After Ash captured Dratini, he left two Kentras behind. He gave one to Brock and kept the other for training. Ash was going to give Misty a Kentra as well, but Misty said she only wanted to capture water-type Pokémon, so she only kept two Kentras. Ash asked Caesar to teleport the remaining Kentras back to Oak Lab. He could already foresee how lively Oak Lab would be.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Caesar, Ash and his friends continued their journey. Today they were walking in a forest.......

Pikachu suddenly pricked up his ears and looked around. Xiaozhi asked,"Pikachu, what's wrong with you?"

"Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder and went into a bush.

Xiaozhi went forward and pulled the bush aside. There was an Eevee tied to a tree hole by a rope, and some Pokémon food and water were placed next to it.

Xiaoxia untied the rope wrapped around the collar of Eevee's neck, held Eevee in her arms and said,"Who tied Eevee here?"

Xiaogang looked at the Pokémon food placed next to Eevee and said,"It shouldn't be abandoned, otherwise they wouldn't put Pokémon food next to Eevee." Xiaozhi pointed at Eevee's collar and said to Xiaoxia,"Xiaoxia, look at the collar around Eevee's neck. Doesn't the tag on it write the information of this Eevee's owner?" Xiaoxia looked at the collar around Eevee's neck and said,"It really is. It says 'Villa No. 14, Stone Town, Taichi'. It should be the name of this Eevee's owner!"

Xiaogang took out the map and confirmed,"The town after we pass through this forest is called Stone Town."

Xia Misty said:"I just wanted to capture this Eevee, after all, Fairy Eevee is so cute! But it has a master! Oh, what a pity! But Eevee is tied here, it's a bit pitiful, should we send it back to its owner?"

Xiaogang agreed:"Yeah, we can't pretend to be blind, what do you think, Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Then take Eevee to find its owner!"......

Brock pointed to a villa in front of them and said,"This is Villa 14!"

Misty said,"This villa is the largest one around here!"

Satoshi and the others walked into the villa and found it very lively, with Pokémon and trainers everywhere. A trainer by the swimming pool took a Water Stone and evolved her Poliwag into Poliwag. Misty's eyes were full of love:"That Poliwag is great! Its muscles are full of power."

Brock looked around:"Pokémon such as Squirrel, Gemma, Venusaur, Tyrannus, Astragalus, Raichu, and Ninetales were all evolved with Evolution Stones."

Misty said,"Yes! My Gemma was evolved with a Water Stone."

""Ibrahimovic saw a little boy in the corner, jumped out of Misty's arms and ran towards him.

Xiaozhi and the others followed Ibrahimovic. The little boy was delighted to see Ibrahimovic, but soon he looked troubled.

"Great, Taichi, Eevee is back!"

Three boys walked towards the little boy, and the boy with yellow hair said,"Thank you for sending Eevee back. This Eevee is the star of our garden party. It is my brother Taichi's Pokémon. My name is Raizo, and this is Jolteon."

"My name is Mizichi, this is Vaporeon/My name is Archie, this is Flareon."The remaining two boys also introduced themselves and their Pokémon.

Xiaozhi asked:"My name is Xiaozhi, this is my friends Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and Pikachu. Do you want this Eevee to evolve into one of these three forms?" He saw the three Eevee evolutions of Raizo and the other two, and combined with the fact that Eevee is the protagonist, he probably guessed it.

Raizo said:"Of course, Taichi's Eevee evolved into the one among us, doesn't it prove whose Pokémon is stronger in Taichi's heart?"

Xiaozhi understood why Taichi tied Eevee in the tree hole.

Xiaoxia said:"But I see that Taichi is very confused, so let's not force him to make a decision now!" Archie said:"Your Pikachu will also evolve into Raichu with the Thunder Stone. As a thank you for sending Eevee back, we will give you the evolution stone!"Archie put a Thunder Stone in Xiaozhi's hand.

Raizo said:"Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, do you have Pokémon that can be evolved with the Evolution Stone?"

Xiaogang summoned Vulpix:"Yes, yes, come out Vulpix." Xiaoxia summoned her Starfish.

