Xiaozhi said excitedly:"Pikachu, I can finally go home! Are you happy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu was also very excited.

Misty reminded:"Xiaozhi, you haven't forgotten the important things, have you!"

Xiaozhi replied:"Of course I haven't forgotten! Isn't it just to ask Professor Oak about the specific start time of the Quartz League!"

Xiaogang pointed to the town not far away and said:"I can see it already! Pallet Town!"

Xiaozhi felt indescribable excitement to return to his hometown:"My mother should have prepared dinner at home waiting for us to go back and eat! Let's go!"

But Xiaozhi's wave power suddenly felt a hint of unusual meaning, so he stopped. Xiaogang and Xiaoxia did not notice Xiaozhi's abnormality and continued to move forward. Xiaozhi was about to speak when Xiaogang shouted.

Xiaogang seemed to have hit something. He touched his forehead in pain and said:"What is this?"Xiaoxia was half a step behind Xiaogang and didn't bump into him.

Xiaozhi took two steps forward, and his palm touched something that looked like an invisible wall and knocked on it twice to test its hardness. The invisible wall made a"dong dong" sound, and it sounded very thick.

Xiaogang then put his hand on the invisible wall and said,"Hey, this looks like a reflective wall! It's the special move of a psychic-type Pokémon."

Xiaoxia suddenly raised her head and pointed in the air and said,"Look, what is that? It looks like a Pokémon?" Xiaozhi looked up and saw that the Pokémon in the air was actually Suction Golem. Xiaozhi said,"That's Suction Golem, a psychic-type Pokémon." Xiaozhi is very familiar with it. In the past, whenever he was at home, Suction Golem would wake him up in various ways, and he was always impressed every time. Of course, the combat ability of Suction Golem is not weak either.

Xiaogang said,"Suction Golem? I remember it's rare!"

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"But you see, Suction Golem looks quite suitable for a circus!"

""Hello!" A girl's voice sounded behind Xiaozhi and the others.

Xiaozhi and the others turned around and saw that the girl was wearing a neat riding outfit and had long blue hair.

Xiaogang said in a lovelorn manner:"Beautiful lady, it's the first time we meet. My name is Xiaogang. May I ask what I can do for you? Is there anything we can help you with?""

Us?" Xiaoxia stepped forward helplessly and dragged Xiaogang away. His old problem came back again!

The girl took out the Poké Ball and said a little embarrassedly:"Please let me capture this suction puppet!"

"bar." The suction cup puppet suddenly jumped down from the air, and after landing smoothly, it looked at Xiaozhi and ran away.

The girl threw a Poké Ball at the suction cup puppet:"Hey, wait a minute!" The Poké Ball was bounced back by the invisible wall, and she could only watch the suction cup puppet leave.

After Xiaoxia dealt with Xiaogang, she saw the girl's distressed look and asked:"Excuse me, are you in trouble?"

The girl said:"My name is Atsu, for some reasons I have to capture a suction cup puppet. How about this, you follow me!"

Xiaozhi and the other two followed Atsu to an open grassland not far away. There were five trucks parked on the left, and a huge tent in the middle with the words"Pokémon Circus" on the tent. As soon as

Atsu and Xiaozhi and the other two entered the circus camp, two people came up and asked:"Captain, have you found the new suction cup puppet?"

Atsu lowered his head:"No......have......"

One of them worriedly said,"What should we do? The performance is about to start!"

Xiaoxia said,"So Ajin is the leader of this circus!"

Xiaozhi said,"It seems that the suction cup puppet is the protagonist of this performance, so we have to find a new suction cup puppet."

After Ajin talked to her members for a few more words, she pointed to the front lane and said,"It's in front."

Ajin sighed,"Please look!" Xiaozhi and the other two saw through the glass that there was a suction cup puppet in the car, but this suction cup puppet was a little chubby, lying on the sofa, with snacks such as potato chips and cola, as well as a comic book in front of it.

Ajin said,"Actually, it's my fault. This sucker puppet is the mainstay of our circus, and because I love it too much, it has become more and more willful. Now it doesn't even participate in the daily practice of the circus." Xiaoxia said,"There is something wrong with Ajin's training method."

Ajin said,"I know that too! But it's my Pokémon. I want it to cheer up again, so I thought of catching a new sucker puppet to stimulate it."

