Xiaoxia trotted excitedly and said,"I see it! I see it!"

Xiaogang exclaimed,"That's the Quartz Plateau!" Xiaozhi looked at the Quartz Plateau with a lot of emotion in his heart. This is his starting point and his first time to stand on the field of a large-scale competition. This time he must win the championship!

Tonight is the opening ceremony.

As soon as they entered the athletes' village, Xiaozhi and the other two were shocked by the number of onlookers in front of them. This was not less than the number of spectators at the competition venue.

Misty couldn't see the end of the crowd and said,"There are so many people!"

Brock explained,"They are probably waiting for the Holy Flame! The Holy Flame of the League Conference must continue to burn until the end of the game. I also heard that the flame of the Holy Flame is taken from Moltres!"

Misty was surprised and said,"Molten?"

Ash explained,"It is one of the three holy birds, Molten, which is a fire and flying type. In addition, there is Articuno, which is an ice and flying type, and Zapdos, which is an electric and flying type."

Misty said,"Aren't they all legendary Pokémon? Since the Holy Flame of Moltres exists, doesn't it mean that Moltres is not a legend?"

Brock smiled and said,"Missy, have you forgotten? Legendary Pokémon are all around us!" Brock looked at Ash meaningfully.

Misty understood what Brock meant and smiled,"That's right!"

The crowd suddenly became lively and automatically divided into two sides and stood on both sides of the road. Miss Junsha was riding a motorcycle with a sightseeing bus behind her. The person in the front was holding the Holy Flame and followed by an Abyss. This person was the Holy Flame Runner.

Xiaozhi thought about his previous life, when he directly rushed forward to ask to be a torch runner. He thought it was a very honorable thing at that time! Although he still thinks so now!

But the bus stopped in front of Xiaozhi and the other two, and a short old man with a white beard walked down from it. Xiaozhi thought to himself: President Damaranch!

Damaranch is the president of the Pokémon League who organizes the League Conference and is actually the highest person in charge of the League. But later, because of his old age, he retired and lived an idle life at home. Counting it up, I haven't seen President Damaranch for many years in my previous life.

Damaranch asked,"Are you Xiaozhi and Pikachu from Pallet Town?"

Xiaozhi said respectfully,"Yes, President Damaranch""Pika."

Brock was surprised and said,"Isn't President Damalanchi the highest person in charge of the alliance?"

Misty said,"Satoshi, you are so lucky that such an amazing person actually knows you."

Damalanchi smiled and said,"I not only know Satoshi, but I also know you. You are Brock, the former gym trainer of the Nibee gym, and you are Misty from Cerulean City, right?"

Brock and Misty greeted at the same time,"Hello, President Damalanchi."

Damalanchi nodded to the two of them and continued to Satoshi,"Satoshi, your identity as a Pokémon doctor has been confirmed. From today on, you are the youngest Pokémon doctor! In addition, you are also the youngest special investigator in the alliance." Damalanchi handed the two certificates to Satoshi together.

Satoshi said,"Special investigator?"

Damalanchi explained,"Don't worry, this is a decision unanimously passed by all the top leaders of the alliance. Only the five of you, including me and Oak, know about Mew and Mewtwo. The identity of a special investigator will not restrict you. It's just that if the alliance encounters something it can't handle, you will need to take action. And if the alliance has special news, you will be informed in advance. This can be regarded as my gift to you!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then I will have to accept it. Thank you, President Damalanqi."

Damalanqi looked at the holy fire and said to the three of them:"Xiaozhi, do you three want to be holy fire runners? Xiaozhi, I want to invite you to be the player who lights the holy fire for the Quartz Conference!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Of course!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang said in unison:"We can too?"

Damalanqi said:"Of course. Get in the car together! I'll take you to the registration office"

"Wait! Although no one asked the question sincerely (Team Rocket's opening remarks)."

The three members of Team Rocket jumped down from the Meow Meow hot air balloon. Meow Meow gave the Torch Runner a claw, and the Torch Runner threw the flame out in pain. Musashi caught it.

"Pidgeot, Charizard, take back the Holy Flame!" Xiaozhi rushed down from the car. There were so many people, how could he forget about these three people?

""Little brat!" The three members of Team Rocket said at the same time.

Musashi put his hands on his hips and said,"Hey, little brat, we have kept our promise and have no intention of taking Pikachu. Why do you still want to hinder us?"

Xiaozhi said,"I told you too! I will beat you up every time I see you! Give the holy fire back, and I will show mercy!"

Kojiro said proudly,"It's impossible to give it back once it's in our hands. If this holy fire is sold, it can be sold at a high price! Moltres' flame is very popular."

Meowth was ready to run away,"That's right! It's impossible to give it back, Meowth!"

Xiaozhi said,"Destroy the stubborn, Pidgeot Air Slash, Charizard Spray Flame"

"We won't be so stupid to be beaten away, go ahead, big tongue"

""Go, Growlithe!"

It's a pity that their strengths are not on the same level. Under the double attack of Pidgeot and Charizard, Tongue-Cut and Growlithe can't resist. With a loud bang, the sacred fire was caught by Xiaozhi, and Team Rocket took off!

Xiaozhi handed the sacred fire back to the hands of the sacred fire runner, and the relay of the sacred fire continued.

After Xiaozhi arrived at the registration office, he first handled the competition procedures and completed the registration of Pokémon. As night fell, Xiaozhi and the other two changed into the uniform sportswear of the conference and went to the venue of the conference to prepare.

Xiaoxia's heart beat very fast:"I'm so nervous!"

Xiaozhi comforted:"Xiaoxia, relax, look at Vaporeon so calm! Xiaogang, I'll leave this to you, Xiaoxia and I will wait in front!"

Xiaogang looked at Vulpix and said confidently:"Leave it to me!"

Gon took the torch from Guild President Damalanchi and ran into the venue with it. Misty was waiting at the entrance of the venue. After taking the torch, she and Vaporeon ran to the torch stand and handed it to Ash. The final step to climb the torch stand and light the torch was for Ash and Pikachu to complete.

"Pikachu, let's go!"


Ash and Pikachu started running. In front of him, the torch stand seemed to become the champion's podium. Victory was just ahead!

As the torch was lit, warm applause broke out in the audience and fireworks bloomed in the sky.

Damaranchi made a declaration at the opening ceremony:"The Pokémon League is a place where people who truly love Pokémon can learn from each other. The flame of Moltres is protecting us. Trainers participating in the competition, please fight upright and without regrets! Fight for the championship of the Quartz Conference!"

Warm applause rang out in the venue.

Ash returned to the player area, and Brock and Misty went to the audience. Next to Ash was Xiaomao, who smiled confidently:"Ash, the only one who can defeat you is me." Ash nodded:"

Don't lose before you fight me, Xiaomao!" Xiaomao looked up at the torch and said:"Of course! The champion of the Quartz Conference can only be me! Let's see who can win the championship of the competition, how about it?" Ash stretched out his hand:"Okay."

Xiao Mao was stunned for a moment, then shook Xiao Zhi's hand.

Xiao Zhi was looking forward to the battle with Xiao Mao!

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