Xiaozhi and his group, who were doing training on the Fighting Island, met Dr. Odumaki and started camping together.

At this time, everyone had just finished breakfast.

Dr. Odumaki said,"I'm full, I'm full! Xiaogang's cooking skills are really great!"

Xiaogang said embarrassedly,"No! It's not worthy of your praise!"

Xiaoyao looked at Dr. Odumaki and said,"Dr. Odumaki, can you please help me take a look at the shell cocoon I captured?"

Dr. Odumaki smiled and said,"Then I must take a look."

Xiaoyao released the shell cocoon:"Come out! Shell cocoon." Dr. Odumaki took a closer look and said,"This shell cocoon is very good. It will definitely become a beautiful hunting swallowtail butterfly."

Xiaoyao said happily,"Thank you, Dr. Odumaki." Xiaoyao was very happy to get the praise from Dr. Odumaki.

Xiaozhi said,"Then I'll come too! The water jump fish is decided to be you."

Dr. Odumaki said,"Xiaozhi was hatched from the egg before, right? Although this water jump fish was born not long ago, it has developed very well."

"Gulp was also very happy to be praised.

Brock said,"It's my turn next! Lotus Leaf Boy, Megalodon, and Water Leap Fish, you all come out too!"

Dr. Odaki said,"Megalodon is very strong, and Brock's Water Leap Fish is also developing very well. Hey, Lotus Leaf Boy, where are you looking at?"

Brock said,"I'm sorry, my Lotus Leaf Boy is a little dazed." Brock's Water Leap Fish held the lotus leaf of Lotus Leaf Boy in its mouth, turned him in a direction, and faced Dr. Odaki, which made Lotus Leaf Boy react.

Dr. Odaki praised,"Your Pokémon all look very healthy, very good!"

After breakfast, Xiaozhi and his group followed Dr. Odaki to the forest to investigate Pokémon, which was also a kind of practice.

Xiaosheng said,"Dr. Odaki, there are a lot of Pokémon on the Fighting Island! Let me see, where are the Pokémon?"

Xiao Sheng's head was suddenly hit by something, like a fruit falling and hitting Xiao Sheng's head.

Dr. Odamaki said:"This is......The storks." Then two more storks fell one after another.

Xiaoyao said,"They look very listless!" Dr. Odaki analyzed the reason and said,"It may be due to lack of water."

Xiaosheng took out a water bottle from his backpack, poured some water into the lid, and handed it to the storks:"Here is water! Come on, please use it!"

The storks shook their heads, and Xiaosheng asked curiously,"You don't want it?"

Xiaogang explained,"Xiaosheng, the storks absorb water by hanging on the branches. If you give it to them directly, they won't drink it."

Xiaosheng put away the water bottle and said,"Is that so!"

Dr. Odaki picked up a storks and hung it on a branch, but it soon fell down. Xiaoyao said,"Could it be that this tree is not good?"

Dr. Odaki found the reason and said,"Look here, the landslide caused the soil to cover a large number of trees. It should be because the trees they like were crushed!"

Xiaosheng said sympathetically,"How pitiful!"

Xiaozhi suggested:"Then let's help them find a tree suitable for their survival?"

Xiaosheng said:"Okay!"

Dr. Odumaki said:"Xiaosheng, if you rub the Pokémon's body with a leaf, they will be happy."

Xiaosheng picked up a leaf half-believingly and rubbed the Pokémon's body, and the Pokémon really became happy. The Pokémon rolled around on the ground happily, and Dr. Odumaki also rolled around on the ground with the Pokémon.

Xiaoyao was shocked and said:"Could it be that Dr. Odumaki's field research is to play with Pokémon?"

Xiaogang said:"It should be through this way that we can understand the Pokémon's heart!"

""Aoguyan, disperse the black fog!"

At the same time as Aoguyan appeared, the black fog of Snake appeared, but the Rockets' plan failed.

Musashi smiled and said,"Little brat, we have to take these three elephants away! Come on, Snake!""

"It's your turn, Little Elephant, use Roll!"

Little Elephant's Roll hits the Spoon Snake, knocking it flying.

Musashi said,"In that case, let me use my 'Shell Cocoon'!"

After hearing what Musashi said, Dr. Odamaki doubted his eyes for a moment and said,"Miss, this is......It's a scutum cocoon!"

Musashi said angrily,"Don't talk nonsense there! I've seen it several times, it's obviously a carapace cocoon, okay!"

Kojiro and Meow Meow shrank back, not daring to say anything.

Xiaoyao said,"I'll show you a real carapace cocoon, come out, carapace cocoon."

Musashi said,"They are exactly the same!"

Dr. Odamaki explained,"Although they look alike, they are actually different. You have to look at the eyes to distinguish them. The ones with round eyes are scutum cocoons."

