The three members of Team Rocket wandered aimlessly on Fighting Island today, and unknowingly came across an abandoned gold mine.

Musashi asked,"Where is this, Kojiro?"

Kojiro took out a map and said,"The map says this is a gold mine, but it has been abandoned for a long time!"

Meow Meow said,"That means this place used to be a treasure mountain, meow!"

Musashi began to fantasize,"Treasure mountain! If I can get the treasure, wouldn't I become a millionaire? It feels so good!"

Kojiro interrupted Musashi's fantasy and said,"But, this is an abandoned mine, doesn't that mean there are no treasures?"

Musashi said,"Kojiro, what are you talking about! Look for it, maybe you can find the leftovers. I seem to smell a strong smell of luxury!"

Meow Meow echoed,"Unconsciously, I also started to have this feeling, meow!" Kojiro said helplessly,"How is it possible!" Musashi said,"If we can find the treasure and present it to the boss, wouldn't we be able to get promoted and make a fortune, and pay off my debts by the way?"


So, the three members of the Rockets and Guoran Weng walked into the abandoned gold mine. After entering, they found that the tunnel was very long, but a car that was used to pull ore appeared in front of them.

Musashi said:"It seems that this car can still be used!"

Meowth jumped into the car, checked it and said:"Yes, it can be used, meow."

They sat in the car. The deeper they went, the weaker the light. Kojiro said:"It feels gloomy and a bit annoying!" Meowth said in fear:"That is to say, it feels like a demon stock will appear at any time." Musashi said:"Enough, meow, don't be so crow-mouthed, okay?"

Suddenly, two glittering things appeared in front of the Rockets. They were a little excited. Sure enough, there were treasures. But a smile appeared on the two glittering things, which scared them a lot.

Kojiro urgently pulled the handbrake and shouted:"Ghost!"

Meowth was thrown out. Kojiro changed direction and turned around. Meowth shouted:"Don't leave me, meow!"The two glittering things slowly approached Meowth. It was a Hooking Eye.

But at this time Meowth had been frightened and fainted.

In fact, the Hooking Eye was just too lonely and wanted to find someone to play with. The Hooking Eye was a little speechless. Was it so scary?

Musashi, Meowth and Goran had already escaped to the entrance of the mine. Musashi said:"What was that just now?"

Kojiro said:"It must be a ghost! There is no doubt about it."

Musashi said:"Where is Meowth?

" Kojiro said:"He seemed to escape too slowly and was caught by the ghost." Musashi said:"Really, Meowth is too useless!"

Kojiro said:"We have to go back to save it!"

While Musashi and Kojiro were talking, Xiaozhi and the other four also came here. They decided to practice here today. So they quickly hid.

Xiaoyao said:"I didn't expect there was a mine here!"

Xiaosheng looked at the Pokémon Navigator and said:"But there is no information about this place in the Pokémon Navigator!"

Xiaogang said:"It looks like this place has been abandoned for a long time!"

Xiaozhi saw a switch on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave, pressed it and said:"It's still powered on? It's just right for a test of courage! Is everyone okay? There are many ghost-type Pokémon in places like this!"

Xiaoyao said excitedly:"This is a good idea!"

Xiaosheng said:"Sister, you are too indecisive! But I like it!" The four found the mine cart that Team Rocket had just taken at the door and entered the mine. In the control room in the mine, the unconscious Meowth woke up, saw the Hooked Eyes in front of him, and was startled and said:"Aren't you Hooked Eyes, meow?"

Meowth translated the words of Hooked Eyes and said:"You said it's a good thing I woke up, meow! You said you just like to scare people, and you can play together if you want, and you don't want to hurt anyone, meow!"

Meowth nodded repeatedly after translating:"So that's the case, meow! You don't look like a bad guy, meow."

Snatcheye handed Meowth a stone. Meowth took the stone doubtfully and said,"You said this was delicious, meow, is it true, meow?" Meowth took a bite and it was indeed a stone.

Snatcheye laughed and Meowth remembered that Snatcheye's food was stone.

Meowth and Snatcheye in the control room saw Xiaozhi and his group. Meowth translated,"You said there are a lot of people coming today. It must be fun, meow!" Meowth said,

"I didn't expect you to like pranks so much, meow." Meowth suddenly had an idea. If he could recruit Snatcheye as his younger brother, he would be able to find treasures and catch Pikachu. Musashi and Kojiro would be surpassed by him and would become cadres first. This feels really good, meow!

Meowth said,"Let me help you, meow!" Snatcheye took Meowth to scare Xiaozhi and the other four.

Xiaoyao said,"Xiaozhi, was Team Rocket really at the door just now?"

Xiaozhi said,"It's not clear what they want to do. Let's wait and see!"

Suddenly, Haunted Eyes appeared in front of Xiaoyao, scaring her. Xiaosheng was frightened for a short time but quickly came to his senses and said,"Sister, it's a Pokémon, it's called Haunted Eyes."

Xiaogang said,"This Haunted Eyes should just be playing a prank." Xiaozhi suddenly said,"Nightowl, use Steel Wings to cut the net!"

The net that fell from the sky was cut by Nightowl's Steel Wings, and it turned out that Meowth was in the dark. Haunted Eyes turned to look at Meowth. Didn't they agree that it was just a prank?

Xiaozhi said,"Haunted Eyes, you've been fooled. Meowth wants to use you to catch Pikachu."

"Pika, Pikachu." Pikachu explained to Haunted Eyes.

Haunted Eyes looked at Meowth hesitantly. Seeing that he was suspected, Meowth tried his best to explain:"They���They are bad guys, meow, go kill them now, meow!"

Hooked Eyes was even more hesitant now.

Musashi's voice rang out:"Hahaha, meow you did a good job. Although we didn't find the treasure, we found Imp and Pikachu."

Hooked Eyes then completely believed what Pikachu said, that Meow Meow had lied to it. Seeing that he was exposed, Meow Meow said:"Not good, I've been exposed, meow! Musashi, you talk too much, meow!"

"Nightowl used his mental strength to throw Team Rocket out, but Musashi took out a bomb from somewhere and threw it out.

"Nighthawk used Steel Wing to return the bomb to Team Rocket."

While Nighthawk threw Team Rocket out, he used Steel Wing to return the bomb to Team Rocket.

"What a nasty feeling!"


But the explosion still affected the mine to some extent, causing the entrance to be blocked. Xiaoyao said,"What should we do now?"

Haunted Eyes pointed in another direction.

Xiaosheng said,"Are you asking us to follow you?"

Xiaozhi and the other four followed Haunted Eyes from another direction and walked outside in just over ten minutes. Xiaogang said,"Great, these mines are all connected."

Xiaozhi still has a good impression of this Haunted Eyes, and many of his Pokémon love to play pranks.

Xiaozhi said,"Haunted Eyes, do you want to be my Pokémon?" Haunted Eyes looked at Nightowl and Pikachu, as well as the empty mine behind him, and nodded.

It seemed that following Xiaozhi was a good choice.

He could become stronger, and he would not be lonely if he had Pokémon to play with him.

Xiaozhi conquered Haunted Eyes.

With the addition of new partners, Xiaozhi and the others will leave the Fighting Island tomorrow.

There is only one week left before the gorgeous competition in Kaina City begins.

【Seductive Eyes】

【Attributes: Evil, Ghost】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Mischievous Heart (Can be the first to use a change move)】

【Strength: Ordinary low level】

【Skills: Grab, Stare, Scare, Shadow Attack, High Five Surprise Attack, Immobilize】

【Conquer the Soul-Snatching Eye, and get 500 points as reward.

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