After Xiaozhi learned the opening time, he trained Pokémon almost every day in the courtyard of the Oak Research Institute. He has already finalized the team for the Quartz Conference, including the quasi-king-level Pikachu, the gym-level Pidgeot, Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur, and the elite-level peak Sylveon, Forsaken, Muddy and Kentaro as the replacement for the last position. Jigglypuff, Dratini and Togepi are too weak in combat, so they are not going to play. The League Conference stipulates that each person can register 10 Pokémon to participate.

As for Mewtwo and Mew in the Master Ball, Xiaozhi did not plan to let them play. It is obvious that it is bullying for either of them to participate! And Xiaozhi has decided to use the original partners to fight in the Quartz Conference! Xiaozhi remembered the Sinnoh League Lily of the Valley Conference in his previous life. The blood in his chest burned when he could fight Darkrai and Latios against Darko again. He may not lose in this life!

Xiaoxia's voice came:"Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi waved at Xiaoxia and said:"Xiaoxia���What do you want to see me for?"

Xiaoxia said angrily,"If there is nothing, can't I come to see you?"

Xiaozhi said angrily,"That's not what I meant."

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"I'm just kidding! I really have something to talk to you about. Professor Oak just told me that Mr. Xiba, the King of Fighting, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, is training in Miacha Mountain, which is not far from Pallet Town. Maybe you can get his guidance! Xiaogang is already packing up."

Xiaozhi said,"That's a good idea. I'll relax for a day too! After all, there are still three weeks before the Quartz Conference begins, and it's a good thing to get guidance from the Four Heavenly Kings."

Xiaoxia took Xiaozhi's hand and said,"Then let's go!"......

Xiaozhi and his two companions were climbing Mt. Miacha. Brock panted and said,"It took us so long to reach the mountainside. It will probably be dark by the time we reach the top!"

Misty also panted and said,"Brock, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb! Xiaozhi, I don't want to say anything discouraging, but my strength has reached its limit and my feet are so sore!"

Brock echoed,"Me too!"

Xiaozhi reached out and pulled Misty, then Brock, and said,"It's almost there. We don't have to reach the top of the mountain! Didn't the lady at the meatball shop at the foot of the mountain say that you can see Mr. Hiba anywhere?"

Xiaozhi and his two companions finally reached a relatively flat place and took a short rest. Xiaozhi said,"It's strange?"

Brock asked,"What's strange?"

Xiaozhi jumped onto a higher rock on the side of the road and said,"The road we are on now is so deep!"

Brock leaned over and observed,"Xiaozhi is right. It looks like a road formed by the movement of some Pokémon."

Misty said,"Didn't that lady say that there is a giant Onix on the mountain? Could it be that......"

Before Xiaoxia finished speaking, a huge shadow approached Xiaozhi and the other two.

Onix quickly approached Xiaozhi and the other two, and their first reaction was to run away.

""Go this way!" A deep voice said to them.

Xiaozhi and the others immediately changed direction and hid behind a rock. Onix moved away quickly, and it had no intention of attacking Xiaozhi and the others. It probably just thought that Xiaozhi and the others were blocking its way.

Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief:"We're saved!"

"Are you all right?" the deep voice said.

Xiaoxia replied:"We are fine.......Are you Mr. Hiba, the Fighting King of the Four Heavenly Kings?"

The man standing behind Xiaozhi and the others was tall, with a healthy wheat-colored complexion and muscles on his exposed upper body. He was Hiba, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Xiaozhi said seriously:"Mr. Hiba, I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. Can you please have a battle with me?"

Xiaogang was surprised and said:"Xiaozhi, are you sure?"

Hiba thought for a while:"Xiaozhi? Are you the trainer that Aju mentioned? Aju said that you have never lost a gym battle since your debut, and you are a contestant in the Quartz League this year, right!"

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Aju, you are too kind." Hiba nodded and said:"The Pokémon that can defeat Aju seems to be very capable. I accept this game. I have two powerful gym-level Pokémon on me now, so let's have a 2-on-2 battle!" Xiaozhi said happily:"Thank you, Mr. Hiba"

"Abi Lang, you go first!"

"Pidgeot is decided to be you!"

Shiba saw that Pidgeot had a Mega Evolution Stone on his neck, and that Pidgeot's gym-level peak strength was comparable to Abbylon. In terms of attributes, Pidgeot had the advantage. Although Xiaozhi used Pidgeot, he did not intend to use Mega Evolution. He wanted to test Pidgeot's ability in close combat.

【Abby Lang】

【Attribute: Fighting】

【Features: Iron Fist (The power of fist-type moves will be increased)】

【Strength: Top gym level】

"Pidgeot, good wind!"

""Abiro, use Thunder Fist."

Pidgeot flapped his wings, creating a fierce whirlwind and increasing his speed. Abiro jumped up using the rocks on the side of the road, and the lightning struck his fist, attacking Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot dodges and uses Air Slash"

"Abby chased after him."

