Xiaozhi and his group who were staying on the Fighting Island heard from Miss Joy that Mr. Daigo was digging stones in the Stone Cave, so they decided to go to the Stone Cave. Xiaozhi said to everyone as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave:"Those three idiots are here."

Xiaogang complained:"Did they install locators on us? How come they can follow us wherever we go?"

Xiaosheng said:"But Mr. Daigo is in there? We can't not go in!" Xiaosheng was still looking forward to it, but when he heard that the three members of Team Rocket were there, he felt disgusted. In short, it was very complicated.

Xiaozhi suggested:"Let's take another way! This way we can avoid these guys!"

"I agree!" Brock and the other two agreed very much.

The roads in the Stone Cave are very complicated, and there is more than one entrance, so Xiaozhi and his group successfully bypassed Team Rocket and came to the cave. Brock also posted marks at the fork in the road to avoid getting lost.

Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao were both exploring caves for the first time, and they seemed to be looking forward to it along the way.

As they were walking, the ground suddenly shook, and a large group of Kokodoras seemed to be very angry and rushed towards Xiaozhi and the others. The ground suddenly cracked, and Xiaozhi and the others fell to the next level of the Stone Cave. What was worse was that the group was washed away.

Xiaozhi pulled himself out of the mud and found Pikachu and Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi said:"Xiaozhi, are you okay!"

Xiaozhi said:"I'm fine! What happened to that group of Kokodoras?" Xiaozhi said:

"From the looks of it just now, they should be angry because of something disturbing. But now is not the time to talk about this. It seems that we have lost Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao!"

Xiaozhi said:"Let's find them first!"

The two shouted and searched all the way. The stone cave was just as Xiaozhi said before, with many roads and it was very complicated. Even with the power of waveguide, they had no results for the time being. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang met Kojiro before finding Xiaoyao and his sister.

Kojiro was surprised to see Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, and said,"Little brats, how come you fell down too! By the way, when did you come in?"

Xiaozhi said seriously,"Because of Kokodoras, Kojiro, let me ask you, does the anger of the Kokodoras have anything to do with you?"

Kojiro said guiltily,"When......Of course not!"

Xiaozhi said:"The truth!"

Xiaojiro said:"Well, actually it happened because we accidentally dug up the nest of Kokodora when we were digging the trap."

Xiaogang said:"You are really incapable of doing anything good but are more likely to cause trouble!"

Xiaozhi said:"Since you told the truth, we will not make a fuss about it. This is for you." Xiaozhi handed a card to Xiaojiro.

Xiaojiro said:"What is this?" Xiaozhi said:"This is the reward for your help in arresting Aaron last time. One hundred thousand yuan is enough for you to use for a while."

Xiaojiro was moved and said:"Little brat......you really......"

Xiaozhi said,"Stop! Of course I have to reward you for doing good things. If you catch Pikachu, you will be beaten away. I was not joking when I said I would support your meal last time. Xiaojiro, I have always wanted to ask you, wouldn't it be better for you to go home and be a young master? Why are you willing to come out and live such a wandering life?"

Xiaojiro sighed and said,"You all know about my fiancee Lu Meijia. At home, the rules and etiquette and various courses are overwhelming me. Although the Rocket team has no fixed place to live, we are really happy and free!"

Xiaogang said,"There is such an inside story! At first, we just thought that your parents' control was too strong, so you ran away from home."

Xiaojiro said,"There are also reasons in this regard!" Xiaozhi and the other two continued to move forward with Pikachu, and unexpectedly met a Kokodora. The young man behind Kokodora was Mr. Daigo, the former champion of the Hoenn region.

Xiaozhi asked,"Are you Mr. Daigo?"

Daigo said,"Yes, you are Xiaozhi!" Daigo remembered when he saw Xiaozhi with Pikachu.

Satoshi said,"Mr. Daigo, it's nice to meet you."

