said,"I'm fine! It's just that my swimsuit......"

Xiaogang had no choice but to check the wound on Xiaosheng's leg and said,"Fortunately, it's just a scratch. It will be fine if he doesn't touch water for a few days!"

Xiaosheng said,"Is this the rough skin of a megalodon? It really hurts!"

The group of megalodon sharks continued to hit the boat where Xiaozhi and his friends were. Xiaozhi saw a relatively large megalodon shark among the group of megalodon sharks. It should be their leader. As long as he defeated it, the group of megalodon sharks would stop attacking.

"Blastoise, Hercules, Pidgeot, Toucan, you come back first! Megalodon, let's fight!"

Megalodon saw that this human wanted to challenge him, so he asked his brothers to get out of the way.

"Chenglong, freezing ray!"

Chenglong's freezing ray froze the sea surface in front of it, and the Megalodon dived into the water to avoid it.

"Dragonite, you also go shallow into the sea and use the roar."

The Megalodon fought back in the sea and used Bite, but the wounds on its body prevented it from using its special move. Dragonite's roar hit the Megalodon, and the Megalodon lost its ability to fight and floated to the surface.

Brock said,"Something's wrong!" Brock jumped off the boat, rushed to the Megalodon and checked it, saying,"This Megalodon was poisoned from the beginning. You must have discovered it a long time ago, Satoshi! Otherwise, Dragonite wouldn't have weakened its strength."

Satoshi came to Brock and said,"That's right! It feels like a poison-type Pokémon did it. I have a peach, let's feed it first!" Satoshi took out a peach from his backpack and handed it to Brock. Just as he was about to feed it to the Megalodon, the Megalodon struggled and resisted.

Brock said,"Megalodon, we are not bad people!"

Gon's sincere eyes made the Megalodon feel relieved, and it ate the sweet peach. The Megalodon's poisoning condition eased a little. Gon said,"It's just temporarily stabilized. If I were a Pokémon doctor, I could make special medicine to treat you!"

Ash said,"Don't blame yourself, Gon. You've done a good job!"

Gon said,"All I can do now is to maintain its strength."

Gon had been accompanying the Megalodon in the water. Seeing this, Ash went to exchange a Megalodon Mega Evolution Stone with No. 124.

As night fell, everyone was having dinner. Xiaosheng asked,"Xiaozhi, don't Megalodons act alone? How come this group of Megalodons act together and are so united?"

Ash explained,"Pokémon are much more sensitive to environmental changes than humans. If it is always difficult to obtain food, group hunting will occur."

Xiaosheng said,"I see!" Xiaosheng quickly wrote it down. Xiaoyao said,"From this point of view, these Megalodons are also very pitiful!"

Gon stayed with the Megalodon in the water all night, and said encouraging words to it all night. Xiaozhi saw it all. The Megalodon has established a strong bond with Xiaogang. The morning sun awakened the island and the Megalodon. The Megalodon vaguely remembered that a human was treating and encouraging it, and this person was sleeping on it. The Megalodon covered Xiaogang's body with its fin! Xiaozhi and Pikachu saw it all.

Suddenly, several nets fell from the sky and came towards Pikachu and the Megalodon.

""Oni" used its wings to attack and cut the nets."

Oni" cut the two nets into pieces.

Musashi said,"Little brat!"

Xiaozhi said,"Ask me first if you want to catch Pikachu and Megalodon! Don't forget, we are in the sea now!"

Kojiro said,"This Megalodon was originally our prey. Musashi's Viper poisoned it with its poisonous tail!"

Xiaogang said,"What? Did you do it?" Xiaogang said angrily,"In that case, I will not forgive you. Nine-Tails's spiritual power!" The

Nine-Tails's spiritual power made Team Rocket fly away with their Magikarp submarine.

"What a disgusting feeling......."


Xiaogang looked at the Megalodon:"Megalodon, are you okay?"

The Megalodon nodded and rubbed Xiaogang. Xiaogang stepped back repeatedly:"This is it!"......No need for that!"The rough skin of the Megalodon will hurt people or Pokémon that come in contact with it.

Surprisingly, when the Megalodon rubbed against Brock, he didn't feel anything.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It seems that the characteristics of rough skin are ineffective for people you like."

Brock took out a Poké Ball and said,"Megalodon, do you want to travel with me?"

The Megalodon nodded, and its brothers were also happy for it. Brock captured the Megalodon.

Xiaozhi handed a Mega Evolution Stone to Brock and said,"Brock, this is the Mega Evolution Stone of the Megalodon."

Brock nodded, accepted the Mega Evolution Stone handed by Xiaozhi, and put it on the Megalodon. It would be awkward to say thank you to Xiaozhi.

In this way, an elite Megalodon with peak strength joined Xiaozhi's team. After Xiaozhi arrived at Hoenn, the two Pokémon he captured were both water-type Pokémon. Sometimes Xiaozhi wanted to complain about this like Xiaoxia.

The Megalodon waved goodbye to his brothers, and Hatch set sail again with Xiaozhi and others, aiming at the Fighting Island!

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