Satoshi and his friends bought a lot of ingredients and Pokémon food at the Rainbow Mall, and everyone's backpack was full. They were going to go back to the Pokémon Center to pack up, as they would leave Rainbow City and head to Crimson City tomorrow.

Half an hour after leaving the Rainbow Mall, Misty and Satoshi found a coffee shop to rest. Pikachu was also very tired, and slumped in a chair beside them listlessly.

Misty drank a glass of iced black tea and said to Brock, who was holding a map on the side of the road and didn't believe that they were lost again:"Brock, come and have a drink! If we get lost, we get lost!"

Satoshi said:"To be honest, this Rainbow City is full of high-rise buildings and is not much different from a jungle. It's normal to get lost, right, Pikachu?" Satoshi fed Pikachu a bite of the ice cream in his hand, and Pikachu was so hungry that his tail stood up.

"Pikachu." Pikachu answered Xiaozhi and continued to be fed by Xiaozhi.

Xiaogang was dismissive of Xiaozhi's consolation. He didn't believe that he couldn't find the way:"Don't disbelieve me, I will definitely find the way!"

��Zhi, Pikachu and Xiaoxia were helpless about this. Xiaogang now has a mysterious obsession with finding the way after getting lost.

Xiaozhi was suddenly hugged by someone:"Xiaoyi! Xiaoyi, where have you been? Mom is so worried about you!" Xiaozhi finally found a chance to speak:"Well, my name is not Xiaoyi, my name is Xiaozhi."

The young woman who hugged Xiaozhi let him go, looked at Xiaozhi in her hug seriously, and said:"Yes......"I'm sorry! Because you look so much like my son Xiaoyi! I recognized the wrong person, sorry."

Xiaoxia said:"Excuse me, what happened?"

Xiaogang also gave up looking for the way and leaned over to listen. The young woman sat down and explained:"My son Xiaoyi has been missing for three days. I searched all the places Xiaoyi would go, but I found nothing. I saw Xiaozhi on the side of the road. You look like Xiaoyi, so I......"

Xiaozhi said,"It's okay!"

Xiaoxia asked,"Have you told Miss Junsha?"

The young woman sighed,"Of course I have. Look at the photos on the wall over there. All the children, including Xiaoyi, are missing."

Xiaoxia was surprised and said,"So many people?"

Miss Junsha came here on a motorcycle and added another photo on the wall. When Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia looked at Xiaogang's position, it was empty. Over there, Xiaogang knelt on one knee and held Miss Junsha's hand,"Ms. Junsha, you are the most beautiful Miss Junsha I know. I wonder if you can give me your contact information?......"

Xiaoxia dragged the person away:"Miss Junsha, they all look the same, how do you tell them apart? Come here, I'll give you the contact information if you want it!"

Miss Junsha was speechless by Xiaogang's sudden approach. When she saw Xiaogang being dragged away, she remembered the business.

Xiaozhi looked at the young woman sitting on the chair, worried about her son, and he thought of the mother in Pallet Town.

Xiaozhi stepped forward and asked,"Ms. Junsha, is there anything we can help with?"

Miss Junsha looked at the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said,"Are you all trainers?"

Xiaozhi handed Miss Junsha the credentials of the League researcher he had just received, and said,"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, a researcher recognized by the League, and these two are my companions."

After Miss Junsha looked at Xiaozhi's credentials, she became serious and handed the credentials back to Xiaozhi:"Researcher Xiaozhi, with your help, I think this matter can be resolved quickly."

Miss Junsha explained the whole thing to Xiaozhi and the other two, and said,"Anyway, this is it. These missing children started disappearing three days ago, and we mobilized a large number of police forces but found nothing."

Xiaozhi said,"Do these children have anything in common?"

Miss Junsha said,"That's what's strange. The missing children have nothing in common from their families to their lives. I think the children may have known something, so they disappeared."

Xiaogang said,"That's why we have to go to the Pokémon Center to inquire, right! Miss Junsha, you are really our lucky star. We are still worried about getting lost......."

Misty dragged Brock away and said,"Who made us lost?"

Misty handed Ash and her backpack to Brock and said,"If you have time, put your things back in the room first!" Brock was threatened by Misty and left unwillingly.

Miss Joy came over with a distressed look on her face,"Ash, you guys are back! I just happened to have something to find you. Do you remember the Pokémon you saw last night?"

Misty said,"Those Pokémon that were not spirited!"

Ash thought for a while and said,"Could the spiritlessness of these Pokémon be related to the disappearance of these children? I remember Miss Joy said last night that it started two days ago! Doesn't that coincide with the time when the children disappeared?"

Miss Junsha said,"Indeed!"

"Beep beep......"

The detector on Miss Junsha rang:"Here we go again! We've been receiving this kind of sleep wave frequently recently." Miss Joy asked in confusion:"But the Pokémon Center hasn't admitted any Pokémon that can use hypnotic waves recently?"

Xiaozhi said:"Then let's follow the detector and take a look!"

Xiaogang popped up from nowhere:"Miss Junsha, I'm happy to run errands for you." Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi were completely speechless!

Following the hypnotic waves detected by the hypnotic wave detector, the group came to the rooftop of a building, where luxurious houses and a huge garden were built on the rooftop.

Miss Junsha looked at the increasingly strong signal on the detector:"This is it!"

Xiaogang said that he was willing to break the door open, and with great force, he actually broke the door open by himself.���Xiaozhi and his friends walked into the room and found that there were many people here. There were two Pokémon sitting on the platform in the middle of the room, one Solip and one Sollybet.

One of them asked,"Who are you?"

Miss Junsha said,"We came here by tracking the sleep waves."

The man said,"Sleep waves? Oh, it should be emitted by this Sollybet. This is the Pokémon Fan Club. Because life in the big city is too stressful and we often lack sleep, we use Sollybet's hypnosis as a sleeping pill for all of us. This Sollybet also evolved three days ago."

Miss Junsha said,"Isn't that the time when the children disappeared?"

The man was surprised and said,"Missing?"

Miss Junsha explained,"Yes, missing. More than a dozen children disappeared in Rainbow City three days ago!"

Xiaozhi said,"It should be because of Sollybet's hypnosis. Sollybet's hypnosis was originally It only worked on Pokémon, but now it has been changed to work on humans, so this is the case."

Miss Junsha said:"Now we know the reason, but where can we find the missing children?"

The man apologized:"Since this matter is caused by Solip, we are willing to take responsibility, I should know where the children are."

The man put Solip into the Poké Ball and said:"Come with me!"

Xiaozhi and the others followed the man to the park in the center of Rainbow City. Sure enough, they saw these children by the pond. The man said:"We often bring Solip and Solip here to play. This is the place they think is the happiest, so the children affected by hypnosis should also appear here."

"Solip uses hypnosis!"

The man summoned Solip and used Solip's hypnosis to offset the influence of Solip's hypnosis, allowing the children to return to normal, and then to the Pokémon Center.

Miss Joy said:"Thank you, Xiaozhi! It's just that this child still seems to have some energy!" There is a Psyduck at Miss Joy's feet. All Pokémon have returned to normal, but this Psyduck still looks very troubled.

Psyduck tilted its head and walked in front of Xiaoxia. It suddenly jumped up and pressed the Poké Ball on Xiaoxia's belt. Xiaoxia said speechlessly:"This......"

Xiaozhi thought to himself that this was really the inevitability of fate, as Xiaoxia's Psyduck was very strong.

Just like that, before anyone could react, Xiaoxia had captured Psyduck, or more accurately, Psyduck had captured itself.

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