After leaving Crimson City, Xiaozhi and his group arrived at the Wild Pokémon Sanctuary today, where there is an endless plain.

Xiaozhi stretched his body:"We finally left the forest!" The Pikachu above his head also shouted comfortably.

Xiaoxia felt that the air was much fresher:"That's right! We have been lost in the forest for several days!"

Xiaogang looked around and said:"Where we are standing now should be the Wild Pokémon Sanctuary."

Suddenly the ground shook!

Xiaoxia shouted:"Is it an earthquake? What happened?" Xiaozhi steadied his steps and looked at the noise made by some Pokémon running. It was not until he got closer that he saw that it was the noise made by the running of the Kentaro group. Xiaozhi said,"It's a group of Kentras."

Xiaogang looked at the group of Kentras running past them and said,"It's quite spectacular."

A Caterpie ran towards Xiaozhi and the others and barked a few times. A girl riding a Charmander followed closely and came to Xiaozhi and the others and asked,"Are you traveling trainers?"

Xiaozhi replied,"Yes."

The girl nodded and said,"My name is Tomiko, and I'm from the Lalamo. This is a wild Pokémon protection area. It is not allowed to capture Pokémon within this area."

Xiaozhi After hearing what Tomiko said, Gon thought for a moment:"The Lalamis are the people who let Pokémon grow in nature, right?"

Tomiko smiled and said,"You really know a lot! This Charmeleon and Growlithe are my friends!" Brock said proudly,"I'm a Pokémon breeder, so I know a little bit about this."

Tomiko got off Charmeleon's back and pointed in front of Satoshi and the others and said,"It just so happens that our village is going to hold a celebration. Do you want to participate?"

Misty said excitedly,"Can I?" Satoshi and Brock did not refuse.

Tomiko said,"Of course!"......

Xiaozhi and the other two were eating a Magikarp Taiyaki each, and Tomiko asked,"Is there anything else you want to eat?" Xiaoxia said,

"Tomiko, that's enough! You treated us to food and let us stay at your house. How can we thank you?"

Tomiko said,"It's okay! The village celebration is open to the public!"

Xiaogang said,"Tomiko, I heard everyone cheering for you along the way. Are you going to participate in a competition?"

Tomiko explained,"There will be a Pokémon race at the village celebration tomorrow. It's an annual test of the tribesmen's ability to take care of Pokémon. Tasting Conference, I want to attend with Charmander."

Xiaozhi was very interested in this:"I wonder if we can participate as well?"

Tomiko said:"Of course, we also hope that other trainers can participate! It should still be possible to sign up now, I'll take you to sign up!"

Suddenly, a young man hurriedly found Tomiko and said:"Tomiko, the group of Kenteras in your care seem to be in trouble!"

Several people hurried to the place where Tomiko's Kenteras lived. Tomiko summoned Charmander and went ahead. Sure enough, she saw that the Kenteras seemed to be frightened, and some of them were already fighting with each other.

Tomiko said to Growlithe:"Growlithe, you go and comfort the Kenteras"

"Woof."Growlithe ran around the Kenteros several times, stopping them from fighting, and finally quieted them down.

When Xiaozhi and the others arrived, Xiaozhi had already dispersed the wave power, and spotted the three members of Team Rocket not far away. Xiaozhi retracted the wave power and said to Pikachu:"Pikachu, in the bush over there, 100,000 volts!"

Pikachu used 100,000 volts to knock the three members of Team Rocket out of the bush, but before the three took off, a strong light shone into the eyes of Charmander, and Charmander was frightened and dropped Tomiko from its back. Tomiko's elbow hit the ground and cried out in pain.

Xiaoxia went to help Tomiko, and Xiaozhi tried to use his wave power to comfort the frightened Charmander. Xiaogang first gave Tomiko emergency treatment, and fortunately no bones were broken. But Tomiko should not be able to participate in tomorrow's game.

