After leaving the Wild Pokémon Protection Area, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived at the Wild Area today. Xiaozhi looked at the buildings in the Wild Area not far away and said,"Finally, I can capture Pokémon. My hands are itching!"

Xiaogang said excitedly,"That's right! It would be great if I could capture other Rock-type Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia said expectantly,"I also want to capture new Water-type Pokémon!"

At this time, Psyduck popped out of the Poké Ball and tilted its head to look at Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia reluctantly put Psyduck into the ball,"I didn't say anything about you!"

Xiaoxia's good mood was almost ruined by the appearance of Psyduck.

Xiaozhi said,"Okay, we're here!"

Xiaogang pushed the two from behind,"Let's go!"

Xiaozhi and the others entered the room. Xiaozhi walked to the front desk and said,"Hello, we are here to capture Pokémon in the wild area."

Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, an old man came out of the room behind the front desk and asked in a somewhat unfriendly tone,"Are you here to capture Pokémon?" The old man took out a basket of wild area Poké Balls and a fishing rod from under the table, put them on the table and said,"I am Caesar, the person in charge of the wild area. Here are your wild area Poké Balls and fishing rods."

Just as Xiaogang was about to reach out to take it, he was startled by the gun that suddenly appeared in Caesar's hand.

Xiaozhi said,"We know the rules of the Wild Area. We can only use Wild Area Poké Balls and fishing rods in it. Professor Oak has told us in advance."

Caesar put away the gun:"Did Oak say that? Humph, I'm glad to know."

Xiaoxia didn't pay attention to what was happening here. Instead, her eyes fell on the photo hanging on the wall. The photo was yellowed and obviously a bit old. Xiaoxia said,"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, you come and see, this is Dratini! The person taking the photo with it is Mr. Caesar? So young!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang walked over. Xiaozhi looked at the photo and said,"It's really Dratini!"

But Caesar took the photo off the wall and put it away:"There is no Dratini here, you are seeing it wrong!"

Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia, shook his head at her, and said,"Mr. Caesar, we will set off with the Wild Area Poké Balls now. Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, let's go!"......

【Mission released, capture 30 Kentaros from the original story.

When Xiaozhi heard the mission released by No. 124, he almost stumbled. He had originally thought that he could capture one or two other Pokémon, but he didn't expect that he couldn't escape the bondage of fate, 30 Kentaros!

Xiaozhi underestimated fate. No matter which Pokémon Xiaozhi and Xiaogang took a fancy to, the Poké Balls they threw in the wild area captured Kentaros, which made Xiaozhi and Xiaogang speechless.

【30 Kentaros have been captured. No. 124 has helped the host complete the verification. 500 points for each Kentaros, 15,000 points for 30 Kentaros in total. The rewards have been distributed. 】

Xiaoxia was fishing leisurely with a fishing rod nearby. Seeing Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looking distressed, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Suddenly, Caesar appeared behind Xiaozhi and his friends. He had a robot tied to his body. He found Xiaozhi and his friends with difficulty:"Dragonite......dangerous......"

"Pikachu uses Iron Tail to cut off the machine!" Xiaozhi made a prompt decision and asked Pikachu to use Iron Tail to cut off the connection of the robot tied to Caesar.

"Pikachu!"Pikachu cut the machine with its iron tail.

Caesar finally got rid of the robot and said hurriedly:"Three strange people just came and used this robot to force me to tell you the whereabouts of Dratini.......Tell them!"

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Caesar, where does Dratini live?" He had already guessed that it was the three members of Team Rocket. No one was more familiar with the use of robots than Team Rocket.

Caesar pointed in a direction and said:"Follow this road and you will see a valley. That's the Dragon Valley!""

Dragon Valley? Is this name given because they are afraid that others don't know that Dratini lives here?

Xiaozhi and the other two didn't have time to express their dissatisfaction with the name, and ran directly to the Dragon Valley behind the wilderness area.......

Kojiro and Meow Meow had already put on their diving suits and jumped into the lake in the center of the valley. Kojiro used the communication device on his diving suit to talk to Musashi on the shore:"Musashi, we don't see Dratini anywhere?"

Meow Meow complained:"Meow Meow, I'm afraid of water the most. I don't know if this diving suit is strong or not. I feel like water will seep in at any time."

