Dasha Valley is a place famous all over the world for its valley scenery. It is also the most famous tourist attraction in the Kanto region. Recently, it has become more lively because of the discovery of Pokémon fossils.

When Xiaozhi and the other two were still at the intersection, their way was blocked.

Xiaoxia said,"Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, look! Are those people in front of us carrying pickaxes and shovels?"

Xiaogang said,"Let me see!" Xiaogang put his hands on his eyes and took a closer look, and it was true.

Xiaozhi took out the newspaper from his backpack and said,"Have you all forgotten? Didn't we see in the newspaper the day before yesterday that Pokémon fossils were discovered in Dasha Valley? I guess these people are here to dig fossils."

""Hey, Xiaozhi?"

This familiar voice, it was indeed Xiaomao!

Xiaozhi saw that Xiaomao was also wearing sportswear and carrying a pickaxe, and was dressed no differently from the person in front. Xiaomao was probably here to dig fossils as well.

Xiaozhi nodded as a greeting and said,"Xiaomao, it's you! Are you here to dig fossils too?"

Xiaomao said,"Of course! Otherwise, would I still be here for sightseeing? Xiaozhi, aren't you guys?"

Xiaozhi shook his head,"No! We're just traveling and passing by here." Xiaomao looked at the time and the crowd in front,"I won't say much to you, or we won't be able to find a good seat later!" Xiaomao walked away quickly and lined up in the crowd.

Xiaogang said,"I always feel that this is not a good idea! After all, disturbing a Pokémon that has turned into a fossil is not what we trainers should do."

Xiaozhi agreed,"Indeed."

Xiaoxia saw three familiar figures in the crowd,"Xiaozhi, it's Team Rocket!"

Three members of Team Rocket are mingling in the crowd, holding manuscripts and the like in their hands.

Satoshi will not let Team Rocket mess things up, and said,"Let's go!

Keep an eye on Team Rocket!

" Misty and Brock also hurried after them.

Satoshi and the other two followed behind Team Rocket, and less than 500 meters ahead, they could see many people digging with sweat pouring down their faces.

Misty and Brock were looking for Team Rocket everywhere, and Brock said,"Where are the three members of Team Rocket? Why can't we see them in the crowd?"

If Ash remembers correctly, the three members of Team Rocket accidentally blew up a hole, and the hole was full of extinct fossil Pokémon. He also accidentally harvested a Togepi egg. It was also here in the previous life that Charmeleon was stimulated by the fossil pterosaur to evolve into Charizard, but now Charizard has already evolved.

Relying on memory, Ash took Misty and Brock to find the three members of Team Rocket who were burying explosives.

Ash's wave power felt that there seemed to be Pokémon under their feet, which should be here! But when they arrived, the explosives had already been ignited by Team Rocket! Ash and the others immediately summoned their Pokémon

"Fire-breathing dragon, spraying flames"

"Starfish, water gun"

"Onix, falling rocks."

The three of them launched an attack together, knocking the three members of Team Rocket away, but they still didn't have time to stop Team Rocket's explosives. With a loud"boom", the ground under Ash's feet suddenly loosened, forming a huge crack. As soon as their feet were empty, they were sucked in. After the explosion, rocks from all around the valley rolled down, blocking the crack that sucked them in.

Charizard reacted quickly and hugged Pikachu and Ash, landing steadily.

On the other side, after landing, Misty rubbed her waist, not caring about the pain in her body, and quickly checked the Eevee's Pokémon Egg in her backpack. After a thorough inspection, fortunately nothing happened. Misty then looked around. It was very empty here, like a cave. There were several ways to go, but she didn't know which way to go. And the most fatal thing was that she didn't seem to have fallen in the same place as Ash and Brock.

"Misty!""Pikachu, pi!"

Misty heard the voices of Ash and Pikachu and responded hurriedly,"Ash, Pikachu, I'm here!"