Tomiko said regretfully:"I have to give up tomorrow's game!"

Xiaozhi said:"I'll fight for you! Pony doesn't want to give up tomorrow's game, does he? Tomiko, you should be able to take his place, right?"

Pony rubbed his head against Satoshi, looking very intimate.

Tomiko looked at Pony and nodded to Satoshi:"Satoshi, I'll leave it to you tomorrow!"

Satoshi reminded Tomiko:"Tomiko, you have to pay attention to the person who just came to give you the news. The people of Team Rocket will not do anything without benefits."

Tomiko said seriously:"I know, Satoshi, you have to pay attention tomorrow too. The person just now is called Doliv."......

The next day came, and Ash rode on Charmander, Misty and Starfish, Brock and Onix, and even Pikachu and Stotle competed.

The MC said,"The Laramie Pokémon Race is an obstacle course with valleys and streams. The one who overcomes all obstacles and returns here first is the champion. Now we have to decide the strongest Pokémon of the year! The race is about to begin!"

The referee held a signal gun in his hand:"All trainers and Pokémon are ready at the starting point!

Ready, go!

" When the signal gun sounded, Ash and Charmander rushed out, but Dolifu's Totoro was faster.

Totoro was first in the flat area, followed by Charmander, and Misty and Brock also ranked well, but the combination of Stotle and Pikachu, who fell to the last, was a bit miserable.

Pikachu was originally riding Stotle, but Stotle ran out of breath at the end, so Pikachu had to push Stotle behind.

The MC explained,"It's really hard to make the turtles race!"

The next section was a 45° slope. Dodoli was still in the lead, and the last one was still Pikachu and Stottle.

The valley section followed closely, and the participating Pokémon had to step on the rocks protruding from the water to pass through the valley section. Onix's weight and its rock attribute caused Brock and Onix to withdraw from the competition.

Although Charmeleon was a fire type, it was not afraid of water at all and passed this section quickly. Misty and Starfish followed closely behind. Pikachu and Stottle were finally not at the end. Stottle was so moved that it evolved into Blastoise, but it was much slower!

The next level was to fill their stomachs, and they had to finish eating Pokémon food before they could continue on their way.

Dodoli's three heads started arguing over which plate of Pokémon food to eat, and Charmeleon's Pokémon food was almost gone. Doliv shouted,"You three, get started!"

""Double Gas uses poison gas!"

Poison gas began to spread throughout the venue. Xiaozhi thought to himself that he almost forgot that there were three of them. Dodoli took the opportunity to finish the Pokémon food and went ahead. Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, Blastoise, send Team Rocket away! Xiaoxia, the rest is up to you!"

Xiaoxia said:"No problem!"

Xiaozhi patted Charmander:"Charmander, let's go!"

The water cannon plus 100,000 volts directly knocked Team Rocket away.

Charmander ignited the flame of fighting spirit and caught up. In the end, it was a one-on-one duel between Dodoli and Charmander!

Charmander's body began to glow. Xiaozhi thought to himself, is it going to evolve? Charmander's original strength was already at the peak of the advanced level, and it was only one step away from evolution. Charmander also wanted to win the championship for Tomiko, so he worked so hard.

Xiaozhi shouted:"Pyromancer, go!"The evolved Flame Horse was catching up with Duduli in speed, and actually rushed to the finish line one second earlier than Duduli.

The emcee said:"Little Flame Horse......No Blaze won! Congratulations to Blaze's trainer Tomiko, and Xiaozhi who ran the whole course with Blaze, congratulations to you!"

Xiaozhi touched Blaze and said,"Battle did a good job."

Xiaozhi, Tomiko and Blaze accepted everyone's congratulations. Xiaozhi told the story of Doliv cheating in the competition after the competition, and many people could also prove it. The matter ended with Doliv being unable to participate in the competition for five years. Xiaozhi not only won the championship, but Stolett also evolved into Blastoise. His gains in this competition were also full.

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