Musashi on the shore yelled at the communication device:"What are you complaining about? If you don't hurry up, the little brats will come!" As soon as Musashi hung up the communication device, he looked up and met Dratini's purple eyes.

Musashi jumped up and shouted:"I found Dratini!"

Dratini in the water tilted his head, as if he didn't know what Musashi was talking about.

Musashi's heart melted when he saw Dratini's cute look, and he unknowingly stepped on the pipe connecting Kojiro and Meow Meow's diving suits in the water. The two people in the water blushed.

Musashi squatted down and waved to Dratini:"Hey, come here! Dratini is so cute!"

Dratini approached Musashi in confusion, and stopped when there was still a short distance.

Musashi said,"What's wrong with you? Come here! Are you shy?" Dratini swam forward again. Suddenly, Jiro and Meowth came out of the water because of lack of air. They breathed in fresh air. Jiro said with lingering fear,"I almost thought I was dead!"

Meowth agreed,"Yes, meow!"

Dratini was frightened and dived into the water.

Musashi shouted to Jiro and Meowth,"You two are useless. I almost caught Dratini!"

Meowth and Jiro finally climbed ashore. Facing the furious Musashi, Meowth suggested,"Since we have confirmed that there is Dratini in this lake, we might as well put a paralysis bomb in the water. Then we can not only catch Dratini but also other Pokémon. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

Musashi gave Meowth an iron fist and said,"Why didn't you take out this good thing earlier? Hurry up!"

Before the bomb entered the water, it was firmly caught by Pidgeot's claws!

Xiaozhi's voice reached the ears of the three members of Team Rocket:"Pidot, return the bomb to Team Rocket!"

""Pidgeot!" Pidgeot flapped his wings and flew around the heads of the three members of Team Rocket. When there was one second left on the bomb countdown, he returned the bomb to Team Rocket.

The three members of Team Rocket hugged each other tightly and trembled. Pidgeot loosened his claws, and Meowth caught the bomb steadily. The next second, a loud bang sent the three members of Team Rocket away.

"It's so numb! What a disgusting feeling!......"

Xiaozhi took Pidgeot back and said,"We've dealt with those three people! Dratini can live a quiet life from now on!"

Xiaoxia poked Xiaozhi's shoulder and said,"Xiaozhi, look over there!"

"Pikachu also saw the water surface that Misty pointed to.

On the lake, a Dratini and a Hackintosh were looking at Xiaozhi and the others.

Caesar saw the small cross mark on the Hackintosh's head and asked excitedly,"You.........Who are you......That Dratini?"

Haxorus looked at Caesar and nodded, tears flashing in his eyes. He moved his head closer to Caesar, and Caesar's tears also flowed down. He hugged Haxorus.

Caesar said:"You have grown up!"

Xiaogang said:"So this is the Dratini that took a photo with Mr. Caesar. It has evolved into Haxorus!"

Xiaoxia was moved and said:"It is really a touching thing to be able to meet the Pokémon you have cultivated! Then the Dratini next to Haxorus is its child?"

Xiaozhi said:"It should be right!"

Haxorus swam towards Xiaozhi with Dratini. It pushed Dratini with its head. Dratini looked at Haxorus reluctantly, and then swam to Xiaozhi's feet.

Xiaozhi asked:"Haxorus, do you want me to take Dratini away?"

Haxorus nodded. Caesar said:"Xiaozhi, since Haxorus has chosen you as Dratini's trainer, you can take it away! Besides, it is you who protected this place!"

Dragonite rubbed Xiaozhi's leg affectionately.

Xiaozhi looked at Dratini:"Dragonite, do you want to come with me?"

Dratini nodded. Xiaozhi then took out the Poké Ball and tapped the head of Dratini gently. He captured Dratini.

Caesar said:"Xiaozhi, you have to take good care of Dratini!"

Xiaozhi said:"I will"

【The host captures the initial form of the Kanto Quasi-God Dragonite, Dratini, and is awarded 1000 points】

【Mini Dragon】

【Attribute: Dragon】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Magical scales (if in abnormal state, defense becomes 1.5 times)】

【Level: Ordinary low】

【Skills: Tightening, Staring, Tornado, Electromagnetic Wave, Dragon Tail]

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