Musashi didn't hear anything and said,"Yes! The ones with round, bright and cute eyes are carapace cocoons, and they will become beautiful and beautiful hunting swallowtail butterflies. 'Carapace cocoons' use collisions."

Xiaoyao said,"Carapace cocoons, we also use collisions."

The carapace cocoon and the scutum cocoon collided with each other, and the body of the carapace cocoon emitted a light of evolution. The carapace cocoon evolved into a hunting swallowtail butterfly.

Xiaoyao said excitedly,"My carapace cocoon evolved into a hunting swallowtail butterfly!"

Musashi said in disbelief,"Xiaoyao.........The little girl's Carapace Cocoon evolved into a Hunting Swallowtail, but why hasn't my 'Carapace Cocoon' evolved yet?"

Kojiro said,"I've said it many times, Musashi's is a Shield Armor Cocoon."

Meowth said,"Even if it evolves, it will be a Poisonous Powder Moth, Meowth!" Musashi said,"In that case, I will tear the little girl's Hunting Swallowtail into pieces, and use Silk Spinning for 'Carapace Cocoon'."

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaoyao, command the Hunting Swallowtail to use Fierce Storm!"

Xiaoyao said,"Hunting Swallowtail, use Fierce Storm."

The silk of the Shield Armor Cocoon was blown away by the Fierce Storm before it got close.

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts is over."

100,000 volts electrocuted Team Rocket until they were charred. After the three Team Rockets finally landed, Musashi shouted,"Why doesn't my 'Shell Cocoon' evolve into Hunting Butterfly! No matter what, let's fight."

Musashi forced the Pokémon in their hands to take turns, trying to evolve her Shield Cocoon.

Dr. Odamaki said,"Xiaoyao, your Hunting Butterfly is very good!"

Xiaoyao's mind is now full of the scene of taking Hunting Butterfly to participate in the gorgeous competition, and said,"Thank you for the compliment, Dr. Hunting Butterfly, let's participate in the gorgeous competition together!"

Xiaogang took out a box from his backpack and handed it to Xiaoyao:"This is the jelly I made specially for Hunting Butterfly."

Xiaoyao took it and said,"Thank you, Xiaogang." Xiaoyao opened the box and said to Hunting Butterfly:"Hunting Butterfly, come and try it!"

Hunting Butterfly finished eating quickly. The Pokémon food made by Xiaogang tasted very good.

Xiaoyao thought,"The skills that Hunting Butterfly can use are......"She was about to take out the Pokémon Pokémon Encyclopedia to have a look, but Xiaozhi told her first:"Fierce Blast, Silk Spinning, Hardening, Impact, etc."

Xiaoyao said:"The Fierce Blast just now was very powerful. Hunting Swallowtail, Fierce Blast."

Hunting Swallowtail flew into the air. Although the power of the wind was good, the control was not very good now. Professor Odama gave Xiaoyao a frisbee and asked it to control the frisbee with Fierce Blast. Xiaoyao had one more exercise.

Everyone came to another forest on the island and finally found a suitable tree for the fruits, but the three members of Team Rocket appeared again, but this time they were open and aboveboard.

Musashi said:"Little brat, I want to duel with you for my 'Shell Cocoon' to evolve into Hunting Swallowtail!"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay!" The three members of Team Rocket have strong willpower. They will not give up until Shield Cocoon evolves today. For the sake of Aaron's last incident, let him help Musashi.

"Aoguyan has decided that it is you, use wings to attack!"

Aoguyan used wings to attack the shield cocoon.

"‘After the carapace cocoon hardens, use the silk"

"The proud swallow dodged and used Lightning Flash."

The proud swallow dodged the spinning and used Lightning Flash to quickly approach the shield cocoon.

"Don't give up! 'Shell Cocoon' hit with maximum force!"

Shield Cocoon jumped up and hit the Swallow, but the Swallow quickly fell and did not hit it, but the body of Shield Cocoon began to emit the light of evolution.

Kojiro and Meowth were very scared. Kojiro said:"This moment has finally come!" Meowth said

:"At this point, we can only bite the bullet and go Meowth!" Musashi was very excited, but the Shield Cocoon eventually evolved into a poisonous powder moth. Musashi said in disbelief:"Is this my lovely hunting swallowtail?"


Odamaki said:"The two evolutionary forms of the stingtail insect have a 50% chance each.

Miss, your stingtail insect has evolved into a shield cocoon, so the next evolution can only be a powder moth.

"Musashi looked like he was about to get angry, but suddenly said:"This is too cute!

" Xiaozhi and the others were speechless at the same time.

What kind of aesthetic is this? The appearance of the poisonous powder moth really has nothing to do with cuteness!

Kojiro and Meowth said at the same time after surviving the disaster:"As long as she likes it!


"Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"

The things promised to Musashi have been done, so we can send them away again!

Dr. Odamaki also said goodbye to Xiaozhi and the others and returned to Weibai Town the next day.

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