It was rare for Xiaozhi to wake up in his room. The sun was shining brightly. He stretched and began to make his bed. The suction cup puppet came in wearing an apron and holding a vacuum cleaner.

Xiaozhi had just changed his clothes and greeted the suction cup puppet,"Good morning, suction cup puppet."

"In the bar."After greeting Xiaozhi, the Sucker Golem started cleaning. Xiaozhi smiled helplessly. This guy, the Sucker Golem, really likes to do housework!

Xiaozhi didn't see Pikachu, so he thought Pikachu should be downstairs!

"Good morning, everyone!"

Xiaogang, who was making soup, looked up and said,"Good morning, Xiaozhi."

Hanako placed the flowers in the replaced vase on the dining table and said,"Xiaozhi, did you sleep well last night?"

"Pikachu was eating Pokémon food at the table.

Xiaozhi replied,"Of course I slept well!" Xiaoxia put Xiaozhi's breakfast on the table:"Xiaozhi, you don't usually get up so late, this is the breakfast left for you."

Xiaozhi said,"It's rare to wake up at home! I'm starting!" Xiaozhi ate breakfast happily.

Xiaogang asked,"Xiaozhi, don't we have to go to Professor Oak today?"

Xiaozhi said vaguely,"I'll go there after I finish eating!"

After breakfast, Xiaozhi and the other two went to Professor Oak's laboratory. As soon as they rang the doorbell, Professor Oak rushed out in just a few seconds.

Xiaozhi was startled:"Dr. Oak, what are you doing?"

Professor Oak grabbed Xiaozhi's shoulders and said,"Xiaozhi, give me your Pokémon encyclopedia!"

Satoshi's Pokémon encyclopedia has not been of much use recently. If it is used, it only serves as an identification document, but its practicality is less than that of a researcher.

Satoshi handed over the Pokémon encyclopedia, and Professor Oak held it in his hands as if it were a treasure. He said,"Professor Oak, what's wrong with you?"

Professor Oak said resentfully,"I was just telling you! Xiaomao came to see me as soon as he came back, but you came the day after you came back. Don't you know that your encyclopedia is of great research value?" Satoshi scratched his head. He really didn't know this.

【Host, the Pokémon Encyclopedia has a function to automatically record the Pokémon you have captured.

Xiaozhi suddenly realized that he remembered that he seemed to have heard of it before, but he did not remember it.

Xiaozhi communicated with No. 124:"Will the information of Mewtwo and Mew be displayed in the Encyclopedia?"

【Pokémon that enter the Master Ball will not be displayed in the Pokédex.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, that's good, with the existence of Mewtwo and Mew, he needed to find time to talk to Professor Oak alone.

Xiaoxia tugged at Xiaozhi's clothes:"Xiaozhi, what are you daydreaming about! Professor Oak is gone!"

Xiaozhi saw the figure of Professor Oak leaving, knowing that he would not be back for a while, he said to Xiaogang and Xiaoxia:"Come to the living room and wait!"

"Xiaozhi, I heard that you went home yesterday?" Xiaomao's voice came.

Xiaozhi walked straight to Xiaomao and sat down, saying:"Yeah! Xiaomao, how long have you been back?"

Xiaomao took a sip of coffee:"Just one day earlier than you, I was making adjustments with the Pokémon, after all, the Quartz Conference is about to begin!"

Xiaozhi said"Oh" and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Xiaomao was irritated by Xiaozhi's careless attitude:"What do you mean by 'Oh', although I want to save the battle between you and me for the Quartz Conference, your attitude is really infuriating, let's fight now!"

Xiaozhi said casually:"Let's save it for the Quartz Conference! I don't want to fight now."

Xiaomao said angrily:"You!"

"It's so surprising!" Professor Oak rushed into the living room.

Misty and Brock wanted to ease the tension between Satoshi and Mao, and just as they were about to speak, Professor Oak arrived. Professor Oak said excitedly:"Ash, leave your Pokémon with me for the time being, and I will collect data for you! By the way, what do you think about what I said before?"