Pidot dodged the Thunder Punch by turning sideways and attacked Abby with Air Slash. Abby used the rock to bounce up again and blocked the Air Slash with Thunder Punch. The Thunder Punch and Air Slash collided in the air.

Brock praised:"As expected of a Pokémon from the Four Heavenly Kings, it's so strong!"

Misty was full of confidence in Satoshi:"Satoshi may not lose!"

"Abby Lang, use Ice Fist"

"Pidgeot, Feather Dance."

Whether it's Abby's Lightning Fist or the Ice Fist he's using now, both are special moves that can cause great damage to Pidgeot. Xiaozhi didn't dodge and used Feather Dance to defend. Abby's Ice Fist hit, and the additional effect of freezing froze Feather Dance as well.

Xiba praised:"Xiaozhi, I admit that your Pidgeot is very strong, but my Abby is the strongest among the younger generation."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Mr. Xiba, I haven't lost yet!"

"Pidgeot, Divine Bird Strike!"

The ice ball burst into colorful light and shattered. It seemed that Pidgeot was not seriously injured. The tactic of using feather dance to defend seemed to be very successful. Pidgeot's body was surrounded by blue light and rushed towards Abby.

""Abi Lang, Absorbing Punch."

Abi Lang jumped up again and hit Pidgeot with an Absorbing Punch from above. Pidgeot was not to be outdone and used a fierce attack from the Divine Bird to knock Abi Lang out.

Abi Lang lost his ability to fight and Pidgeot's physical strength reached its limit. He could only barely stand.

"Xiaozhi, your Pidgeot is very strong! My next one is it, you go with the super strength!"

"Pidgeot, come back first! Forsaken, it's you!"

Hyper was stunned for a moment. He had never seen this Pokémon before! Looking at Forsaken's strong fists, he thought it was also a fighting type. Hyper didn't like watching TV. At that time, the protagonist of the fighting competition was Forsaken.

"Strange strength, exertion"

"Abandoned Monkey, Cross Chop"

【Super Strength】

【Attribute: Fighting】

【Ability: Unyielding Heart (speed increases when scared)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym]

The strange force used the power to attack the Forsaken Monkey, and the Forsaken Monkey made a cross with his hands to defend against the power.

"This is the battle that fighting Pokémon should have, the super-powerful hand knife"

"The Abandoned Monkey was kicked down."

The Strange Force used a sharp knife to chop at the Abandoned Monkey. The Abandoned Monkey caught the knife with both hands and raised his legs to sweep at the Strange Force, who fell heavily to the ground.

"Hell Roll"

"Abandoned Monkey, make a scene."

Guai Li rushed to Abandoned Monkey, hugged him tightly, and threw them to the ground together. Abandoned Monkey waved his fist to attack Gui Li. Gui Li's damage was even greater than that of Abandoned Monkey.

"Strange power hold on, rockslide!"

""Forsaken, Earthquake."

Rocks fell from the sky and hit Forsaken. After using the Big Trouble, Forsaken fell into a state of confusion. It was hit by a rockfall and returned to normal with the help of the rockfall. Forsaken jumped up suddenly and shook the ground. The earthquake hit Strange, but Forsaken could not avoid the rockfall.

The rockfall and earthquake both hit each other!

The smoke and dust dissipated, and both Forsaken and Strange lost their combat capabilities.

The two put away their Pokémon.

Hiba stretched out his hand to Xiaozhi and said,"Aju is right. You are really strong."

Xiaozhi held Hiba's hand and said,"Mr. Hiba showed mercy. If your Pokémon with the strength of the King is on the field, I have no chance of winning."

Hiba said,"Xiaozhi, you are too modest! I will go to watch the Quartz Conference, and you must win the championship of the Quartz Conference!"

Xiaozhi said,"I will work hard!"

【[First challenge to the Four Heavenly Kings, reward points 2000]

The giant Onix is here again!


【Attributes: Rock, Ground】

【Features: Shattered Armor (when receiving physical damage, defense will be reduced and speed will be increased)】

【Strength: Elite Level]

Hiba said,"Let me do it!" Xiaozhi wanted to use Blastoise to stop Onix, but Hiba stopped him.

Hiba jumped on Onix's head. Onix looked very uncomfortable and used Iron Tail to attack Hiba on his head. Hiba jumped down and Onix was stunned by its own Iron Tail.

Hiba took the opportunity to pull out a Sandslash from the gap in Onix's body.

Xiaogang quickly recorded it and said,"It's amazing. I can tell why Onix is uncomfortable at a glance."

Onix looked at Hiba gratefully. Hiba took out a Poké Ball and said,"Onix, be my Pokémon!"

Onix nodded and was captured by Hiba!

In the evening, Xiaozhi and his group said goodbye to Hiba and Onix and returned to Pallet Town. The Quartz Conference is about to open!

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