Raizo gave Xiaogang a Fire Stone and Xiaoxia a Water Stone.

Xiaogang refused:"Thank you for your kindness, but Vulpix was asked to be taken care of by others, and I can't let it evolve casually." Pikachu shook his head and refused. For some reason, it was very resistant to evolution. Xiaoxia already had a Gem Starfish, so it was fine even if Starfish didn't evolve.

The three of them handed the Evolution Stone back to Raizo. Seeing this, Raizo and the others didn't force it, and invited Xiaozhi and the others to have lunch here. Xiaoxia let her black seahorse swim in the swimming pool. Recently, there was no time for the black seahorse to relax.

After doing all this, Xiaoxia took a glass of orange juice and sat down next to Taiyi. Taiyi was still in a low mood. Xiaoxia said softly:"Tayi, can you tell me what you think? I can see that you don't want Eevee to evolve now, right!"

Taiyi sighed:"Sister Xiaoxia, you are right! I want to let Eevee remain the way it is now, or one day Eevee wants to evolve and evolve again, instead of being forced to make a choice by his brothers."

Xiaoxia said:"This is a very good idea!" Taiyi lowered his head:"It's just that my brothers can't understand. They all think that their Pokémon are the best and force me to make a choice."

Xiaoxia thought of her sisters and said:"My advice is to make it clear to your brothers. After all, escape is only temporary, and you will eventually have to face it! By the way, Taiyi, do you know? In addition to the three evolved forms of your brothers, there are four more evolved forms of Eevee! The eighth one was recently discovered!"

Taiyi said:"I know this, it's Fairy Eevee!"

Xiaoxia smiled and said:"Fairy Eevee is......"Before she could finish her words, she heard Team Rocket's voice.

"Hahaha! We're going to take away all the Pokémon, Evolution Stones, and food here!"

Team Rocket's Meowth hot air balloon appeared above Ash and the others' heads.

Raizo said,"Who are you?"

"Since you asked sincerely (Rockets opening remarks)......"

Xiaozhi held his forehead with his hands, but he still couldn't stop it!

Meowth pressed the button on the remote control, spraying smoke at Xiaozhi and the others. Xiaozhi immediately summoned Pidgeot to blow away the smoke with his wings.

When the smoke dispersed, all the Pokémon, food, and evolution stones disappeared.

Xiaozhi thought to himself, Team Rocket has learned their lesson! He said to Pidgeot,"Pidgeot, chase!"

When Xiaozhi and the others caught up with Team Rocket, Musashi and the other three were arguing about whether to evolve Eevee into Jolteon, Flareon, or Vaporeon

"Sylveon, magic shines!"

When Team Rocket looked up, they saw a pink ball of light coming towards them, and it flew away the next moment.

The group released all the Pokémon caught by Team Rocket, and Misty encouraged:"Tai, tell me what you think!"

Tai looked at Sylveon at Xiaozhi's feet and nodded solemnly. He mustered up the courage to say to his brothers:"Brothers, I think......Let Eevee remain as it is now, and then evolve when Eevee wants to evolve......Is it okay?"

Raizo and the other two looked at each other and said,"Of course! Taichi, we accept your choice!"

The carnival came to an end. Taichi walked over with a Pokémon egg and said,"Sister Xiaoxia, thank you! If it weren't for your Seahorse, my Eevee would be in danger! This is a thank-you gift to you after discussing with my brothers." The reason we were able to find Team Rocket so quickly today is because Xiaoxia's Seahorse left ink along the way. It can be said that the hero of this matter is the Seahorse.

Raizo said,"Xiaoxia, just accept it!"

Xiaoxia took the Pokémon egg:"Then I won't be polite! Thank you!"

Archie said,"We are the ones who should say thank you, right, Mizuchi!"

Mizuchi said,"That's right!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Xiaoxia, this is Eevee's egg! Have you decided what form you want Eevee to evolve into after it is born?"

Xiaoxia said worriedly,"This......Let me think about it slowly! Sylveon is cute, Vaporeon is also good, it’s really hard to choose!"

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