Daigo said,"I'm glad to meet you too! I've heard of your name for a long time, and my father told me about what happened in Kanaz City, so I've wanted to meet you for a long time!"

Daigo asked,"Satoshi, why are you here?"

Kojiro shrank back, and Baka explained for them,"We just ran into a group of angry Kokodoras and fell here."

Daigo said,"Is that so! By the way, Satoshi, I have something I want you to help me with." Daigo took out a Mega Evolution Stone from his pocket.

Daigo explained,"I found this not long ago, but I don't have the Evolution Key Stone, so I......"

Xiaozhi held the Mega Evolution Stone in his hand, and after a moment he said,"This is the Mega Evolution Stone of Metagross."

Daigo said with a happy face,"Thank you, Xiaozhi." Xiaozhi handed the Mega Evolution Stone back to Daigo. Xiaozhi actually exchanged an Evolution Key Stone from No. 124 from his backpack. Now he can spend his points at will without any regret. (In the current timeline, Mega Evolution Stones and Evolution Key Stones have not appeared in large quantities. They are in a state of being in short supply. All the rich second-generation Daigo can only dig them up by himself if they want them.)

Xiaozhi said,"Mr. Daigo, this is for you." Xiaozhi handed the Evolution Key Stone to Daigo. Daigo said

,"Is it really okay?" He went to the Stone Cave just to try his luck and see if he could dig up an Evolution Key Stone, but he didn't expect Xiaozhi to give him one directly.

Satoshi said,"This is extra, please accept it, Mr. Daigo!"

Daigo said,"Then I'll accept it, Satoshi, please leave me your phone number!" Satoshi and his friends helped his father in Kanaz City, so they should have given him a thank you gift. But now Satoshi has given him what he has been looking for, so he must thank him properly.

Satoshi was not pretentious and directly exchanged his phone number with Daigo's.

Daigo said,"Asahi, the road in the Stone Cave is very complicated, let me take you out first!"

Daigo was very familiar with the Stone Cave, and with Satoshi's wave power, he quickly found Haruka and Kacchan, and soon met Meowth and Musashi.

However, they were between the upper and lower floors, and Satoshi's road was interrupted in the middle, so they saw Haruka and the other four below.

"Xiaozhi! Xiaogang!"


Before he could say a few more words, many Kokodoras appeared behind Xiaoyao and the other three.

Daigo said,"Listen to me first, there is a waterfall if you run forward, we will meet there."

Xiaoyao and the other three on the next floor ran forward, and Xiaozhi and the others followed Daigo and rushed forward.

Xiaoyao said,"What should we do? There is no way out!"

"Geranium is the one for you! Use the sweet scent"

"Kokoda uses Metal Sound."

Geranium and Daigo's Kokoda work together to pacify the Kokodas.

The three members of Team Rocket reunited. Musashi and Meowth still wanted to capture the Kokodas, but Kojiro did not speak or take any action.

Musashi said,"Snake, use Poison Tail!" Daigo said

,"Are you two the ones who disturbed these Kokodas? The Pokémon living in the caves live quietly. If you want to take action, you have to get past me first. Come out, Aoskodora! Use Destruction Ray!"

A Destruction Ray made the three members of Team Rocket take off again

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Xiaosheng said in admiration:"Is this the strength of a champion? Great! Mr. Daigo, my name is Xiaosheng."

Xiaoyao said:"I, I, I, Mr. Daigo, my name is Xiaoyao."

Daigo said:"I have heard about your affairs from my father, especially your affairs, Xiaosheng."

Xiaosheng said in disbelief:"Really?"

Daigo said:"Xiaosheng, you must become an excellent practitioner in the future!"

Xiaosheng said happily:"I will."

Daigo found what he had always wanted and said goodbye to Xiaozhi and his party with his Kokodora and left the Fighting Island to go to another place to find new stones.

Xiaozhi and his party will stay on the Fighting Island for a while to practice for Xiaoyao's gorgeous competition.

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