Professor Oak said too many things, and he didn't know what Professor Oak was talking about for a moment, and said:"What is it?"

Professor Oak explained again helplessly:"It's about becoming a Pokémon doctor! I have written the thesis for you, and the signature is also yours. I will just hand it in if you agree!"

Mao was surprised and said:"Grandpa, are you serious?"

Professor Oak looked at Satoshi and said:"Of course! Mao, you haven't seen it yet! Satoshi has two Pokémon that have never appeared in Kanto."

Mao shook his head and said:"No."He really hasn't seen it before!"

Professor Oak took out two Poké Balls from his back, they were Sylveon and Rakshasa, and the two Pokémon rushed towards him after seeing Ash.

Sylveon and Rakshasa haven't seen Ash for several months.

Xiaomao looked at Professor Oak and said,"Grandpa, who are these two?"

Xiaozhi touched the heads of the two and explained for Professor Oak,"These are Sylveon and Rakshasa. Sylveon is the evolved form of Eevee, and Rakshasa is the evolved form of Infernape."

Xiaomao was surprised and said,"Infernape can evolve?"

Xiaozhi said,"Of course! But then again, what's the benefit of Professor Oak becoming a Pokémon doctor? I still want to continue traveling, but I don't have time to stay in one place to do research!"

Professor Oak said,"I know what you think. Pokémon doctors are not all buried in research, some run around everywhere. After becoming a Pokémon doctor, I can help you apply for the number of Pokémon you can carry to increase to 12, as well as one initial Pokémon for each region of the alliance every year. The talent is very good!"

Xiaozhi thought about it and nodded,"That's great, I'll trouble Professor Oak for help!"

Professor Oak hesitated and said,"Xiaozhi, this is a piece of cake! I just want to study your Mini Dragon and Togepi, I don't know......"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"They are not strong enough for this Quartz Conference, and I have no plan to let them play, so just leave them here! It's just Sylveon and Monkey King. I'm going to take them away to arrange a team for the battle."

Professor Oak took the Poké Balls of the two little ones and handed the Poké Balls of Sylveon and Monkey King to Xiaozhi,"That's what I was going to say too! The research on Monkey King and Sylveon has been completed, Xiaozhi, you can take them to training!"

Professor Oak and Xiaozhi had a great chat and almost forgot about the presence of Shaggy, Misty, and Brock.

Xiaomao said jealously,"Grandpa, who is your grandson?"

Xiaogang smiled and said to Xiaomao,"Xiaozhi and Professor Oak have never talked on the phone for less than half an hour. We are used to it!" Xiaoxia added,"The most outrageous time was that they talked for almost two hours!"

Xiaozhi said embarrassedly,"Sorry, sorry!" Xiaomao seemed to have made up his mind,"Xiaozhi, I will not lose to you. I will defeat you and become the champion of the Quartz Conference."

Xiaozhi smiled confidently,"Okay, I'll wait!"

Professor Oak said,"This is a strong opponent! Xiaomao, don't lose to Xiaozhi! By the way, Xiaomao, what you asked me before, Xiaozhi happened to be here, so I told him all at once. The Quartz Conference will be held on the Quartz Plateau, and the time is two months later." Xiaomao stood up,"I see. Then grandpa, I'm leaving first!" Xiaozhi smiled helplessly. Xiaoxia said,"Xiaomao is leaving now?"

Xiaozhi explained,"Xiaomao is going to training!" His understanding of this childhood sweetheart since he was a child has been engraved in his bones. Xiaozhi also stood up and stretched his shoulders:"Pikachu, Sylveon and Forsaken, let's go too!"

"Pikachu jumped onto Xiaozhi's shoulder, and Xiaozhi walked towards the backyard of Oak's laboratory, with Sylveon and Forsaken following behind him.

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