After saying goodbye to Hatchi and Chibi, Xiaozhi and his friends finally arrived at the Fighting Island.

Ten minutes later, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived in front of the Fighting Gym. The sign of the Fighting Gym was very fancy. On a golden arch, the words"Fighting Big Waves" and several people were particularly eye-catching.

Xiaosheng guessed,"The Fighting Gym must be very confident in fighting skills!"

Xiaogang also guessed,"Maybe he is a muscular fighter like Mr. Si, the gym trainer of the Azure Gym."

But Xiaogang guessed wrong. The gym trainer of the Fighting Gym was a handsome young man.

A handsome young man was surrounded by a group of girls holding surfboards and walked out of the Fighting Gym. Seeing Xiaozhi and his friends at the door, he said,"What are you doing at the Fighting Gym?" Xiaogang took the lead and grabbed a girl's hand and said,"It's so beautiful! Please come with me to surf on the waves of love, okay?" Xiaosheng took out the skills he learned from Xiaoxia and dragged Xiaogang away,"I'll accompany you if you want to surf!"

Xiaozhi thought to himself: Xiaosheng did a good job! Xiao���Another nemesis!

Xiaozhi explained his purpose, hoping that Xiaogang would not think that we are strange people. He said:"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and I am here to challenge the Fighting Gym." The young man said:"I am afraid that it is not possible today! I am Fujishu, the gym trainer of the Fighting Gym. Until yesterday, the sea was still dripping and splashing, and the waves were roaring. But today is different, the face of the sea is very beautiful, so the challenge will be tomorrow!"

After that, Fujishu took the girls away. Xiaosheng asked with a face full of questions:"Drip, drip, splash, splash, what is it? I don't understand what he is talking about?"

Xiaogang said:"He is probably talking about today's weather! Today's weather is breezy, which is indeed suitable for surfing."

Xiaozhi said:"In that case, let's continue the rest that we didn't finish yesterday! Go for a sea bath!"

"I agree!" Xiaogang and the other two echoed.

Many people were surfing at the beach of Wudou Island. Today was indeed a good day for surfing.

Xiaoyao said happily:"It's the sea! Let's go swimming!" Xiaoyao began to take off her clothes.

Xiaosheng was impressed by his sister's openness and advised:"No! Sister, how can you change clothes in public?"

Xiaoyao said:"It's okay, I've already put on my swimsuit inside! How about it? Is it suitable? I bought two sets in Kanaz City!"

The three were speechless. This must have been prepared a long time ago!

Xiaogang was attracted by his sister's openness:"That is......The big sisters just now! You rode so beautifully! Please come quickly and accompany me for a surfing of love!"

Xiaoyao said:"The gym trainer of the Fighting Gym is here too!"

Fujishu took out the Poké Ball and said:"Makushita, take off!"

Fujishu and his Makushita rode on the waves and enjoyed this happy time together.

Xiaogang resurrected and praised:"This Makushita has great surfing skills!"

Xiaozhi said:"I didn't expect Mr. Fujishu to use surfing to cultivate tacit understanding. This training method is also very suitable for local conditions."

Xiaosheng suddenly realized:"So it is to cultivate tacit understanding!" Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang and said:"Okay, Xiaogang, let's go surfing too!"

Xiaogang said:"Okay!"

Xiaoyao pulled Xiaosheng up and said:"Xiaosheng, let's go swimming!"

Xiaozhi said:"Everyone come out!"Ash released all the Pokémon. Kira was a rock and ground type. Although he was happy to see the sea, he was afraid of water. He could only play with sand on the beach with the Elephant.

Brock and Haruka also let their Pokémon out to play.

A pleasant day passed, and the sun gradually lost its light. Fujishu found Ash and said,"Ash, let's schedule the gym tournament for 10:30 tomorrow morning. Is that okay?"

Ash said,"Of course!"

The next day, the gym tournament of the Fighting Gym was about to begin.

The referee said,"Now the Fighting Gym Trainer Fujishu and the challenger Ash from Pallet Town will start. Both sides, please send out your Pokémon!"

"Wrist strength, come out!"

"The electric dragon is decided to be you!"