Xiaogang patted his chest and promised,"Miss Ajin, don't worry, I will take care of this matter!"

Xiaozhi whispered,"Is Xiaogang really okay?"

Xiaoxia was full of disbelief:"I think it's terrible!"

Xiaogang made the Pokémon food that Psychic Pokémon likes most and placed it where they met the sucker puppet before, and several people hid in the bushes.

At this time in Pallet Town, the sucker puppet walking on the road started to growl in the stomach. At this time, it smelled a very fragrant smell and followed the fragrance to the courtyard of Xiaozhi's house. Hanako was cooking and waiting for Xiaozhi and the others to come back to eat. As soon as Hanako brought the prepared curry to the table, she saw the suction cup puppet in the courtyard.

Hanako opened the glass of the French window and said to the suction cup puppet:"Are you hungry? Do you want to come in and eat something?"

""In the bar." The suction cup puppet nodded and walked in. Hanako served the suction cup puppet a bowl of curry rice, and the suction cup puppet ate it with relish. Hanako smiled and said,"Eat slowly, no one is going to snatch it from you."

On the other side, Xiaozhi and his friends had been squatting here for nearly an hour, and their stomachs had growled several times. Xiaoxia complained,"Xiaogang, is your method really useful?"

Xiaozhi said,"My legs are numb from squatting!"

Xiaogang insisted,"It's almost there, almost there!"

A familiar figure passed by Xiaozhi's sight, and he walked out of the bush and said excitedly,"Mom!"

Hanako saw Xiaozhi and said happily,"Xiaozhi! I have prepared lunch for a long time, and since you guys haven't arrived for so long, the Suction Cup Doll and I came out to look for you."

"In the bar." The Sucker greeted Xiaozhi.

Hanako said:"You know each other? That's great!" Hanako told Xiaozhi about the encounter with the Sucker. Xiaozhi didn't expect that the Sucker would actually run to his house for dinner. Xiaogang wanted to subdue it with Pokémon food, but it seemed that his mother got there first. Xiaoxia said anxiously

:"Xiaozhi, look in the direction of the circus!"

Black smoke came out from the direction of the circus. Jin hurried back anxiously, and Xiaozhi and the others quickly followed. The closer they got, the more pungent the smell became.

"Blastoise, Giant Crab, use water guns to put out the fire!"

"Starfish, Vaporeon, you guys also use water guns!"

Atsu said anxiously,"Where's the Suction Cup Doll? My Suction Cup Doll is not here!" The circus members rescued the Pokémon one after another, but they didn't see the Suction Cup Doll.

"Hahaha, are you looking for it?"

Three members of Team Rocket suddenly appeared driving a tank, and the Suction Cup Doll was caught by Team Rocket.

Ajin said anxiously:"Suction Cup Doll!"

""Bali Bali!" Atsu's suction doll was struggling in the cage.

Hanako looked at the suction doll and said,"Sucker doll, go and help Xiaozhi and the others!"

"Bar." The Suction Cup Doll nodded.

The Suction Cup Doll stood in front of Xiaozhi, and Musashi said:"I found another Suction Cup Doll!"

Meowth pressed the button:"Then let's catch it too, meow!"

The Rocket Team's tank fired a missile at the Suction Cup Doll. The Suction Cup Doll did not dodge or evade, but formed a reflective wall in front of it and reflected the missile back.

"No way!" The three members of Team Rocket said in unison.

The reflected missile just broke the cage of Atsu's sucker puppet, and it took the opportunity to escape, but it didn't run very fast.

The sucker puppet quickly created a multi-faceted reflective wall to block the advance of Team Rocket's tank. Seeing that Atsu's sucker puppet was so capable, it also ignited its fighting spirit.

The two sucker puppets looked at each other and jointly created multiple reflective walls, trapping Team Rocket's tanks like a fortress. Team Rocket fired another missile in the middle without knowing whether to live or die, and was blown away again!

"What a disgusting feeling......."

Atsu hugged his Sucker,"Sucker, you are awesome!"

The fire in the circus caused by Team Rocket was also successfully put out by Xiaozhi and his team.

In the evening, the performance of the Pokémon Circus was held as usual. As for the Sucker, Xiaozhi captured it and handed it over to Hanako for care.

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