A few days after leaving Rainbow City, Brock took Satoshi and Misty back the same way and came to Breeder Street. After dealing with Team Rocket's trouble, Breeder Snow handed her Vulpix to Brock to take care of.

They continued their journey until noon, and they were having lunch.

Brock added some Pokémon food to the Pokémon:"If that's not enough, there's more!"

"Pika Pika." Xiaozhi added a lot of ketchup to Pikachu's Pokémon food, and Pikachu's belly became round after eating it, so he lay down beside it to rest.

Xiaoxia said,"Pikachu really likes ketchup! Hey, Xiaozhi, is that Abbylong?"

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw Abbylong practicing boxing:"Yes, it's Abbylong."

Xiaogang said,"Abbylong and Savalong are both fighting Pokémon, and both evolved from Fearless."

"Abby is ready!"

An uncle appeared behind Abby.

The uncle saw Infernape eating Pokémon food next to Xiaozhi. Infernape evolved not long ago. He stepped forward and said,"Little brother, are you the trainer of this Infernape?"

Xiaozhi said,"Yes."

The uncle took out a poster from his arms and handed it to Xiaozhi:"If you are interested, you can come and take a look."

Xiaozhi took the poster, which showed the time and place of the Pokémon P1 competition.

【Mission released, win the P1 competition. 】

Xiaozhi thought: It should be similar to the last time with Butterfree! In the words of No. 124, the fans don't like it. I remember that after this game, Infernape left the team, and he never brought Infernape back.

""Dad, please come home with me!" A young girl called the uncle.

The uncle said in embarrassment:"Aimee, I told you that I will never go home without winning the P1 competition. I'm leaving first, little brother, I'll wait for you on the ring!"

Aimei had no choice but to watch her father leave. She said to Xiaozhi and the others:"My father has caused you trouble!"

Xiaogang waved his hands again and again:"It's okay, it's okay!"

Aimei asked:"Since you are Pokémon trainers, I want to ask you for a favor."

Xiaogang held Aimei's hand and said:"Just tell us if there is anything. We will definitely help if we can!"

Aimei said:"Please defeat my father, not Aibilang!"

Xiaogang agreed directly on behalf of Xiaozhi:"Leave this to us!" Xiaoxia said angrily:"We? Xiaogang, it's not you who will participate in the competition! Only Xiaozhi has a fighting Pokémon, Infernape!"

Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia who was about to explode and said:"It's okay, I just want to train Infernape's fighting ability, it's okay to participate."

Xiao Gang said:"I have a small rock! The small rock can also use fighting moves"......

After the temporary registration, Xiaozhi played the first game, and the opponent was Armstrong. Armstrong was only of ordinary low-level strength. In terms of strength, Infernape was better.

"Wrist force, use the knife."

Wrist force used the sharp knife to chop at Infernape.

"Infernape, use the cross chop.

Infernape made a cross with his hands to block the knife of Wrist Power. Infernape was even stronger, and with only one strike, Wrist Power lost his ability to fight.

The referee said,"The winner is decided, Wrist Power lost his ability to fight."

In the next match, Brock faced Shawarang, whose owner was the candidate for the championship this time. Brock lost the match! After advancing all the way, Xiaozhi first won the qualification to enter the finals. The result of the fight between the candidate for the championship Shawarang and the uncle's Abbylang was that Shawarang won. The uncle also realized that the champion of the competition was not as important as his family. He promised Amy that he would go home with Amy after the game.

Xiaozhi's opponent in the finals was Shawarang!

""Shawarang, a million-ton flying kick."

Shawarang's kick left an afterimage in the air.

"Infernape, use Cross Chop to block.

Infernape used Cross Chop to block Shavarang's Megaton Kick, and took the opportunity to grab Shavarang's leg.

"Infernape threw Shawarang out.

Infernape grabbed Shawarang's legs and threw him out.

"Shawarang used a kick."

Shawarang's body was blocked by the elastic fence next to the competition field. Shawarang quickly stood up and used his legs to attack Infernape continuously.

"Infernape jumped up and used consecutive Angry Punches on Shawarang!"Infernape suddenly jumped up, and

Angry Punches fell from the sky. Xiaozhi kept counting until Infernape threw 20 Angry Punches in a row, and Infernape's body began to emit white light.

Infernape is going to evolve!

Infernape's head grew white hair, its eyes turned red, and its whole body was dark gray.

Xiaozhi's original plan was to use this competition to evolve Infernape into Forsaken. He had previously asked No. 124 if Infernape could evolve into Forsaken, and No. 124 gave him an affirmative answer. If Infernape evolved, would it be able to stay by his side forever? He wanted to give it a try.

The referee declared Xiaozhi the winner:"The champion of this P1 competition is the dark horse who temporarily participated in the competition, Xiaozhi from Pallet Town."

Xiaozhi turned over and jumped onto the field, stood behind Forsaken, and enjoyed the honor of the championship with it.

【Mission completed. Infernape evolves into Forsaken. The reward doubles. You get 2000 points.

It works!

Brock and Misty congratulated him together,"Congratulations, Satoshi."

After winning the P1 competition, the uncle did not say that he wanted to train Forsaken. Satoshi's ability is many times stronger than his!

Brock couldn't wait to ask after the game,"Satoshi, can Infernape evolve? Tell us about it!"

Misty seemed very interested.

Satoshi smiled and said,"��Someone will be more concerned about this matter soon. Let's go to the nearest Pokémon Center first! I'll explain it to you later." As expected, as soon as Satoshi stepped into the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy said that Professor Oak had left a message.

As soon as Satoshi dialed Professor Oak's number, he heard Professor Oak's impatient voice from the other end:"Ash, tell me what's going on with your Infernape!"

Brock and Misty said to Professor Oak:"Hello, Professor Oak!"

Professor Oak greeted the two of them and said:"Hello, Misty and Brock......That's not the point. Xiaozhi, tell me!"

Xiaozhi summoned the Forsaken:"Professor Oak, this is the Forsaken, it evolved from Infernape. It has ghost and fighting attributes."

Professor Oak said:"This is a new discovery! Xiaozhi, how does the Forsaken evolve?"

Xiaozhi said:"It can only evolve after Infernape learns the Fist of Fury and uses it 20 times in a battle and increases its level."

Xiaogang wrote down what Xiaozhi said and said:"This is an important discovery for breeders! I have never heard of a Pokémon that can evolve after using a certain number of special moves." Professor Oak said with some difficulty:"Xiaozhi, can you lend me the Forsaken to collect data?"

Xiaozhi said:"Of course." Xiaozhi sent the Forsaken's Poké Ball back to the Oak Research Institute.

Professor Oak held the Forsaken's Poké Ball in his hand and said:"I received the Forsaken! Xiaozhi, are you interested in becoming a Pokémon doctor?"

Ash waved his hand:"I still want to become a Pokémon Master, let's talk about this later!"

Professor Oak said:"Don't be in a hurry to refuse! You can think about it carefully, then I will go to study it first!"

After the little episode of Monkey King, Ash and his friends set off again the next day.

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