【Wrist Strength】

【Attribute: Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: No defense (Since there is no defense strategy, the moves used by both sides will definitely hit)】

【Strength: Early Gym Stage]

Fujiki's arm carries the Stone of Invariance. Although it does not evolve, its strength is still increasing.

"Lightning Dragon, Thunder Fist"

""Wrist Power dodges!"

Dragonite attacked Wrist Power with a fist full of electricity, but when it got close, Wrist Power dodged it, just like surfing.

Xiaosheng asked,"What is this?"

Xiaogang said,"It uses the surfing technique. Fujishu should have trained all the Pokémon in the gym to surf."

Xiaozhi said,"Then win with speed, Dragonite, move at high speed"

"Wrist force, cross chop."

The electric dragon moved at high speed, so fast that Wrist force didn't know where the electric dragon would attack from. Wrist force kept his hands in a cross shape on his chest.

"Lightning Dragon, Dragon Wave!"

Lightning Dragon hit Wanli with Dragon Wave from behind.

"Use wrist strength to neutralize damage and engage in close combat!"

""Dragonite, Destruction Ray!"

Armstrong spun in the air, and actually reduced the damage of Dragon Wave. He used the wall of the gym to jump towards Dragonite and attacked it head-on. Dragonite also learned Armstrong's movements, and hugged Armstrong from the back. Dragonite used Destruction Ray, and Armstrong was hit head-on by Destruction Ray and lost his combat ability.

Referee:"Arstrong has lost his combat ability. Gym trainers, please send out the next Pokémon!"

Fujiki retracted Armstrong:"It's really amazing! Armstrong worked hard. Come out, Makuhita."

Xiaozhi changed to Mantis:"Mantis is decided to be you!"


【Attribute: Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Thick fat (Because of the thick fat protection, the damage of fire and ice attribute moves will be halved)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Makuhita, surprise attack with palm strike."

Makuhita used surprise attack with palm strike, which can attack first and make the opponent afraid and unable to attack.

"Makuhita, Flame Fist"

"The giant claw mantis used high-speed movement to dodge."

The Makuhita concentrated the flames on his fist and attacked the giant claw mantis. The giant claw mantis used high-speed movement to dodge the flame fist.

"Xiaozhi, do you think I will let you hit me a second time? Makuhita is on the right, using Push"

""Giant Mantis, Shadow Clone."

Makuhita opened his hands and pushed towards the giant mantis. The giant mantis used its shadow clone to surround Makuhita. At this time, Makuhita's body emitted a glow of evolution and evolved into Super Power King.

"All of Super Power King's giant mantises use the power of force"

"Giant Mantis, Air Slash!"

Super Power King used his power to attack all the Giant Mantises, and the Giant Mantises were unable to dodge and were hit by the power. After the Giant Mantises adjusted themselves, they quickly flew up and used the Air Slash that covered the entire field.

"Super Power King, take advantage of the situation to resolve it."

Super Power King rolled on the battlefield, but the changes in weight and size after evolution made Super Power King unable to dodge as quickly as when he was still a Makuhita, and the air slash hit Super Power King.

"Super Power King, back from the dead"

""Giant Mantis, Cross Shears."

Powerful Mantis attacked again, using the move of resurrection. The less physical strength a person has, the more powerful it is. If it is hit, Powerful Mantis will be seriously injured. Powerful Mantis dodged Powerful Mantis's continuous attacks with its speed. Powerful Mantis found a momentary flaw and used Cross Shears to split Powerful Mantis, making Powerful Mantis lose its ability to fight.

The referee said,"Powerful Mantis has lost its ability to fight. The gym trainer has already lost two Pokémon, so the winner is Ash from Pallet Town."

Fujishu did not expect that the evolved Powerful Mantis could not adapt to the changes in body shape and weight, and that he would have to intensify training starting tomorrow. Fujishu took Powerful Mantis back:"Powerful Mantis, you did a great job!"

Fujishu handed the boxing badge to Ash:"Ash, this is a boxing badge. It is a token of winning the Fighting Gym. Please accept it!" Ash accepted the boxing badge:"Mr. Fujishu, thank you."

"I got my boxing badge!"


【Get the boxing badge, bonus points 500】

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