After Ash landed, he took Charizard and Pikachu to look for Misty and Brock. Fortunately, he found Misty not far away.

Ash ran up to Misty and stretched out his hand, asking,"Misty, isn't Brock with you?"

Misty held Ash's hand and stood up from the ground,"No, Starfish isn't here either. She should be with Brock!"

Ash's wave power detected that there were many Pokémon here, and they seemed to be those Pokémon that should have been extinct long ago. They couldn't stay here for long, so he said,"Find Brock and the others first! We have to leave here quickly. I feel bad here."

Misty's hair stood up on the back of her head. She grabbed Ash's arm tightly and said in a trembling voice,"Ash, something is watching us!"

Many pairs of eyes appeared in the darkness all around, and those eyes made people creepy.

Xiaozhi thought: Trouble! The Pokémon must have regarded them as invaders. Xiaoxia worriedly said:"Are these the Pokémon that have become extinct? Xiaozhi, what should we do now?" Xiaoxia didn't know what to do now.

Xiaozhi stood in front of Xiaoxia and could only try. Xiaozhi's wave power has the effect of calming Pokémon, which has been confirmed from his Pokémon and other Pokémon, but it has never been used on Pokémon that should be extinct. Let's give it a try! Xiaozhi dispersed the wave power so that the Pokémon could feel that they had no ill intentions. The Pokémon in the dark were still slowly moving forward. Xiaoxia hid behind Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, they are getting closer and closer!"

Cold sweat broke out on Xiaozhi's forehead. He was not sure whether the power of the wave had worked.

Fossil Helm, Scythe Helm, Ammonite, Spiny Ammonite and Fossil Pteranodon slowly emerged from the darkness. When he saw their calm eyes, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was fine!

The Pokémon did not show any intention of attacking. He patted Xiaoxia's hand and said,"Xiaoxia is okay!"

Xiaoxia looked around and was relieved to find that it was indeed as Xiaozhi said.

"Hey, Ash and Misty!"

Brock found the two with Sonic Radius and Starfish. Not long ago, Brock and Starfish were caught by Onix who fell below first. After landing, Brock, like Ash, couldn't find his partners. He remembered that Sonic Radius's ultrasonic waves could be used in the dark, so he relied on Sonic Radius's ultrasonic waves to find the two.

Brock's voice sounded, and the Pokémon immediately changed direction. Brock paused, at a loss, not knowing whether to run or what. Ash hurriedly said:"He is our friend, we don't mean any harm." The

Fossil Helmets looked back at Ash, then slowly retreated into the darkness.

Brock was still in shock. If Ash hadn't explained in time, Brock would have taken off successfully like Team Rocket.

Brock was still in shock:"Ash, I found the way, let's get out quickly!"

Ash nodded:"Well, the Pokémon here should continue to sleep here quietly!"Their presence has disturbed these Pokémon, so they should leave quickly.

Under the leadership of Supersonic Radiation, Xiaozhi and his companions withdrew from the place where these extinct Pokémon lived. While walking in the passage, Xiaozhi seemed to trip over something. With the help of the flame on Charizard's tail, he could see clearly what tripped him - a Pokémon egg. Xiaozhi picked up the Pokémon egg from the ground. Judging from the pattern, it should be Togepi:"Let's take it out too! I don't know when it will hatch here."

Xiaogang said:"Okay, let me take care of the egg first!"

Xiaozhi handed the egg to Xiaogang:"Xiaogang, please!"

Xiaogang patted his chest to indicate that there was no problem. After this little episode, the three of them finally found the entrance to the cave and left the underground.

When Xiaozhi and his companions came out, Xiaomao and other people who came to dig fossils had been dispersed by Miss Junsha who came over. No fifth person knew about the conversation between Xiaozhi and Miss Junsha. The Alliance sent people to protect Dasha Valley, of course, this is all later.

Xiaozhi and his companions continued their journey.......

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